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The purpose of this paper is to convey more widely the existence of this kind of specialist group in the NHS. We also wish to show some of the advantages and disadvantages in setting up such a group to other professionals who may be considering the possibility of starting an incest-survivors group. The paper describes the group which ran at the Psychiatric Day Hospital at the Whittington Hospital for forty weeks: how we adopted the group structure; some of the problems we faced; and some of the emotional issues generated in therapists and patients. Conclusions are drawn about the usefulness of such a group.  相似文献   

The interpersonal style of male partners of adult female incest survivors was investigated. Two groups of men (partners of incest survivors, n=30; and a control group, n=30) completed the Narcissistic Personality Inventory and the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire. A multivariate analysis of variance failed to support clinically-based hypotheses (a) that partners of incest survivors would exhibit a greater sense of entitlement in interpersonal relationships and (b) that a larger number of men abused in childhood would be in relationship with incest survivors than those not abused. Results point to a need for further controlled quantitative studies of the characteristics of male partners of female incest survivors. This article is based on the Master's Thesis of the first author submitted to the Graduate School of Texas Woman's University.  相似文献   

Childhood incest has been experienced by a minimum of one million American women. Because of the dynamic of secrecy in these families and society's discomfort with the issue, disclosure frequently does not take place until adulthood. A treatment modality for adult women following disclosure of a childhood incest experience has been devised. A short-term semi-structured group model has been chosen which creates an atmosphere of rapid cohesion and helps participants broaden their identity beyond that of victim. This paper reports participants' demographic and historical data as well as thematic content and group evaluative data from the first nine such groups conducted in a major health maintenance organization in the Boston area. Findings suggest that childhood incest has widespread and long-lasting effects on women's functioning, including ability to trust and form relationships, emotional functioning and self-esteem, and the ability to protect self and children from victimization. The group was felt to be extremely valuable by the majority of participants and was experienced by many as the first place they ever found safety, unconditional nurturance, and a sense of belonging. Other findings include the repetition of incest over generations, the nonresponsiveness of adults in cases where disclosure had taken place in childhood, and the importance of an empathic yet well-bounded therapist.  相似文献   

The relationship between behavioral and physiological reactivity and cardiovascular disease has been extensively researched in men, indicating that the expression of anger may be a contributory factor in the development of coronary heart disease. Few studies, however, have focused on women. Among these, women generally have been found to be less reactive to laboratory tasks than men. In the present study, 45 women aged 19–21 years were selected to represent three groups—(1) low anger/low denial, (2) high anger/low denial, and (3) low anger/high denial—based on their scores on the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory and the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale. Subjects received three conditions: (1) no feedback, (2) error feedback without observer present, and (3) error feedback with observer present. As hypothesized, women who reported a high level of denial and low anger exhibited elevated stress-related reactivity. The results are suggestive of a subgroup of highly reactive women not previously identified within the literature. The hypothesis that all groups would display greater reactivity in a condition providing error feedback with observation was not supported.This study was supported by a research grant to Carol S. Emerson from the Women's Research Institute of Virginia.  相似文献   

The present study examines the relationship between Type A behaviour and anger in a sample of managerial women. The Type A behaviour pattern is hard driving, job-devoted lifestyle which is associated with a significantly increased risk of coronary heart disease in men as in women. Anger and hostility have been reported to be critical components of the Type A behaviour pattern which contribute to coronary heart disease. This research also examines the relationship between occupational demands and job anger in managerial women. Occupational demands include demands particularly unique to women in non-traditional occupational roles such as inequity of pay, underutilization of skills, low boss support and perceived sex discrimination. State (job) and Trait Anger were also assessed as were various psychological and behavioural outcomes such as state anxiety, depression, job satisfaction, absenteeism, and “intention to turnover”. Results showed that sex discrimination was a significant occupational stressor in Type As only. Further results of a multiple regression analysis indicated tha for Type As only, sex discrimination was positively associated with job anger when social support from one's boss was low. However, with increasing support, Type As were less likely to report anger when discrimination was high. In conclusion, the results of this study have demonstrated that social support can function as a buffer against anger, thus extending the buffering hypothesis originally put forth to refer to the buffering effects of social support and anxiety.  相似文献   

In the present series of studies existing hostility and anger trait questionnaires were examined. We found them to be unsuitable for our subjects and purpose, A new questionnaire based on novel principles, the Anger Situation Questionnaire (ASQ), was developed to measure anger proneness in women. The ASQ consists of 33 vignettes or scenarios, Each vignette has three dimensions: emotional experience, intensity of emotional experience, and action readiness mode. The ASQ was administered to 146 female students. Out of this sample two extreme groups were selected of 30 subjects each: one group scoring low on self-reported anger and angry readiness, the other group scoring high on both aspects. An anger-induction paradigm was developed consisting of essentially three elements: a physically aversive situation, the performance of some frustrative tasks, as well as an unpleasantly acting female experimenter. The ASQ was validated in this paradigm: subjects scoring high on the ASQ became more angry due to these manipulations; moreover, in most of the subjects at one moment or another a state of anger was induced. © 1994 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report on two studies of anger and aggression in women. One study concerns an experimental study of anger induction in aggressive and non-aggressive sportswomen. It was found that sports choice in itself, contrary to expectation, does not predict anger arousal and aggressive behavior in the laboratory. However, at an individual level the anger proneness of the subject, as measured by a questionnaire we developed, was related to the intensity of aggressive behavior and subjectively reported anger. The second study concerns the activating effects of androgens on aggression and anger proneness. In a group of 22 female-to-male transsexuals, a battery of anger proneness and aggression questionnaires was administered twice: shortly before and 3 months after the start of androgen treatment. Administration of androgens was clearly associated with an increaese in anger proneness, although there were no changes in several aspects of overt aggressive behavior. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Incest has been documented in most civilizations and for as long as can be remembered. This article begins with a brief historical overview of incest across cultures and times. The second part includes a review of several theories that place the significance of the incest taboo in an historical continuum.  相似文献   

The Center Against Sexual Assault in Phoenix, Arizona is currently treating 50 incest offenders in its Offender Group treatment program. The average age range is 31–45 years old, and 80 percent were sexually or physically abused as children. These men have been found to be extremely self-centered, exhibit poor impulse control, and possess a strong denial of reality. The treatment program includes several intake sessions to ascertain suitability of the offender to this type of therapeutic approach and a stated self-admission of at least the possibility of incestuous involvement. The offenders work in groups, as well as individual sessions.  相似文献   

Intervention to interrupt the cycle of incest poses unique considerations for the clinician. This paper presents a multilevel intervention model making use of the family system and subystems within it to interrupt the incest cycle. The discussion provides a perspective for the clinician for intervention with such families including the use of dyads: Husband-wife, father-daughter, mother-daughter. It focuses on the central importance of strengthening the marital dyad while providing support for realignment of dysfunctional coalitions which allowed for the emergence of the incest cycle. Boundaries, collusion, the use of the therapy team, and implications for treatment are integral to the discussion.  相似文献   

Anger Management     
Many occupational therapy techniques and theories addressing anger have been incluenced by general misconceptions about anger within the field of psychology and the general public. Until occupational therapists develop a unique perspective for defining anger and understanding how anger affects one's ability to function in one's occupational roles, they will continue to depend upon other professions to provide information on addressing anger problems. Part one of this two-part series on anger management formulates a construct of normal anger pertinent to occupational therapy practice and identifies complexities and misconceptions which have obscured the nature of anger. The second article presents basic concepts of anger management and mismanagement, provides clinical applications of these concepts, and delineates how anger affects human occupation. To accomplish this purpose, the Model of Human Occupation was used as a framework for integrating information on anger from the social sciences into a perspective of anger useful for the occupational therapist.  相似文献   

Anger is a powerful emotion prevalent in therapy. An integrative model situating varied manifestations of anger within a purposive context of healing and repair following relationship trauma is needed. A first paper (Butler, Meloy-Miller, Seedall, & Dicus, 2017) approached anger as a psychological and relational construction of diffuse physiological arousal and provided a conceptual model of how the experience of offense interacts with a person's view of self in relation to other (VSIRO) in the formation of anger. Three resulting trajectories and pathways of anger were outlined. Here we provide clinical representations of these pathways—two pathways of hostile anger arising from pathogenic VSIROs (inflated, with accompanying externalizing anger, and collapsed, with accompanying internalizing anger), and a third pathway of benevolent anger, arising from a balanced VSIRO. Clinical application of the model through several vignettes illuminates its use in discriminating helpful from harmful pathways of anger and developing interventions for reshaping pathogenic anger to beneficent anger.  相似文献   


The incest victim often fears that discolure will provoke a hostile environmental response, expressed as disbelief, blame, indifference or outright hostility. This expectation contributes to the decision not to disclose, for years, or perhaps for ever.

The consequence of disclosure frequently bear out the victim's fears within the family, in society generally, within the legal process, and in health and welfare responses.

The paper examines the dynamics of this situation, with regard to the countertransference clues of which the author became aware during the intensive psychoanalytical treatment of incest victims.  相似文献   

Group therapy may be a useful treatment modality for women who have been sexually abused as children. The group described here involved patients referred to the British NHS psychiatric service. This closed time-limited group was run by male and female cotherapists. Reasons are advanced for advocating a mixed-sex cotherapy team. The progress of the group is described. Issues of selection, preparatory individual therapy, further individual therapy following the group, and stress on the therapists are discussed. It is suggested that the mode of referral influences the severity of presenting problems and the level of additional support likely to be required by group members. The participants' views concerning the most helpful components of therapy are recorded and self-report measures are considered alongside the assessments of the therapists.  相似文献   

The problem of father-daughter incest is discussed from the perspectives of the offender, mother, victim, and family. The literature is reviewed for areas of consensus and disagreement. Conclusions describe the state of the art of current knowledge and suggest areas for research and theory development.  相似文献   

Ethical Theory and Moral Practice - I argue that there is an interesting and underexplored sense in which some negative reactive attitudes such as anger are often absurd. I explore implications of...  相似文献   

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