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In the present experiment, the authors tested Mandarin and English listeners on a range of auditory tasks to investigate whether long-term linguistic experience influences the cognitive processing of nonspeech sounds. As expected, Mandarin listeners identified Mandarin tones significantly more accurately than English listeners; however, performance did not differ across the listener groups on a pitch discrimination task requiring fine-grained discrimination of simple nonspeech sounds. The crucial finding was that cross-language differences emerged on a nonspeech pitch contour identification task: The Mandarin listeners more often misidentified flat and falling pitch contours than the English listeners in a manner that could be related to specific features of the sound structure of Mandarin, which suggests that the effect of linguistic experience extends to nonspeech processing under certain stimulus and task conditions.  相似文献   

Many of the most influential theorists of linguistic justice make arguments on the basis of comparisons between language and religion. They claim either that (1) language, by contrast with religion, cannot be separated from the state or that (2) unequal official linguistic recognition, just like unequal official religious recognition, is morally problematic. This article argues that careful attention to debates about liberalism and the place of religion in public life invites us to question the two above-mentioned liberal assumptions about religion underlying many arguments concerning linguistic justice based on (dis)analogies between language and religion. The hope is that such critical scrutiny is likely to shed some light on normative questions of linguistic justice, more precisely on questions about the legitimacy of granting more recognition to certain languages, usually those of national native groups (as opposed to groups resulting from more or less recent immigration).  相似文献   

Abstract.— Previous research on differences in language use in relation to social status have dealt almost exclusively with language production. The present study investigated the comprehension of connected discourse by 116 adult Danes from two different socio-economic status groups, high status (HSES) and low status (LSES). On a task at the lexical level of comprehension (choosing between alternatives to two words in each of four texts) there appeared no differences between HSES and LSES subjects. At the structural level a difference ( p <0.05) was found in drawing conclusions from the texts, but the groups nevertheless agreed completely ( p <0.05) in underlining important segments of the texts. Thus the symmetry between production and comprehension hypothesized by Bernstein did not appear. The results are interpreted in accordance with a general model of language processing. It is suggested that in the future more attention should be paid to variables other than the purely sociological variable of social status or social class.  相似文献   

Language is a tool that directs attention to different aspects of reality. Using participants from the same linguistic community, the authors demonstrate in 4 studies that metasemantic features of linguistic categories influence basic perceptual processes. More specifically, the hypothesis that abstract versus concrete language leads to a more global versus local perceptual focus was supported across 4 experiments, in which participants used (Experiment 1) or were primed either supraliminally (Experiments 2 and 3) or subliminally (Experiment 4) with abstract (adjectives) or concrete (verbs) terms. Participants were shown to display a global versus specific perceptual focus (Experiments 1 and 4), more versus less inclusiveness of categorization (Experiments 2 and 3), and incorporation of more rather than less contextual information (Experiment 3). The implications of this new perspective toward the language-perception interface are discussed in the context of the general linguistic relativity debate.  相似文献   

Despite strong evidence that worry is a verbal process, studies examining linguistic features in individuals with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) are lacking. The aim of the present study is to investigate language use in individuals with GAD and controls based on GAD and worry theoretical models. More specifically, the degree to which linguistic elements of the avoidance and intolerance of uncertainty worry models can predict diagnostic status was analysed. Participants were 19 women diagnosed with GAD and 22 control women and their children. After participating in a diagnostic semi-structured interview, dyads engaged in a free-play interaction where mothers' language sample was collected. Overall, the findings provided evidence for distinctive linguistic features of individuals with GAD. That is, after controlling for the effect of demographic variables, present tense, future tense, prepositions and number of questions correctly classified those with GAD and controls such that a considerable amount of the variance in diagnostic status was explained uniquely by language use. Linguistic confirmation of worry models is discussed.  相似文献   

Certain linguistic structures imply speakers' beliefs about their utterances. Factuals imply that the speaker's hypothesis matches observed data; counterfactuals suggest that hypotheses and observations differ, and uncertainty implies that unclear observations make many hypotheses tenable. We examined how age(11-and 16-year-olds and college students) and syntactic structure (subordinating conjunctions, cognitive verbs, and verb modifications) affect the ability to specify the hypothetical and observational referents of expressions of factual, counterfactual, and uncertainty beliefs. There was considerable linguistic growth during adolescence. College students outperformed the younger students. Age differences were most pronounced on judging the hypothetical referents of counterfactuals and uncertainty structures. The two precollege groups often misinterpreted counterfactuals and uncertainty structures because they equated hypotheses with observations. They seldom understood that uncertainty meant that more than one hypothesis could account for observations. Verb modifications were easier to interpret than cognitive verbs, and subordinating conjunctions were hardest. Factuals were easier than counterfactuals and uncertainty structures.  相似文献   

I discuss language forms as the primary means that language communities provide to enable public language use. As such, they are adapted to public use most notably in being linguistically significant vocal tract actions, not the categories in the mind as proposed in phonological theories. Their primary function is to serve as vehicles for production of syntactically structured sequences of words. However, more than that, phonological actions themselves do work in public language use. In particular, they foster interpersonal coordination in social activities. An intriguing property of language forms that likely reflects their emergence in social communicative activities is that phonological forms that should be meaningless (in order to serve their role in the openness of language at the level of the lexicon) are not wholly meaningless. In fact, the form-meaning “rift” is bridged bidirectionally: The smallest language forms are meaningful, and the meanings of lexical language forms generally inhere, in part, in their embodiment by understanders.  相似文献   

Categorical perception of nonspeech chirps and bleats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mattingly, Liberman, Syrdal, and Halwes, (1971) claimed to demonstrate that subjects cannot classify nonspeech chirp and bleat continua, but that they can classify into three categories a syllable place continuum whose variation is physically identical to the nonspeech chirp and bleat continua. This finding for F2 transitions, as well as similar findings for F3 transitions, has been cited as one source of support for theories that different modes or modules underlie the perception of speech and nonspeech acoustic stimuli. However, this pattern of finding for speech and nonspeech continua may be the result of research methods rather than a true difference in subject ability. Using tonal stimuli based on the nonspeech stimuli of Mattingly et al., we found that subjects, with appropriate practice, could classify nonspeech chirp, short bleat, and bleat continua with boundaries equivalent to the syllable place continuum of Mattingly et al. With the possible exception of the higher frequency boundary for both our bleats and the Mattingly syllables, ABX discrimination peaks were clearly present and corresponded in location to the given labeling boundary.  相似文献   

Brief tonal stimuli and spoken sentences were utilized to examine whether adolescents (aged 14;3-18;1) with specific language impairments (SLI) exhibit atypical neural activity for rapid auditory processing of non-linguistic stimuli and linguistic processing of verb-agreement and semantic constraints. Further, we examined whether the behavioral and electrophysiological indices for rapid auditory processing were correlated with those for linguistic processing. Fifteen adolescents with SLI and 15 adolescents with normal language met strict criteria for displaying consistent diagnoses from kindergarten through the eighth grade. The findings provide evidence that auditory processing for non-linguistic stimuli is atypical in a significant number of adolescents with SLI compared to peers with normal language and indicate that reduced efficiency in auditory processing in SLI is more vulnerable to rapid rates (200ms ISI) of stimuli presentation (indexed by reduced accuracy, a tendency for longer RTs, reduced N100 over right anterior sites, and reduced amplitude P300). Many adolescents with SLI displayed reduced behavioral accuracy for detecting verb-agreement violations and semantic anomalies, along with less robust P600s elicited by verb-agreement violations. The results indicate that ERPs elicited by morphosyntactic aspects of language processing are atypical in many adolescents with SLI. Additionally, correlational analyses between behavioral and electrophysiological indices of processing non-linguistic stimuli and verb-agreement violations suggest that the integrity of neural functions for auditory processing may only account for a small proportion of the variance in morphosyntactic processing in some adolescents.  相似文献   

Five neonates and two adult female interactants were video-taped and categorized as to their interactionally synchronous movements during speech and nonspeech. Although synchrony occurred during speech as well as nonspeech, it was significantly more likely to occur during periods of speech. Duration of adults' movement were significantly shorter during speech and longer during nonspeech. These findings corroborate previous suggestions that interactional synchrony between adults and infants occurs on a micro-level.  相似文献   

Three experiments tested Samuel and Newport's (1979) hypothesis that the perceptual system sorts its input on the basis of its spectral quality (periodic vs. aperiodic). In Experiment 1, repeated presentation of a shaped white-noise segment (aperiodic) produced a labeling shift on a /ja-za/ continuum (primarily aperiodic); two periodic adaptors produced no effect, supporting Samuel and Newport's hypothesis. The second experiment replicated these results and showed that the nonspeech adaptor produced almost as much adaptation as the test series' endpoint /za). In addition, using several mixtures of periodic and aperiodic adaptors indicated that the aperiodic component dominates adaptation effects for /ja-za/. A final experiment, using a similarity rating task, confirmed that subjects group /za/ with unvoiced fricatives rather than with other voiced consonants. The results thus indicate that the perceptual system is sensitive to whether the input is primarily periodic or aperiodic, regardless of whether it is speech or nonspeech.  相似文献   

Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) software was used to code truthful and deceptive words in prisoners' natural language. Reality Monitoring (RM) and Newman, Pennebaker, Berry, & Richards' (NP, 2003) models were used. NP indicates that lies contain fewer self‐references, other references, and exclusive words, and higher numbers of negative emotion and motion words. Higher sensory, spatial, temporal and affective RM terms were predicted for truths, and more cognitive mechanism words were predicted for lies. The RM model's hit rate was 71.1% and discriminability was 1.11 without spatial words, which were surprisingly higher in lies than in truth statements, and the NP model was 69.7%, d′ = 0.99. The software models were contrasted with humans' hit rates, and younger prisoners had 71% hits, d′ = 0.22, but older prisoners had 50% hits, d′ = 0.90. The software set unbiased criteria (β), but younger prisoners were biased in setting their criteria when judging statement veracity, β = ?0.34. Without other references, found to be higher in truths than in lies, NP classified 59% of statements correctly. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Imai M  Mazuka R 《Cognitive Science》2007,31(3):385-413
Objects and substances bear fundamentally different ontologies. In this article, we examine the relations between language, the ontological distinction with respect to individuation, and the world. Specifically, in cross‐linguistic developmental studies that follow Imai and Gentner (1997) , we examine the question of whether language influences our thought in different forms, like (1) whether the language‐specific construal of entities found in a word extension context ( Imai & Gentner, 1997 ) is also found in a nonlinguistic classification context; (2) whether the presence of labels per se, independent of the count‐mass syntax, fosters ontology‐based classification; (3) in what way, if at all, the count‐mass syntax that accompanies a label changes English speakers' default construal of a given entity? On the basis of the results, we argue that the ontological distinction concerning individuation is universally shared and functions as a constraint on early learning of words. At the same time, language influences one's construal of entities cross‐lingistically and developmentally, and causes a temporary change of construal within a single language. We provide a detailed discussion of how each of these three ways language may affect the construal of entities, and discuss how our universally possessed knowledge interacts with language both within a single language and in cross‐linguistic context.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to formalize, from linguistic markers, the on-line modifications of decision processes in terms of detachments from the spatio-temporal situation. For that, a 10-year-old’s verbal protocol, obtained during four successive trials on the Tower of Hanoi puzzle, is analyzed in the line of current cognitive linguistics, notably Culioli’s theory of enunciative operations. A first modification is inherent to decision process themselves according to their status, defining a distribution of representations between internal vs external problem spaces. That is marked by the presence or not of aggregates and of “starting terms”. A second kind of modifications is marked by modal terms. The formalization relies on a cognitive interpretation of enunciative operations involved in these detachments and suggests a new approach of information processing. Results show a progressive identification of constraints, and the reconstruction of the spatio-temporal situation at detached levels. Several kinds of partial articulations and compositions intervene in the on-line construction of elementary classes and between declarative and procedural aggregates.  相似文献   

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