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Attributional retraining appears to be an effective remedial intervention for college students. However, the potential moderating effects of student and classroom characteristics have not yet been investigated systematically. In two studies, attributional retraining was provided to low- and high-risk students, followed by a videotaped lecture presented by either an ineffective or effective instructor. Attributional retraining enhanced achievement on a lecture-based achievement test only when combined with effective teaching, improving the achievement of students who had previously performed poorly (Experiment l), and of low-achieving externals (Experiment 2). The intervention provided no advantage for previously successful students and low-achieving internals. Moreover, attributional retraining induced a more internal attribution profile in students with an external locus, and increased expectations of future success in both externals and internals, but again only when students also received effective instruction. These results suggest that contextual factors related to the classroom, such as quality of instruction, and individual differences have to be considered when developing attributional retraining programs.  相似文献   

This study was designed to predict achievement motivation with attributions and performance in English course work among 346 ninth-grade boys and girls. Multiple regression analysis indicated that attribution of success to ability was the best predictor of achievement motivation. This finding diverges from previous work that supports the hypothesis that attribution of success to effort is a better predictor. The use of performance as an indicator variable showed that nonfailing students had higher levels of achievement motivation than did failing students.  相似文献   

归因训练在精神卫生领域的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归因训练是一种从归因方式入手对认知、情绪和行为问题进行治疗的认知行为治疗方法。综述了归因方式在精神分裂症、神经症、物质滥用、生理心理问题及家庭暴力等精神卫生领域中的作用,以期对归因训练在相关领域的应用提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Our quasi-experimental, longitudinal treatment study examined whether Attributional Retraining (AR) facilitated adjustment among young adults (n = 324) making the challenging school-to-university transition. An AR by performance orientation group 2 × 4 design showed AR primarily benefited high-risk students: Failure-ruminators (high failure preoccupation, low perceived control) receiving AR reported higher intrinsic motivation and more adaptive attribution-related emotions than their no-AR peers. Failure-acceptors (low failure preoccupation, low perceived control) receiving AR had higher intrinsic motivation, higher grade point averages, and fewer course withdrawals than their no-AR counterparts. Thus, AR had differential benefits (emotions, achievement) for vulnerable students who were psychologically distinct.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study examined how optimism and attributional retraining (AR) influenced 256 first‐year college students' test anxiety, cumulative academic achievement, and course persistence in college over an academic year. Students' optimism was assessed at the start of the academic year and they were assigned to either an AR or no‐AR (control) condition. Measures of students' test anxiety, cumulative grade point average, and voluntary course withdrawal were obtained at the end of the academic year. Results suggest that although high optimism was an academic risk factor among students who did not receive AR, high‐optimism students who did receive the AR cognitive intervention benefited from its effects to a greater extent than did low‐optimism students.  相似文献   

Metacognitive Ability and Test Performance Among College Students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied college students' metacognitive ability to see whether or to what extent it would be correlated with actual test grades. We hypothesized that higher metacognitive ability would correlate with higher exam marks and that lower metacognitive ability would correlate with lower exam marks. College students (N = 109) were asked to guess the grade they expected to receive at the completion of a regular classroom exam. We found a significant negative correlation between the actual grade received, a measure of cognitive ability, and the difference between the actual grade and the expected grade, a measure of metacognitive ability.  相似文献   

运用情境实验法,考察了71名3岁儿童掌控动机的基本特点及行为评价对其影响。结果发现:3岁儿童:(1)对新奇玩具具有强烈的掌控动机;(2)丰富的视听反馈会更加激发其探索与操控;(3)当成人对其探索行为有积极评价时,儿童获得更多愉悦感;(4)掌控成败体验出现;(5)积极评价可增强掌控成功时的兴趣感,缓解失败后的不良情绪;(6)多数(94.42%)儿童愿意尝试挑战,并能坚持较长时间以期成功,但坚持性存在个体差异。  相似文献   

大学生利他动机的调查研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究的主要目的是对大学生利他动机进行调查分析。测量工具为利己性利他动机量表和利他性利他动机量表。被试取自北京5所高校的大学生1920名。结果显示:57.4%的大学生报告高度利己性利他动机。63.2%的大学生报告高度利他性利他动机。性别、独生子女、家庭地点等因素均同大学生利己性利他动机无关。独生子女、家庭地点、学校性质同大学生利他性利他动机有显著关系。  相似文献   

Alcohol use, acculturative stress, and drinking motivations of 262 students in English as a second language programs in a U.S. community college were explored. Alcohol consumption was generally low, but differences between two groups with different legal statuses indicate the need to consider subgroups of international students for research purposes. Se exploraron el uso de alcohol, el estrés por aculturación y las motivaciones para beber de 262 alumnos en programas de inglés como lengua extranjera en una universidad comunitaria estadounidense. El consumo de alcohol fue moderadamente bajo, pero las diferencias entre dos grupos con diferente estatus legal indican la necesidad de considerar subgrupos de estudiantes internacionales a la hora de realizar investigaciones.  相似文献   

采用他人评定法、半结构化自由游戏观察法及综合测验法考察了4~6岁幼儿的自尊、掌控动机和能力,并建构三者的关系模型。结果发现:第一个模型中,高认知低效果类掌控时间可解释认知学习能力变异的12%,低认知高效果类掌控时间可解释精细动作能力变异的4%,综合能力可解释自尊中胜任感变异的17%;第二个模型中,掌控变换性可解释认知学习能力变异的18%,而认知学习能力可解释自尊中胜任感变异的11%。  相似文献   

从普通学校选取小三、初二、高二各两个平行班的学生,采用等组对照设计,一为实验班,一为控制班。研究分前测验、教育干预、后测验三个阶段。结果发现:(1)归因训练可使学生的交往成败归因向积极方面转化。(2)归因训练可提高学生对未来交往成功的期望值。(3)短时间内的归因训练对高中生影响不大。  相似文献   

基于以往病理性网络使用行为成因的研究,本研究提出并检验了病理性网络使用行为作用机制的三个假设模型。结果表明:人际关系困扰、自尊、情感型网络使用动机均与病理性网络使用行为有显著相关;其中,人际关系困扰对个体病理性网络使用行为具有直接影响,也通过情感获取型网络动机间接影响病理性网络使用行为;而自尊则主要通过作用于人际关系困扰和情感获取型网络动机间接地影响病理性网络使用行为。情感型网络使用动机是个体病理性网络使用行为形成机制中的关键性因素。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the effect of intrinsic motivation on affect, subjective evaluation, and the creative process of young artists. Relations between motivation, affect, and evaluation were treated as a dynamic process and measured several times. The unique contribution of this study is that it concerned not only the effect of intrinsic motivation on the final result of creativity, but also changes in subjective evaluation and affect of the intermediate results at consecutive stages of the creative process. Thirty-six female fine arts students participated in the experiment. The creative task (collage making) was sampled on 3 occasions: after 5 min, 10 min, and at the end of the activity. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations were induced by 2 types of instruction. The creative products were assessed by 13 judges in accordance with the consensual assessment technique. Intrinsically motivated art students experienced significantly higher levels of positive affect in the creative process and evaluated their performance significantly higher than extrinsically motivated students. The distribution of collage creativity scores suggests that there may be a complex effect of motivation on creativity among fine arts students. The study sheds new light on the effect of intrinsic motivation on evaluation, affect and product creativity.  相似文献   

中学生学业成就动机归因训练效果的追踪研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
隋光远 《心理科学》2005,28(1):52-55
研究用定性和定量相结合的研究方法,对13年前为初中生进行的成就动机训练效果进行了追踪研究。结果显示,与对照组相比,这些受训者在任务选择、行为强度和坚持性方面均表现出较高水平;成功期望较强烈;对成功或成就倾向于作能力、努力归因。这一结果表明,归因训练能够对人产生深远的影响,动机的改善具有长期效果。  相似文献   

本研究以归因理论为依据,采用自编的中小学生欺负者归因量表对3-9年级学生施测,以考察中小学生欺负者归因的基本特点。结果发现:(1)中小学生较多地从IUC上知觉欺负者的欺负行为,较少从ESU上知觉该行为;(2)在ISC、ISU、IUC、EUC、EUU这五个原因上存在性别差异;(3)除ESU外的七项原因的知觉上存在组别差异;(4)对八项原因的知觉上均存在显著性年级差异;(5)独生子女因素对欺负者归因不存在显著性影响。  相似文献   

This study assessed how ratings of the importance of contraceptive attributes varied with gender, age, relationship status, and contraceptive method usually used. In a classroom setting, 210 male and 217 female university students completed the 55-item Contraceptive Attribute Questionnaire (CAQ). Significant differences on importance ratings were found between women and men, age groups, women using barrier methods and women using the pill, and by relationship status. The underlying dimensions of the CAQ were investigated through factor analysis, and somewhat different factors emerged for men and women. Implications for the provision of family planning services to college students are discussed.  相似文献   

马伟军  冯睿 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1398-1403
本研究验证了我国大学生的自我建构的个体间差异对利己归因偏好与自我增强的影响。我国大学生被试首先完成一个虚拟的能力测验,然后对其自我建构等进行测量,最后被试得到成绩反馈并进行归因与课题评价。结果表明被试表现出显著的利己归因偏好,独立型比依存型自我建构者表现出更显著的自我增强,同时独立性对自我增强起着极重要作用。本研究结果支持自我增强的文化普遍论的观点。  相似文献   

采用2×2两因素被试间设计检验了不同归因方式的诱导对自尊不同学生失败后测验成绩的影响。结果表明:(1)总体上,高自尊组在失败后的测验成绩显著优于低自尊组;(2)内部归因后,高自尊组的后继测验成绩非常显著地优于低自尊组;外部归因后,高、低自尊组的后继测验成绩无显著差异;(3)对于高自尊组,内部归因后的后继测验成绩优于外部归因后的成绩,但未达到显著性水平;对于低自尊组,外部归因后的成绩显著优于内部归因后的成绩。  相似文献   

以472名男大学生网络游戏玩家为被试,考察了压力事件、网络游戏逃避动机和网络游戏成瘾的关系。结果发现:(1)大学生压力事件、网络游戏逃避动机和成瘾之间存在显著正相关。(2)压力事件除了对网络游戏成瘾有直接影响,还通过网络游戏逃避动机的中介作用对网络游戏成瘾产生间接影响。  相似文献   

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