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《Women & Therapy》2013,36(4):33-48
This article summarizes pertinent research on women's adult development and Dream formation, then examines the Dreams of six female psychotherapists in their thirties. Evidence of how these women's Dreams guided their adult professional and personal development is discussed and compared. Finally, recommendations are made for educational and counseling institutions in order that they may more effectively facilitate the articulation and constructive use of women's adult Dreams in their professional and personal lives.  相似文献   

本文对宋僧正受<楞严经合论>十卷、本嵩<华严七字经题法界观三十门颂>二卷、子璿<首楞严义疏注经>二十卷三书作了比较详细的考辨,对于成书时间、版本源流作了尽可能的考证,并对<佛藏子目引得>等书著录中的讹误作了纠正.  相似文献   

高僧法号号僧伽,有时为我论三车。问云颂咒几千遍,口道恒河沙复沙。吾师本住南天竺,为法头陀来此国。戒若长天秋月明,身如世上青莲色。心清净,貌棱棱,亦不减,亦不增。瓶里千年舍利骨,手中万岁胡孙藤。嗟余落魄天涯久,罕遇真僧说空有。一言忏尽波罗夷,再礼浑除犯轻垢。《僧伽歌》是唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人李白赠与曾于五台山修行的高僧僧伽的一首诗,被收入清代王琦注《李太白全集》第七卷古近体诗“歌吟”中,是一首歌行体的诗。李白(701—762)字太白,号青莲居士。李白在唐代就被贺知章称为“谪仙”,后世更尊其为“诗仙”。李白之所以被称为“…  相似文献   

在中国和日本的佛教史上存在过被称为"隐僧"和"聖"的团体,他们同出而异名,有着相当密切的文化渊源.但是在各自国家的佛教发展史上起着不同的作用,尤其是在推进宗教改革、向民众的普及佛教以及倡导社会救济方面存在很大差异,由此可见两国佛教文化的不同走向.  相似文献   

Me and mine     
In this paper we articulate and diagnose a previously unrecognized problem for theories of entitlement, what we call the Claims Conundrum. It applies to all entitlements that are originally generated by some claim-generating action, such as laboring, promising, or contract-signing. The Conundrum is spurred by the very plausible thought that a later claim to the object to which one is entitled is a function of whether that original claim-generating action is attributable to one. This is further assumed to depend on one’s being identical to the person who performed the claim-generating action. But the right theory of personal identity for grounding these later claims proves quite elusive. In demonstrating both the Claims Conundrum and diagnosing its source, we begin with its (previously unobserved) instantiation in John Locke’s theories of personal identity and initial acquisition, and then we gradually expand its net to include both Lockean and non-Lockean theories of both, moving ultimately to show that this is a problem for most entitlements generally. We then diagnose the source of the trouble, showing that a basic assumption about the link between attributability and identity that most people take to be obvious is in fact false, clearing a path for future investigation into this overlooked but serious problem’s resolution.  相似文献   

佛法东传后,由于受中土心性论的影响,大乘戒律得以兴盛。以南山宗为代表的戒体说的提出,在刺激中土信众对戒律受持的同时,也因律制的繁糅和僵化影响了人们对佛性的体悟,以至禅宗直接将戒条律仪看作是悟道的障碍,致使律宗一蹶不振,戒律连原始功能也无法实现。因此,通过研究《四分律》,探究佛陀结戒的本真意旨,恢复戒律之于“和合僧团,正法久住”的原始功能,对于佛教正法久住,力挽律行不严的颓风有着十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

谈到武僧,人们就会不约而同地想起少林寺,少林寺是闻名世界的武林重镇.早在唐代时,少林寺僧人就博采众家之长,汇集武艺之精华,发展形成了一整套独具特色的武术、拳种、气功、棍术等功法.其中,尤以少林拳术最为著名.虽经过干余年的苍桑岁月,少林武功至今还很兴盛.而五台山者,是佛祖敕封的文殊道场.早在唐代时,它就成了与印度灵鹫峰角立相望的世界级的佛教圣地.到宋代时,五台山高僧睿谏及其徒杨五郎、徒孙真宝也以杨家功法抗击金兵入侵,立下了可歌可泣的爱国功勋.《五台新志》曰:……  相似文献   

部派佛教研究一直是人们关注的重点,关于部派分裂的讨论也有许多精彩的成果问世。本文通过对僧衣净法的考察比较,指出律仪制度的分歧是区别部派的主要标志,而其中值得关注的是一些主要部派穿著不同色彩的僧衣,僧衣已经成为不同部派的象征。研究早期佛教僧伽的衣制,将有助于增进我们对部派佛教的认识。  相似文献   

This study explores the adjustment process of five Western ex-Buddhist monks to life after the monastery, using an in depth case study approach and thematic analysis. Participants discussed their initial experience of leaving, the process of creating a new life and their relationship with the past. The findings indicated that while each case was unique, significant common themes emerged as features of the adjustment process. The adjustment had been multi-dimensional, challenging, difficult, confusing, complex and profound for the participants. They had to contend with issues of grief, delayed development, missing out on life experiences, difficulties with intimacy, money, identity, depression, anxiety and confusion. This was combined with the hope and promise of many newly found freedoms involved in establishing a new life and identity. Parallels are drawn to the experience of Catholic priests and nuns who have departed their Orders, Vietnam veterans, ex-cult members and individuals who have left total institutions where their identity and daily lives were highly prescribed. The adjustment experience of ex-Buddhist monks extends the literature on Buddhist monks and provides an example of a life transition of interest to the helping professions because of its potential relevance to a range of major transitions for which clients may seek assistance. Tim Mapel is a lecturer in the Bachelor of Applied Social Sciences degree at the Eastern Institute of Technology in New Zealand. He has a Master’s degree in counseling and works with individuals, couples and groups. He has a passion for the practice of mindfulness and for facilitating a sense of aliveness in people’s lives. He is an advanced Psychodrama trainee and spent 12 years living as an ordained Buddhist monk. Originally from Boston, USA he has lived in the UK, Switzerland, and now considers New Zealand home.  相似文献   

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Andrew McGowan 《Liturgy》2013,28(4):13-20

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宋代僧道数量考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋代僧道作为特殊身份的神职人员,在人口登记方面与平民不同,由祠部统计掌握,但也有"不系帐"的寺观和僧道在人口统计之外。宋代僧道群体庞大,确切数量最多时是中国古代史自唐代到元代数百年历史中的高峰。其数量的发展变化经历了三落三起:三个低谷为宋初、宋神宗、宋高宗绍兴中后期;三个高峰为宋真宗、宋徽宗、南宋中后期。宋代宗教神职人员的主体是佛教的僧尼,其中僧人居绝对多数的地位,社会影响最广泛;道教的女冠最少,影响微弱。  相似文献   

土尔扈特蒙古族是我国新疆地区生活的民族之一。藏传佛教在这个民族中一直流传,曾经出过不少著名的高僧。本文深入考察与介绍了土尔扈特蒙古族佛教的传播以及高僧辈出的历史,并对他们的贡献作出院合乎事实的评价。  相似文献   

僧制,亦称清规僧禁,佛教僧团制度。印度僧尼以戒律为生活规范。中国僧团除戒律外,还制定其他若干约束僧尼言行的僧制或清规。据《高僧传》卷五,东晋道安首次制定的规式有:行香定座讲经上讲之法、常日六时行道饮食唱时法、布萨差使悔过法等。  相似文献   

游学行脚是佛教的一个显著特点,也是佛教的一个优良传统。隋唐时期,佛教在中国创宗立派,许多有名的大和尚与宗派的创立者,通过国内外问道求法,成为一代宗师。游学行脚不仅仅是游山玩水,更重要的是博学众长,深刻领悟佛法。  相似文献   

在江西诗派中,祖可和善权是两个著名的庐山诗僧,他们的诗歌都以学习黄庭坚为基础,但形成的风格并不相同:大致说来,祖可的诗比较自然,善权的诗更加雄奇。  相似文献   

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《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):459-467
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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