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In an exploration of the process whereby horizontal and vertical components are extracted from distances between pairs of points, participants made speeded absolute distance judgments—deciding whether horizontal distances between pairs of points in a frontal plane exceeded a criterion distance. Judgments reflected the horizontal and vertical distances between the points. Three accounts of the results were considered. (1) Only the overall distance between two points was directly available to judgment processes; the horizontal or vertical distance between the points was available only to the extent that the horizontal and vertical positions of the points were differentially weighted prior to the assessment of overall distance. (2) The perceptual effects of positions on the horizontal and vertical dimensions were collapsed onto a composite dimension. (3) The decision criterion for the distance judgment considered both the horizontal and vertical distances between the points. In support of the overall distance account, (1) performance in the distance judgment task was facilitated by repetition of the same overall distance from trial to trial, but not by repetition of the distance on the composite dimension or by repetition of horizontal or vertical distance; (2) differential weighting that the overall distance account predicted for the absolute distance judgments was reflected in concurrent relative distance judgments pitting horizontal against vertical distance, counter to the composite dimension account, which sees the horizontal and vertical dimensions as collapsing onto the composite dimension in balanced, symmetrical fashion, and counter the decisional account, given that no criterion is required for the relative judgment.  相似文献   

We investigated how head position and gait speed influenced frontal plane balance responses to external perturbations during gait. Thirteen healthy participants walked on a treadmill at three different gait speeds. Visual conditions included either focus downward on lower extremities and walking surface only or focus forward on a stationary scene with horizontal and vertical lines. The treadmill was positioned on a platform that was stationary (non-perturbed) or moving in a pattern that appeared random to the subjects (perturbed). In non-perturbed walking, medial–lateral upper body motion was very similar between visual conditions. However, in perturbed walking, there was significantly less body motion when focus was on the stationary visual scene, suggesting visual feedback of stationary vertical and horizontal cues are particularly important when balance is challenged. Sensitivity of body motion to perturbations was significantly decreased by increasing gait speed, suggesting that faster walking was less sensitive to frontal plane perturbations. Finally, our use of external perturbations supported the idea that certain differences in balance control mechanisms can only be detected in more challenging situations, which is an important consideration for approaches to investigating sensory contribution to balance during gait.  相似文献   

We investigated perceived range, perceived velocity, and perceived duration of the body rotating in the frontal plane (in roll). Specifically, to examine how shear to the otoliths in the inner ears and tactile pressure to the trunk affect judgments of range and velocity, in two experiments, we manipulated rotating range (30°–160°), rotating velocity (1.8°/sec to 9.6°/sec), mean tilt of the body (?60°, 0°, and 60°), and exposure to the visual vertical. Thirty-three normal or blindfolded participants made verbal judgments of range, velocity, and duration for each combination of these factors. The exponents of the power functions fitted to these judgments were, as a first approximation, .94, .61, and .84 for range, velocity, and duration, respectively, and perceived velocity was proportional to the ratio of perceived range to perceived duration (r = .91). These results suggest that the vestibular and somatosensory inputs are effective on judgments of range, but less so on judgments of velocity, and that perceived velocity may be determined as a ratio of perceived range to perceived duration. In addition, we found that (1) when the range the body has traveled is constant, the perceived range increases as the objective velocity decreases (proprioceptive τ effect); (2) self-motion through the tilted roll sometimes enlarges perceived range and perceived duration but reduces perceived velocity; and (3) the exposure to the visual vertical reduces variability of judgments for range and velocity and also reduces perceived range and perceived velocity of self-motion within a small range through the vertical roll.  相似文献   

The symmetry of the rider is highly relevant, and in the equestrian community it is generally thought that a symmetrical rider has a better possibility to influence the horse in an optimal way. The aim of the study was to analyse and compare frontal plane kinematics of the core body segments in ten riders while riding and while rocking a balance chair from side-to-side. It was hypothesized that the riders were asymmetrical in relation to their intersegmental strategies when comparing between left and right directions and that individual riders would display the same postural strategies when riding and when rocking the balance chair. Ten moderately-skilled riders wore a full-body marker set that was tracked by a motion capture system as they rocked a balance chair from side to side. Inertial measurement units attached to the head, trunk and pelvis were used to measure the segmental movements while riding in left and right directions. Roll rotation data for head, trunk and pelvis were averaged over available strides/cycles. Results from mixed models showed that the riders were asymmetric when comparing riding in left vs right directions, for example the trunk was rotated 19° to the right on the right circle and 14° to the left on the left circle, on average. Riders adopted the same asymmetrical posture whether they were riding in the left or right direction on straight lines, circles or leg yielding. A significant relationship was found between postural asymmetries when riding and when rocking the balance chair, one degree of pelvis or head roll asymmetry on the chair predicted 2.4 (SE 0.9) degrees of asymmetry while riding. Future studies may investigate the value of seated, off-horse postural training for improving rider symmetry and thereby equestrian performance.  相似文献   

There is limited understanding of the differences in lower extremity energy dissipation strategies between single-leg and double-leg landing maneuvers. This study sought to investigate these differences in sagittal and frontal planes, and explain the differences using kinematics and kinetics. We hypothesized that single-leg and double-leg landing maneuvers involve different lower extremity energy dissipation strategies in both planes. Ten recreational athletes were recruited and instructed to perform double-leg and single-leg landing from 0.60-m height. Force-plates and motion-capture system were used to obtain kinetics and kinematics data respectively. Joint power was taken as product of joint moment and angular velocity. Joint work was computed as integral of joint power over time, whereby negative work represented energy dissipation. In the sagittal plane, the hip and knee showed major contributions to energy dissipation during double-leg landing; the hip and ankle were the dominant energy dissipaters during single-leg landing. In the frontal plane, the hip acted as the key energy dissipater during double-leg landing; the knee contributed the most energy dissipation during single-leg landing. The knee also exhibited greater frontal plane joint ROM, moment and energy dissipation during single-leg landing than double-leg landing. Our findings indicated that different energy dissipation strategies were adopted for double-leg and single-leg landing in sagittal and frontal planes. Considering the prominent frontal plane biomechanics exhibited by the knee during single-leg landing, we expect that this maneuver may have greater likelihood of leading to traumatic knee injuries, particularly non-contact ACL injuries, compared to the double-leg landing maneuver.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological studies of the frontal lobes   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

Executive control requires controlling the initiation of movements, judging the consequences of actions, and adjusting performance accordingly. We have investigated the role of different areas in the frontal lobe in executive control expressed by macaque monkeys performing a saccade stop signal task. Certain neurons in the frontal eye field respond to visual stimuli, and others control the production of saccadic eye movements. Neurons in the supplementary eye field do not control directly the initiation of saccades but, instead, signal the production of errors, the anticipation and delivery of reinforcement, and the presence of response conflict. Neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex signal the production of errors and the anticipation and delivery of reinforcement, but not the presence of response conflict. Intracranial local field potentials in the anterior cingulate cortex of monkeys indicate that these medial frontal signals can contribute to event-related potentials related to performance monitoring. Electrical stimulation of the supplementary eye field improves performance in the task by elevating saccade latency. An interactive race model shows how interacting units produce behavior that can be described as the outcome of a race between independent processes and how conflict between gaze-holding and gaze-shifting neurons can be used to adjust performance.  相似文献   

We compare the effects of psychoactive drugs such as morphine and amphetamine on the synaptic organization of neurons in the orbital frontal (OFC) and medial frontal (mPFC) regions in the rat. Both regions are altered chronically by exposure to intermittent doses of either drug but the effects are area-dependent. For example, whereas morphine produces increased spine density in OFC but decreased spine density in mPFC. The differential response of the OFC and mPFC to drugs is paralleled by an areal-dependent effect of gonadal hormones on these regions as well: males have greater dendritic arborization in the mPFC whereas females have a greater arborization in the OFC. We also compared the effects of neonatal injury to the OFC and mPFC on cognitive, motor, and social behaviors as well as on the anatomical organization of the remaining brain. Again, there were differential effects of the treatments to the OFC and mPFC. Neonatal OFC lesions allowed virtually complete functional recovery of cognitive and motor behaviors, which was correlated with mild abnormalities in cerebral development compared to the more severe deficits and morphological sequelae following mPFC lesions at the same ages. One exception was the effect of OFC on social behavior, which was severe regardless of whether the injury was in infancy or adulthood. It is proposed that both drug-induced and developmental abnormalities in the integrity of OFC neurons may lead to deficits in social behavior or other behavioral pathologies, possibly including depression.  相似文献   

Inhibition and the right inferior frontal cortex   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
It is controversial whether different cognitive functions can be mapped to discrete regions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). The localisationist tradition has associated one cognitive function - inhibition - by turns with dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), inferior frontal cortex (IFC), or orbital frontal cortex (OFC). Inhibition is postulated to be a mechanism by which PFC exerts its effects on subcortical and posterior-cortical regions to implement executive control. We review evidence concerning inhibition of responses and task-sets. Whereas neuroimaging implicates diverse PFC foci, advances in human lesion-mapping support the functional localization of such inhibition to right IFC alone. Future research should investigate the generality of this proposed inhibitory function to other task domains, and its interaction within a wider network.  相似文献   

Right-IFG and pre-SMA are associated with inhibitory responses. We used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to explore whether the contralateral homotopic regions can functionally replace them. An adolescent, with an extensive traumatic lesion of the right cerebral hemisphere having occurred 5 years earlier, performed a motor response inhibition task (Go/Nogo), which was properly accomplished and associated to activations in the left-IFC, precuneus and occipital cortex. Such functional remodelling is in line with the theory of ‘near equipotentiality’ of the cerebral hemispheres.  相似文献   

Inexpert calibration of comprehension   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Students with a wide range of course work in physics or music theory read expositions in both domains. After reading 16 texts, each student provided a judgment of confidence in his/her ability to verify inferences based on the central principles of the texts. The primary dependent variable was calibration of comprehension, the degree of association between confidence and performance on the inference test. Two results of most interest were that (1) expertise in a domain was inversely related to calibration and (2) subjects were well calibrated across domains. Both of these results can be accommodated by a self-classification strategy: Confidence judgments are based on self-classification as expert or nonexpert in the domain of the text, rather than on an assessment of the degree to which the text was comprehended. Because self-classifications are not well differentiated within a domain, application of the strategy by experts produces poor calibration within a domain. Nonetheless, because self-classification is generally consistent with performance across domains, application of the strategy produces calibration across domains.  相似文献   

Information search following damage to the frontal lobes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Five adult patients with focal brain damage in different areas of the frontal lobes and five matched controls were administered a 20 Questions test. Other tests of planning, problem-solving, and decision-making were also administered to frontal lobe patients. The results indicate that damage to the frontal lobe impairs the ability to impose and utilize hierarchical organization in mental representation.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight subjects were examined on a visual matching task for their ability to maintain an orientation with respect to a particular direction in the horizontal plane following a voluntary rotary body movement through 180 degrees. Each subject was examined with respect to eight different directions.

Numerous gross errors occurred when visual information was reduced to the display of an arrow indicating a direction and a second arrow manipulated by the subject. The magnitude and distribution of the errors suggest that, under the conditions of this experiment, visual information as to direction in the horizontal plane is analysed according to the two horizontal dimensions defined by the sagittal and coronal planes of the head. In correcting for the rotary body movement, failure may occur with respect to either or both of these two dimensions. The frequency of a failure to make any correction at all (i.e. 180-degree errors) is consistent with independent failure in each of the two horizontal dimensions.

Failure is markedly more frequent in the fore-aft dimension than in the left-right dimension. It is suggested that this may be explained in terms of the ambiguous spatial significance of vertical disposition on the retina and the possibility of contamination between the two systems of conceptual analysis which identify the vertical and the fore-aft dimensions of visual space.

It is demonstrated that when minimal “landmarks” are provided they tend to be utilized as reference points in attempts to maintain orientation, even when the subject is aware that the “landmarks” are misleading. Such a use of “landmarks” does not suppress the previously mentioned mechanism of dimensional orientation.

The relevance of these results to normal human orientation is discussed.  相似文献   

Research indicates that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) contributes to working memory and executive control, whereas the ventral frontal cortex (VFC) contributes to affective and motivational processing. Few studies have examined both the functional specificity and the integration of these regions. We did so using fMRI and a verbal working memory task in which visual cues indicated whether recall performance on an upcoming trial would be linked to a monetary reward. On the basis of prior findings obtained in delayed response tasks performed by nonhuman primates, we hypothesized that (1) VFC would show an increase only in response to a cue indicating potential for a monetary reward; (2) DLPFC would show sustained activity across a delay interval for all trials, though activity in rewarded trials would be enhanced; and (3) regions engaged in speech-based rehearsal would be relatively insensitive to monetary incentive. Our hypotheses about DLPFC and rehearsal-related regions were confirmed. In VFC regions, we failed to observe statistically significant effects of reward when the cue or delay epochs of the task were examined in isolation. However, an unexpected and significant deactivation was observed in VFC during the delay epoch; furthermore, a post hoc voxelwise analysis indicated a complex interaction between (1) the cue and delay epochs of the task and (2) the reward value of the trials. The pattern of activation and deactivation across trial types suggests that VFC is sensitive to reward cues, and that portions of DLPFC and VFC may work in opposition during the delay epoch of a working memory task in order to facilitate task performance.  相似文献   

A homeostatic conditional reflex (CR) was elaborated to the effect of repeated inhalations in rats of a gas mixture containing 8 per cent oxygen. The effect of the conditional response was opposite to that of the unconditional one. After ablation of the frontal cortex, the conditional reaction disappeared. The repeated administration of 40 mg/kg of histamine resulted in a tolerance to the temperature lowering effect of histamine similar to the habituation. An injection of distilled water brought about dishabituation. Tolerance was not influenced by the ablation of the frontal cortex, but the dishabituating effect of distilled water was absent.  相似文献   

Tracking the functional development of specific regions of the prefrontal cortex in children using event-related potentials (ERPs) is challenging for both technical and conceptual reasons. In this paper we outline our strategy for studying frontal lobe development and present preliminary results from children aged 7-17 years and young adults using ERPs functionally associated with anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortex, especially the orbitofrontal, ventral, and medial portions. Our analysis of contingent negative variation, error-related negativity, and novelty P300 data show that the ERPs associated with these regions are still maturing into late adolescence, and that their amplitude has significant correlations with behavioral capacities.  相似文献   

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