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Arrays with horizontal or vertical texture boundaries formed by element orientation and length cues were displayed, and the texture boundary formed by one cue was specified as the target. The boundaries formed by the two cues were coincident on some trials and orthogonal on others. Observers' accuracy in reporting the orientation of the target boundary was improved by a coincident nontarget boundary and was worsened by an orthogonal one. Conditional mutual information measures are used to show how effects due to contextual modulation can be distinguished from effects due to additive combination of the cues. The results of five experiments are interpreted as evidence that the transmission of information about specific texture boundary cues is modulated by task context but not by a coincident or orthogonal boundary in another cue. We therefore distinguish between the effects of "context," as shown by the effects of any variable not called the target, and "modulatory contextual effects," as shown by the effects of one variable on the transmission of information specifically about another.  相似文献   

Attention can select items based on location or features. Belopolsky and colleagues posited the attentional window hypothesis, which theorized that spatial and featural selection interact such that featural selection occurs within a “window” of spatial selection. Kerzel and colleagues recently found that the attentional window can take complex shapes, but cannot configure around non-contiguous locations. The current experiments investigated whether perceptual grouping cues, which produce perceptual objects or surfaces, enable the attentional window to configure around non-contiguous locations. Using the additional singleton paradigm, we reasoned that observers (1) would be slowed by a colour singleton distractor that appears within the observers’ attentional window and (2) would be unaffected by distractors that do not appear within the attentional window. In separate blocks of trials, a target appeared upon one of two objects. Observers were cued to the relevant surface, and we asked if responses were affected by distractors on the cued task-relevant surface, and on the uncued irrelevant surface. Colour singleton distractors slowed responses when they appeared on the cued surface, even when those locations were non-contiguous locations. Distractors on the irrelevant surface did not affect responses. The results support a highly adaptable attentional window that is configurable to the surfaces and boundaries established by intermediate-level vision.  相似文献   

In three experiments we investigated the integration of three-dimensional information provided over time by different depth cues. In the first experiment, we found that the perceptual derivation of surface orientation from the optic flow was affected by the prior presentation of static stereo information in the same spatial location. This bias weakened as the length of the motion sequence increased, but it was still present after 800 msec. In the second experiment, conversely, we found that the perceived orientation of a stereo-specified surface was not influenced by the prior presentation of a static stereo surface. In a third experiment, we found that two surfaces defined by identical disparity fields did not elicit the same perceived depth if, previously, one of them had been specified by a conjunction of stereo and motion information. This effect was found to last for at least 400 msec. Taken together, these findings indicate that interactions exist among different sources of depth information, even when they are provided at different moments of time.  相似文献   

We used four experiments to examine how the perceived temporal order of two visual stimuli depends on the depth position of the stimuli specified by a binocular disparity cue. When two stimuli were presented simultaneously at different depth positions in front of or around a fixation point, the observer perceived the more distant stimulus before the nearer stimulus (Experiments 1 and 2). This illusory temporal order was found only for sudden stimulus presentation (Experiment 3). These results suggest that a common processing, which is triggered by sudden luminance change, underlies this illusion. The strength of the illusion increased with the disparity gradient and the disparity size (Experiment 4). We propose that this illusion has a basis in the processing of motion in depth, which would alert the observer to a potential collision with an object that suddenly emerges in front of the observer.  相似文献   

F. Attneave (1954) famously suggested that information along visual contours is concentrated in regions of high magnitude of curvature, rather than being distributed uniformly along the contour. Here the authors give a formal derivation of this claim, yielding an exact expression for information, in C. Shannon's (1948) sense, as a function of contour curvature. Moreover, they extend Attneave's claim to incorporate the role of sign of curvature, not just magnitude of curvature. In particular, the authors show that for closed contours, such as object boundaries, segments of negative curvature (i.e., concave segments) literally carry greater information than do corresponding regions of positive curvature (i.e., convex segments). The psychological validity of this informational analysis is supported by a host of empirical findings demonstrating the asymmetric way in which the visual system treats regions of positive and negative curvature.  相似文献   

Three-month-olds are sensitive to orientation changes of line drawings when they have a three-dimensional (3-D) interpretation and when the changes are defined by both 3-D depth and two-dimensional (2-D) picture plane cues [Bhatt, R. S., & Bertin, E. (2001). Pictorial cues and three-dimensional information processing in early infancy. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 80, 315-332]. In the current study, we examined whether 3-month-olds are sensitive to pictorial line junction cues that signal orientation changes solely in the 3-D depth plane. The results revealed that infants discriminated a misoriented elongated cube in an array when the stimuli contained both shading and lines (Experiment 2) but not when only lines depicted the elongated cubes (Experiment 1). Testing with comparable 2-D images revealed that, even in the presence of shading information, detection of orientation changes is specific to images that have a 3-D interpretation. Together, the results suggest that 3-month-olds are sensitive to pictorial line junction cues that signal orientation changes in the 3-D depth plane to adults provided that shading information is available and the images have a 3-D interpretation.  相似文献   

The visual system scales motion parallax signals with information about absolute distance (M. E. Ono, Rivest, & H. Ono, 1986). The present study was designed to determine whether relative distance cues, which intrinsically provide information about relative distance, contribute to this scaling. In two experiments, two test stimuli, containing an equal extent of motion parallax, were presented simultaneously at a fixed viewing distance. The relative distance cues of dynamic occlusion and motion parallax in the areas surrounding the test stimuli (background motion parallax) and/or relative size were manipulated. The observers reported which of the two parallactic test stimuli appeared to have greater depth, and which appeared to be more distant. The results showed that the test stimulus specified, by the relative distance cues, as being more distant was perceived as having more depth and as being more distant. This indicates that relative distance cues contribute to scaling depth from motion parallax by modifying the information about the absolute distance of objects.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that autistic children tend to learn new discriminations by responding to only a restricted number of available cues and that this may be responsible for some of their abnormal behavior. Therefore, this investigation assessed the feasibility of teaching autistic children to respond to multiple cues. The results showed that four autistic children could learn a conditional discrimination requiring them to discriminate a multiple-cue complex from each of its two component cues. However, the autistic children did not learn this discrimination in the same manner as normal children. In the early trials, the autistics responded at a higher level to one of the two component cues. Only after many trials did the autistics respond equally on the basis of both component cues. The results of an initial attempt to teach a general set to respond to multiple cues showed that, when an autistic child was taught a series of successive conditional discriminations, the child eventually learned a set to approach new discriminations by responding equally on the basis of both component cues. The results are discussed in terms of understanding and treating autistic children's abnormal development.  相似文献   

Four experiments are reported on the identification of line drawings of common objects. In each experiment, performance on “unconventional” views of the objects, in which the major axis of the object was foreshortened, was compared to performance on more “conventional” views without appreciable foreshortening. In each experiment, except Experiment 2, where performance on the two views was experimentally equated, the foreshortened views were more difficult to identify than were the conventional views. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that if the foreshortened views were presented on a background with strong monocular depth cues, object identification was improved. This result suggests that part of the difficulty in identifying objects depicted from such a view stems from an improper depth interpretation of the object depictions. Experiments 3 and 4 examined visual field differences in the identification of the two types of object view. Results reported in the neuropsychological literature have shown that people with right-hemisphere damage have particular difficulty with the identification of unconventional views of objects that foreshorten major axes. Accordingly, it was expected that there would be a left visual field advantage for the foreshortened views. Neither experiment yielded any visual field effects consistent with this expectation. Possible reasons for the lack of a field effect are discussed.  相似文献   

Prior research suggests that stress cues are particularly important for English-hearing infants' detection of word boundaries. It is unclear, though, how infants learn to attend to stress as a cue to word segmentation. This series of experiments was designed to explore infants' attention to conflicting cues at different ages. Experiment 1 replicated previous findings: When stress and statistical cues indicated different word boundaries, 9-month-old infants used syllable stress as a cue to segmentation while ignoring statistical cues. However, in Experiment 2, 7-month-old infants attended more to statistical cues than to stress cues. These results raise the possibility that infants use their statistical learning abilities to locate words in speech and use those words to discover the regular pattern of stress cues in English. Infants at different ages may deploy different segmentation strategies as a function of their current linguistic experience.  相似文献   

The contributions of different monocular depth cues to performance of a scene perception task were investigated in 4 pigeons. They discriminated the sequential depth ordering of three geometric objects in computer-rendered scenes. The orderings of these objects were specified by the combined presence or absence of the pictorial cues of relative density, occlusion, and relative size. In Phase 1, the pigeons learned the task as a direct function of the number of cues present. The three monocular cues contributed equally to the discrimination. Phase 2 established that differential shading on the objects provided an additional discriminative cue. These results suggest that the pigeon visual system is sensitive to many of the same monocular depth cues that are known to be used by humans. The theoretical implications for a comparative psychology of picture processing are considered.  相似文献   

Snowden RJ  Rossiter MC 《Perception》1999,28(2):193-201
Can the motion system selectively process elements at a particular depth? We attempted to answer this question using global coherence tasks in which signal and noise elements could be given different disparities. In experiment 1 we found that, if all the signal elements had a disparity different from that of the noise elements, performance was far better than when they had the same disparity (at least for stereo-normal observers). In a second experiment we found that adding additional noise elements to the motion task had no effect if they had a different disparity (however, they had a marked effect for stereo-blind observers). We conclude that stereo disparity can be used as a segmentation cue by the motion system.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to discriminate pictures of intact objects from pictures of objects in which both depth from shading and depth from perspective cues were manipulated. Depth from shading was manipulated either by scrambling or by removing three-dimensional shading cues. Depth from perspective was manipulated either by presenting pictures of objects with a two-dimensional outline (i.e., a square) or with a three-dimensional outline (i.e., a cube). Transfer tests with novel images suggest that pigeons perceive and utilize both types of pictorial depth cues. The implications of these results for our understanding of picture perception in pigeons are discussed.  相似文献   

Can object names and functions act as cues to categories for infants? In Study 1, 14- and 18-month-old infants were shown novel category exemplars along with a function, a name, or no cues. Infants were then asked to "find another one," choosing between 2 novel objects (1 from the familiar category and the other not). Infants at both ages were more likely to select the category match in the function than in the no-cue condition. However, only at 18 months did naming the objects enhance categorization. Study 2 shows that names can facilitate categorization for 14-month-olds as well when a hint regarding the core meaning of the objects (the function of a single familiarization object) is provided.  相似文献   

This study asked the question, “Will the motor pattern to a perceived two-dimensional (2-D) object differ from that same object when it is perceived as three dimensional (3-D)?” Subjects were required to reach and grasp an apple that could appear to be 2-D or 3-D. Two experimental sessions were conducted. In Condition A, the apple was initially perceived to be 2-D, but, for 20% of trials, it suddenly shifted to a 3-D apple at movement onset. In Condition B, the apple was initially perceived to be 3-D, but, for 20% of trials, it suddenly shifted to a 2-D silhouette of the same apple. For control trials, subjects grasped the perceived 2-D apple as if it were a disc (82%), and they grasped the 3-D apple, as they would a normal apple, with a whole-hand grasp (86%). For Condition A perturbed trials, there was a rapid change from a 2-D precision grip to a 3-D whole-hand prehension, whereas the converse was true for the opposite perturbation. Peak acceleration was anticipated for Condition A perturbed trials but not for Condition B perturbed trials. These results indicate that the motor patterns we use in interacting with an object are strongly influenced by the way we perceive the object in real time, and that object affordances, such as dimension, can override the influence exerted by existing representations.  相似文献   

Prior knowledge can have a large influence on recall when the memory for the original event is error prone or incomplete. We investigated the interaction between memory and prior knowledge in a recall task involving natural objects such as fruits and vegetables. We first quantified prior knowledge for the sizes of objects in a norming experiment. We then assessed the influence of prior knowledge in a memory experiment in which we compared the actual size of objects shown during a study phase with the reconstructed size of an object during the test phase. Recall was biased both by the mean size of the specific object studied and by the mean size of all objects in the category. This result suggests that the influence of prior knowledge can come from multiple, hierarchically related levels of representation, such as the object-category and superordinate-category levels.  相似文献   

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