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This paper examines the clinical features, symptom severity, diagnostic profile, and help-seeking behaviour of a media-recruited sample of driving-fearful women. Results support previous findings of the primary foci of fear as motor vehicle accidents as well as specific driving situations and conditions. Consistent with prior research, there was difficulty relating the foci of fear to current diagnostic concepts. Social concerns were identified as having a role in driving fear for some individuals. Fearful participants exhibited high levels of fear and symptom severity according to various diagnostic and self-report measures, although most reported that they would be unlikely to seek professional psychological help or driving instruction. Assessment of cognitions indicated a range of errors likely to maintain anxiety and fear reactions that would be a target of treatment. There were no group differences in number of major recent accidents, although fearful drivers learnt to drive later than controls, suggesting early fearfulness.
Joanne E. TaylorEmail:

Fear of driving is common in clinical practice, while its treatment programs are understudied. This is the first randomized controlled trial to evaluate a newly developed protocol for cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for driving fear compared with a wait list and to use specific assessment scales. 34 participants (30 women, 4 men) in an outpatient psychotherapy clinic were randomly allocated to either 18 sessions of CBT or a wait list (n = 17 each). After treatment, CBT was significantly more efficacious than the wait list with large effect sizes on the Instrument for Fear of Driving (IFD) (Cohen’s d = 2.58) and on the Driving Cognitions Questionnaire (DCQ) (Cohen’s d = 2.14). Driving fear is a condition treatable by CBT and the suggested protocol is safe, feasible and acceptable. Further studies with larger samples and active controls (e.g., virtual reality therapy) are required to draw generalizable conclusions on effect sizes.  相似文献   

Most older adults will eventually stop driving, but few engage in planning for driving retirement. This study assessed whether driving stress, enjoyment, confidence, concerning driving events, and assessment of driving alternatives influence planning. Demographic factors were also included. Data were collected via a mailed transportation survey, with a final sample of 551 older adults who currently drive. Linear regression analyses revealed that more driving retirement planning was associated with greater driving stress, less driving confidence, and a more positive view of driving alternatives. Driving enjoyment and recent concerning driving events were not significantly related. Among the control variables, race and income were significantly related to planning, suggesting that lower income and identifying as Black race were associated with more planning. Gender only approached significance, suggesting that females may plan more than males. Overall, these findings suggest that more driving retirement planning is warranted. Some of the groups known to be at increased risk for driving reduction and cessation plan more for that eventuality than their counterparts. Implications of the study and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to investigate the mediating roles of driving skills in relationship between organizational safety strategies and driver behaviours among driving instructors. Driving skills consist of perceptual-motor skills and safety skills. Driver behaviours are investigated under four factors: violations, errors, lapses, and positive driver behaviours. Participants were 132 driving instructors (108 male and 24 female). In order to measure organizational safety strategies, Organizational Safety Strategies Scale (OSSS) was developed for driving schools. Results of the principal component analyses yielded one-factor solution for OSSS. In order to test the indirect effects of organizational safety strategies on driver behaviours through driving skills, multiple mediation analyses were conducted by entering age and annual mileage as the control variables. As organizational safety strategies were stronger, driving instructors had higher levels of perceptual-motor skills, which resulted in higher violations. On the other hand, as organizational safety strategies were stronger, driving instructors had higher levels of safety skills, which resulted in less violations and lapses. It can be inferred that; organizational stronger safety strategies might have negative influences on road safety through higher perceptual-motor skills; whereas there can be positive influences on road safety through higher safety skills. In addition, both skills are related to organizational safety strategies. Hence, driving schools should consider the asymmetric relationship between perceptual-motor skills and safety skills while improving their safety strategies to decrease violations and lapses. Organizations might also develop interventions to balance the stated skills to increase road safety.  相似文献   

Fear and avoidance of driving are possible consequences of involvement in road traffic crashes (RTCs). Few studies have assessed the factors associated with fear and avoidance of driving after an RTC. The aim of this present study is to investigate the relations among trauma appraisals of fear, negative driving cognitions, fear and avoidance of driving in a sample of people who experienced vehicle crashes. Further, the mediating role of negative driving cognitions in the relation between trauma appraisals, fear of driving and avoidance of driving was assessed. The sample was comprised of 116 drivers who had been involved in an RTC in the past two years. Negative driving cognitions positively predicted fear of driving and avoidance of driving. Moreover, negative driving cognitions mediated the relation among trauma appraisals of fear with fear of driving and avoidance of driving. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of driving demands, neuroticism, and their interaction when predicting driving behavior. More precisely, we strived to examine how driving behaviors (i.e., speeding, winding, tailgating and jerky driving) unfold across low and high driving demands and whether they are contingent on a personality factor that has previously been linked to stress reactivity. In a driving simulator, 50 participants with a valid driver’s license (56.6% female, age: M = 30.13, SD = 10.16) were exposed to driving scenarios of different levels of information processing and vehicle handling demands. Additionally, they filled-out a self-report questionnaire that measured their neuroticism. We found that driving behavior became safer in scenarios that were highly demanding in terms of information processing, while this pattern did not emerge with vehicle handling demands. Moreover, tentative support was found for the notion that individuals high in neuroticism are less able to adapt their behavior to higher information processing demands. The present study offers new insights on driving demands in a simulated driving context and points to the potential importance of exploring interactions between personality and situational factors when understanding driving behavior. Additionally, the results of the present study may be used to adapt driver’s education programs.  相似文献   

To gain new insights for driving assessment and training, this study had two objectives: (1) to investigate the relations between specific measures of older drivers’ driving ability and demographic/functional ability measures, and (2) to verify the explained variance of these relations to determine the strength of these relations. A sample of 55 older drivers (mean age 76 years) completed a set of functional ability tests as well as a driving simulator test. Results indicate that (1) each specific driving measure is related to a specific set of functional abilities, and (2) only a small proportion of the variability observed in the specific driving measures is explained by demographic variables (3–15%) and by functional abilities (7–36%). For driving assessment programs, it will be necessary to assess several functional abilities to cover the complexity of the driving task. Furthermore, an assessment program focusing solely on demographic and/or functional ability measures, will not be successful in discriminating safe from unsafe older drivers. For driving training programs, it will be necessary to focus on the right set of functional abilities given that specific driving measures are related to different functional abilities. Moreover, a training targeting functional abilities might only have marginal effects on driving ability, given the relatively low amount of driving ability variance that is explained by functional abilities.  相似文献   

PurposeThe mediating relationship of self-conceptions as a risky driver on self-reported driving violations was examined for players of “drive’em up” and “circuit” racing video games using an Internet survey of automobile and racing club members. Structural equation modelling (SEM) tested Fischer et al. (2012) extended socio-cognitive model on the effects of risk-glorifying media on cognitions and actions.MethodAn Internet questionnaire was developed and relied upon validated instruments or questions derived from previous surveys. Driver club members were asked about: (1) their frequency of video game playing, (2) self-perceptions as a risky driver and (3) self-reported driving violations. SEM was performed to examine mediating effects of racing video game playing on self-reported driving violations.ResultsPlaying “drive‘em up” video games positively predicted risky self-concept (β = .15, t = 2.26), which in turn, positively predicted driving violations (β = .73, t = 8.63), while playing “circuit racing” games did not predict risky self-concept, although risky self-concept did predict driving violations (β = .72, t = 8.67).ConclusionsSelf-concept as a risky driver mediated the relationship between racing video game playing and self-reported driving violations for “drive’em up”, but not for “circuit racing” video games. These findings are congruent with Fischer and colleagues’ experimental model that self-concept as a reckless driver mediated the relationship between racing video game playing for “drive’em up”, but not for “circuit racing” games and risk-taking behavior in a video of road traffic scenarios.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the scores obtained by an Italian sample of novice drivers/riders on an adapted version of the Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ) and the Dula Dangerous Driving Index (DDDI) with their performance in a moped-riding simulator. Cluster analysis on the indexes extracted by the simulator were used to identify two groups with opposite riding styles: Prudent riders and Imprudent riders.Using the DBQ, our data not only confirmed data in the literature indicating that females reported more driving Errors than males, and that males reported higher Intended Violation scores than females, but also showed that gender effects are modulated by riding style (as measured by the simulator) and driving exposure. Differences between males’ and females’ DBQ scores were only apparent for Imprudent riders, while the reported Errors, Slips and Lapses, and Violations were lower the higher the driving exposure.As for the DDDI, males scored higher than females for Risky Driving, and the Aggressive Driving scores were higher the greater the driving exposure, but only for Imprudent riders.These results provide crucial information for the use of DBQ and DDDI questionnaires in the Italian population. They also confirm that a multidimensional approach, supported by the use of driving simulators, may facilitate a more detailed assessment of riding abilities.  相似文献   

Depression has been found to significantly increase the probability of risky driving and involvement in traffic collisions. The majority of studies correlating depressive symptoms with driving, pursue to predict the differences in driving behavior if the driver has already been diagnosed. Little evidence can be found, however, on how mental and psychological disorders can be identified from driving data, and usually analyses utilize simple models and aggregated data. This study aims at utilizing microscopic data from a driving simulator to detect sessions belonging to “depressed” drivers by utilizing powerful machine learning classifiers. Driving simulator sessions from 11 older drivers with symptoms of depression and 65 healthy drivers were utilized towards that aim. Random Forests, an ensemble classifier, with proven efficiency among transportation applications, are then trained on highly disaggregated data describing the mean and standard deviation of speed and lateral or longitudinal acceleration of drivers in the simulator. The kinematic data were aggregated in 30-seconds, 1-minute and 5-minute intervals, but the corresponding time-series of the measurements were also taken into account. Furthermore, classifiers were treated with imbalanced learning techniques to address the scarcity of depressed drivers among the healthy. Time-series of mean speed and the standard deviation of longitudinal acceleration even with a duration of 30-seconds have proven to be the best predictors of driving sessions belonging to depressed drivers with a very low rate of false alarms. The results outperform previous approaches, and indicate that naturalistic driving data or deep learning could prove even more efficient in detecting depression.  相似文献   

The study investigates the correspondence between neuropsychological test results and on-road driving performance among 55 patients with a CT-verified brain damage or documented neurological disorder (cerebrovascular accident: 43, traumatic brain injury: 5, multiple sclerosis: 4, other: 3). 5 patients showed unimpaired test profiles and passed the on-road evaluation. 18 patients showed severe neuropsychological deficits contrary to driving and were not recommended for on-road evaluation. Of the remaining 32 patients with some neuropsychological deficits, all 100% in the minor impaired group (n = 8) passed the driving evaluation, compared to 69% in the mildly impaired (n = 16) and 38% in the moderately impaired group (n = 8). Measures of reduced visuoconstructive ability, reaction time, visual attention, and awareness of cognitive impairments, were found to discriminate between groups. It is concluded that neuropsychological assessment of targeted functions provide an ecological valid prediction of driving skill after brain damage, but that on-road evaluation is needed as supplement in cases with ambiguous test findings.  相似文献   

This research examined the development of proceduralised “driving without awareness” in a driving simulator by paying participants to drive a simulated road regularly over 12 weeks of testing. This longitudinal research paradigm is a significant departure from previous studies which have examined drivers in a conscious attentional mode using short experimental sessions or cross-sectional designs comparing expert and novice performance. During each session, participants took two “trips” on the simulated road; sometimes travelling on a “to and from” journey on one half of the road, sometimes traversing the entire road in one direction. A range of measures, including driving performance, vehicle detection, perceptual speed regulation, and hazard reactions were collected. The results showed the development of driving patterns and changes in object detection performance indicative of proceduralised driving. Speed and lane position variability quickly decreased with practice, as did participants’ subjective experiences of driving difficulty. Performance on an embedded detection task appeared to become a proceduralised part of the driving task, becoming highly efficient in later stages of the experiment. The changes in attentional focus and driving performance over time provide new light on previous research findings and allow us to critically re-examine several established models of driver behaviour.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that social anxiety and fear of bodily sensations are associated with the development of agoraphobic avoidance behavior in panic disorder patients. Twenty patients with panic disorder were compared to 20 patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia, matched by sex and duration of disorder. The two groups did not differ on measures of fear and frequency of assertive social responses. However, the agoraphobics scored higher on measures of interpersonal sensitivity, depression, feelings of inadequacy, and hostility. They also reported higher fear of bodily sensations. Although definitive conclusions need to be postponed until prospective studies have been conducted, there is evidence suggesting that the development of agoraphobia in panic patients is associated with hypersensitivity to bodily sensations and interpersonal situations.This research was supported by Grant 560-268-009 of the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research.  相似文献   

Recent conceptualisations of anxiety posit that equivocal findings related to the time-course of disengaging from threat-relevant stimuli may be attributable to individual differences in associative and rule-based processing. The current study was designed to test the hypothesis that strength of spider-fear associations would indirectly predict reported spider fear via impaired disengagement. One hundred and thirty-one undergraduate volunteer participants completed the Go/No-go Association Task, a visual search task, and self-report spider fear questionnaires. Stronger spider-fear associations were associated with reduced disengagement accuracy, whereas higher levels of reported spider fear were related to faster engagement with and disengagement from spiders. Bootstrapping multiple mediation analyses demonstrated that stronger-spider fear associations evidenced an indirect relationship with reported spider fear via reduced disengagement accuracy, highlighting the importance of fine-grained analyses of different aspects of cognitive bias. Results are discussed in terms of cognitive models of anxiety.  相似文献   

The multidimensional driving style inventory (MDSI), assessing four broad dimensions of driving styles, was originally built in Israel. In line with other previous adaptations of this instrument in different cultural contexts (such as Argentina), our research aimed to develop a valid and reliable Romanian version of the MDSI and to evaluate its external and construct validity. We conducted two studies aimed at this objective. Study 1 (n = 1237) first tested the factorial adequacy of the previous MDSI versions in our Romanian sample. Then, the culture-specific version of the MDSI that emerged from the factor analysis was examined in terms of its structure, internal consistency, item proprieties, and associations to socio-demographic variables and self-reported traffic crashes and offenses. Study 2 (n = 835) examined the associations between the driving styles assessed by this newly developed measure and several relevant personality traits: sensation seeking (both general and in traffic), desire for control, driving anger, normlessness, dutifulness and frustration discomfort. The results of the two studies support the validity and reliability of this culture-specific version of the MDSI. In comparison to the previous versions, the Romanian MDSI version addresses a supplementary driving style, concerning the violation of rules perceived as irrational in the respective situation. The reasons for the emergence of this distinct driving style in the Romanian driving context, as well as its relationships to the high traffic crashes rate in this country are discussed.  相似文献   

张亚利  李森  俞国良 《心理学报》2021,53(3):273-290
社交媒体使用与错失焦虑均是当下生活中较为常见的现象, 诸多研究探讨了两者间的内在联系, 但研究结果却存在很大差异。为明确两者之间的整体关系, 以及产生分歧的原因, 对检索后获得的65项研究(70个独立样本)使用随机效应模型进行了元分析。结果发现:社交媒体使用与错失焦虑存在显著正相关(r = 0.38, 95% CI [0.34, 0.41]); 二者的相关强度受社交媒体使用测量指标和社交媒体类型的调节, 但不受性别、年龄、错失焦虑测量工具和个体主义指数的调节。结果一定程度上澄清了大众传播的社会认知理论和数字恰到好处假说的争论, 表明社交媒体使用程度越高的人往往也会伴随着较高水平的错失焦虑。防止社交媒体过度使用, 尤其是引导大众合理使用以图像为中心并且开放度较高的社交媒体有助于错失焦虑的缓解。  相似文献   

Young drivers (aged 17–25 years) are the highest risk age group for driving crashes and are over-represented in car crash statistics in Australia. A relationship between cognitive functioning and driving in older drivers (60 years and older) has been consistently supported in previous literature, however, this relationship has been neglected in research regarding younger drivers. The role of cognitive functioning in young people’s driving was investigated both independently and within a current model of younger peoples driving performance. With young drivers as participants, driving behaviour, attitudes, personality and cognitive functioning were tested and driving performance was operationalised through two measures on a driving simulator, speeding and lane deviations. Cognitive functioning was found to contribute to driving behaviour, along with driving attitudes and personality traits, in accounting for young people’s driving performance. The young drivers who performed better on cognitive functioning tasks engaged in less speeding behaviour and less lane deviation on the driving simulator than those who performed worse on these tasks. This result was found independent of the role of driving behaviour, driving attitudes and personality traits, accounting for unique variance in driving ability.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown a relationship between attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and driving anger and adverse driving outcomes. Moreover, adults with ADHD symptoms express their emotions in more aggressive ways, indicating a lack of emotion control. The present study surveyed 246 college students to examine the relationship among ADHD symptoms, negative emotions, emotion control, and driving anger and safe driving behavior. Mediating effects of negative emotions and emotional control on the relationship between ADHD symptoms and self-reported driving anger and safe driving behavior were also examined. Both negative emotions and emotion control were significant mediators of the relationship between ADHD symptoms and driving anger, but not safe driving behavior. Mediation was stronger for ADHD-Hyperactive/Impulsive symptoms than for ADHD-Inattention symptoms. These results may provide some insight on how to design training programs for individuals with ADHD symptoms to increase driving safety.  相似文献   

Early reading and spelling development share foundational skills, yet spelling assessment is underutilized in evaluating early reading. This study extended research comparing the degree to which methods for scoring spelling skills at the end of kindergarten were associated with reading skills measured at the same time as well as at the end of first grade. Five strategies for scoring spelling responses were compared: totaling the number of words spelled correctly, totaling the number of correct letter sounds, totaling the number of correct letter sequences, using a rubric for scoring invented spellings, and calculating the Spelling Sensitivity Score (Masterson & Apel, 2010b). Students (N = 287) who were identified at kindergarten entry as at risk for reading difficulty and who had received supplemental reading intervention were administered a standardized spelling assessment in the spring of kindergarten, and measures of phonological awareness, decoding, word recognition, and reading fluency were administered concurrently and at the end of first grade. The five spelling scoring metrics were similar in their strong relations with factors summarizing reading subskills (phonological awareness, decoding, and word reading) on a concurrent basis. Furthermore, when predicting first-grade reading skills based on spring-of-kindergarten performance, spelling scores from all five metrics explained unique variance over the autoregressive effects of kindergarten word identification. The practical advantages of using a brief spelling assessment for early reading evaluation and the relative tradeoffs of each scoring metric are discussed.  相似文献   

ObjectivesSport developmental models contend that participating in different sports promotes expertise development, implying positive skill transfer between sports. This study conceptualizes and examines how specific and general transfer occur and interact between sports in the short- (skill transfer) and long-term (learning transfer). Specific transfer is predicated on the perception and utilisation of specifying information in a transfer task, while general transfer relies on non-specifying, "general" information. Furthermore, the study examined how certain conditions (affordance similarity, perceptual-motor exploration and expertise) promote the transfer process.DesignSystematic literature review.MethodsAn electronic search was performed on SPORTDiscuss, Pubmed/MEDLINE, and Scopus. Studies were included if participants performed a transfer task in a sport different to the sport they learned a skill in.ResultsA total of 17 studies of low-to-moderate quality were included. Most studies showed specificity of transfer between sports with overlapping affordances and generality of transfer between sports with no overlapping affordances (for a given skill). Only 2 studies examined how perceptual-motor exploration supported specific transfer, and 2 examined transfer for (subsequent) learning with contrasting results. Six studies indicated an expertise effect, showing higher transfer in skilled vs less-skilled athletes.ConclusionsThis review provides a conceptualization of specificity and generality of transfer, and initial evidence on how transfer emerges between sports in the short-term. It provides little information on the general-specific interaction in the short-term, and does not provide any insights on how transfer emerges in mid- and long-term. As such, no inference regarding sport developmental models can be made. The low-to-moderate quality of the studies requires caution in interpreting these findings. We encourage future research to investigate general and specific transfer longitudinally, recruiting populations with different expertise levels to further advance our current understanding.  相似文献   

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