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ABSTRACT— We tested the theory that central serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT) activity regulates aggression by modulating response to provocation. Eighty men and women (40 with and 40 without a history of aggression) were randomly assigned to receive either 40 mg of paroxetine (to acutely augment serotonergic activity) or a placebo, administered using double-blind procedures. Aggression was assessed during a competitive reaction time game with a fictitious opponent. Shocks were selected by the participant and opponent before each trial, with the loser on each trial receiving the shock set by the other player. Provocation was manipulated by having the opponent select increasingly intense shocks for the participant and eventually an ostensibly severe shock toward the end of the trials. Aggression was measured by the number of severe shocks set by the participant for the opponent. As predicted, aggressive responding after provocation was attenuated by augmentation of serotonin in individuals with a pronounced history of aggression.  相似文献   

This study examined whether differential response patterns are associated with the emotions of fear and anger as compared to neutral and physical action imagery conditions in 27 right-handed male volunteers screened for imagery ability and alexithymia. Fear, anger, neutral, and action states were significantly differentiated on the basis of autonomic measures and facial electromyographic (EMG) responses. Discriminant function analyses (DFAs) using autonomic and facial EMG measures conducted separately on data from two experimental sessions revealed 78% and 72% correct classification of fear and anger, and neutral conditions, respectively. Cross-validation of the DFA using discriminant weights of the first session to classify the second session data led to a 66.5% correct classification of the fear and anger, and neutral imagery conditions. The combined average of both sessions revealed an 84% correct classification rate. Further, when subjective ratings were added to the discriminant function as a manipulation check for the experimental procedure, a 99% correct classification rate was obtained. These data indicate that emotion-specific response patterns for fear and anger are accurately differentiable from each other and from neutral imagery conditions. The findings provide support for the cognitive-physiological network models of physiological emotion specificity.  相似文献   

Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - Numerous studies have reported substantive correlations between anger socialization, children’s anger regulation, and...  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2019,50(4):839-849
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a common and distressing or impairing preoccupation with a perceived defect in physical appearance. Individuals with BDD engage in time-consuming rituals to check, hide, or “fix” their appearance or alleviate distress. BDD is associated with substantial psychosocial impairment and high rates of depression, hospitalization, and suicidality. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is the treatment of choice for BDD, but not everyone benefits. We examined predictors of CBT-related improvement, an important topic that has received very limited investigation. Treatment was delivered in weekly individual sessions over 18–22 weeks. Results indicated that greater motivation/readiness to change (University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Questionnaire), greater treatment expectancy (Treatment Credibility/Expectancy Questionnaire), and better baseline BDD-related insight (Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale) significantly predicted better CBT response at posttreatment. Baseline BDD symptom severity and depression did not predict outcome, suggesting that even patients with more severe BDD and depressive symptoms can benefit from CBT for BDD. Efforts should be aimed at enhancing readiness to change and confidence in the treatment at treatment onset as well as addressing the poor insight that often characterizes BDD.  相似文献   

Ethical Theory and Moral Practice - A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10677-021-10225-0  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Perception of one's body is related not only to the physical appearance of the body, but also to the neural representation of the body. The brain contains many body maps that systematically differ between right- and left-handed people. In general, the cortical representations of the right arm and right hand tend to be of greater area in the left hemisphere than in the right hemisphere for right-handed people, whereas these cortical representations tend to be symmetrical across hemispheres for left-handers. We took advantage of these naturally occurring differences and examined perceived arm length in right- and left-handed people. When looking at each arm and hand individually, right-handed participants perceived their right arms and right hands to be longer than their left arms and left hands, whereas left-handed participants perceived both arms accurately. These experiments reveal a possible relationship between implicit body maps in the brain and conscious perception of the body.  相似文献   

A fairly robust finding in the deception literature is that lie-tellers show more negative emotion than truth-tellers. Ekman (1985), however, has reasoned that a specific type of negative emotion - anger - is especially difficult to feign and therefore should be more prevalent in truth-tellers who are falsely accused of a transgression than in lie-tellers who are guilty. To our knowledge, Ekman’s prediction has not yet been empirically tested. By comparing the verbal and nonverbal cues associated with truths and lies across a number of lie-eliciting situations, we demonstrate that truth-tellers accused of a wrongdoing do show more anger, both verbally and nonverbally, than lie-tellers accused of the same act, but only in situations where students choose to commit a transgression (or not) and actually believe themselves to be in trouble. Results underlie the importance of taking into consideration the type of lie being told in order to accurately predict deceptive cues.  相似文献   

Research on anger has benefited greatly from state-trait theory, and the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2; Spielberger, 1999) has been the preferred instrument for assessing the experience and expression of anger. However, anger expression may be more complex than the anger-in vs. anger-out dichotomy employed by the STAXI-2. Linden and colleagues (2003) developed the Behavioral Anger Response Questionnaire (BARQ) to measure a broader spectrum of anger expression. The present study was conducted to evaluate the validity of the BARQ by comparing it with the STAXI-2 and assessing the degree to which it might offer incremental validity beyond the STAXI-2 in predicting emotional and cognitive responses to provocation. Findings supported the incremental validity of the BARQ and confirmed most predicted relationships with the STAXI-2. However, additional research is needed to clarify the meaning of one subscale.  相似文献   

Research on anger has benefited greatly from state-trait theory, and the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2; Spielberger, 1999) has been the preferred instrument for assessing the experience and expression of anger. However, anger expression may be more complex than the anger-in vs. anger-out dichotomy employed by the STAXI-2. Linden and colleagues (2003) developed the Behavioral Anger Response Questionnaire (BARQ) to measure a broader spectrum of anger expression. The present study was conducted to evaluate the validity of the BARQ by comparing it with the STAXI-2 and assessing the degree to which it might offer incremental validity beyond the STAXI-2 in predicting emotional and cognitive responses to provocation. Findings supported the incremental validity of the BARQ and confirmed most predicted relationships with the STAXI-2. However, additional research is needed to clarify the meaning of one subscale.  相似文献   

Frédérique de Vignemont argues on the basis of several empirical counterexamples that Bain and Klein are wrong about the relationship between pain and bodily care. I argue that the force of the putative counterexamples is weak. Properly understood, the association between pain and care is preserved in a way that is consistent with both de Vignemont's own views and the empirical facts.  相似文献   

从辩证法的观点看,欲使疗效最大化,不仅要考虑外在治疗自身对疾病的作用,还要考虑人体对治疗的反应性,两者兼顾,不得偏颇,但目前缺乏改变人体对治疗反应性的手段;中医脾主运化,具有运化食(药)物的功能,“主管”着药物在体内的命运,提示通过中医健脾,极有可能改变人体对治疗的反应性,从而提升临床疗效;通过对糖尿病、高血压、高血脂、缺钙、皮肤病等疾病的研究与观察,证实健脾确实可以改变人体对治疗的反应性,提高临床疗效;以健脾改变人体对治疗的反应性具有重大临床意义,值得今后进一步研究.  相似文献   

The common, everyday understanding of anger is problematic in a number of respects—in its inattention to the prototypic nature of this emotional state; in its failure to recognize the important role often played by the critical event's aversiveness; and in its neglect of the frequently close connection between anger arousal and aggression‐related motor impulses. This article discusses all of these matters from the point of view of my cognitive‐neoassociation perspective [Berkowitz, 1990, 1993, 2010; Berkowitz and Harmon‐Jones, 2004]. The role of automatic, nonconscious reactions is considered, and it is also emphasized that angry feelings are linked to approach motivation—movement toward the perceived source of the anger. The article also briefly summarizes relevant research dealing with the self‐regulation of anger reactions. This broad review hopefully will prompt further inquiries into the arousal, nature, and operation of anger. Aggr. Behav. 38:322‐333, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

认知固执(Perseverative Cognition, PC)是一种重复或长期的消极认知表征,既能够使用量表测量,也可以通过实验诱发。认知固执会导致持续应激反应,进而影响个体的身心健康。其导致持续应激反应的认知机制体现在个体难以识别安全信号,高认知固执个体会表现出低心率变异性的显著特征;在脑机制方面主要表现为前额叶的抑制控制功能失调、杏仁核与前扣带回的病理性改变以及前额叶-杏仁核的连接减弱。未来研究应深入探讨认知固执的影响因素以及干预措施,同时需要进一步分析内隐认知固执的测量方式及其对个体的影响。  相似文献   

In this essay I take issue with Derek Parfit's reductionist account of personal identity.Parfit is concerned to respond to what he sees as flaws in the conception of the role of 'person' in self-interest theories. He attempts to show that the notion of a person as something over and above a totality of mental and physical states and events (in his words, a 'further fact'), is empty, and so, our ethical concerns must be based on something other than this. My objections centre around the claim that Parfit employs an impoverished conception of 'life'. Parfit misconceives the connection between 'I' and one's body, and, so, despite his rejection of a metaphysical conception of 'self', remains within the logic of Cartesianism. What Parfit and other reductionists call an 'impersonal' perspective, I shall call the third-person perspective: a perspective which one in general may take. Against Parfit I shall offer a more complex conception of 'self' through the concept of 'bodily perspective'. I emphasize the irreducible ambiguities of human embodiment in order to show the presuppositions and the limitations of Parfit's view. Of interest is the conception of time and the model of continuity that is appropriate to an embodied subject's life. I employ Paul Ricoeur's concept of 'human time' to argue that the reflective character of human experience demands a model of temporality and continuity that differs significantly from the one Parfit employs.  相似文献   

反应抑制是指抑制不符合当前需要的或不恰当行为反应的能力, 也是执行控制加工的重要成分。解释反应抑制的心理加工模型有两种: 反应与抑制相互独立的赛马模型和交互作用的赛马模型。近年来对反应抑制神经机制的研究表明: 额叶-基底神经节系统内的超直接通路和间接通路可能共同负责对优势反应的抑制, 而额下回、辅助运动区/辅助运动前区和前部扣带回皮层等脑区可能是抑制控制的关键脑区; 反应抑制与反应选择、工作记忆和注意的神经加工之间存在密切联系, 它们的激活脑区既相互重叠, 又相互区别; 右背外侧前额皮层的激活可能反映与抑制任务相关的注意和工作记忆的加工。未来的研究需要将脑损伤、神经功能成像和经颅磁刺激等多种技术结合起来, 进一步阐明上述脑区在反应抑制中的相互作用机制。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of anger assessment in classifying self-report of aggressive behavior was examined using a sample of normal college students. Paper-and-pencil measures of anger (Novaco Anger Inventory and Spielberger's Trait Anger scale) were not effective in accurately classifying subjects high and low in self-report of aggressive behavior. Explanations of this finding were discussed.  相似文献   

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