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The effects of delayed auditory feedback (DAF) on the performance of simple speech and keytapping tasks were compared. In the first experiment, each of the fourteen young adult subjects was asked to repeat the speech sound “b” in groups of three sounds. The subject heard his undelayed speech sounds through earphones. Under the delay condition, the speech sounds were delayed 244 millisec. before being returned to the subject's earphones. In the second experiment, each of the same subjects was asked to tap on a key in groups of three taps. The subjects heard an undelayed click through earphones each time they tapped on the key. Under the delay condition, the clicks were delayed 244 millisec. before being returned to the earphones. Graphic recordings were made of the time and intensity characteristics of tapping under both conditions.

The changes which occurred in speech and keytapping under DAF were qualitatively the same and consisted of increases in intensity and unit-to-unit time of both taps and speech sounds. When performing under DAF, the subjects also exhibited a tendency to repeat more sounds or to tap more times than had been requested. The percentage of change in intensity and time characteristics for speech and keytapping performances which occurred under DAF were not significantly different for the two motor systems. The amount of change in speech performance under DAF did not correlate significantly with the amount of change in keytapping performance.  相似文献   

Data collected from a delayed auditory feedback (DAF) study conducted by F. Boller, P. B. Vrtunski, Y. Kim, and J. L. Mack (1978, Cortex, 14, 212–226) were reanalyzed to determine if speech quality measures which were significantly affected during DAF could be operationalized and to ascertain which type of errors are responsible for the judgement. A second goal of this study was to determine if Conduction aphasics were relatively spared under conditions of DAF, as has been shown in previous studies. Twenty aphasic patients and ten controls were presented with several speech production tasks under two delay conditions and two simultaneous feedback conditions. Results indicated that only the category of vowel length produced a significant number of errors, suggesting that DAF affects articulatory implementation. Conduction aphasics showed the least effect of all the groups. These results support Wernicke's and Geschwind's model, in which Conduction aphasics have a disconnection between the sensory and motor images of words. In contrast, Broca's aphasics were the most affected group under DAF, suggesting that a major component of their disorder is phonetic in nature.  相似文献   

Twelve polyglot students of simultaneous interpretation and 12 controls (students of the faculty of Medicine) were submitted to a task of verbal fluency under amplified normal auditory feedback (NAF) and under three delayed auditory feedback (DAF) conditions with three different delay intervals (150, 200, and 250 msec). The control group showed a significant reduction in verbal fluency and a significant increase in the number of mistakes in all three DAF conditions. The interpreters′ group, however, did not show any significant speech disruption neither in the subjects′ mother tongue (L1) nor in their second language (L2) across ah DAF conditions. Interpreters′ general high verbal fluency along with their ability to pay less attention to their own verbal output make them more resistant to the interfering effects of DAF on speech.  相似文献   

Gesture–speech synchrony re‐stabilizes when hand movement or speech is disrupted by a delayed feedback manipulation, suggesting strong bidirectional coupling between gesture and speech. Yet it has also been argued from case studies in perceptual–motor pathology that hand gestures are a special kind of action that does not require closed‐loop re‐afferent feedback to maintain synchrony with speech. In the current pre‐registered within‐subject study, we used motion tracking to conceptually replicate McNeill's ( 1992 ) classic study on gesture–speech synchrony under normal and 150 ms delayed auditory feedback of speech conditions (NO DAF vs. DAF). Consistent with, and extending McNeill's original results, we obtain evidence that (a) gesture‐speech synchrony is more stable under DAF versus NO DAF (i.e., increased coupling effect), (b) that gesture and speech variably entrain to the external auditory delay as indicated by a consistent shift in gesture‐speech synchrony offsets (i.e., entrainment effect), and (c) that the coupling effect and the entrainment effect are co‐dependent. We suggest, therefore, that gesture–speech synchrony provides a way for the cognitive system to stabilize rhythmic activity under interfering conditions.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the language familiarity hypothesis formulated by Mackay [(1970). How does language familiarity influence stuttering under delayed auditory feedback? Perceptual and Motor Skills, 30, 655-669] that bilinguals speak faster and stutter less under delayed auditory feedback (DAF) when speaking their more familiar language than a less familiar language. Thirty normally fluent native speakers of Dutch (17 males and 13 females, aged between 18;1 and 26;4 years) who were also proficient in French and English read meaningful and nonsense text under DAF in their mother tongue and in the two later acquired languages. The existence of a language familiarity effect was confirmed. The participants required significantly more time and showed significantly more speech disruptions under DAF in the later acquired languages than in the mother tongue, and reading time and number of speech disruptions was significantly higher for the nonsense texts than for the meaningful text for each of the three languages. An additional question addressed was whether or not there were any gender differences in the susceptibility to DAF. Results did not reveal a clear gender difference. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The reader will be able to: (1) summarize the importance of language familiarity for the degree of speech disruption experienced by normally fluent multilingual speakers under delayed auditory feedback; and (2) describe gender differences in the susceptibility to delayed auditory feedback.  相似文献   

Three groups of Ss read a five-paragraph story. One group read the middle paragraph under conditions of .2-second DAF. The other two groups functioned as control groups. Both an immediate and a delayed oral recall were obtained. The usual changes in reading rate were observed. Immediate memory for the material presented under DAF was severely impaired. Delayed retention showed a marked relative increase, but not enough of an absolute increase to eliminate the significant difference between the experimental and the control groups.  相似文献   

We report neurological information and experimental data regarding acquired neurogenic stuttering in a 57-year-old male following ischemic lesion to the orbital surface of the right frontal lobe and the pons. The experimental data consist of stuttering frequency measures under various conditions that are well known to enhance fluency in most individuals with developmental stuttering. Specifically, we report data for adaptation, unison reading, delayed auditory feedback (DAF), and frequency altered feedback (FAF). This work is the first published report of such a comprehensive examination of a variety of fluency-enhancing conditions in acquired stuttering. The patient read six 200-word texts under different conditions: Six solo readings (Text 1), five unison readings followed by five solo readings (Text 2), five readings with non-altered auditory feedback (Text 3), five readings with 50 ms delayed auditory feedback (Text 4), five readings with increased FAF (Text 5), and five readings with decreased FAF (Text 6). Results indicate that, unlike the typical situation for developmental stuttering, this individual with acquired neurogenic stuttering did not show increased fluency during an adaptation paradigm or under unison, DAF, and FAF conditions. We discuss possible implications of these findings and emphasize the need for further research on acquired neurogenic stuttering.  相似文献   

Fifteen undergraduate students recorded a standard reading passage under simultaneous auditory feedback (SAF) and delayed auditory feedback (DAF, 210 ms). These pairs were rated for articulation and fluency differences, reading rate differences, pitch differences, loudness differences, and overall differences in quality of speech by the fifteen speakers and by ten peer judges. Results suggest that naive speakers under DAF form a self-impression of the effects of DAF upon their speech that is not different from the qualitative ratings of independent peer judges. The hypothesis that there was no overall difference between self and peer ratings was not rejected. Implications for the use of DAF as a research or treatment modality, or as both, are discussed.  相似文献   

This experiment investigates an apparent discrepancy in experimental measurements of the effect of texture predictability upon reading disruption under delayed auditory feedback (DAF). By measuring relative DAF decrement in three different ways, it is shown that the previous findings can be related; Fillenbaum's hypothesis of increased disruption by DAF with an increase in predictability of the material is rejected, less disruption being obtained after practice on a particular passage. Almost identical ratios of DAF rate divided by normal rate are found irrespective of the type of reading material and stage in practice. This has not been reported previously and suggests that behaviour under DAF may be related to behaviour under normal conditions by a multiplicative constant. These results are also consistent with the notion of limited channel capacity and the partitioning of attention between two sources of information.  相似文献   

A study is reported in which the acuity of azimuth and elevation discrimination under monaural listening conditions was measured. Six subjects localised a sound source (white noise through a speaker) which varied in position over a range of elevations (-40 degrees to +40 degrees) and azimuths (0 degrees to 180 degrees), at 10 degrees intervals, on the left side of the head. Monaural listening conditions were established by the fitting of an ear defender and one earmuff to the right ear. The absolute and algebraic, azimuth and elevation errors were measured for all subjects at each position of the source. The results indicate that all subjects suffered a marked reduction of azimuth acuity under monaural conditions, although a coarse capacity to discriminate azimuth still remained. Considerable between-subject variability was observed. Front/back discrimination was retained, although it was slightly impaired compared to that observed under normal listening conditions. Elevation discrimination was, on the whole, quite good under monaural conditions. However, a comparison of the performance of these subjects under monaural conditions with that observed under normal listening conditions indicated that some reduction in elevation localisation acuity occurred in the frontal quadrants in the median plane and in the upper quadrants of more lateral source positions. The reduction in acuity seen in these regions is attributed to the loss of information from the pinna of the occluded ear rather than to the observed reduction in azimuth error. The results provide partial support for the binaural pinna disparity model.  相似文献   

The effect of gender on the N1-P2 auditory complex was examined while listening and speaking with altered auditory feedback. Fifteen normal hearing adult males and 15 females participated. N1-P2 components were evoked while listening to self-produced nonaltered and frequency shifted /a/ tokens and during production of /a/ tokens during nonaltered auditory feedback (NAF), frequency altered feedback (FAF), and delayed auditory feedback (DAF; 50 and 200 ms). During speech production, females exhibited earlier N1 latencies during 50 ms DAF and earlier P2 latencies during 50 ms DAF and FAF. There were no significant differences in N1-P2 amplitudes across all conditions. Comparing listening to active speaking, N1 and P2 latencies were earlier among females, with speaking, and under NAF. N1-P2 amplitudes were significantly reduced during speech production. These findings are consistent with the notions that speech production suppresses auditory cortex responsiveness and males and females process altered auditory feedback differently while speaking.  相似文献   

The separate and combined effects of galvanic skin response biofeedback low wave amplitude self regulation (GSR LW) and amplified delayed auditory feedback (DAF) upon stuttering dysfluency are examined. Two college age male stutterers who were seen on an intensive longitudinal basis were the subjects in this study.Results suggest that GSR LW, when it is accomplished, functions to moderately but significantly reduce stuttering dysfluency compared to no GSR biofeedback. This effect does not noticeably dissipate over time. There occurred a marked and sustained reduction in stuttering dysfluency under DAF compared to no DAF conditions. Without separating accomplished and not accomplished GSR LW, there occurred slightly but not statistically significantly fewer blocks under the combined DAF-GSR LW condition than under DAF alone. Nevertheless, it does seem likely, considering these findings overall, that when GSR LW is accomplished, the fluency facilitating effect of its simultaneous combination with DAF is additive i.e., greater than either alone. Possible theoretical and therapeutic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The 'audio-phonatoric coupling' (APC) was investigated in two independent experiments. Slightly delayed auditory feedback (delay time 40 ms) of the subjects' own speech was used as experimental method. The first experiment was conducted to examine whether the strength of the APC depends on the speech rate. In this experiment 16 male Subjects (Ss) were required to utter the testword/tatatas/either with stress placing on the first or second syllable at two different speech rates (fast and slow). In 16% of the randomly chosen speech trials, the delayed auditory feedback (DAF; 40 ms delay) was introduced. It could be shown that the stressed phonation was significantly lengthened under the DAF condition. This lengthening was greater when Ss spoke slowly. The unstressed phonations were not influenced by the DAF condition. The second experiment was conducted to examine whether or not speech intensity effects APC. Nine male Ss were required to utter the testword/tatatas/either with stress placing on the first or second syllable using three different speech intensities (30 dB, 50 dB and 70 dB). In 16% of the randomly chosen speech trials DAF condition was introduced. It could be shown that speech intensity does not influence the DAF effect (lengthening of stressed phonation). These findings were taken as evidence that the auditory feedback of the subjects' own speech can be incorporated into speech control during ongoing speech. Obviously, this feedback information is efficient only during the production of stressed syllables, and varies as a function of speech rate. In addition, the significance of stressed syllables for the structuring of speech is discussed.  相似文献   

Directional responses to sounds in young gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three experiments were conducted to determine the ability of infant gerbils to approach an auditory stimulus. In the first experiment, gerbil pups, 16-23 days of age, were tested in a circular apparatus with a central start area and a movable sound source located at one of eight positions around the perimeter. Stimuli included high- and low-intensity presentations of a tape-recorded gerbil social call, a broad-band white noise stimulus, and a no-stimulus control condition. The subjects showed a strong tendency to approach the low-intensity social call and a less pronounced tendency to approach the white noise. In the second experiment, gerbil pups were tested in the same apparatus with or without ear blocks to determine the role of binaural cues in directional approach responding. The tendency to approach a low-intensity vocalization was disrupted by obstruction of one ear but not by blocking both ears. Thus, binaural balance was shown to be important for early sound localization. In the third experiment, the tendency to approach a social call was compared at different ages, 12-15, 16-19, 20-23, and 24-27 days after birth. Approach responses were first seen at 16-19 days. The responses continued during the 20-23-day period but began to wane at 24-27 days of age.  相似文献   

Subjects were trained to tap a key continuously at a specific rate, and with a specific amount of pressure (regularity task). Performance of this task was studied under conditions of: (a) decreased auditory feedback (masking noise through earphones), (b) decreased visual feedback (tapping hand screened from view), (c) vibration (vibrators applied to forearm in order to “mask” proprioceptive feedback), (d) digital block of tapping finger, and (e) combination of all four conditions. Significant changes in rate and intensity of tapping resulted under conditions of decreased auditory feedback, vibration, and the combined condition.

In the second part of the study, the effects of different delayed sensory events on keytapping were examined. The five conditions of delayed sensory feedback were: (a) delayed auditory feedback, (b) delayed visual feedback, (c) delayed tactile feedback, (d) the first three delayed sensory events presented simultaneously, and (e) condition (d) repeated with digital block of the tapping finger.

The conditions of delayed sensory feedback did not markedly alter performance of the regularity task. The same conditions of delayed sensory feedback did, however, produce highly significant changes in the performance of a more complex pattern task. All of these delay conditions produced parallel changes in the pattern task, namely increased intensity and decreased rate of tapping. The fact that the pattern task is more disturbed by delayed sensory feedback than the regularity task suggests that temporal complexity of the task is one determinant of the degree to which it will be disturbed by a delay in sensory feedback.  相似文献   

The main question in this study was whether Ss stuiter less under DAF when speaking with an accent such as a nasal twang. The hypothesis was verified: A group of 21 Ss stuttered less under DAF when speaking with a nasal accent than when speaking normally. This effect was shown to be due to: (1) The change in the acoustic output as a result of speaking with the accent. A passively produced distortion of the returning feedback (after Held, 1961), which was similar to the actively articulated nasal accent, also caused the Ss to stutter less than normally. (2) Paying less attention to the disruptive feedback. The Ss were shown to pay less attention to nasal feedback, probably because producing a nasal accent requires greater attention to articulation. These results were not due to a reduction in the intelligibility of the nasal feedback, which was just as intelligible as the S’s normal voice, even in noise. The significance of these findings for general theories of DAF and pathological stuttering were discussed.  相似文献   

The binaural auditory system exhibits certain advantages over the monaural system when detecting a tonal signal in a background of masking noise. These advantages have been described in detail and are referred to as masking-level differences, or MLDs. It has been demonstrated, for example, that performance in detecting a tonal signal that has been reversed in phase at one ear relative to the other ear is about 15–17 dB better than detection of the same signal in-phase at the two ears when masked by moderately intense masking noise that is in-phase at the two ears. The explanations for this phenomenon fall into two general categories, and both types of explanations are based upon the interaction of the tonal signal and masker when they are added together. In the present paper, data are presented which indicate that an MLD of at least 4–5 dB can be obtained in a binaural masking experiment in which the offset of the tonal signal precedes the onset of the noise masker.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of various feedback conditions on performance by 12 Ss on an electronic organ. Playing time scores showed complete absence of auditory feedback to have little or no detrimental effect; in fact, some Ss played fastest under this condition. Delayed auditory feedback (DAF), as expected, caused considerable performance decrement when compared with immediate auditory feedback (IAF). Extraneous prerecorded input as a distractor in the absence of auditory feedback ranked between mixed DAF-with-IAF, and pure DAF, which showed the greatest disruption. The possible role of auditory imagery in musical performance was discussed, together with four components which perhaps contribute to the standard DAF effect: distraction, error repetition, conflict with expectancies and auditory imagery, and presentation of two competing and conflicting signals (IAF and DAF).  相似文献   

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