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The aim of this paper is to articulate a new ‘post‐liberal’ paradigm for religious education in Britain. As criticisms of British religious education have mounted over the last few decades, it is becoming increasingly obvious that familiar inherited ways of conceptualising the nature and practice of religious education in schools are inappropriate to contemporary educational needs. A new model is required to structure, justify and direct learning and teaching in religious education. This paper reviews the commitments, assumptions and beliefs that together constitute the current ruling ‘liberal’ paradigm, identifies and exposes its weakness and concludes by providing a tentative first draft of a new ‘post‐liberal’ paradigm for religious education, which holds more promise of realising socially positive educational aims than the current paradigm.  相似文献   

The article describes features of trauma memories in post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including characteristics of unintentional re‐experiencing symptoms and intentional recall of trauma narratives. Re‐experiencing symptoms are usually sensory impressions and emotional responses from the trauma that appear to lack a time perspective and a context. The vast majority of intrusive memories can be interpreted as re‐experiencing of warning signals, i.e., stimuli that signalled the onset of the trauma or of moments when the meaning of the event changed for the worse. Triggers of re‐experiencing symptoms include stimuli that have perceptual similarity to cues accompanying the traumatic event. Intentional recall of the trauma in PTSD may be characterised by confusion about temporal order, and difficulty in accessing important details, both of which contribute to problematic appraisals. Recall tends to be disjointed. When patients with PTSD deliberately recall the worst moments of the trauma, they often do not access other relevant (usually subsequent) information that would correct impressions/predictions made at the time. A theoretical analysis of re‐experiencing symptoms and their triggers is offered, and implications for treatment are discussed. These include the need to actively incorporate updating information ( “I know now …”) into the worst moments of the trauma memory, and to train patients to discriminate between the stimuli that were present during the trauma ( “then”) and the innocuous triggers of re‐experiencing symptoms ( “now”).  相似文献   

Individual complaint and grievance arbitration as a means to solve conflicts between individuals and organizations is especially useful as a management tool in situations involving a power difference between conflicting parties, as in employer-employee relationships or in total institutions. To design an instrument for solving individual conflicts in total organizations, influences of organizational structure, organizational climate, and grievance system on the resolution of individual conflicts were examined. The data were subjected to quantitative and qualitative analysis and considered in light of theoretical notions in organizational sociology, sociology of law, and conflict theory. Enid Mante-Meijer was a lecturer at the faculty of Sociology of Leyden University in 1988 she became senior researcher at the Royal Dutch PTT Research Institute for Applied Social Science Research.  相似文献   

Variations on a Theme Park: The New American City and the End of Public Space, by Michael Sorkin, ed., New York: Noonday Press, 1992, 252 pages, pb $15  相似文献   

In visual search for pop‐out targets, target detection is expedited when the target‐defining dimension (e.g., colour) is repeated on consecutive trials, but not (or less) when the target feature (e.g., red) is repeated (Found & Müller, 1996). The present study examined whether this dimension‐specific intertrial facilitation (ITF) is mediated by an explicit or an implicit memory of the target on the previous trial. In Experiment 1, observers had no above‐chance knowledge of the target dimension (or feature) when this information was not to be encoded and retained explicitly; yet, they exhibited dimension‐specific ITF. In Experiment 2, the nature of the ITF effect was unaffected by whatever attribute of the target was to be explicitly encoded and memorized, its dimension or feature; however, ITF was increased compared to a no‐memory control condition. In Experiment 3, ITF was not increased when observers had to determine the target dimension, but without having to maintain a memory of it during the intertrial interval. These results suggest that, although an implicit memory is sufficient for producing dimension‐specific ITF, ITF is top‐down modulable by explicit memory instructions.  相似文献   

Following the lead of Nietzsche, several post‐modern philosophers challenge the Western notion of rationality and its representational model of thought and embrace the Dionysian element in Nietzsche's philosophy, which can take the form of embracing madness (Foucault), desire (Deleuze and Guattari), or carnival (Kristeva). This paper will place Radhakrishnan into the context of a hermeneutical dialogue with these figures from post‐modern philosophy, and it will attempt to address the issue of the post‐modem attack on rationality by these post‐modern philosophers by comparing their concept of rationality with that espoused by Radhakrishnan. It will also be demonstrated that for Radhakrishnan reason supplies conceptual clarity, is subordinate to intuition, and justifies the validity of intuition which transcends reason. It will be argued that Radhakrishnan agrees with the post‐modernist that reason is not universal, but he does not share their radical scepticism as his philosophy seeks wholeness, unity, order, and rationality in conjunction with intuition in contrast to the choice of these post‐modernist for diversity, difference, and chaos, and madness.  相似文献   

This study used Kenny's social relations model to examine the relationship between Post‐Traumatic Stress Disorder‐related impairment and interpersonal perceptions. Participants were 124 students who had previously completed the Post‐traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale as part of a larger study. After engaging in brief dyadic conversations with 3 other students, participants recorded perceptions of personality traits for themselves, their interaction partners and how they believed their partners saw them (metaperceptions). Results indicated that those with more severe post‐traumatic stress disorder‐related impairment saw themselves negatively and believed their interaction partners also viewed them negatively. However, these individuals were not seen differently by others, except that they were rated as less dependable. Our findings suggest that post‐traumatic stress disorder is associated with negative beliefs about the self that may influence self‐esteem and interpersonal relationships.  相似文献   

Religion asks three central questions: ‘What becomes of us after death?’, ‘How should we lead a moral life?’, and ‘How and why were the universe, life and human beings created?’ In the past, these questions were answered together as part of a single unified narrative. From the mid‐nineteenth century onwards, the growth of modern science and of spiritualism led to a fragmentation of this religious tradition so that the questions are now often asked separately and the answers combined in unexpected ways. This phenomenon is an outgrowth of modernity, not post‐modernity. Post‐modernists have suggested that there has been a recent, new and definitive ending of modernity with a collapse of all dominant grand narratives. Religion is one of the grand narratives supposed to have suddenly unravelled and fragmented in this recent sea‐change, although post‐modernists in general have not bothered to provide the empirical evidence to demonstrate this. The detailed account of the long, slow process of religious fragmentation and the particular role of nineteenth‐century spiritualism given here shows that the post‐modernist thesis does not work for Europe's most important grand narrativethe Christian religion. We can see rather a process of slow unravelling of the origins which go back at the very least to the latter half of the nineteenth century, a time of classic modernity and confidence in progress. This tendency towards fragmentation has continued at least in Europe, but religion persists; it has not experienced the mushroom rise and sudden implosion that has characterised the (until recently) fashionable, grand narratives of the secular intellectuals. We are living in modern, not post‐modern, times.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evidence‐based literature concerning the efficacy and effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), drug treatment and their combination for obsessive‐compulsive disorder (OCD). After a brief outline of the seminal studies, the state of the art is presented with reference to the consensual recommendations proposed in the last 10 years. Management of OCD rests on potent selective serotonin re‐uptake inhibitors and CBT, used separately, sequentially, or concurrently. A hierarchical model for clinical decision‐making is reported. With greater severity of OCD, it is recommended to add medications. However, the response rate is still too low in many patients, and some patients remain refractory to any kind of treatment. This stresses the importance of joint efforts of psychological and biological teams to develop new treatments.  相似文献   

Peer passengers are associated with risky driving behaviour and increased collision rate in young drivers, but the mechanism by which young drivers are influenced by their peers is not well understood. Here we report two studies that explore the effect of peer influence on young drivers. The first explored the relationship between susceptibility to peer influence and young drivers’ engagement in risky driving behaviour. 163 young drivers completed self-report measures of risky driving behaviour and susceptibility to different forms of peer influence. Results showed that young drivers who were influenced by their peers to attain social prestige and through peers intervening in their decisions committed more driving violations. The second study sought to utilise the susceptibility of young drivers to peer influence by using peers to design and deliver a safety intervention, following the ‘U in the Driver Seat’ model from the US. When compared to a traditional fear appeal and a control, the peer intervention group reported safer attitudes and intentions to drive safely at follow-up. Together these studies provide insight into how peers influence young drivers’ risky behaviour, and support the notion of using peer education tools in young driver safety interventions.  相似文献   

Conversion disorder consists of involuntary sensory or motor symptoms and deficits that cannot be explained by a general medical condition. There are several treatment options, although none has emerged as the treatment of choice. The present case study examined the effects of adding cognitive behaviour therapy to neuropsychiatric management of conversion disorder (motor subtype). The patient, a retired emergency services worker, presented with a history of intermittent episodes of speech disruption (inability to speak or difficulty speaking properly). Although episodes of speech disturbance sometimes occurred unexpectedly, they were more likely to occur under conditions of stress and fatigue, and were triggered by reminders of work‐related traumatic events. The patient was treated with pharmacotherapy and psychoeducation from a neuropsychiatrist. With the aim of improving treatment outcome, cognitive behaviour therapy was added, involving imaginal exposure to trauma memories, along with cognitive restructuring. The frequency of between‐ and within‐session speech disturbance episodes declined over the course of cognitive behaviour therapy to the point that the patient was essentially symptom‐free. Within‐session distress ratings also decreased, which suggested habituation to trauma‐related memories. This case study demonstrates how particular cognitive behaviour therapy interventions can be usefully applied to one form of conversion disorder.  相似文献   

Computer‐aided psychotherapy (CP) is said to (1) be as effective as face‐to‐face psychotherapy, while requiring less therapist time, for anxiety disorder sufferers, (2) speed access to care, and (3) save traveling time. CP may be delivered on stand‐alone or Internet‐linked computers, palmtop computers, phone‐interactive voice response, DVDs, and cell phones. The authors performed a meta‐analysis of 23 randomised controlled studies (RCTs) that compared CP with non‐CP in anxiety disorders: phobias, n = 10; panic disorder/agoraphobia, n = 9; PTSD, n = 3; obsessive–compulsive disorder, n = 1. Overall mean effect size of CP compared with non‐CP was 1.08 (95% confidence interval: 0.84–1.32). CP and face‐to‐face psychotherapy did not differ significantly from each other (13 comparisons, d = ?0.06). Much caution is needed when interpreting the findings indicating that outcome was unrelated to type of disorder, type of comparison group, mode of CP delivery (Internet, stand‐alone PC, palmtop), and recency of the CP system and that effect size decreased when more therapist time was replaced by the computer. Because CP as a whole was as effective as face‐to‐face psychotherapy, certain forms of CP deserve to be integrated into routine practice.  相似文献   

Bruineberg  Jelle  Chemero  Anthony  Rietveld  Erik 《Synthese》2019,196(12):5231-5251
Synthese - In this paper, we address the question of how an agent can guide its behavior with respect to aspects of the sociomaterial environment that are not sensorily present. A simple example is...  相似文献   

An argument originated by Brandon Carter presents humankind's imminent extinction as likelier than we should otherwise have judged. We ought to be reluctant to think ourselves among the earliest 0.01 %, for instance, of all humans who will ever have lived; yet we should be in that tiny group if the human race survived long, even at just its present size. While such reasoning attracts many criticisms, perhaps the only grave one is that indeterminism means there is not yet any firm, theoretically predictable fact of how long the human race will survive. This, though, might not save Everett's many‐worlds theory from a variant on Carter's point. Everett seemingly pictures observers as splitting into ever more versions, which explains away all apparent indeterminism; but then, absurdly, all except a vanishingly tiny proportion of one's versions would come into existence near one's death, outweighing all apparent evidence that death was not imminent. The need to avoid such a result severely constrains Everett‐type theories. We need theories in which observer‐versions diverge without increasing their numbers in any straightforward way.  相似文献   

Intelligent Assistive Systems (IASs) provide personalised support to individuals to increase their autonomy and competence in performing activities. The personalisation of such technology represents a particular challenge, for the individuals abilities typically change over time. The aim of this research was to explore a theory-based, activity-centred framework for the development of IASs that both facilitate the active involvement of caregivers and target users and allow for adaptation to the individual over time.Medication management was focused on as a case study. Three older adults and two caregivers were involved in a co-design process of an IAS prototype system, the MED-AR, which uses projection-based augmented reality as the user interface technology. The theoretical framework for the design and evaluation of the MED-AR was activity theory. For the decision-making process of the MED-AR, formal argumentation theory was used. The major contributions of the study are (i) a formal framework for understanding the level of independence in activities and the way an IAS can tailor support to an individual and a situation, including caregivers; and (ii) a model for involving older adults and caregivers in a co-design process in the first phases of developing IASs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test a questionnaire for screening people with anxiety/depression for their suitability for certain forms of computer‐guided self‐help. A total of 196 referrals completed the screening questionnaire. Three clinicians each independently judged the referrals' broad problem type and suitability. Referrals were randomized to 1 of 3 clinicians for a screening interview. The results show that inter‐clinician agreement was good for questionnaire‐based problem type and suitability, and excellent for screening interview‐based problem type and suitability. Agreement between the questionnaire and interview was good on problem type but poor on suitability. Compared with the screening interview, the questionnaire detected suitable patients well but unsuitable patients less well. In conclusion, by quickly scanning the completed questionnaire, clinicians were able sensitively to detect patients' problem types that were suitable for certain forms of self‐help. Some unsuitability items need refining.  相似文献   

We present an iterative‐resonance model for recognition memory. On successive iterations, the probe is compared against a feature‐by‐feature profile of the study set. Yes decisions depend on the similarity of the probe to the profile; No decisions depend on a count of elements in the probe that are not in the profile. Successive iterations sharpen the evidence, and response latency is a function of the number of iterations needed to obtain a sufficiently clear result. The model successfully simulates classic data as well as recent data problematic for alternate models.  相似文献   

Organizations and societies all need good, useful ideas to survive and prosper. People often enjoy brainstorming, though it is not as productive as they tend to believe. Groups can potentially generate more and better ideas when ‘brainwriting’; that is, silently sharing written ideas in a time‐ and sequence‐structured group format. This conceptual paper identifies likely boundary conditions to the promising findings from brainwriting laboratory research generalizing to real‐world organizational contexts. Important dimensions of organizational context may be revealed by drawing on the journalistic principle to examine what, who, when, where, and why certain outcomes result from particular organizational practices (Johns, 2006). Multiple potential contextual moderators are suggested in each of these five areas. Subsequent field research will inform the idea‐generation literature as well as those concerned with eliciting high‐quality, useful ideas to address particular organizational and societal challenges.  相似文献   

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