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Variations in mothers' role perceptions were studied as a function of (a) the amount of time mothers spend with their children, and (b) the cultural ideology of childrearing that assigns to the mother either sole or shared responsibility for socialization. Four groups of Israeli mothers of toddlers were studied. Among nuclear family mothers 21 had children in nursery school, and 22 had children in fulltime daycare. Among kibbutz mothers 23 lived on Familial kibbutzim where children slept at home, and 22 lived on Communal kibbutzim where children slept apart from their parents. Questionnaires assessed mothers' perceptions of mother and caregiver influence and their use of disciplinary and nurturant techniques. Whereas amount of time did not contribute to variations in role perceptions, childrearing ideology (sole vs shared socialization responsibility) showed strong effects. In accord with nuclear family ideology, daycare mothers perceived mothers as more influential and as using more of all socializing techniques than caregivers. In accord with their ideology of shared responsibilities, kibbutz mothers perceived caregivers to be as influential as mothers. Further, as specified by kibbutz ideology, kibbutz mothers reported that they used nurturance more and disciplinary techniques less than caregivers. The importance of cultural ideology on parents' role perceptions is discussed.  相似文献   

青少年最亲密同性友伴的相似性   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
方晓义 《心理学报》1997,30(3):278-285
选取1040名北京市小六、初二和高一学生,探讨青少年与最亲密同性友伴的相似性,及性别组合、年级组合和单双向选择对最亲密同性友伴相似性的影响。要求被试提名一个与自己同校的最亲密友伴,并完成一份包括17个方面的问卷。最后得到427对最亲密同性友伴。最亲密同性友伴的相似性超过非友伴。最亲密同性友伴在逃学或离家出走、吸烟饮酒等行为方面最相似,在参与活动方面的相似性次之,家庭社会经济地位、遵从友伴、学习与教育期望的相似性最低。性别组合、年级组合对最亲密同性友伴某些方面的相似性有明显影响,而单双向选择对最亲密同性友伴的相似性无明显影响。  相似文献   

杨志新 《心理学报》2001,34(4):41-45
该项研究通过设计4种实验条件,旨在探讨不同嗓音词的再认和嗓音判断过程各自的特点及其相互联系。4种实验条件是由2种诵读方式和2种测试方式组合而成,2种诵读方式为同范畴同嗓音和同范畴异嗓音,2种测试方式为视觉呈现和听觉呈现。52名大学生被试随机分成4个独立的组,分别接受一种实验处理。实验结果显示:(1)同范畴同嗓音条件与同范畴异嗓音条件相比,前者项目词的嗓音源判断效果好。提示增加相同记忆源项目间语义联系将有利于记忆源的检测判断。(2)项目再认与项目嗓音判断结果不完全一致,只有在诵读方式为同范畴同嗓音测试方式为听觉呈现情境下,两者有较高的正相关。(3)在同范畴同嗓音诵读条件下,再认反映出学习和测试通道源一致性优势效应,嗓音判断没有反映出通道源一致性优势效应。  相似文献   

In this article I consider George Berkeley's Alciphron (1732) from the standpoint of the literary techniques and rhetorical procedures employed, as evidence for placing this composition within the tradition of Christian apologetic rhetoric. The argument develops around three main issues: 1) Berkeley's employment of the traditional rhetorical tool of attacking his opponents using their own weapons; 2) Berkeley's resort to a perennial tradition of pre‐Christian or non‐Christian wisdom, in order to validate his Christian‐theistic claims; and 3) Berkeley's ‘argument from utility’ (considering the beneficial effects that accepting Christianity has had over the centuries on people's lives, making them better, wiser, happier, and more virtuous, as well as the social peace and harmony that living by Christian standards brings about – it is preferable to adopt the Christian faith than not). These three theses are discussed in light of the history of Christian apologetic rhetoric, with references to the works of St. Augustine, St. Justin Martyr, Origen, St. Thomas Aquinas and other Christian authors.  相似文献   

国内十省市在校青少年理想、动机和兴趣的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
这个研究采用独特而新颖的方法,在国内十个省市内进行。 研究指出,目前中学生大多数是有理想的,总的趋势是健康的,主流是好的。 研究表明,理想是人生观的核心与方向,要进行理想教育,重要的途径在于激发学习动机和培养学习兴趣,学校教育工作要注意处理好理想、动机和兴趣三者关系。既抓方向,又抓动力。  相似文献   

An experiment in which the subjects estimated (a) the ratio and (b) the similarity of pairs of stimuli, consisting of weights, is reported. The report reveals that the relation obtained in earlier investigations between estimated similarity and the two subjective magnitudes of the pair, holds good for the continuum of heaviness too. In connection with this the intraindividual standard deviation of ratio estimates and the problem of internal consistency of a ratio matrix are treated. In a speculative discussion the concept of similarity is scrutinized, the similarity function is tentatively extended to multi-dimensional cases and an attempt is made to connect similarity and discrimination learning.  相似文献   

Israeli photography in its broader sense began with the Zionist resettlement of the Land of Israel in the late nineteenth century. Israeli photography can be divided into two stages: the early one, in which it reflected solidarity with the Zionist cause, and the contemporary stage, in which it has become highly critical of it, at times with evident sarcasm. Yet, to date, the watershed separating the one stage from the other has not been defined. By analysing developments in Israeli public life and culture, the article shows that the first few months of the 1982 war in Lebanon, which shattered the Israeli national consensus, found their immediate reflection in Israeli photography. During the 1980s Israeli photography became transformed, as the iconic images focusing on the Zionist hero were replaced by the images of those who were generally overlooked, the Palestinians in particular. This new image is defined as a “reversed icon”.  相似文献   

This article examines the mobilization of the Israeli home front and the overseas volunteering movement that began in May 1967 and continued through the summer of 1968. The mobilization in the Six-Day War included manifestations of solidarity and volunteering in diverse fields. The Israeli government and the Histadrut sent volunteers to frontier communities and raised funds from the public to finance the war. The movement included World Jewry, which also participated in fundraising through an emergency campaign and sent thousands of volunteers to Israel. The goal of the Israeli government and the Jewish Agency to transform the volunteering movement into a Jewish immigration movement to Israel and to strengthen the bond between Israel and World Jewry, shaped the character of this movement. The article examines the character of this movement and discusses the nature of the encounter between the overseas volunteers and Israeli society.  相似文献   

KÜNNAPAS, T. & NORMAN, M. Intel-individual differences in similarity estimates of paintings. Scand. J. Psychol. , 1971, 12, 161–167.–Nine paintings by Cézanne were studied by the method of multidimensional similarity analysis. Three different groups of painters, students, and art school pupils participated in three experiments. Three factors were found: Factor I is called 'Complex horizontally arranged motive'; Factor II, 'Vertical central figure'; and Factor III, 'Central figure without background'. Comparison of different groups showed (1) that for paintings with the greatest loading in one of these factors no differences were obtained, (2) that differences between the groups are smallest in Factor I and greatest in Factor III, (3) that differences between the painters and students are greater than those between the painters and pupils, or between the pupils and the students, and (4) that interindividual differences between the groups are due, at least partly, to the formal artistic aspect which is most dominant in painters, in lower degree in pupils, and very little in students.  相似文献   

考察了13~22岁青少年与重要他人的情感关系特点和发展变化,结果发现: (1)青少年的情感关系存在显著的性别差异.男被试对父母的情感需要总体随年龄增长逐渐减少,但没达到显著的年龄差异.而女被试则表现出逐渐增加的趋势,年龄差异显著.男女青少年在各年龄段对同性朋友的情感需要最多.(2)随年龄增长,男青少年在寻求父母亲近、接受父母情感支持、肯定、鼓励和帮助上都逐渐减少,而女青少在这些方面表现出增加的趋势.而且,男女青少年在给予父母照顾上以及对异性朋友的各项心理功能的需要上都表现出增加趋势.(3)根据焦点人物来划分情感关系类型,发现在初中和高中阶段,同性朋友类型所占的比例最高,到大学阶段异性朋友类型的比例最高.而父母类型所占的比例比较少.  相似文献   

Abstract— Correlation matrices were computed on academic achievement and family environment measures using longitudinal data on siblings The 8 × 8 correlation matrices were computed on Hispanics, blacks, and whites separately When compared employing a LISREL method, the matrices were equal across these ethnic-racial groups Hence, developmental processes influencing academic achievement may be similar in Hispanics, blacks, and whites A structural equation model with four free parameters was fitted successfully to a correlation matrix pooled across groups As a single structural equation model fitted all groups, the existence of minority-specific developmental processes was not supported  相似文献   

格式塔和容限空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈霖 《心理学报》1984,17(3):32-39
本文讨论了视知觉的组织的本质。整体性的知觉的许多事实表明,视觉系统的一个基本和一般的功能象是对大范围拓扑性质的抽提。运用“容限空间”的数学结构,可以描述在一个离散集合上的大范围性质。因此决定知觉的组织规律性,如象相邻性和相似性这样的格式塔的规律,可以由大范围的拓扑(容限)性质来给与数学的描述。格式塔的本质正是这种大范围容限性质的抽提。  相似文献   

Objectification theory posits that the tendency to view oneself as an object to be looked at and evaluated by others negatively affects girls', but not boys', subjective well-being. Although it has been established that women self-objectify more than men, research in this area has been limited to the study of adult college women. The aim in the current longitudinal study was to investigate the role of body shame and rumination in the link between self-objectification and depression among a community sample of girls and boys at ages 11 and 13. Results indicated that adolescent girls reported higher levels of self-objectification, body shame, rumination, and depression than boys. The findings support a model in which body shame and rumination mediate a direct relation between self-objectification and depression among girls; developmentally, the gender difference in self-objectification appears before the gender differences in rumination and depression.  相似文献   

Digit and nonsense figure sequences which were arranged vertically or horizontally, were tachistoscopically presented to native Japanese and Hebrew readers to the left or right visual field. Both groups showed a right visual field superiority in the horizontal condition and a strong tendency toward a right visual field superiority in the vertical condition for the digit sequences, and no visual field difference was shown both in the vertical and horizontal conditions for the nonsense figure sequences. There was no difference between Japanese and Israelis in either the direction or the degree of the visual field differences. A slight influence of the different directional reading biases between both groups appeared in the analysis of serial position effect in recall, but this influence was not prominent. Based on these findings, cross-cultural influences on cerebral functioning were discussed.  相似文献   

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