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Individual multimodal therapy provides a comprehensive approach to the treatment of overeating. The multimodal treatment plan helps to target social and emotional issues related to eating disorders as well as the eating behaviors themselves. The authors present a case study highlighting a treatment model based on a multimodal conceptualization.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2016,47(1):130-140
Generalization on the basis of prior experience is a central feature of human and nonhuman behavior, and anomalies in generalization can give rise to a wide array of problems. For instance, elevated levels of generalization have been shown in individuals suffering from an anxiety disorder. Identifying the individual difference variables that influence the extent to which behavior generalizes to novel stimuli may help our understanding of generalization and its potential maladaptive consequences. In this study, we first present an index of generalization that captures individual differences in generalization in a single continuous measure, thereby surpassing problems associated with traditional analyzing techniques. Further, we investigate whether generalization is predicted by working memory capacity. More precisely, it is hypothesized that generalization is a function of individual differences in the capacity to compare the current situation with previous learning experiences in working memory, and to adjust subsequent behavior accordingly. In a community sample, we found higher levels of generalization in individuals who were less efficient at filtering out irrelevant information from access to working memory. These results suggest that working memory impairments may contribute to elevated and potentially maladaptive levels of generalization.  相似文献   

A psychological assumption underlying the common and legally sanctioned use of jurors with previous jury experience is that such prior experience has little effect on a juror's behavior. The empirical evidence on this assumption is reviewed. Special attention is devoted to recent research that indicates two types of potential bias among experienced jurors. The theoretical and practical implications of this research are discussed.  相似文献   

Wade  T. Joel  DiMaria  Cristina 《Sex roles》2003,48(9-10):461-465
The question of whether or not life success halo effects occur for weight for Black and White women was examined in an experiment using a 2 (race of woman) × 2 (weight of woman) × 2 (sex of participant) design and measures of perceived life success, attractiveness, and personality. The thinner White woman was expected to receive higher life success, attractiveness, and personality ratings than the heavy White woman. However, the heavy Black woman was expected to receive higher ratings than the thinner Black woman. The results were consistent with expectations. These results are discussed in terms of prior research on beauty, weight, and stereotyping.  相似文献   

In contrast to the general notion, recent studies presented a negative or insignificant relationship between prior related work experience (PRWE) and job performance (JP) and suggestively attributed the theoretically inconsistent results to individual factors. Using a sample of 688 sales persons in the insurance industry, the present study found support for the positive relationship between PRWE and JP. Further, the study found the moderation effect of personality factors on the above relationship. Implication of the study to the practitioners and the academia is discussed.  相似文献   

It has become a common practice among psychological researchers to administer batteries of individual difference assessments to research participants, although little is known about whether the substantive and psychometric integrity of the questionnaires are maintained when they are administered after the subject has completed other instruments. The studies presented here consider these issues in relation to the assessment of self-esteem and depression. In the first study, college students responsed to a self-esteem inventory (a) by itself (control group), (b) after one prior questionnaire, (c) after three prior questionnaires, or (d) after five prior questionnaires. Results indicated that filling out one or more questionnaires before an assessment of self-esteem resulted in repots of lower self-esteem relative to the control condition. Additional analyses revealed that filling out three or five prior questionnaires created lower reliabilities of subscale scores and lower estimates of concurrent validity between self-esteem and depression. When the effect of prior questionnaires on the General Self-Esteem subscale was examined, the aforementioned results were replicated, and the prior questionnaire treatment created heterogeneous variances across the experimental groups. The second study was designed as a replication of the first study, using an assessment of depression as the target questionnaire. These results revealed that reports of depressive symptomatology increased as the number of prior questionnaires increased. Again, the prior or questionnaire treatment created heterogeneity of variance between the groups, but did not adversely affect its internal consistency.  相似文献   

Blaine  Bruce  McElroy  Jennifer 《Sex roles》2002,46(9-10):351-357
Research suggests that television reflects the negative cultural stereotypes of women and heavyweight people. The purpose of this study was to analyze the extent to which paid programming reflects the gender role expectations that have been observed in other kinds of programming and, in particular, the gender representations and weight-stereotypic messages in weight loss infomercials. The results show that images of women outnumbered those of men 2:1, thin women appeared 3 times as frequently as heavyweight women, and the “scientific expert” was always a man. Weight loss infomercials contained more references to unrestricted than to restricted eating, promoted weight loss without exercise more than with exercise, and portrayed heavyweight people as unhappy and unattractive. The implications of the findings for weight-related prejudice and stigma are discussed.  相似文献   

People are motivated to avoid losses. In the context of politics, studies consistently show that the threat of losses increases support for risky public policies more than the promise of gains. Here, we predict that this loss aversion is calibrated by individual differences related to one’s ability to accommodate resource loss, and we investigate how these individual differences moderate reactions to the threat of losses and the promise of gains. Results from large-N experiments consistently demonstrate that this moderation effect crucially depends on whether the resource loss relates to oneself or one’s group—whether the setting is personal or political. Consistent with classic assumptions, individuals with inferior abilities to cope with resource loss are more loss averse in personal settings. In political settings where group resources are threatened, effects reverse: Individuals with superior resources and a more central position within the group consistently respond more to the prospect of loss. As discussed, these findings have important implications for our understanding of why and for whom the threat of loss motivates risky personal and political choices. By consequence, the findings also shed novel light on the psychological underpinnings of recent risky political events.   相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to verify the influence of various mental simulations on the effectiveness and persistence of weight loss processes. In study one, 40 female students (aged 19–27, M = 23) who were eager to lose weight were randomly assigned to one of four groups: positive outcome simulation, process simulations, mixed simulations (process followed by negative outcome), and control (no simulations). Students from the mixed and process simulation groups lost significantly more weight after five weeks than participants from the outcome simulation and control groups. A total of 106 females (aged 19–45, M = 29) participated in study two, in which five types of mental simulations were tested. Besides the images used in study one, process followed by positive outcome simulations and negative outcome simulations were implemented. Results showed that process followed by positive outcome simulations lead to the highest persistence in the weight loss process, while process followed by negative outcome simulations induced the greatest reduction in weight. Both studies revealed self-regulatory benefits from mental simulations in difficult and long-term personal goal attainment.  相似文献   

This article addresses conceptual and methodological levels of analysis issues in research on work group and organizational settings. Using organizational climate data, it provides a detailed example of the use of a recent data analysis model (Kenny & La Voie, 1985) which separates individual and group effects. The reanalysis of an earlier study of organizational climate influences on three dependent variables (Giamartino & Wandersman, 1983) revealed that several important relationships between climate dimensions and the dependent variables were masked in the earlier study. Implications for potential misinterpretations within existing group and organizational research are drawn and suggestions for addressing theoretical and measurement problems involving climate research are offered.  相似文献   

At the peak of a hurricane watch and warning, participants completed a questionnaire asking about their prior experience with a hurricane (property loss and distress), and their degree of preparation, perceived threat, and distress when threatened by Hurricane Emily (Study 1) or Hurricane Fran (Study 2). In Study 1, age, income, internal locus of control, perceived threat, and current distress predicted preparation. Among participants with hurricane experience, age and distress as a result of the hurricane accounted for a significant portion of preparation variance. In Study 2, age, perceived threat, and hurricane experience predicted preparation. The findings support both the conservation of resources stress model (Hobfoll, 1989) and the warning and response model (Lindell & Perry, 1992). Implications of the findings and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Because of the growth of online discount travel intermediaries (e.g., Priceline), researchers have become interested in how customers react to electronic brokered ultimatum bargaining contexts. This paper investigates how characteristics of the customer and characteristics of the bargaining context might ameliorate customers' (a) perceptions of justice; (b) willingness to recommend the intermediary to others; and (c) willingness to repatronize the intermediary. We found that customer familiarity generally improved customer reactions to the electronic intermediary. We found a moderating effect for intermediary explanations in the form of an excuse, as explanations improved customer reactions when offers were rejected, but worsened reactions when offers were accepted.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1):77-89
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

People can differ tremendously in the emotions they experience, both in general as well as in response to specific events, and such differences have large impact on their lives. Based on recent research on individual differences in appraisal and emotion, we propose a framework to understand the basis for individual differences in emotional experience. In this framework, individual differences in how people appraise their circumstances and in how these appraisals are related to emotional experience are seen as crucial in determining how people differ in both contextualized emotional experience and more stable emotional dispositions. We discuss parallels with other explanatory frameworks, implications for the nature of emotion traits, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

关于重要性的隐喻存在于多种文化之中。近年来的实证研究表明, 重要性的隐喻建立在重量的身体体验之上。重量的身体经验会影响对目标对象重要性的评估, 重要性的概念表征也会影响身体的重量感知。重量的身体体验与重要性的概念可能存在着共同的神经基础, 并构成一种相互作用的关系。具身视角下的概念表征理论和隐喻理论为解释这一现象提供了理论依据。未来的研究需要进一步探索重量隐喻涉及的范围, 以及重量隐喻形成的语言文化差异。  相似文献   

Eating disorder and weight loss interventions have typically been regarded as distinct or antithetical, despite a growing number of individuals with comorbid eating pathology and obesity. This siloing of research and practice has created a clinical conundrum for providers seeking to treat individuals with an eating disorder seeking to lose weight (e.g., required pre-surgical weight loss). To date, integrated treatment research targeting both eating disorders and weight loss is rare and practical guidance is lacking, especially for restrictive/binge-purge subtypes. This case example describes how an integrated approach was applied within a naturalistic outpatient clinical practice setting to successfully treat a client presenting with excess weight and severe bulimia nervosa who was medically required to lose weight for orthopedic surgery. We conclude by reviewing the benefits and challenges of integrating eating disorder and behavioral weight loss treatments and providing practical insights for treatment providers.  相似文献   

The ways families approach eating, shape, and weight can result in stress for individual family members and challenge the overall functioning of the family. This is further complicated among families with a parent who has history of obesity or undergone weight loss surgery (WLS). Although WLS can positively impact other family members, it can also exacerbate conflicts regarding feeding and weight. Such conflicts can involve uncertainty regarding the extent to which the entire family should make the dietary changes recommended for the post-WLS parent. Conflict might also center on the appropriate level of concern regarding the children’s risk of developing (or maintaining) obesity. This paper uses two case examples to describe the application of a specialized, time-limited intervention: Parent-Based Prevention following Bariatric Surgery (PBP-B). The program was developed to address the unique challenges and concerns that arise after, or are exacerbated by, WLS. Each detailed case example illustrates a common child-feeding challenge and the employment of key PBP-B strategies throughout the course of treatment. In the first case, the parent who had undergone WLS believed the family’s current eating behaviors were the same as those that had led to her own overeating, obesity, and co-occurring psychiatric symptoms, while her husband disagreed. In the second case, both parents were concerned about their son’s weight, yet due to their prior eating histories, they felt unable to construct boundaries around the feeding experience. Both cases follow families through the entire intervention and illustrate key points and challenges. These cases underscore the need for novel treatment modalities to support families following parental WLS.  相似文献   

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