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The workings of the transcendent function are explored through the development of a model of psychical process which is founded on the symbolism of the mirror. The model consists in a three-dimensional psychical manifold comprising apperceptive, reflective, and subjective axes. A fourth, temporal axis is implicit in the process character of the model. A fifth, affective axis is not discussed. The model is used to enhance understanding of both failed and successful transcendent functioning. Parallels with modes of initiation are developed. The transference role of the therapist is explored.  相似文献   

This paper examines the origin and the development of the mechanistic model of the human body and health in terms of Max Weber's theory of rationalization. It is argued that the development of Western scientific medicine is a part of the broad process of rationalization that began in sixteenth century Europe as a result of the Reformation. The development of the mechanistic view of the human body in Western medicine is consistent with the ideas of calculability, predictability, and control — the major tenets of the process of rationalization as described by Weber. In recent years, however, the limitations of the mechanistic model have been the topic of many discussions. George Engel, a leading advocate of general systems theory, is one of the leading proponents of a new medical model which includes the general quality of life, clean environment, and psychological, or spiritual stability of life. The paper concludes with consideration of the potential of Engel's proposed new model in the context of the current state of rationalization in modern industrialized society.  相似文献   

Proposes model building as a pragmatic and integrative approach to developmental psychopathology. The model-building process is iterative within a program of research, cycling through the following phases of research: theory, field observation, construct definition, measurement development, construct analysis, model testing, experimental field trials, and model revision. Research on the development of and interventions for antisocial behavior is discussed as a tool for reflecting on the model-building process. The ecological framework is offered as a science-based heuristic that integrates various levels of analysis and theoretical perspectives.  相似文献   

Clinical reasoning is a complex process required for effective therapeutic encounters. Its development is poorly understood. The clinical reasoning process is placed in a historical context based on the occupational therapy literature. An emerging model of clinical reasoning is proposed. This model of clinical reasoning provides a unique perspective in order to compartmentalize the person, environment, and occupation constructs around the person’s life story, connect it directly to the occupational therapy practice framework, and determine treatment priorities, emphasizing a client-centered perspective. A client-centered model of clinical reasoning supports efforts to provide effective intervention.  相似文献   

The article briefly reviews a stage model of change in human development that integrates a Neo-Piagetian model and a Neo-Eriksonian model into one unitary stage model across the lifespan (as presented in Young, 2011). The model suggests a generic model of stages in change. The article explores the fundamental assumptions underlying the model as well as considering meta-issues. The article adds to the book by describing the Neo-Eriksonian stages as reflections of a social “participatory” process. It adds to the change process in development by describing it as possibly reflecting “punctuated disequilibrium.” Finally, it adds a “multiple psychodynamics” model.  相似文献   

Three process models of burnout are discussed, Cherniss' process model, Golembiewski's phase model and Leiter's process model. Empirical support for each model is reported. The models make different contributions to the problem of burnout and its development, and the kind of interventions that follow from each model seem to represent different targets. The strengths and weaknesses of the three models are assessed, and the relative merits of individual versus organizational level interventions are addressed. More model-driven research is necessary to reduce the problem of burnout for individuals and organizations.  相似文献   


A model of marital communication based on object relations theory is presented, and its utility in integrating and organizing findings from psychological research on marital interaction is described. The model includes context and process components. The context model describes stages of development and lines of development in marriage that jointly influence the sorts of situations that come to the couple's attention. The process model describes a path that leads from situations to each partner's representation of the situation, and then to the acts of communication that form the partners' interaction. The influence of internal object representations on the process of communication is depicted. A feedback loop in the model implies both the possibility of change and also the potential limits on change at several levels of the marital system. Possible paths of unconscious communication are described that reflect the more dynamic aspects of object relations theory. Principal findings from psychological research on marital interaction, marital therapy, and. social cognition are reviewed, and shown to be consistent with the model. Ways that constructs from object relations theory may clarify questions in behavioral models of marital interaction are discussed. The difference between proving the validity of a model and showing its Consistency with the known facts is noted  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the use of structural equation modeling for investigating a hierarchical model of personality based on Loevinger's (1976) conceptualization. This model was constructed to have a multifactorial and hierarchical structure in which the ego development construct served as the source of covariation for specific personality constructs of impulse control, interpersonal style, conscious preoccupations, and cognitive style. This model and three other conceivable models were investigated to determine which structure best represented the relations among specific personality constructs and ego development. The specific personality constructs were identified by measures chosen from the available pool of measures that were compatible with Loevinger's conceptualization. The four conceivable models were fitted to sample data from 267 adult subjects using confirmatory factor analysis and were compared with indices of model fit and methods for comparison of nested models. Results suggested that the four specific personality constructs and ego development are part of the same process. Although a hierarchical structure appeared tenable for this process, the role of ego development perhaps is not as dominant as envisioned by Loevinger. These results must be considered tentative due to measurement limitations.  相似文献   

Youths who make suicide attempts or engage in repetitive self-harm are at risk for future suicide attempts and death by suicide or self-harm. This treatment development report focuses on the Safe Alternatives for Teens and Youth (SAFETY) treatment. SAFETY is a 12-week outpatient child and family-centered cognitive-behavioral treatment, informed by dialectical-behavior therapy, and designed to promote safety following a suicide attempt or repeated episodes of self-harm. Previous reports have described results of small open and randomized treatment development trials. Here, we describe our “incubator” treatment development model. Combining scientific rigor with attention to the community context in which treatment is delivered, the incubator model emphasizes laboratory-based treatment development trials and quantitative and qualitative data generated through partnerships with community treatment sites and youth and parent consumers of care. Aims of this approach are to: (1) integrate information from our partners throughout the treatment development process; (2) create a more feasible and easily transportable “youth” and “family” centered treatment; and (3) accelerate the pace with which laboratory-based treatment advances can be incorporated into improvements in community care. We describe our incubator treatment development model and how data generated through our treatment development process and interactions between the laboratory and community teams contributed to the development of the SAFETY treatment.  相似文献   

Recent empirical research has challenged the common belief in the existence of talent, suggesting that exceptional performance is entirely the product of nurture rather than nature. However, this research has been based on a simple conception of what talent entails. Rather than involving a unidimensional, additive, and static genetic process, talent may instead emerge from a multidimensional, multiplicative, and dynamic process. This latter possibility is described in a two-part model that combines multidimensional and multiplicative inheritance with dynamic development. The first part of the model handles domain specificity, profile heterogeneity, the distribution of individual differences, familial heritability, and domain complexity. The second part explicates early- versus late-bloomers, early signs of talent, talent loss, and shifts in the domain of talent. The resulting model has crucial implications for how best to gauge the impact of nature in the development of talent.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a path-analytic strategy to analyze psychoanalytic treatment effects. A simple causal model is used to analyze a well-known case study by Charles Brenner. Application of even this simple model to the case study sharpens causal inferences that may be validly made, highlights important aspects of the psychoanalytic process and builds a foundation for further model development.  相似文献   

The article introduces the main ideas and concepts of D?browski’s theory of positive disintegration, and then subsequently provides a reconceptualization of this theory by complexity science. According to D?browski, positive disintegration is the mental development described by the process of transition from lower to higher levels of mental life and is stimulated by tension, inner conflict, struggle, and anxiety. This process can be modeled by a sequence of attractors (levels) as a control parameter (a developmental potential) changes and by a process of symmetry breaking. As an application of this theory, a conceptual model of adolescent development is presented.  相似文献   

We present a neural network model of learning and processing the English past tense that is based on the notion that experience-dependent cortical development is a core aspect of cognitive development. During learning the model adds and removes units and connections to develop a task-specific final architecture. The model provides an integrated account of characteristic errors during learning the past tense, adult generalization to pseudoverbs, and dissociations between verbs observed after brain damage in aphasic patients. We put forward a theory of verb inflection in which a functional processing architecture develops through interactions between experience-dependent brain development and the structure of the environment, in this case, the statistical properties of verbs in the language. The outcome of this process is a structured processing system giving rise to graded dissociations between verbs that are easy and verbs that are hard to learn and process. In contrast to dual-mechanism accounts of inflection, we argue that describing dissociations as a dichotomy between regular and irregular verbs is a post hoc abstraction and is not linked to underlying processing mechanisms. We extend current single-mechanism accounts of inflection by highlighting the role of structural adaptation in development and in the formation of the adult processing system. In contrast to some single-mechanism accounts, we argue that the link between irregular inflection and verb semantics is not causal and that existing data can be explained on the basis of phonological representations alone. This work highlights the benefit of taking brain development seriously in theories of cognitive development.  相似文献   

A theory of partial knowledge is proposed as an explanation of cognitive development, and methods are described for testing the theory. The theory consists of three structure-process pairs, each of which postulates a type of cognitive structure and a developmental process specific to that type. In restricted knowledge, a unitary algorithm is the cognitive structure, and amendment is the developmental process. In variable sampling, a structure of unitary substitutes is paired with a process of selection. In variable integration, modular components are paired with self-monitoring. Methods for testing the theory form a sequence of mathematical models. The first model in the sequence, called a model of double assessment, is described both verbally and mathematically. Other models in the sequence are described verbally with reference to other articles for the formal mathematics. Also described are some nonmathematical methods to be used as sequels to the double assessment model.  相似文献   

We propose an integrated model of leadership potential, the high‐potential designation process, and leader success that is intended to clarify the theoretical and practical relationships among these concepts. Drawing on research in the areas of social judgment and cognition, cognitive abilities, personality, leadership development, and motivation and on practice‐oriented observations and writings, we propose a process model of potential, the designation of individuals as high potential, and the antecedent and moderating variables that combine to impact success. We conclude that by using this model we can understand better the individual, social, and organizational factors that impact potential and the high‐potential identification process, and help develop more successful leaders and organizations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to support the efficacy of short-term insight-oriented, process group psychotherapy and to present a unique treatment model. The format for a time-limited, dynamic group therapy model with the opportunity to recontract for additional segments will be discussed. Evidence will be presented that supports the effective use of this model for providing continuity of care for patients with both long- and short-term treatment goals. The referral process,contracting for appropriate goals, group development, the cotherapy relationship, and other specific treatment issues will be addressed.  相似文献   

Following the discussion of several methodological problems in the assessment of group development processes, a study is reported comparing the development in two inpatient groups (treated according to the intended dynamic model), measured on several levels, with a theoretical model of group development. Within the study, self experiences, group experiences and the group climate were assessed following each session. Data analysis was performed using a nonparametric procedure for the analysis of time series. The study indicated that group development can be studied economically. It further shows some indicators for differential group processes and individual reactions to the group process that can be used clinically.  相似文献   


A general dircwion for understanding the process and impact of disengagement and uansition on individual athletes and teams is presented. Disengagement is presented as a process within athlete and team development. The disengagement of athletes from a team and the impact on the team ue examined. Two models of change are described as is a model of group development. Examples of a team in transition are provided and suggestions for sports psychologists' work with athletes and teams in transition an offered. The focus of these suggestions is on work with teams.  相似文献   

作为心理治疗的有效区域,治疗性最近发展区是指当事人当前适应问题经验的能力和通过治疗师的协助能够达成的潜在能力之间的距离。早期的同化模型理论更注重对心理治疗改变过程的描述,治疗性最近发展区理论则能够进一步解释治疗师在不同阶段的帮助策略。在研究上,治疗性最近发展区理论建立在非传统的方法论基础上,通过不断累积个案的质性研究,帮助治疗师理解和解释不同咨询效果的互动过程,并使理论得到持续发展;在临床上,治疗性最近发展区为理解心理治疗过程中倒退现象提供了新视角,并能够有效指导在治疗过程中采取挑战性还是支持性策略。未来研究可从临床上探索经验丰富的治疗师的实践智慧,也可选取较大跨度的治疗对话序列,对不同流派的特点,从不同参与者的视角出发进行研究,进而深化对心理治疗过程机制的理解。  相似文献   

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