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The relation between affect and retrospective duration estimation has hardly been examined. In this paper, we contribute to filling this gap by studying the influence of arousal on the remembered duration of positive events. On the basis of the contextual change model, we expected that high‐arousal positive events would be remembered as longer compared with low‐arousal positive events. To test this hypothesis, we set up a naturalistic study in which participants were asked at the end of a pleasant amusement park ride at the local fair to rate how pleasant and aroused they felt during the ride as well as to estimate the ride's duration. Feeling more aroused during a ride was associated with longer estimates of the ride's duration. Results are discussed within the framework of retrospective time estimation models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Human subjects were exposed to a concurrent-chains schedule in which reinforcer amounts, delays, or both were varied in the terminal links, and consummatory responses were required to receive points that were later exchangeable for money. Two independent variable-interval 30-s schedules were in effect during the initial links, and delay periods were defined by fixed-time schedules. In Experiment 1, subjects were exposed to three different pairs of reinforcer amounts and delays, and sensitivity to reinforcer amount and delay was determined based on the generalized matching law. The relative responding (choice) of most subjects was more sensitive to reinforcer amount than to reinforcer delay. In Experiment 2, subjects chose between immediate smaller reinforcers and delayed larger reinforcers in five conditions with and without timeout periods that followed a shorter delay, in which reinforcer amounts and delays were combined to make different predictions based on local reinforcement density (i.e., points per delay) or overall reinforcement density (i.e., points per total time). In most conditions, subjects' choices were qualitatively in accord with the predictions from the overall reinforcement density calculated by the ratio of reinforcer amount and total time. Therefore, the overall reinforcement density appears to influence the preference of humans in the present self-control choice situation.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the effects of schedule value and reinforcer duration on responding for the opportunity to run on fixed-interval (FI) schedules in rats. In the first experiment, 8 male Wistar rats were exposed to FI 15-s, 30-s, and 60-s schedules of wheel-running reinforcement. The operant was lever pressing, and the consequence was the opportunity to run for 60 s. In the second experiment, 8 male Long-Evans rats were exposed to reinforcer durations of 15 s, 30 s, and 90 s. The schedule of reinforcement was an FI 60-s schedule. Results showed that postreinforcement pause and wheel-running rates varied systematically with reinforcer duration but not schedule value. Local lever-pressing rates decreased with reinforcer duration. Overall lever-pressing rates decreased with reinforcer duration but increased with schedule value. Although the reinforcer-duration effect is consistent with previous research, the lack a schedule effect appears to be the result of long post-reinforcement pauses following wheel-running reinforcement that render the manipulation of the interval requirement ineffective.  相似文献   

Pigeons were studied in two experiments employing delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS) tasks in which the reduction in delay to reinforcement signaled by the onset of the sample stimulus was manipulated by varying sample-stimulus duration. In Experiment 1, the duration of the sample stimulus was either 5 s or 10 s for one sample stimulus and 10 s or 20 s for the other. Subjects matched more frequently when the sample duration was 10 s following the sample associated with the shorter average duration. This finding is analogous to the memory distribution effect found by Honig (1987) in a successive DMTS task that varied retention interval. In Experiment 2, sample duration was either 5 s or 15 s. In Phases 1 and 3 each sample duration was correlated with a particular sample color, and in Phase 2 sample duration and color were uncorrelated. When sample duration was 5 s, subjects matched more frequently when sample duration and color were correlated than when they were uncorrelated. Overall, subjects matched more frequently when sample duration and color were correlated. The data from both experiments support Wixted's (1989) model, which states that one determinant of choice in a DMTS task is the delay-reduction value of the sample stimulus.  相似文献   

Highly inbred mice of fast and slow conditioning strains (N = 228) were trained in avoidance conditioning and 180 were continued to extinction. The principal goal was to determine optimal stimulus conditions for fast learning, small variances, and maximal strain differences. Conclusions are: a) the major effect of change in CS-US and intertrial intervals occurs, respectively, for intervals less than 3 sec. and 60 sec.; b) change in amperage (150-400 pa) or voltage (250-400 v.) caused no significant differences; c) strain differences in extinction occurred after nearly optimal conditioning, and d) strain differences were altered considerably as stimulus conditions became optimal. Optimal levels of parameters are: 3 sec. CS-US interval, 120-sec. intertrial interval, and 400 v. (220 K ohm impedance circuit).  相似文献   

Match-to-sample training clusters of A1 (sample): B1/B2 (comparisons), A2: B2/B1, B1: A1/A2, B2: A2/A1, B1: C1/C2, B2: C2/C1, C1: B1/B2, and C2: B2/B1 were presented to pigeons with class-consistent differential reinforcement using two dissimilar types of food reinforcers. Distinctive class-consistent response patterns occurred to the samples during the fixed-ratio 5 sample observing response requirement. Subsequent tests, modeled from the equivalence class paradigm demonstrated the emergence (80% class consistent) of the transitive-like A-C and C-A relations for 4 and 2 of 12 pigeons, respectively, and a strong trend (over 70%) for 7 and 6 others, respectively; the emergence of the reflexive-like identity relation when the nonidentical comparison was from the other class; and the disruption of the trained within-class relation with the addition of a reflexive comparison. After directional training of C1: D1/D2 and C2: D2/D1, tests indicated no emergence of the symmetric-like D-C relation or the composite D-B and D-A relations, but the B-D and A-D transitive-like relation occurred with some pigeons. Off-baseline training with class-consistent differential reinforcement contingent on responding to the D stimuli alone produced distinctive responding and, in turn, a trend to D-C symmetric-like control in 4 of 12 pigeons, as well as a shift toward class-consistent control on D-B and D-A test trials. Class-consistent differential reinforcement that produced distinctive sample behavior promoted stimulus control relations like those that circumscribe equivalence class formation. Respondent—operant interactions permit an analysis of the possible enrollment of stimulus values of distinctive responding to the discriminative stimuli forming the stimulus classes via processes corresponding to naming in humans.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if the passage of time changes the memory of the duration of joyful or sad events. Participants were asked to look at a series of brief videos lasting 15 minutes and to estimate retrospectively and verbally (with chronometric units) the duration of this 15‐minute period. There were two independent variables: the emotion conditions (joy, sadness and neutral) and the recall conditions (immediately after the presentation of videos, 1 week later or 1 month later). The results show that the estimated time is largely overestimated in the 1‐week and 1‐month condition but not when the recall is immediate. This effect applies to each emotional condition, but there was no significant difference between the emotion conditions. The effect of emotion on the estimation of long intervals judged retrospectively seems minimal in comparison with the cognitive effect associated with the passage of time. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A number of reports have suggested that changing intensity in short tonal stimuli is asymmetrically perceived. In particular, steady stimuli may be heard as growing louder; stimuli must decrease in intensity to be heard as steady in loudness. The influence of stimulus duration on this perceptual asymmetry was examined. Three participants heard diotic tonal stimuli of eight durations between 0.8 s and 2.5 s. Each stimulus increased, decreased, or remained steady in intensity; initial intensity was 40 dB SPL (sound pressure level relative to 0.0002 dynes/cm2), and carrier frequency was 1 kHz. Participants made forced binary responses of “growing louder” or “growing softer” to each stimulus. For each duration, that value of intensity change eliciting equal numbers of both responses was determined. The results indicated a pronounced perceptual asymmetry for 0.8-s stimuli, which diminished for longer stimuli; changing intensity in 2.5-s stimuli was perceived symmetrically. Additionally, sensitivity to changing intensity improved as stimulus duration increased, suggesting that responses may be based in part on the difference in intensity between the beginning and end of the stimulus. Possible ramifications of the asymmetry reside in (a) the percussive nature of many natural sounds and (b) selective responding to approaching sound sources.  相似文献   

研究采用动态无意视盲范式,呈现3个2×2的被试间实验,考察注意定势和刺激特征对无意视盲的影响.研究结果显示,非预期刺激与注意项目的特征显著性独立于注意定势,非预期刺激与注意项目的特征相似性则基于注意定势.显著的刺激容易被觉察,但它不会总是自动地捕获注意,最重要的影响因素是观察者的注意定势.  相似文献   

Stolz  Michael 《Synthese》2002,133(1-2):43-57
Choosing the history of statistics and operations research as a casestudy, several ways of setting the development of 20th century appliedmathematics into a social context are discussed. It is shown that there isample common ground between these contextualizations and several recent research programs in general contemporary history. It is argued that a closer cooperation between general historians and historians ofmathematics might further the integration of the internalist andexternalist approaches within the historiography of mathematics.  相似文献   

董志勇 《现代哲学》2006,1(6):112-120
人的所有制是被用来从总体上表明一个人类共同体内部各成员之间占有关系的一种社会制度或社会关系;人的所有制是人类社会最基本的经济制度,它是区别和划分人类历史上各种不同经济形态的根本标志,是一个比生产资料所有制更为重要和更为基本的社会所有制的存在形式;人权概念是一个先后为在相关人类共同体中分别建立和维持人的公民所有制、劳动力的公民所有制、公民所有制的劳动者人身所有制、人格的公民平等、人的个人所有制、劳动力的个人所有制、个人所有制的劳动者人身所有制、婚权的个人所有制和使包括所有成年女性在内的所有社会成年成员享有人格的人类平等、劳动力的部分社会所有制等社会制度而被提出来的哲学概念、法律概念和政治概念。  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained in Experiment 1 on a discrete-trial concurrent variable-interval (VI) 1-min VI 3-min schedule, and in Experiment 2 on a discrete-trial concurrent VI 1.5-min VI 1.5-min schedule. In each experiment, the intertrial-interval durations (ITIs) were 0 s, 6 s, 22 s, and 120 s, and the schedules were both independent and interdependent. The purpose of the research was to determine whether lengthening the ITI would disrupt any local control that existed, measured with respect to relative response rate and changeover probability. In Experiment 1, with the independent schedules, both preference and obtained relative reinforcement rate approximated .75 at short ITIs, but then decreased toward .50 with longer ITIs. With interdependent schedules, both preference and obtained relative reinforcement rate approximated .75 at all ITIs. In both experiments, with both independent and interdependent schedules, changeover probabilities for each response in a sequence of up to five successive responses to a given schedule were variable for individual birds. The average changeover probabilities for all birds suggested perseveration rather than a systematic increase within a given ITI or a systematic trend toward chance responding as ITI duration increased. Finally, the changeover functions did not differ when a sequence of responses was calculated to begin anew after reinforcement rather than with the first response on a schedule. Taken together, the data were inconsistent with a theory holding that only local processes underlie choice in discrete-trial procedures.  相似文献   

The study constitutes an expansion of Kohn's work on social class and parental values, in two directions: firstly a search for value dimensions other than Kohn's self-direction/conformity; and secondly, an investigation of three aspects of social structure: immigrant status, quality of neighbourhood and housing type. Data were collected from parents of 305 9–11-year-olds resident in Sydney. Kohn's parental values instrument was used, but analysed using a multivariate linear model rather than the traditional way (factor analysis followed by a univariate multiple regression). Immigrant status, neighbourhood quality, family income, child's sex and street type all predicted particular parental value sets. Non Anglo immigrnts differed from other groups in their strong emphasis on school performance, sex role performance and sibling relations. Parents in higher quality neighbourhoods put greater value on children's sociability than did those in higher risk neighbourhoods. Self-control, school performance and neatness/cleanliness were favoured by middle income families. Parents living in industrial/commercial streets devalued school performance, achievement striving and curiosity. Parental occupation and education did not have significant predictive power over and above the contribution of these variables. Reanalysis of the data using Kohn's factor analytic procedure gave the traditional self-direction/conformity factor, but immigrant status, quality of neighbourhood and income continued to explain more variance than occupation or education. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored the feasibility of discriminating among subtypes of mental retardation on the basis of observable behavior. The major focus was on discrimination between Ss whose low I.Q. could be attributed to normal chromosomal or single locus genetic defects. Concurrently the study sought t o distinguish among diagnostic subgroups of the second category. Three groups of institutionalized subjects were used: Undifferentiated (presumed polygenic segregants), PKU, and Down's Syndrome.  相似文献   

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