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This review proposes the value of a global psychology-oriented initiative to promote health and wellbeing. It discusses the concept of collective consciousness, especially heart-based, moral consciousness and related actions as resources for health promotion. The review draws on a collaborative South African Global Coherence Initiative to support communal coherence and interconnectedness in an indigenous community setting.  相似文献   

The most elementary law of nature, the principle that best explains how the world works, is that actions have consequences. The consequences of enterprise (or business) will be as profitable or detrimental as the actions behind them. The rapidly approaching new millennium forces society to assess where we are (the consequences) and how we got here (the actions). The standard of living in the western world is a direct consequence of past and present enterprise, but the actions taken to get to this plateau and their associated costs may far over‐shadow the gains. A major issue facing those who study the development and evolution of enterprise is whether past merits and mistakes can be used to develop a new paradigm that is more reflective of what is currently experienced and most likely to occur in the future.

This paper discusses some of the shortcomings in current economic thinking, how current developments in economic thinking need to become the norm and the future of socio‐ecologically behavior and patterns of growth for enterprise.  相似文献   

A new education paradigm is emerging to address the need to educate a planetary citizenry under conditions relevant to the living context of our planet. Key to this new paradigm is the emphasis on lifelong learning and empathy-oriented education—both critical ingredients to the transformative role of education for individual and collective thrivability. This article explores the parameters of this role and the indicators that point to its emerging presence in a variety of education contexts, both formal and informal as well as virtual and face-to-face.  相似文献   

在决策任务中,团队由于拥有来自不同成员的多样信息,因此通常被认为能够较个体做出更高质量的决策。但大量的研究结果表明,团队对于信息的利用并非十分有效,表现在团队会更多地讨论所有成员都拥有的信息(即共享信息),而相对忽视了每个成员所独有的信息(即非共享信息),这种现象被称为"共享信息偏差(Shared information bias)"(StasserTitus,1985)。共享信息偏差的存在阻碍了团队获取更高质量的决策结果。本文基于隐藏文档范式,针对共享信息偏差的产生原因,分别介绍了信息取样模型、动态信息取样模型、相互提升效应、偏好效应这4种解释机制,并归纳总结了信息分布、团队任务特征、成员特征及动机因素这4类影响因素的作用。最后,从结合团队认知、探究情绪因素及整合团队有效性框架这三个方面对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

The family business is a unique entity that has recently come to the attention of business consultants and family therapists. The unique processes of family business are amendable to the applications of family systems theory, organizational development theory, and various theories that focus on individual growth and development. In this paper we review some of the basic concepts relative to understanding family businesses and briefly outline our approach to consultation with family businesses.  相似文献   

Based on over 25 years of research on hidden profiles and information sharing in groups, and particularly our own work in this area, we outline a general model of how groups can achieve better decisions in a hidden profile situation than their individual members would have been capable of (i.e., synergy). At its core the model defines intensity and bias as the two key parameters that have to be optimised with regard to both the discussion of information and the processing of information in order to ensure synergy in group decision making. We review the empirical literature on information sharing and group decision making in the hidden profile paradigm (with a particular focus on our own studies) to illustrate how group decision quality can be enhanced by increasing intensity and decreasing bias in the discussion and processing of information. Finally we also outline why we think that the lessons learned from research using the hidden profile paradigm can be generalised to group decision-making research in general, and how these lessons can stimulate studies in other fields of group decision-making and group performance research.  相似文献   

超扫描指同时记录多个被试脑活动, 以探索其社会互动脑机制的研究手段。从博弈论视角, 可区分超扫描任务中的冲突、合作与协作三类任务, 分离已有研究中未严格界定的“协作”与“合作”概念, 为超扫描研究的多人互动范式建立新模型。任务所包含协作因素的多少, 与任务是否涉及心理理论功能是影响个体脑间活动同步现象的重要条件。未来研究可结合进化博弈论等理论模型, 进一步探索合作与协作行为的差异及规范形成的心理与神经机制。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo provide a review and commentary on developments and key issues in the psychology of health-related physical activity (‘exercise psychology’).Design and MethodNarrative review and commentary.ResultsA view from Europe is provided, with an emphasis on European influence and research. Summary commentaries are provided using the behavioural epidemiological framework as an organisational tool. The role of psychology is discussed in the study of physical activity correlates, theory, and interventions.ConclusionsThe European influence in exercise and health psychology has been significant. However, more needs to be known about pre-intentional motivation processes and post-intentional volition, as well as clarifying and extending theories (e.g., translating intentions into behaviour). There is also a need to do more intervention work, and to improve how we conduct, evaluate and report interventions. New issues are emerging, including the study of sedentary behaviour.  相似文献   

Research on how individuals monitor their level of comprehension during study paints a picture of learners as being insensitive to many of the factors or conditions of learning that can enhance long-term retention and transfer. In previous research, however, deWinstanley and Bjork (2004) demonstrated that learners--if made sensitive to the memorial benefits of generation in the context of an informative test following study of a text passage in which they had encoded both to-be-read and to-be-generated critical items--then became more effective processors of future to-be-read information presented in a 2nd text passage. In Experiments 1 and 2 of the present research, we explored the potential applicability of this effect by testing whether it could survive certain types of activity-filled delays. In Experiments 3 and 4, we tested whether enhanced processing of contextual information, an encoding strategy that could possibly have been discovered by participants during the testing episode for the 1st text passage, was a potential underlying cause of this effect. Together, our results bring to light an additional benefit of test taking and point to what might be considered necessary and sufficient conditions for leading learners to become more effective processors of future to-be-learned information.  相似文献   

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