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While there is an extensive literature on gender differences in body image, little has focused on ethnic group differences in men's body image. College students ( N = 466) from a prestigious New England university indicated their current and ideal figures. Compared to Caucasians (N = 289), Asians (N = 92) reported smaller current figures. Both Caucasian and Asian women rated their current figure as larger than their ideal. Caucasian males reported no discrepancy between their current and ideal figures. However, Asian males rated their current figures as smaller than ideal. The effect of ethnicity on body satisfaction depended upon gender. For women, the ideal was thinner than current figure regardless of actual size, producing a discrepancy between current and ideal figures for both Caucasian and Asian women. Conversely, Asian and Caucasian men identified a similar ideal, producing a discrepancy between current and ideal figures only for Asian men.  相似文献   

College students with 5 or more years of music training recalled significantly more words from a 16-item word list than did students with 0-4 years of training. The superior recall of the extensively trained students linked to better application of a semantic-clustering strategy across a series of 3 test trials. Music education and language experience may have similar influences on the development of verbal memory.  相似文献   

This study compared gender trends for self-reported work values of 384 nontraditional college students in 1982 and 335 different nontraditional college students in 1992. Results measured by D. Nevill and D. E. Super's (1989) Values Scale indicated that female values preferences moved toward Altruism and Variety and away from Autonomy and Advancement. Male values preferences remained relatively constant, except for a significant drop in Aesthetics. The most important finding was that there were many more similarities than differences in men's and women's values preferences for both 1982 and 1992. The top 3 rankings for both years were identical: Economic Security, Achievement, and Ability Utilization.  相似文献   

The purpose of the research was to investigate gender similarities and differences in general creativity constructs with their preferences for creative persons. Data were collected from 247 participants (87 engineering, 24 psychology students with a psychology major, 51 psychology students with a major other than psychology, 30 English, and 55 music students) from a large Mideastern Big 10 university. All participants completed measures of general creativity (creative personality, creative temperament and cognitive risk tolerance) and a demographic questionnaire with the request to list 10 creative persons and their given field. Results indicated that males and females tended to have similar levels of general creativity, yet the most frequently listed creative eminent persons tended to be male. The most frequently listed creative person selections were in science and art, with the three most frequently selected eminent persons being in the science domains. The most frequent creative person selections, consistently selected by at least 10 participants, were Caucasian males.  相似文献   

探讨不同风险态度的大学生在职业决策中的线索偏好及信息搜索特点。以大学生为被试,以Weber的风险态度问卷为工具,筛选出风险寻求大学生26名,风险规避大学生23名,采用信息板技术进行模拟职业决策研究。结果发现:(1)风险寻求和风险规避大学生在职业决策中点击次数最多的职业属性均依次是工资、发展空间和兴趣;(2)在信息板的点击次数上,风险寻求被试比风险规避被试更多;在搜索模式上,风险寻求组被试和风险规避组的得分均为正值,但风险寻求组被试的得分显著高于风险规避组。因此,大学生职业决策中偏好的线索主要是工资、发展空间和兴趣;风险寻求者的信息搜索模式与风险规避者不同,风险寻求者更倾向于以选项为基础的搜索模式。  相似文献   

亲密关系是社会心理学的重要研究领域,而理想伴侣一直是亲密关系领域的重要研究对象之一.已有研究大多考察人们的理想伴侣绝对偏好,较少涉猎理想伴侣相对偏好问题.本研究通过对664名中美大学生的问卷调查,比较了中美被试在外在特征、兴趣爱好、价值观等方面的理想伴侣相对偏好,以及相应的性别差异和文化差异特征.结果发现:(1)在兴趣爱好、价值观的理想伴侣相对偏好上,中美被试表现出较大相似性;(2)在外在特征、兴趣爱好、价值观的理想伴侣相对偏好上,女性的相对偏好更严苛;(3)与中国被试相比,美国被试的理想伴侣相对偏好性别差异更小.以上结果表明,进化心理和文化演进在不同程度上同时形塑人们的择偶心理.  相似文献   

Achieving expertise in any area requires extensive practice and engagement with the subject one desires to master. As not all practice yields good progress, methods must be found that lead learners to practice effectively. Many experts employ highly tailored practice involving metacognitive processes, but novices rarely engage in frequent and explicit metacognitive strategies during practice. As a result, novice progress may be impeded through repetition of systematic errors and ineffective techniques. Our study provides evidence of the effectiveness of teaching metacognition to novice music students through weekly lessons. Thirty‐five adolescent students of six instructors were randomly assigned to metacognitive focus or existing practice teaching conditions. Students receiving metacognitive teaching achieved higher performance ratings when compared with students receiving control instruction, even though practice time did not vary between groups. These results suggest that having students explicitly verbalize and reflect on their learning process produces more efficient practice and greater end performance. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article outlines the role a career planning course can play in assisting college students with college-related developmental tasks.  相似文献   

大学生人格因素的性别差异研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本研究通过对246名大学生施测16PF,分析了16种人格因素的性别差异现象。结果表明:在恃强、怀疑、幻想、紧张这四个因素上存在性别差异,表现为男生比女生更好强、固执,更爱怀疑、紧张,女生比男生更富于幻想;在世故性上,女生的变异率大于男生,女生表现出两极分化特征;经探索性因素分析结果表明,男女生所提取出的因子数量相同,但男女生的因子结构有些差异。  相似文献   

The authors discuss workshops designed to promote awareness of sexual assault and to provide education about such assault on college campuses.  相似文献   

This quasi-experimental study evaluated the effectiveness of a multi-modal experiential stress management course for college students. Experiential approaches included yoga, mindfulness hiking, and equine-assisted stress management activities. Univariate analysis of covariance revealed significantly lower perceived stress for the experimental group at the conclusion of the stress management course. Repeated measures univariate analysis of variance revealed that the stress management course significantly reduced present moment stress over time and that equine-assisted activities were as effective as yoga and mindfulness hiking in reducing student stress.  相似文献   

大学生行为抑制的特点与行为抑制量表的编制   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
本研究旨在探讨行为抑制与心身症状之间的关系,并建立大学生行为抑制量表。行为抑制量表由63个项目构成,分别测量对亲密关系、自信、求助、拒绝、信任和服从行为抑制的程度.项目的鉴别度、信度和效度符合心理测量学的要求。对大学生行为抑制的个体差异分析揭示了该团体的年级、性别和学科对行为抑制的影响。文中还对大学生行为抑制量表的局限性以及今后研究的方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Religious Coping in College Students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three religious-coping profiles (Self-directing, Deferring/Collaborative, and Eclectic) have been identified in previous research with cardiac-transplantation candidates. This study examines the existence of religious-coping styles in college students and tests the role of religious coping as a stress moderator of psychological and physical symptoms. Additional potential stress buffers were included to help explain the relationship between stress and symptomatology more completely. Results supported the existence of the three religious-coping profiles in students; however, no group differences were found for symptomatology. The role of religion in studies of stress for healthy individuals vs. clinical patients is discussed.  相似文献   

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