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There is a long-standing debate over whether evaluation is an art or a science (Barker et al.: Research Methods in Clinical and Counselling Psychology, Chichester, John Wiley?&?Sons, 1994). The “science” camp argues for scientific rigour in methodology, whilst the “art” camp maintains that evaluation should be tailored to the specific circumstances under evaluation. The compromise proposed by Barker, Pistrang,?&?Elliot (1994 Barker, C, Pistrang, N and Elliot, R. 1994. Research methods in clinical and counselling psychology, Chichester: John Wiley?&?Sons.  [Google Scholar]) suggests that evaluation should be as systematic as possible within the practical and organizational constraints inherent in service settings. The aim of this paper is to present a review of the literature on evaluation and workplace counselling. The paper initially reviews the literature in the counselling/psychotherapy field, and then explores studies on employee assistance programmes. The themes that are explored are the relationship between research and practices; the interactions with stakeholders in the field; the use of control groups and the economic side of counselling.  相似文献   

This article begins by describing the impact of systems science on the field of marriage and family therapy, discussing that systems concepts are broadly disseminated but have become diluted. The author describes the educational program at a marriage and family therapy graduate institute where students utilize social systems design in their research projects as well as their work with clients. The article outlines the specifications of the Idealized Systems Design (ISD) teaching system, its relationship with the larger institution, as well as its purposes and systemic functions. Application of ISD to the field of marriage and family therapy is emphasized, demonstrating its use in helping facilitate individual, family, and community health as a research tool as well as a set of intervention tools for the practicing therapist.  相似文献   

国外员工援助计划相关研究述评   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53  
员工援助计划(employee assistance programs, EAPs)是组织提供的,旨在帮助员工解决可能影响其工作表现和健康问题的多种策略的整合。在文献研究的基础上,该文系统介绍了员工援助计划的概念,并从起源、发展、内容、测量、执行模式及其与相关因素的关系等方面归纳了当前研究的进展,指出了研究存在的问题与研究的方向  相似文献   

Background: In response to the stresses of the contemporary workplace, the challenges of maintaining satisfactory work-life balance, and the costs to business of employee mental health problems, many organisations have contracted to make counselling services available to their staff. It is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of workplace counselling, in order to maintain standards, and to identify examples of good practice. Objectives: This paper presents a comprehensive, systematic review of the effectiveness of workplace counselling. Findings are analysed in terms of client satisfaction, psychological functioning, the meaning of work, work behaviour, and negative outcomes. Findings: Taken as a whole, the results of research suggest that counselling is generally effective in alleviating psychological problems, has a significant impact on sickness absence, and has a moderate effect on attitudes to work. Discussion: Methodological issues are discussed, and it is recommended that more high-quality research is required in order to reinforce the evidence base for workplace counselling in relation to a number of key questions.  相似文献   

Like the biblical David practicing his skill in defense of his flock, small companies are now gearing up their resident competencies in redesigning their organization in order to be flexible with changing needs. Like David, the day of facing Goliath may come without warning. This article tells the story of a small company engaged in rapid growth. The participative redesign of the organizational structure is presented as a narrative against the background of a simplified model of organizational design and the method of implementation. Key success factors are illustrated not only through anecdotes but also through measurements of results at the end of the first year.  相似文献   

This report describes a treatment program for learning disabled soldiers who have completed their basic training and are experiencing academic difficulties as they begin their Advanced Individual Training. Rationale for the evaluation/treatment techniques used as well as suggested class room modifications are described.  相似文献   

The Unrestricted Combination of Temporal Logic Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The presence of macroaggressions, or obvious, overt, system-wide racial offensives and abusive acts evidenced in organizational systems and structures (e.g., confederate flags; signs in public places that read: “we only speak English”), have continued to penetrate American society at an unparalleled rate. The onslaught of violence toward racial, ethnic, and cultural minority citizens—in particular Black Americans and the disproportionate death rates of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color linked with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) underscores an urgent need for broad-based systemic action. While microaggressions are well-documented in the psychological literature, less attention has been directed toward macroaggressions and how to address the ever-present forms of racism that propagate inequity within all aspects of organizations and larger systems (e.g., health care, legal, education). We propose a six-step conceptual framework to address macroaggressions evinced in these systems. Additionally, we introduce macrointervention strategies and illustrative examples that can be deployed and tested in diverse ecologies by institutional leaders, changemakers, advocates, allies, and targets of bias. We recommend well-designed empirical investigations to evaluate the proposed conceptual framework and to what extent it can affect changes at the macro-level.  相似文献   

Much of what we need to plan for our survival is already known, but what we know, how we know, and who knows is divided up between disciplines. Thus much of the problem of ensuring our survival is a matter of learning across the disciplines. We identify four modes through which we bring disciplinary knowledge together: the unity of science, integrated assessment, heuristic models, and distributed learning networks. Although none of them are perfect, we can learn how to put our knowledge together across the disciplines much better than we do.  相似文献   


The health service systems of the Western world are transforming rapidly. These systems are under pressure from an increase of new biomedical possibilities for intervention in the processes of the human body, from the rising expectations of the public, and from demographic developments that are leading to an increase in the number of elderly people in the Western world. Parallel to these changes on the macro level there are major changes on the micro level, that is, there is a search for methods to manage the basic way that the health system functions. In short, the financing, organization and practice of medicine will be changed considerably over the next 5-10 years. In the search for a harmonious development in this field the concept "evidence" must be seen in a broad perspective that encompasses, among other things, the increasing multidisciplinary nature of modern medicine.  相似文献   

Youth with serious mental illness come into contact with juvenile justice more than 3 times as often as other youth, obliging communities to expend substantial resources on adjudicating and incarcerating many who, with proper treatment, could remain in the community for a fraction of the cost. Incarceration is relatively ineffective at remediating behaviors associated with untreated serious mental illness and may worsen some youths' symptoms and long-term prognoses. Systems of care represent a useful model for creating systems change to reduce incarceration of these youth. This paper identifies the systemic factors that contribute to the inappropriate incarceration of youth with serious mental illness, including those who have committed non-violent offenses or were detained due to lack of available treatment. It describes the progress of on-going efforts to address this problem including wraparound and diversion programs and others utilizing elements of systems of care. The utility of systems of care principles for increasing access to community-based mental health care for youth with serious mental illness is illustrated and a number of recommendations for developing collaborations with juvenile justice to further reduce the inappropriate incarceration of these youth are offered.  相似文献   

In the field of teen pregnancy prevention many efficacious prevention programs are available but adoption of these programs is slow at the community level. In this article, we present a multi-site, capacity-building effort called the Promoting Science-based Approaches to Teen Pregnancy Prevention project (PSBA) as a case example of a proactive application of the Interactive System Framework (ISF) for dissemination and implementation. The ISF is a multi-system model leading to dissemination and implementation of science-based prevention programming through the work of three interactive systems: The "Prevention Delivery," "Prevention Support," and "Prevention Synthesis & Translation" Systems. This article describes the proactive use of the ISF to conceptualize and bolster the PSBA program's goal of assisting local prevention partners in the use of science-based approaches (SBA) to prevent teen pregnancy. PSBA uses all three systems of the ISF to facilitate practice improvements and offers valuable research opportunities to investigate factors related to dissemination and implementation processes across these systems. Describing our application of this framework highlights the feasibility of actively using the ISF to build prevention infrastructure and to guide large-scale prevention promotion strategies in the area of teen pregnancy prevention. The program's ongoing evaluation is presented as an example of early efforts to develop an evidence base around the ISF. Research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This article introduces the reader to this special issue on Systems Change and highlights six lessons learned about theory, methods, and interventions for systems change that emerged across the included articles. The value of a systems approach to systems change is examined, including the need for frameworks, methods, and change activities that attend to the characteristics of systems.  相似文献   


Twenty-first century agoras, unlike their historical counterparts, are not comprised of villages populated by individuals who know each other and share the same past, environment, and culture. Contemporary agoras are diverse and global. Their dialogue is often conducted across geographical and cultural boundaries. Additionally, they often address challenges and issues that are far more complex than those of the early agoras. This article seeks to identify such challenges and summarize a variety of appropriate dialogue methodologies.  相似文献   

人工关节外科学是近40年来发展变化最突出的医学领域之一。目前人工关节置换已经成为治疗严重关节病损的临床标准手术。本文通过系统论的基本原则论述了人工关节外科学的发展历史,人工关节假体材料研制、假体设计安装和人工关节置换技术的进展。  相似文献   

Since Jane Knitzer’s 1982 report on Unclaimed Children, many states and localities have been developing systems of care to more effectively serve children with serious emotional disturbance. We report on the methods and outcomes of a two-phase study designed to determine the relationship between the mechanisms that have been used to establish systems of care and their resulting levels of collaboration. A national survey of state mental health authorities revealed that, allowing for multiple approaches, 82% of respondents with systems of care used legislation, 15% used inducements, 41% used capacity building and 44% used other means of system change (e.g., blended funding). Cluster analysis was used to select 10 sites for visits. Multiple methods of collecting data at these sites were used including the administration of a scale on collaboration. Data were obtained from 302 respondents. Difference in beliefs about collaboration and collaborative behaviors were found, indicating that level of collaboration may be an important variable to consider in studies of outcomes of systems of care for children and families.  相似文献   

In June 2007 the American Journal of Community Psychology published a special issue focused on theories, methods and interventions for systems change which included calls from the editors and authors for theoretical advancement in this field. We propose a conceptual model of systems change that integrates familiar and fundamental community psychology principles (succession, interdependence, cycling of resources, adaptation) and accentuates a process orientation. To situate our framework we offer a definition of systems change and a brief review of the ecological perspective and principles. The Ecological Process Model of Systems Change is depicted, described and applied to a case example of policy driven systems level change in publicly funded social programs. We conclude by identifying salient implications for thinking and action which flow from the Model.  相似文献   

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