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The causes cited by 218 participants for the hypothetical positive and negative life events on the Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ) and the dimensional ratings of the causes were examined to determine the match between the dimensional and categorical definitions of attributional style. Optimists (n = 105) and pessimists (n = 113) used different types of causes to explain the negative ASQ events, but not the positive events. However, optimists' and pessimists' causal explanations shared a number of features. The findings suggest that attributional styles depend, in part, on the event being explained and demonstrate that the ASQ events elicit specific types of causes.  相似文献   

This article addresses the relationships between the dimensions of religiosity and positive appraisal of caregiving among African American, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic Caucasian family caregivers for older adults. Data analysis of 69 subjects revealed a negative correlation between non-organizational religiosity and positive appraisal of care among African American caregivers and a positive correlation between organizational religiosity and positive appraisal of care among Hispanic caregivers. Findings from this analysis challenges the overall assumption that religiosity increases positive appraisal of caregiving. Rather, the nature and outcomes of family caregiving are different for various ethnic groups.  相似文献   

In a discussion of the constitutive role of colour in our visual perceptual experiences, Wilhelm Schapp centrally argues that we cannot visually perceive certain distant things, like a house seen far down in the valley. My main contention is that, in cases relevantly similar to Schapp’s, we do perceptually experience distant things, viz., as drastically “decayed” things, which are part of distant scenes. In doing so, we adopt towards them a kind of conservative “attitude.” The ideas of decay and scenicness will be unpacked in terms of the Husserlian ideas of fulfilment, and fulfilment conditions, capturing the idea that we perceptually experience objects in terms of anticipated possibilities for further experiences of these objects. These ideas will also be considered in relation to Herbert Leyendecker’s notion of an attitude, e.g. of observing, searching for, or working with objects.  相似文献   

The present study examines more closely the findings and recommendations presented recently by Austin and Murray (1993) regarding the personality characteristics of outplaced executives. The analysis of a much larger national sample that does not exclude females shows that the previously reported findings may not be representative of the population of outplaced executives and that important gender differences also are present. Finally, the suggestion that counselors should help individuals change their negative predispositions is questioned. It is recommended here that personality differences between employed and outplaced executives may have more important implications for organizational practices and counseling pertaining to person-job fit  相似文献   

Couple collusion is the term used to describe a group of defenses that some spouses use to protect their respective selves and to preserve dyadic equilibrium. Collusive defenses can take a variety of forms, such as conscious agreements, non-verbalized pacts, and unconscious contracts. In this article, the author describes two unconscious collusive defenses: (a) acting out and (b) monitoring and restraining. He offers some suggestions for dealing with these defensive systems in two case studies.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether musical training and bilingualism are associated with enhancements in specific components of executive function, namely, task switching and dual‐task performance. Participants (n = 153) belonging to one of four groups (monolingual musician, bilingual musician, bilingual non‐musician, or monolingual non‐musician) were matched on age and socioeconomic status and administered task switching and dual‐task paradigms. Results demonstrated reduced global and local switch costs in musicians compared with non‐musicians, suggesting that musical training can contribute to increased efficiency in the ability to shift flexibly between mental sets. On dual‐task performance, musicians also outperformed non‐musicians. There was neither a cognitive advantage for bilinguals relative to monolinguals, nor an interaction between music and language to suggest additive effects of both types of experience. These findings demonstrate that long‐term musical training is associated with improvements in task switching and dual‐task performance.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - The central aim of this research was to examine the mediating role of bonding social capital and affective commitment in the life satisfaction – job...  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of situational (the feedback seeking context) and individual (public self-consciousness and self-esteem) determinants on the feedback seeking process (cf. Ashford & Northcraft, 1992; Northcraft & Ashford, 1990). A model was developed based on past research and theory (Ashford & Cummings, 1983; Larson, 1989; Morrison & Bies, 1991) which attempts to explicate how both situational and individual variables fit into this complicated process. Multiple measures of the seeking process were used to further our understanding in this area. Individuals′ intent to seek feedback, feedback seeking frequency, and the tendency to reconsider and modify their initial intentions were measured behaviorally over time. The importance of each of these variables was empirically demonstrated through the use of a computerized scheduling task on which individuals had the opportunity to request feedback. The results provide new insight into the feedback seeking process and have widespread organizational implications. Some new directions for feedback seeking research are also suggested.  相似文献   

A Closer Look at the Role of Applicant Age in Selection Decisions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Participants evaluated hypothetical applicants recruited from a younger (university students) or older (American Association of Retired Persons) population for 2 young-typed jobs, one more strongly young-typed than the other. Participants were given applicant information, including age and personal characteristics, that varied in the extent to which it was consistent with raters' job stereotypes. Results indicated that younger applicants were evaluated more favorably than older applicants. However, an Applicant Age × Job interaction effect indicated that the older applicant was evaluated less favorably for the more strongly compared with the less strongly young-typed job. In addition. applicants whose personal characteristics (other than age) were more consistent with raters' job stereotypes were evaluated more favorably than applicants whose characteristics were less consistent. Results also indicated that applicant age and personal characteristics interacted to influence applicant evaluations. The implications of these and other study results are discussed.  相似文献   

In intertemporal choice research, choice tasks (i.e., choosing between $80 today and $100 in a year) are often used to elicit a discount rate. The discount rate derived from a choice task, however, is largely restricted by the granularities and ranges of the questions asked. We examined this restriction in three popular discount rate measurements using simulations and experiments, and we propose an alternative procedure (Three‐option Adaptive Discount rate measure (ToAD)), which is capable of measuring a wide range of discount rates (from approximately .035% to 350 000% annual percentage rate) with high precision using 10 questions, in under a minute. ToAD can be easily implemented in online surveys (i.e., Qualtrics). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Implicit social pressure, applied via exposure to eyespots in nonpartisan, direct‐mail blandishments to vote, has been shown using randomized field experiments to raise turnout in elections. Similar eyespot effects have been observed across a wide range of prosocial behaviors. A series of recent replications conducted by Matland and Murray (2015) have failed to consistently produce statistically significant eyespot effects on voter turnout, however, leading the authors to conclude the effects observed in previous research were likely illusory. In this article, I rebut this claim, arguing that an alternative, more circumspect interpretation of the authors’ key results points to a different conclusion that supports the notion that eyespots likely stimulate voting, especially when taken together with previous findings.  相似文献   

初中数学学习中教师归因与学生自我归因的比较研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
徐速  朱燕 《心理科学》2001,24(1):35-38
本文研究了初中数学学习中教师的信念与归因.学生自我的信念与归因以及师生归因的比较,得出如下几点结论:(1)在教师和学生的信念中男生在数学学习中更占优势。但在归因领域里却没有发现显著的性别差异。(2)对最好的学生,教师倾向于努力归因;对最差的学生,教师倾向于基础归囚。(3)最好的学生自我归因时倾向于基础和方法归因,最差的学生倾向于努力和方法归因。(4)师生归因维度上的一般趋势:造成数学学习成功的原因比较稳定、内源、可控;造成数学学习失败的原因也倾向于内源,但比较不稳定,不可控。(5)师生特定归因中的差异广泛存在,建议采取相应的教育对策。  相似文献   

Objectification Theory (Frederickson & Roberts, 1997) states that women’s bodies are viewed as objects to be evaluated and this societal objectification may lead to self-objectification when women view their own bodies as objects. The current study theorized that empowerment is an important factor in reducing self-objectification. Although empowerment is a central tenet of feminist theory, this study is the first to examine the relationship between empowerment, feminism, and body image and eating disturbance. Participants were 276 women from the southeastern USA. Results demonstrated that empowerment was more predictive of body image and eating disturbance than was feminism. Development of a validated empowerment scale specific to body image and eating disturbance may be useful for future research, prevention, and treatment efforts.  相似文献   

Previous work on constructive competition has focused on competitors' motives and strategies; however, competition is an interactive process that is affected by both the competitor and the rival. Based on the competitive dynamics perspective and attribution theory, this study examines the impact of a perceived rival's motives on the constructiveness of competition. The results of a survey of 521 employees from 25 companies in the banking and insurance industry in Taiwan revealed that the perceptions of rivals' motives significantly affected the constructiveness of competition. By introducing the perspective of rival analysis to individual‐level competition, the present study provides a more comprehensive understanding of constructive competition within organizations.  相似文献   

Anthropomorphism is a topic that has attracted much attention from both medieval Muslim theologians and modern Western scholars. By examining the development of the medieval Muslim Rationalist-Traditionalist discourse surrounding this issue, and Western academic discussions of that discourse, I shall attempt to explain why the issue of anthropomorphism has repeatedly dominated discussions on Islamic theology. I will also attempt to show how various associations made with Muslim Rationalism and Traditionalism have influenced Western perceptions of these movements.  相似文献   

本研究以归因理论为依据,采用自编的中小学生欺负者归因量表对3-9年级学生施测,以考察中小学生欺负者归因的基本特点。结果发现:(1)中小学生较多地从IUC上知觉欺负者的欺负行为,较少从ESU上知觉该行为;(2)在ISC、ISU、IUC、EUC、EUU这五个原因上存在性别差异;(3)除ESU外的七项原因的知觉上存在组别差异;(4)对八项原因的知觉上均存在显著性年级差异;(5)独生子女因素对欺负者归因不存在显著性影响。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the neo-liberal work of schooling includes a focus on producing subjectivities with a high level of well-being. This is done by drawing on evidence based therapeutic techniques that are adjusted to a school setting. These are termed ‘therapeutic socio-educational technologies. It is argued that these practices adhere to the neo-liberal logic of increased competition, standardization and testing, focusing on the individual child. There are a number of problems connected to these well-being enhancing technologies. These include the risk of producing passive and submissive subjectivities, that are understood as needing therapy by default; pathologizing the discomfort and struggles that are an inherent part of learning; the fragmentation of the child, focusing directly on the child rather than on the content matter at hand; producing an overly mechanic and technified pedagogy, focusing on output, as well as laying claim to much control in a risk-filled relational endeavor.  相似文献   

刘松博  李育辉 《心理学报》2014,46(6):852-863
员工跨界行为正在成为团队领域的热点课题, 但目前为止尚缺乏在中国情境下关于员工跨界行为作用机制的系统研究。本研究通过对来自61个团队的领导及其292名员工的两波纵向数据进行跨层分析, 将文化和社会网络理论整合入跨界行为领域, 在控制了个体层次的员工年龄、教育程度、性别、本团队工作时间和个人的集体主义导向, 以及团队层次的团队规模后, 发现员工跨界行为有助于提升其团队内部网络中心性的地位, 并进而促进其任务绩效, 团队集体主义氛围在员工跨界行为和网络中心性的关系中到显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

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