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Psychosocial predictors of acculturative stress were examined in a sample of adult Mexican immigrants in Los Angeles. Bivariate and multivariate analyses revealed that family dysfunction, geographical separation from family, nonpositive expectations for the future, and low income levels were significantly related to elevated levels of acculturative stress. The findings suggest that family closeness, hopefulness for the future, and financial resources may provide a buffer against acculturative stressors experienced by migrating individuals. The findings highlight the importance of using culturally relevant clinical methods when assessing and treating immigrants and acculturating individuals.  相似文献   

Psychosocial stress and coping in smokers who relapse or quit   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Relapse remains a major problem in successful smoking cessation. This study evaluated selected responses and coping skills in male and female quitters and relapsers in four situational contexts: general social competence, smoking-specific "high-risk-for-relapse" situations, social anxiety, and relaxation. Results showed that quitters coped better than relapsers with intrapersonal (e.g., negative mood) smoking-specific situations. Quitters had lower heart rates than relapsers during relaxation and intrapersonal situations and had lower anxiety scores at the end of the procedures. Women showed more stress and less confidence in their ability to cope than did men. Groups did not differ in responses to the general social competence and social anxiety procedures. Results are discussed in the context of the importance of considering individual differences in responses and in coping skills for treatment and relapse prevention for smokers.  相似文献   

This study examined predictors of anxiety symptomatology among immigrant Mexican migrant farmworkers in the Midwest. Its purposes were to assess the prevalence of anxiety symptoms, to examine the relationship between acculturative stress and anxiety, and to determine the variables that best predict anxiety. Heightened levels were found for overall anxiety and in the cognitive, affective, and physiological expressions of anxiety. Elevated acculturative stress, low self-esteem, ineffective social support, lack of control and choice in living a migrant farmworker lifestyle, low religiosity, and high education were significantly related to high anxiety. Findings suggest that migrant farmworkers who experience elevated acculturative stress are susceptible to the development of anxiety-related disorders and highlight the importance of establishing prevention and treatment services for migrant farmworkers.  相似文献   

In the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development, 411 South London males have been followed up since age 8. This article investigates the ability of psychosocial risk factors measured at age 8 - 10 to predict antisocial personality measures at ages 18 and 32 and convictions between ages 21 and 40. The most important childhood predictors were a convicted parent, large family size, low intelligence or attainment, and child-rearing factors, including a young mother and a disrupted family. The accuracy of prediction of antisocial personality at age 32 on the basis of childhood risk factors measured more than 20 years before was surprising: nearly half of boys with a convicted parent at age 10 were antisocial at age 32, compared with one in six of the remainder. Over 60% of boys very high risk at age 8 - 10 became antisocial at age 32. While the present research shows how far adult antisocial and criminal behavior can be predicted in childhood, more research is needed to establish the precise causal mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

This work analyses the way in which various psychosocial risk indicators may predict mobbing. A sample of 638 workers, 168 men and 470 women, from the fruit-and-vegetable sector was evaluated. An anonymous questionnaire was administered to all employees who were present on the evaluation days in the companies comprising the study. After analysing the data obtained with the mobbing questionnaire NAQ-RE (Sáez, García-Izquierdo, and Llor, 2003) and with the psychosocial risk factors evaluation method of the INSHT (Martín and Pérez, 1997), using canonical regression, we found that several psychosocial factors such as role definition, mental workload, interest in the workers, and supervision / participation predict two types of mobbing: personal mobbing and work-performance-related mobbing.  相似文献   

Psychosocial predictors of gay men's AIDS risk-reduction behavior.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Used psychosocial variables derived from the health belief model (Rosenstock, 1974), Bandura's (1986) self-efficacy framework, and protection motivation theory (Rogers, 1984) to predict self-reported AIDS risk-reduction behaviors in a sample of 389 homosexual men who participated in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study in Los Angeles and who knew their HIV antibody status. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that self-efficacy, perceived risk, response efficacy, and prior sexual behavior accounted for approximately 70% of the variance in the total number of sexual partners and the number of anonymous partners over a 6-month interval, controlling for demographic variables, HIV antibody status, and presence of a primary partner. A logistic regression analysis showed that barriers to change predicted increased unprotected anal receptive intercourse over a 6-month interval, controlling for prior behavior. The relation of health beliefs to risk-reduction behavior was substantially different for HIV-seropositive men without primary partners than for other groups of gay men. Implications for interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the correlates of developmental psychological stress for 36 middle-aged professional men. Based on sex role convergence and role adjustment theories, two sets of predictor variables were hierarchically entered into a multiple regression equation with a third set of variables entered to control for individual stressors. Controlling for individual stressors, midlife stress outcome was found to be influenced only by role adjustment (R2=.3593). The sex role convergence cluster did not account for a significant increase in variance. Controlling for individual stressors, the best univariate predictors of stress outcome associated with the midlife transition were (a) the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship and (b) marital satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine whether psychological factors associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) identified in Western samples generalize to low Social-Economical-Status (SES) populations in an underdeveloped Asian country. The study included 113 survivors of the 2004-tsunami on the south coast of Sri Lanka, recruited from 4 preschools and 10 villages for displaced persons. With logistic regressions the relations between interview-based PTSD diagnosis and psychological factors were assessed, controlling for putative confounders. Fifteen months post-trauma the prevalence of PTSD was 52.2%. Multivariate analyses indicated that negative interpretation of tsunami-memories was significantly (P < 0.005) related to PTSD. Of the putative confounders, gender and (non-replaced) lost work equipment were related to current PTSD (P < 0.05). The results indicate that the relation between negative interpretation of trauma memories and PTSD is quite universal, suggesting that interventions focusing on this factor may be important in treatment of tsunami survivors who are suffering from chronic PTSD.  相似文献   

Remitted depressed subjects (N = 59) were followed longitudinally to determine whether dependent or self-critical persons are more vulnerable to relapse after exposure to life events that have a bearing on interpersonal or achievement concerns. Regression analyses indicated that congruency effects, as measured by the occurrence of achievement-related adversity in the lives of self-critical subjects, accounted for a significant increment in relapse variance over each variable entered singly. When data from the 2 months just before relapse were analyzed, some evidence of congruency effects in dependent subjects experiencing interpersonal-related adversity was obtained. These findings highlight the dimensional qualities of life even impact and call for greater differentiation in modeling the activation of a diathesis and precipitation of depression after life stress.  相似文献   

This investigation predicted adolescents' delay of intercourse onset from attitudes, social norms, and self-efficacy about refraining from sexual intercourse. Age, gender, ethnicity, and parental education were also examined as predictors and moderators of the relationships among the 3 psychosocial determinants and onset. The participants (N = 827), part of a cohort initially surveyed in the 9th grade, reported at baseline that they had never engaged in intercourse. The multivariable proportional hazards regression model suggested that adolescents with more positive attitudinal and normative beliefs, as well as those with a parent who graduated from college, were less likely to engage in intercourse in the follow-up period (up to approximately 2 years). Interventions that include an objective to delay onset may benefit from addressing psychosocial determinants, especially attitudes and norms about sexual intercourse.  相似文献   

This study examined how specific emotions relate to autonomic nervous and immune system parameters and whether cynical hostility moderates this relationship. Forty-one married couples participated in a 15-min discussion about a marital problem. Observers recorded spouses' emotional expressions during the discussion, and cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, and immunologic parameters were assessed throughout the laboratory session. Among men high in cynical hostility, anger displayed during the conflict was associated with greater elevations in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, cortisol, and increases in natural killer cell numbers and cytotoxicity. Among men low in cynical hostility, anger was associated with smaller increases in heart rate and natural killer cell cytotoxicity. These findings suggest that models describing the impact of stress on physiology should be refined to reflect the joint contribution of situational and dispositional variables.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study examined the within-variable stability and prospective cross-lagged pathways between body satisfaction, negative affect, self-reported intentions to engage in dietary restraint, and bulimic symptomatology among female collegiate athletes in weight-sensitive sports.DesignThis study employed a cross-lagged longitudinal design.MethodFemale collegiate gymnasts, swimmers, and divers (n = 325) completed paper-pencil survey batteries at the beginning (Time 1) and end (Time 2) of their 5-month athletic season, including measures of body satisfaction, intentions to engage in dietary restraint, negative affect, and bulimic symptomatology.ResultsFrom Time 1 to Time 2, stability coefficients were highest for intentions to engage in dietary restraint and bulimic symptomatology. Significant cross-lagged relations revealed that Time 1 body satisfaction predicted a decrease in Time 2 negative affect, Time 1 bulimic symptomatology predicted a decrease in Time 2 body satisfaction, and Time 1 negative affect predicted a decrease in Time 2 intentions to engage in dietary restraint.ConclusionsThe relative stability of intentions to engage in dietary restraint and bulimic symptomatology suggests that certain disordered eating behaviors may become more resistant to change over the course of an athletic season and solidify while competing in college. The cross-lagged associations demonstrate the importance of targeting body satisfaction, negative affect, and bulimic behaviors when designing interventions for female collegiate athletes, and implementing such programs at the beginning of an athletic season. Risk factors for bulimic symptomatology should be examined over a time period longer than one athletic season and during transitional experiences (e.g., high school to college sports).  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study started in 1965 in Crvenka (Yugoslavia), a number of psychosocial and organic variables were measured in 1353 Ss and related to the incidence of cancer, circulatory and other diseases in the subsequent 10-yr period by multivariate statistical methods. The present article reports on an attempt at differential prediction of lung cancer and cardiac infarct or apoplexy, which were selected because smoking is usually held to be a common risk factor for them. In a discriminant analysis (minimizing the overall classification error), 86–87% of the lung cancer and infarct/apoplexy cases could be predicted correctly, as well as 97% of the cases showing neither of the diseases. Some psychosocial variables like rationality and anti-emotionality or long-lasting hopelessness were about as relevant as the strongest organic predictors like level and variability of blood cholesterol.  相似文献   

Depression is a common disorder among adolescents and is associated with a high risk of suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among adolescents in the United States. Currently, there are only two evidence-based psychotherapies for adolescence depression: cognitive-behavioral therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy. Furthermore, psychosocial interventions that specifically target suicidal behavior in adolescents are even fewer in number than treatments for depression. This article will review the psychosocial interventions for depression and suicidality in adolescents and will describe a recently developed treatment that is under study for depressed suicidal adolescents.  相似文献   

This article provides a rationale for considering predictors of growth in a treatment group as inadequate to identifying predictors of treatment response. When we interpret predictors of growth in a treatment group as synonymous with predictors of treatment response, we implicitly attribute all of the treated children's growth to the treatment, an untenable assumption under most conditions. We also contend that the use of standard scores in predictors of growth studies does not allow us to differentiate growth from treatment, from growth from other factors. We present two research methodologies that are appropriate methods of identifying predictors of treatment response: (a) single-subject experimental logic utilized to identify the specific participants in which treatment responses (not just growth) were found, combined with follow-up group comparison logic to identify the characteristics on which responders and nonresponders differ, and (b) statistical interactions among child/family/context characteristics and randomly assigned group membership. Principles for selecting potential predictors of treatment response are provided.  相似文献   

The present study investigated predictors of treatment outcome and dropout in two samples of PTSD-patients with mixed traumas treated using prolonged imaginal exposure. Possible predictors were analysed in both samples separately, in order to replicate in one sample findings found in the other. The only stable finding across the two groups was that patients who showed more PTSD-symptoms at pre-treatment, showed more PTSD-symptoms at post-treatment and follow-up. Indications were found that benzodiazepine use was related to both treatment outcome and dropout, and alcohol use to dropout. Demographic variables, depression and general anxiety, personality, trauma characteristics, feelings of anger, guilt, and shame and nonspecific variables regarding therapy were not related to either treatment outcome or dropout, disconfirming generally held beliefs about these factors as contra-indications for exposure therapy. It is concluded that it is difficult to use pre-treatment variables as a powerful and reliable tool for predicting treatment outcome or dropout. Clinically seen, it is therefore argued that exclusion of PTSD-patients from prolonged exposure treatment on the basis of pre-treatment characteristics is not justified.  相似文献   

The MMPI and subscales of the Stuttering Severity scale were utilized to predict motivation and success in the behavioral treatment of 32 stutterers. Subjects spent a mean of 10 individual sessions in criterion-oriented learning of fluent speech based on speech-muscle relaxation aided by EMG visual biofeedback. Judged motivation and judged success were strongly related to each other and significantly related to MMPI K and Es scores and negatively to F and Sc. Actual success was negatively related to Sc and Pd, completely unrelated to Es, and (if anything) negatively related to K. Results are consistent with previous studies, and show that global judgements of progress were only minimally related to a measure of actual progress.  相似文献   

Development of effective treatments for patients following deliberate self-harm (self-poisoning or self-injury) is a very important element in suicide prevention. The randomized controlled trial (RCT) is the mainstay of evaluation of treatments. In a systematic review of the literature, the effectiveness of treatments based on RCTs was examined and the quality of the RCTs was assessed. Twenty trials were identified, and where possible, these were grouped on the basis of similarities among the types of treatment. In this paper, we examine the methodological aspects of the trials and consider what may be learned that will assist in the design of future studies in this field. The methodological quality of the trials was reasonable, but most trials included too few participants to detect clinically important differences in rates of repeated self-harm. In planning future trials, the following major issues should be addressed: investigators should perform power calculations to determine the number of subjects necessary to detect clinically important effects, provide information on method of randomization and interventions, use standard measures of outcome, and focus on homogeneous subgroups of patients. Improving the methodology of future studies in this field will be essential if sound evidence is to be obtained which can inform effective service provision for deliberate self-harm patients.  相似文献   

The effects of brief group psychotherapy in relapse prevention were tested. The groups focused on the clients' capacity to formulate their own treatment goals, including controlled drinking, programmed relapse, and total abstinence. Twelve months after completion of the eight-week outpatient group treatment, thirty-five clients were followed up. There appeared to be no harmful effects as a result of the treatment. Nobody in the follow-up group had a deteriorated drinking pattern as compared to pretreatment data. The follow-up results were significantly better than before treatment and also than in a comparison group of alcohol dependent patients. It seemed as if those patients who could benefit from the treatment had a shorter duration of abuse and had a later onset of uncontrolled drinking compared to those who continued with a negative drinking pattern and the dropouts. The clients assigned the positive treatment effects to course leaders' encouragement of personal decision making, increased awareness of risk situations, and improved coping skills. The group situation in itself seemed to be of special importance for this result. The degree of structure implemented by course leaders allowed a free and respectful openness to develop between group members.  相似文献   

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