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The current research was designed to examine associations of perceived life threat (PLT) and religious coping with the development of avoidance behavior following terror event exposure. Based upon the terror management theory (TMT), we hypothesized that religious coping, through its effect on religious beliefs as a meaning system, would moderate the impact of threat, as expressed in PLT, on an individual's reaction to terror event exposure, as manifested in avoidance behavior. Participants were 591 Israeli Jewish students who were vicariously or directly exposed to a terror event in the past. We report a significant interaction between PLT and negative religious coping. PLT was positively associated with avoidance behavior but this relationship was more profound among persons who reported high negative religious coping. Secular students reported higher rates of avoidance behavior and negative religious coping and were more likely than religious students to report intrapersonal religious conflict. Our findings suggest that terror event exposure is associated with an elevated sense of threat, which is, at least in part, associated with a weakening of prior religious beliefs.  相似文献   

The current study uses the unique data from a natural experiment conducted in a college located in southern Israel that was exposed to rocket attacks in 2008. The study examines the relationships between the negative emotions, the perceptions of risk to oneself, the precautionary actions, and the intentions of 290 students who were exposed to terror attacks while on campus. In addition, we compared the emotions, the risk perceptions, and the precautionary behavior between the two groups: those who lived within the range of the rockets and were also exposed to rocket attacks at home and those who lived outside the range of the rockets. The results show that the risk perceptions were affected mainly by the emotion of fear while the students were on campus. In particular, fearful people became more pessimistic about their general and personal risks from terror but not about routine risks. The results also reveal that those who lived outside the rocket area (and had less or no experience with terror attacks) were more likely to take precautionary actions during their stay in the campus and were more pessimistic about continuing their studies in college in the coming year than those living in the area, who had more experience with terror attacks. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为探讨自我同情对拖延的影响及其作用机制,采用自我同情量表、大学生拖延量表、大学生羞耻量表和接纳与行动量表对795名大学生进行调查,结果发现:(1)自我同情对大学生拖延行为具有负向预测作用;(2)羞耻在自我同情与大学生拖延行为的负向效应中起到中介作用;(3)经验回避、羞耻在自我同情和大学生拖延行为之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

为探讨暴力暴露、大学生网络攻击行为、负性自动思维及自我控制之间的关系,选取黑龙江大学、哈尔滨师范大学两所高校共600名大一至大四的大学生为被试,采用暴力暴露问卷、网络攻击行为量表、自动思维问卷及自我控制问卷进行测试。结果表明:(1)暴力暴露对大学生网络攻击行为有着显著的正向影响,并间接地通过负性自动思维对大学生网络攻击行为产生作用;(2)自我控制在暴力暴露对大学生网络攻击行为的影响中起显著的调节作用,具体而言,在低自我控制水平下,暴力暴露能显著的正向预测大学生网络攻击行为,而在高自我控制水平下,暴力暴露对大学生网络攻击行为的预测作用不显著。  相似文献   

以89名小学生为被试,采用实验组对照组前后测实验设计,考察学思维网络活动对培养小学生创造性思维和创造性倾向的影响,以及认知风格的调节作用。结果发现:(1)学思维网络活动能有效促进小学生创造性思维以及创造性倾向的想象力和好奇心的发展;(2)学思维课堂活动和学思维网络活动对于培养小学生的创造性思维和创造性倾向具有一致的效果;(3)认知风格在学思维网络活动和学思维课堂活动对小学生创造性思维的影响中起调节作用:对于场依存学生,学思维网络活动能更大程度地提高其流畅性和独创性的表现。  相似文献   

This study examined the relation between children's history of exposure to potentially traumatic events (PTEs) and clinical and functional mental health trajectories over a 18‐month period among a national sample of youth referred for services in children's behavioral health systems of care (SOCs). Using data from the national evaluation of the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services program for communities funded from 1997 to 2000, the study sample included 9556 children and their families. Latent growth modeling was used to assess the effect of history of exposure to PTEs on trajectories in a number of behavioral health outcomes during the 3‐year period following referral to services, controlling for child demographic characteristics (gender, race, and age). Results revealed that, on average, children in SOCs exhibited significant improvements over time on all four outcome measures. Children with a history of exposure to PTEs had higher rates of internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors and functional impairments and fewer behavioral and emotional strengths at baseline, but experienced improvements in these outcomes at the same rates as children without exposure to a traumatic event. Finally, child race, gender, and age also were associated with differences in behavioral health trajectories among service recipients. Implications for SOCs, including approaches to make them more trauma‐informed, are discussed.  相似文献   

基于积极心理资本理论和情感事件理论相结合的理论视角,研究采用两阶段追踪问卷调查方法收集数据,探讨了心理资本与员工建言行为的关系以及变革开放性和组织支持感在这个过程中的作用机制。数据分析结果表明:员工心理资本显著正向影响建言行为,变革开放性在心理资本与建言行为之间起着部分中介作用,组织支持感显著调节心理资本通过变革开放性影响建言行为的间接效应,在高组织支持感的条件下,变革开放性在心理资本影响建言行为过程中的中介作用显著,但是在低组织支持感的条件下,变革开放性的中介作用不明显。。  相似文献   

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