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Three experiments using a conditioned punishment paradigm with rat subjects examined the possibility that the nonmonotonic acquisition function previously found to characterize simultaneous conditioning was due to the noninformative nature of the conditioned stimulus (CS). In Experiment 1 the suppressive effects of a CS previously presented with an unconditioned stimulus (US) in a simultaneous and forward (informative) manner were compared following 20 and an additional 60 conditioning trials. Excitatory conditioning similarly diminished with increased trials for both the simultaneous and forward procedures. Experiment 2 employed a between-groups design. Simultaneous, forward, and trace conditioning procedures were compared following 20 or 100 trials. Each of the three 100-trial groups showed less resistance to extinction than their 20-trial counterparts. Experiment 3 determined that the decrement in excitatory conditioning for the 100-trial groups was not due to the greater number of US presentations, per se, but rather to the number of CS-US pairings. The nonmonotonic acquisition function observed with all three conditioning procedures indicated that informational factors were not responsible for the decrement observed in simultaneous conditioning. The pattern of results suggested that subjects receiving extended conditioning trials were better able to discriminate between training and testing.  相似文献   

This study investigated functional differences in the processing of visual temporal information between the left and right hemispheres (LH and RH). Participants indicated whether or not a checkerboard pattern contained a temporal gap lasting between 10 and 40 ms. When the stimulus contained a temporal signal (i.e. a gap), responses were more accurate for the right visual field-left hemisphere (RVF-LH) than for the left visual field-right hemisphere (LVF-RH). This RVF-LH advantage was larger for the shorter gap durations (Experiments 1 and 2), suggesting that the LH has finer temporal resolution than the RH, and is efficient for transient detection. In contrast, for noise trials (i.e. trial without temporal signals), there was a LVF-RH advantage. This LVF-RH advantage was observed when the entire stimulus duration was long (240 ms, Experiment 1), but was eliminated when the duration was short (120 ms, Experiment 2). In Experiment 3, where the gap was placed toward the end of the stimulus presentation, a LVF-RH advantage was found for noise trials whereas the RVF-LH advantage was eliminated for signal trials. It is likely that participants needed to monitor the stimulus for a longer period of time when the gap was absent (i.e. noise trials) or was placed toward the end of the presentation. The RH may therefore be more efficient in the sustained monitoring of visual temporal information whereas the LH is more efficient for transient detection.  相似文献   

The allocation of visual attention was investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1 (n = 24), a peripheral cue was presented, and in Experiment 2 (n = 24), a central cue was used. In both experiments, cue validity was 90%, and the task was four-choice target identification. Response time distributions were collected for valid trials over five cue-target stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs), and ex-Gaussian parameters were extracted. In both experiments, only the mean of the Gaussian component decreased as a function of cue-target SOA, which implied a strict time axis translation of the distributions. The results were consistent with sequential sampling models featuring a variable delay in the onset of information uptake.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to test a dual-process theory of infants' performance on visual habituation-dishabituation tasks. The findings demonstrate that (a) infant habituation functions are often nonmonotonic, with fixation increasing before the eventual response waning; (b) this initial increment in responding is related to stimulus "complexity"; (c) response to novelty is enhanced by increasing the "complexity" of the novelty-test stimulus; and (d) dishabituation, followed by decay, occurs for familiarized patterns when retested after the introduction of a "complex" stimulus, but not after introduction of a "simple" stimulus. Following P. Groves and R. Thompson (1970, Psychological Review, 77, 419-450) we propose that infant visual attention to repeated presentations of a stimulus involves two processes, habituation and sensitization.  相似文献   

Three experiments tested for developmental changes in attention to simple auditory and visual signals. Subject pressed a single button in response to the onset (Experiment 1) or offset (Experiment 2) of either a tone or a light. During one block of trials subjects knew which stimulus would come on or go off on each trial (precue condition) whereas during the other block of trials no precue was provided. In both experiments subjects as young as 4 years old responded more rapidly with precues, indicating that they were able to allocate their attention to the indicated modality. Experiment 3 utilized a choice reaction paradigm (in which subjects pressed different buttons in response to the onset of the light and the tone) in order to examine their attention allocation when no precues were provided. It was found that the adults and 7-year-olds tended to allocate their attention to vision rather than audition when no precue was provided. The results with the 4-year-olds were not entirely consistent, but suggested a similar biasing of attention to vision on their part as well.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined whether temporal uncertainty about the delivery of a response stimulus affects response force in a simple reaction time (RT) situation. All experiments manipulated the foreperiod; that is, the interval between a warning signal and the response stimulus. In the constant condition, foreperiod length was kept constant over a block of trials but changed from block to block. In the variable condition, foreperiod length varied randomly from trial to trial. A visual warning and response stimulus were used in Experiment 1; response force decreased with foreperiod length in the variable condition, but increased in the constant condition. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that responses are less forceful when the temporal occurrence of the response stimulus is predictable. In a second experiment with an auditory warning signal and a response stimulus, response force was less sensitive to foreperiod manipulations. The third experiment manipulated both the modality and the intensity of the response signal and employed a tactile warning signal. This experiment indicated that neither the modality nor the intensity of the response signal affects the relation between response force and foreperiod length. An extension of Näätänen’s (1971) motor-readiness model accounts for the main results.  相似文献   

In four experiments we investigated the gap effect in infants within the first 3 days of life. Reaction times (RTs) to make a saccade to a peripheral target were measured on gap trials, in which the central fixation stimulus went off 500 ms before target presentation, and on overlap trials, in which the central fixation stimulus remained on. In every experiment the fixation stimulus was a flashing light. The target stimulus was a schematic face in Experiment 1, a flashing light shown at 20° eccentricity in Experiment 2, a flashing light shown at 30° eccentricity in Experiment 3, and an upside-down schematic face in Experiment 4. In Experiments 1–3 a gap effect was found. That is, RT was faster on gap than on overlap trials. In contrast, the gap effect was absent in Experiment 4. These findings are consistent with the view that the superior colliculus plays a major role in producing the gap effect at birth.  相似文献   

Five experiments are reported examining the effect of attentional orienting on lexical decisions within visual half-fields. In Experiment 1, following baseline performance, subjects were instructed to improve performance to the right or left of the fixation point. In Experiment 2, trials were run in blocks with all items to one side of the fixation point. In Experiment 3, completely valid position indicators as to the location of the next item to be shown were presented prior to the stimulus item. In Experiment 4, to examine practice effects, no instructions or cuing were given to subjects. In Experiment 5, subjects were urged to improve performance, but with no instructions as to location. As a summary of our results, it can be stated that (a) consistent visual field differences in lexical decision performance are present, even when subjects were informed, prior to viewing, of the spatial location of the next stimulus item. (b) Lexical decision information initially input to one cerebral hemisphere is primarily processed in that hemisphere. Interhemispheric transfer of this type of language information seems to be done primarily as the end product of a cognitive process.  相似文献   

In a series of four experiments using rapid serial visual presentations of two target letters embedded in numeral distractors, with different numbers of display positions and with or without masking, we show that (1) the nonmonotonic, U-shaped attentional blink (AB) function, which occurs when all items are presented at the same display location, is eliminated in favor of a monotonic function when targets and distractors are presented randomly dispersed over four or nine adjacent positions; (2) the AB monotonicity is maintained with the spatially distributed presentation even when backward masks are used in all possible stimulus positions and when the location of the next item in sequence is predictable; and (3) the If-shaped AB is not due to position-specific forward or backward masking effects occurring at early levels of visual processing. We tentatively conclude that the U-shaped AB is primarily a function of the interruption of late visual processing produced when the item following the first target occurs at the same location. In order for the AB to severely disrupt performance, the item following the first target must be presented at the same location as the target so that it can serve both as a distractor and as a mask interrupting or interfering with subsequent visual processing.  相似文献   

In a series of four experiments using rapid serial visual presentations of two target letters embedded in numeral distractors, with different numbers of display positions and with or without masking, we show that (1) the nonmonotonic, U-shaped attentional blink (AB) function, which occurs when all items are presented at the same display location, is eliminated in favor of a monotonic function when targets and distractors are presented randomly dispersed over four or nine adjacent positions; (2) the AB monotonicity is maintained with the spatially distributed presentation even when backward masks are used in all possible stimulus positions and when the location of the next item in sequence is predictable; and (3) the U-shaped AB is not due to position-specific forward or backward masking effects occurring at early levels of visual processing. We tentatively conclude that the U-shaped AB is primarily a function of the interruption of late visual processing produced when the item following the first target occurs at the same location. In order for the AB to severely disrupt performance, the item following the first target must be presented at the same location as the target so that it can serve both as a distractor and as a mask interrupting of interfering with subsequent visual processing.  相似文献   

The effect of varying trials per day conditions on the CS-US interval or interstimulus interval (ISI) function in rabbit nictitating membrane response conditioning was studied in two experiments. Experiment 1 showed that a 1250-msec ISI was more effective than a 250-msec ISI when there was 1 trial/day. Experiment 2 showed that as the number of trials per day decreased from 20 to 1, the superiority of the 250-msec ISI group over the 1250-msec ISI group declined, with a reversal at 1 trial/day. Results are interpreted in terms of the role of a hypothesized CS-elicited short-duration orienting response in CR performance.  相似文献   

In two experiments we examined the perceived grouping of grids of equidistant dots, which are rapidly modulated over time so that alternate rows or columns are presented out of phase. In Experiment 1, we report that observers were able to group the grids consistent with the temporal modulation reliably, even at contrasts/frequencies for which flicker was not detectable. Moreover, flicker thresholds decreased with stimulus duration, whilst grouping thresholds did not change. In Experiment 2, we examined the impact of visual transients, by measuring performance when, either a mask or a contrast ramp was presented before and after the stimulus. Performance dropped substantially for both conditions, but remained significantly above chance. The results are discussed in relation to the role of temporal correlations in stimulus modulations and visual transients in grouping.  相似文献   

Conditioned lick suppression in rats was employed to examine changes in the associative status of a blocked stimulus as a function of the number of compound stimulus conditioning trials. In each of two experiments, prior tone-footshock pairings produced similar blocking of conditioned responding to the light element of a tone-light compound when either two or six compound trials were used. In experiment 1, two exposures to the light alone in a dissimilar context during the retention interval, i.e., a reminder treatment, resulted in a restoration of responding to the light which was complete and similar for animals receiving two or six compound trials. This indicated that latent acquisition with respect to the blocked stimulus was largely complete after two compound trials. Because of a potential ceiling effect for reminder-induced recovery from blocking, Experiment 2 employed an attenuated reminder (one light exposure). This reminder reversed the blocking when six, but not when two, compound trials were used. These results suggest that, after latent acquisition to the blocked stimulus is complete, the blocked stimulus continues to be processed during additional compound stimulus conditioning trials, with a consequent latent facilitation of retrieval of associations to the blocked stimulus.  相似文献   

Studies on iconic memory demonstrate that rich information from a visual scene quickly becomes unavailable with the passage of time. The decay rate of iconic memory refers to the dynamics of memory availability. The present study investigated the iconic memory decay of different stimulus attributes that comprised an object. Specifically, in Experiment 1, participants were presented with eight coloured numbers (e.g., red 4) and required to remember only one attribute, either colour or number, over different blocks of trials. The participants then reported the cued attribute in which the cue Stimulus Onset Asynchrony (SOA) from the memory array onset was varied (0, 100, 200, 300, 500, and 1000?ms). We found that numerical information became unavailable more quickly than colour information, despite the fact that the memory accuracies at 0 and 1000?ms SOAs were comparable between the two attributes. In Experiment 2, we replicated the finding that a numerical representation was lost more quickly than a colour representation when visual masks followed the target stimulus. These results suggest that the various visual attributes comprising an object are lost over time at different rates in iconic memory. We discuss this finding in relation to how perceptual representation is transferred to the capacity-limited visual working memory.  相似文献   

Pigeon subjects were used in five experiments investigating second-order conditioning with visual second-order and diffuse auditory first-order stimuli. Experiment 1 used a discriminative conditioning procedure to demonstrate reliable and substantial second-order conditioning with these stimuli. In Experiments 2 and 3, extinction of the auditory first-order stimulus after second-order conditioning had little effect upon responding to the second-order stimulus, when compared to a stimulus whose reinforcer was maintained. Experiment 4 compared directly the susceptibility of second-order responding to extinction of the first-order reinforcing stimulus as a function of the modality of that reinforcer. When a visual second-order stimulus was paired with a visual reinforcer, and the response to the latter was extinguished, then second-order responding was greatly reduced relative to control levels. In contrast, when that reinforcer was an auditory stimulus, second-order responding was not affected by the current value of the first-order stimulus after conditioning. Finally, in Experiment 5 the auditory stimulus was established as a reinforcer through discriminative-operant training. Following second-order conditioning, extinction of responding to this stimulus again had little impact upon responding to the second-order stimulus with which it had been paired. These results are discussed in terms of previous work on second-order conditioning with rat and pigeon subjects.  相似文献   

In four studies, 3-, 6-, and 9-month-old human infants were tested in a discrimination learning task in which visual fixation to a particular stimulus or lateral position was reinforced with an auditory stimulus. In Experiment 1, all age groups exhibited acquisition, extinction, and reinstatement of fixation to the reinforced target or position. Experiment 2 revealed that 3-month-olds retained the positional discrimination but not the stimulus discrimination after a 5-min delay between acquisition and extinction; older infants retained both types of discriminations. In Experiments 3 and 4 we investigated a possible developmental shift in the dominance of positional versus stimulus cues by training infants on displays in which stimulus and position were confounded and then by dissociating the cues on test trials. Results from both experiments indicated positional cue dominance for young infants and stimulus cue dominance for older infants. The findings are discussed in terms of differences in the attentional demands elicited by proprioceptive versus exteroceptive cues.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the effects of stimulus duration, retinal eccentricity, and visual noise on the processing of human faces presented to the left visual field/right hemisphere (LVF-RH) and right visual field/left hemisphere (RVF-LH). In Experiment 1 observers identified which of 10 similar male faces was presented on a screen. The single face was presented for 10, 55, or 100 ms at 1 degree, 4 degrees, or 9 degrees of visual angle to the left or right of fixation. Decreasing stimulus duration and increasing retinal eccentricity lowered face recognition. The effect of duration was the same for LVF-RH and RVF-LH trials, but the detrimental effect of increasing retinal eccentricity was larger on LVF-RH trials than on RVF-LH trials. In Experiment 2 observers indicated whether a single face from this same set was a member of a memorized set of five positive faces. The probe face on each trial was presented alone or embedded in visual noise. Visual noise increased the error rate more on LVF-RH trials than on RVF-LH trials. This effect was replicated in Experiment 3, which also required observers to make a much easier discrimination between male and female faces. In the male/female task visual noise tended to impair performance more on RVF-LH trials than on LVF-RH trials, opposite the effect for the male/male task. These results are discussed in terms of hemispheric asymmetry for global versus local features of faces, the level of feature analysis demanded by a task, and the level of feature analysis most disrupted by perceptual degradation.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we studied the temporal dynamics of the response time effects of masked visual prime stimuli, as a function of stimulus eccentricity and size. Experiment 1 factorially varied prime-target congruency, eccentricity, and mask-target stimulus onset asynchrony. Early facilitative and late inhibitory effects of congruency were observed at all eccentricities, with temporal dynamics modulated by eccentricity. To test whether this dependence on eccentricity is due to cortical magnification, Experiment 2 varied stimulus size as well. Response inhibition time courses were influenced by size and eccentricity jointly, with no discernible difference when stimuli were matched for cortical magnification. Analysis of the individual time course data revealed that the timescale of inhibition changes with the strength of the cortical representation of the prime stimulus. This imposes constraints on possible models.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of multimodal presentation and stimulus familiarity on auditory and visual processing. In Experiment 1, 10-month-olds were habituated to either an auditory stimulus, a visual stimulus, or an auditory-visual multimodal stimulus. Processing time was assessed during the habituation phase, and discrimination of auditory and visual stimuli was assessed during a subsequent testing phase. In Experiment 2, the familiarity of the auditory or visual stimulus was systematically manipulated by prefamiliarizing infants to either the auditory or visual stimulus prior to the experiment proper. With the exception of the prefamiliarized auditory condition in Experiment 2, infants in the multimodal conditions failed to increase looking when the visual component changed at test. This finding is noteworthy given that infants discriminated the same visual stimuli when presented unimodally, and there was no evidence that multimodal presentation attenuated auditory processing. Possible factors underlying these effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Two discrimination experiments were run to investigate analog versus discrete properties of a shift of visual spatial attention. Central cuing was used in Experiment 1, whereas peripheral cuing was used in Experiment 2. Presentation of a probe stimulus between fixation and the target (Distance 1), opposite fixation from the target (Distance 3), or away from an imaginary line running from the target through fixation (Distance 2) permitted a fine-grained analysis of attention at those loci across target-probe delays. D-prime analyses in both experiments suggest that attention is shifted in a discrete manner between locations. Sensitivity to probes was generally greater when the probe was aligned with the target and fixation, with Distance 3 equal to Distance 1, than when it was away (at Distance 2). Analysis of sensitivity to targets across cue-probe delays suggests that attention was directed to the probe upon its appearance.This research was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (BNS87-20421).  相似文献   

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