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The major purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of three verbally-mediated variables on financial contributions in a door-todoor charity campaign. The relationship of race to contributions was also observed by using both black and white subjects. One hundred and twenty black and 120 white subjects were randomly assigned to one of 8 verbal appeals in a 2 (High vs. Low Dependency) × 2 (Internal vs. External Causal Locus of Need) × 2 (“it is your social responsibility” vs. “it will make you feel good” Expressed Reason for Giving) factorial design. The solicitor controlled for order effects by varying the sequence of these three variables within each experimental group. Main effects were found for Rae, Causal Locus of Need, and Expressed Reason for Giving: Whites contributed more than blacks, the external locus of need condition produced more giving than the internal condition, and persons who heard the “feel good” reason donated more than those in the “social responsibility” condition. Additionally, a significant Causal Locus of Need × Expressed Reason for Giving interaction was found. The combination of external locus of need and “feel good” was considerably more productive of contributions than the other three combinations. Implications of these results for the helping behavior literature are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, the author advocates for an open and specific dialogue between MFT trainees and supervisors regarding expectations for how case material is to be discussed in supervision. Guidelines for case presentation that can enhance the quality of conversations between MFT supervisors and trainees are offered. Six content areas are explored, providing a framework for discussing cases in a way that maximizes the time trainees and supervisors spend engaged in clinical conversations.  相似文献   

The present study examined how group membership and need for help, variables that can operate independently or in combination, can affect reactions to receiving help. Arab participants (n = 164) received or did not receive help from an in‐group member (Arab helper) or from an out‐group high‐status member (Jewish helper) when the task was described as easy or difficult, or when no information was given. As predicted, Arab participants who received assistance from a Jewish helper or received assistance on an easy task showed more negative reactions than did those who received assistance from an Arab helper or on a difficult task. The theoretical implications for disentangling intergroup and interpersonal influences on reactions to receiving help are considered.  相似文献   

Reflecting the higher prevalence of domestic violence and abuse experienced by women, and the recognised health impacts of such abuse, studies have focused on the responses of health-care practitioners to women in heterosexual relationships. Comparatively few studies have looked at the health impacts or help-seeking of men who may be perpetrators and/or victims of abuse within intimate relationships. In this paper we report on help seeking and the health professional's role based on a survey of 1368 men attending 16 general practices in the southwest of England and 31 interviews with a sample of survey respondents. The survey had a number of questions on experience or perpetration of behaviours which could be considered abusive, on whether respondents had ever been asked about such behaviours by health-care professionals, and on whether they had ever sought formal or informal help for such behaviours. Men were most likely to seek informal support from friends or family. The next most likely source of support was the family doctor. This paper suggests that health-care practitioners in general, and family doctors in particular, have a role in asking male patients about the experience or perpetration of domestic abuse and need training to do so effectively and safely.  相似文献   


Parental alienation cases present significant challenges for the family courts and clinicians alike. At times, traditional counseling fails, judicial intervention may not be feasible, and a parent is alienated from a child or children with little to no ongoing contact for the foreseeable future. This article is organized as a guide for the clinician in offering some strategies for the alienated parent. These are organized under five headings: (1) erode the negative image by providing incongruent information; (2) refrain from actions that put the child in the middle of the conflict, (3) consider ways to mollify the hurt and anguish of the alienating parent, (4) look for ways to dismantle the coalition and convert enemies to allies, (5) never give up contact but “stand in the door and hold a cookie.”  相似文献   

This article examines the process of specifying a question-answering help facility in the context of UNIX mail. The specification was based upon experimental expert-user facilitative dialogues. These dialogues were analyzed using a classification scheme developed for the purpose. The scheme provides a metalanguage for describing patterns of intent and rhetorical structure in dialogue. Using the scheme as a tool, common patterns in expert-user dialogue emerged, providing insights into both tutoring strategy and the linguistic forms required to generate help output. These were refined to form a set of frames consisting of stereotypical patterns of rhetorical predicates to answer different types of questions which could be adapted to the needs of a particular user. The significance of the system developed from this specification is discussed.  相似文献   

Currently married or widowed women aged 60–75 (N = 719), either childless or with one or more children, were interviewed about advantages and disadvantages of childlessness and about other family-related and social areas. Results indicate that childless older women did not conform to a stereotype of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. Respondents with and without children valued the rewards of their particular lifestyle and perceived costs in the other.  相似文献   

The medicalization of deviance refers to the identification as diseases or illnesses of patterns of behavior that were previously considered in moral terms. Herbert Spencer viewed society as analogous to a living organism. A problem or disease in one part of the organism affects the entire organism. Early sociologists built on this idea and arrived at the conclusion that deviant behavior could be thought of as social disease and social pathology. The early social pathologists were concerned with crime, mental illness, drug abuse, and suicide. There is a tendency to treat such ailments in a hospital or clinical setting. The medicalization of deviance removes responsibility from the individual as well as from the society which continues to produce the problem. Treatment programs give the false impression that something worthwhile is being done about society's behavioral problems and turn the individuals treated back into the same social milieu in which the problem was incubated in the first place. The medicalization of deviance creates a vested-interest industry dependent upon the treatment of individuals. It has constructed a system of individualized microlevel treatment programs that can be beneficial on a limited basis for a few individuals and their families, but it tends to treat only the symptoms but not change the society of which they are but emanations.  相似文献   

Despite the vast array of theoretical formulations now available, none is sufficiently well developed. Some of the philosophical questions thrown up by such material are posed. Under the heading of "Discourse," the questions of what constitutes reasonableness and how logical validity is established are raised. Under the heading of "Epistemology," the nature of concept formulation and causality is raised. Under the heading of "Language," the nature of linguistic representation and artificially constructed language or "artificial intelligence" is raised. It is suggested that these and other issues in the philosophy of science require the urgent attention of family therapy theorists.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the processing of presupposition accommodation. In particular, it concerns the processing costs and the time-course of accommodation as compared to presupposition satisfaction. Data collected in a self-paced word-by-word reading times experiment support three results. First, independently on the presupposition trigger in use, accommodation is costlier than satisfaction. Second, presupposition accommodation takes places immediately just as the trigger becomes available and proceeds incrementally during the sentence processing. Third, accommodated information is harder to be recalled. The results offer evidence for the on-line processing of presuppositions and, consistently with the traditional semantic framework, support the idea that, presuppositions are semantic properties encoded in the lexical meaning of the presupposition triggers.  相似文献   

People tend to perceive and assess their own creativity in a positive, yet not always accurate, way. This study explores whether differences in self-ratings of the creative self-concept (creative self-efficacy and creative personal identity) are related to the sequence in which self-report measures are applied: the order effect. A randomly chosen half of a representative sample of Poles, contacted via a telephone interview, answered the items related to their creative self-concept first, followed by the items related to their previous creative activity. Another half of the sample completed these measures in a reversed order: The creative activity scale was completed first and then creative self-concept items were asked. The results demonstrated that people who were first asked about their previous creative activities reported a lower level of creative self-efficacy and creative personal identity than those asked about their creative self-concept first. Further analyses demonstrated that creative activity moderated this pattern: Participants without previous creative activity and those who engaged solely in everyday creative activities in the past, were susceptible to the order effect, but this effect was not observed among the participants with previous experience in art or science.  相似文献   

A quasi-experimental design was used to assess the effects of a 5-week assistance program for the significant others of bulimics. A knowledge test, an attitude survey, and a behavior device were used to evaluate the effects of the program. One or more of the three instruments was administered to an experimental group of significant others before (pretest) and after (posttest) they attended the assistance program. One or more of the three instruments was also administered to a control group of significant others before (pretest) and after (posttest) a 5-week period. During this period they did not attend the assistance program. No significant difference was found between the pretest and posttest scores of the control group on the three instruments at the .05 probability level. Experimental group posttest scores were significantly higher than their pretest scores on the three instruments at the .05 probability level. An anonymous evaluation conducted following the program also indicated significant others who attended the program found it to be beneficial.  相似文献   

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