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Over a century ago a Western observer recognized an effective morality among Navajo Indians in the American Southwest, yet could not locate its expression, except in mythology recounting contradictory behaviors. Through the 1900s scholars delineated contours of Navajo moral values, myths, and taxonomies upon which moral traditions were based, and situations in which Navajos have engaged in ethical decision‐making. Recently individual Navajos have manifested their role as ethical agents, not merely as recipients of moral lore. A contemporary Navajo storyteller, Sunny Dooley, enunciates narrative ethical judgments, grounded in traditional Navajo mythology and its religious milieu, as she addresses the present conditions of her people. Thus she probes the contradictions that are inherent to life. Her stories testify to the insoluble conflicts within the human condition, ultimate and immediate conundrums that must be faced, even though they surely will not be resolved.  相似文献   

Aesthetics has been defined relative to objective and subjective values; its historical and cultural world views are referenced. The author's view of beauty as communication is also introduced, where chance and necessity, the two antithetical realities produce the informa‐tion processes of modern time. That is, “difference” is associated with chance, the irrational, the spontaneous and the individual aspect of reality as opposed to necessity, the rational, the formal, and the universal aspects of things. Information is introduced as, the origin, as well as essence, of life. It is what produces information and is the only agent which produces both matter and psyche. Order and disorder, and the laws of “opposites” are considered building blocks of identity and difference and information. Information and Communication as an interconnecting agent are also considered a bridge between Eastern and Western philosophy, i.e., in its deconstruction of the particular into a web or field of energies in the West, and in Eastern thought in its becoming one with Nirvana or Brahman, the Sufi or the Tao, the ultimate one and all. Because goodness and truth under the influence of reason and science had failed, Eastern philosophy as an alternative to Western models is recommended. It is suggested that all that is left objectively is beauty, thus reason as basic is giving way to rules of beauty. And its principles are capable of describing man's evolution and his culture, as well as his aesthetic experience, which is nothing but information processes and communication. In conclusion, design as aesthetic communication is introduced as a model to reflect the above principles.  相似文献   

Introduction and overview: Global information ethics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This is an introduction to a set of papers on Computer Ethics from the conference ETHICOMP95. Taken as a whole, the collection of papers provides arguments and concepts to launch a new development in computer ethics: ‘Global Information Ethics’. A rationale for globalization is provided, as well as some early efforts which move in that direction. ETHICOMP95, an international conference on Computer Ethics, was held 28–30 March 1995 at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Co-directors were Terrell Ward Bynum and Simon Rogerson.  相似文献   

"道"、"理"二字使道理、道德和伦理三个不同的基本范畴的关系变得耐人寻味,"道"与"理"舍一相成即"道理",道理和道德以"道"为"同源",道理和伦理以"理"为"同源",道德和伦理分有"道理"的"养分",二者"同源共生异长",长成各自独特的内涵,成为伦理学中两个最基本、最重要的范畴.  相似文献   

The incompleteness of the task of integrating the influences made upon Jonathan Edwards by Calvinism and the moral sense leaves open a great many questions central to identifying his ethical position with any detail. This should worry ethicists, theologians, and church historians alike. For the puzzle of what Edwards meant by virtue is at the heart not only of his ethics but of a great many strands of his thought. It must be pieced together from diverse sources; and there are multiple meanings to be sifted through. But it is nevertheless possible to bring the concepts made available by the diverse moral traditions upon which Edwards drew into a generally coherent counterpoise. Such a counterpoise is not merely of antiquarian interest. Lacking a precise account of Edwards's ethical position, it is awkward to talk about applying it to the problems of the twenty-first, or any, century.  相似文献   

Editorial note:The following bibliographic survey of computer ethics is intended as a general introduction useful to guide both preliminary research and course development. It is the first of a series that Carl Mitcham will be doing on a number of specific discussions of ethics in science and technology. Future installments are projected on nuclear ethics, engineering ethics, ethics in scientific research, and biomedical ethics. With this [book] I issue “a call to arms.” The world needs much more discussion and writing on the social and ethical issues surrounding computing. I hope readers .... will take up the challenge.  相似文献   

社会管理方式的历史变迁是伦理道德价值日益凸显的过程 ,社会管理在总体上必然要体现某种伦理价值取向 ,伦理道德以其特有的方式规范着社会管理双方的行为 ,深刻地影响着社会管理的进行 ,我们应该努力实现伦理道德在社会管理中的价值。  相似文献   

It is essential to restore the sense of action, if efficiency is not to become an end in itself, leading to selfish behavior and exclusion.

In parallel the notion of responsibility must be taken into account in training, in particular intergenerational responsibility, through the promotion of those links which bind us to the world.  相似文献   

The adaptability of organisms and human societies depends on the synergistic orchestration of processing modes at many different levels of organization, each with unique informational characteristics. Digital information technology is a narrow transect of this spectrum. Adaptability theory provides a tool for analyzing the interactions between these fundamentally different modes of processing and for delineating the factors that can lead to either positive or negative consequences for human life.  相似文献   

范召全 《伦理学研究》2008,(1):41-44,50
“道”、“理”二字使道理、道德和伦理三个不同的基本范畴的关系变得耐人寻味,“道”与“理”合一相成即“道理”,道理和道德以“道”为“同源”,道理和伦理以“理”为“同源”,道德和伦理分有“道理”的“养分”,二者“同源共生异长”,长成各自独特的内涵,成为伦理学中两个最基本、最重要的范畴。  相似文献   

Conclusion So why be a good engineer? There are basically three reasons: 1) possible detection and the harm that dishonorable acts might cause, 2) a common responsibility to the professional engineering community, and 3) a negative impact on one’s own integrity when one behaves badly. But what if, in the face of these arguments, one is still not convinced? I must admit that there appears to be no knock-down ethical argument available to change the mind of a person set on behaving badly. There remains the option to act in whatever way one may wish. Engineers must realize however that bad manners and/or immorality and/or illegality, even if undetected, will most likely result in harm to themselves and thus rational behavior should result in honorable conduct of professional duties. While the Viking society of northern Europe was in many ways cruel and crude, they had a very simple code of honor. Their goal was to live life so that when they died, others would say “He was a good man”. The definition of what they meant by a “good man” might be quite different by contemporary standards but the principle is important. If engineers conduct their professional lives so as to uphold the exemplary values of engineering, the greatest professional honor would be to be remembered as a good engineer.  相似文献   

当代美国行政伦理的理论与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当代美国行政伦理的基本价值理念在个人价值上重视诚实和正义;在职业价值上重视专业和敬业;在组织价值上重视效率和规则;在合法价值上重视依法和守法;在公共利益价值上重视为公共利益服务。美国行政伦理规范经历了一个制定、修订和演进过程,并始终重视其管理和实践。美国行政伦理50年的建设经验,对我国社会主义行政伦理建设具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

The authors write a rejoinder to Sells and Hagedorn's ( 2016 ) article, “CACREP Accreditation, Ethics, and the Affirmation of Both Religious and Sexual Identities: A Response to Smith and Okech,” which supports Smith and Okech's ( 2016 ) assertion that a dialogue examining the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs' accreditation practices pertaining to counseling programs in institutions that disaffirm/disallow diverse sexual orientation is germane. The authors articulate the common ground they share with Sells and Hagedorn while also highlighting areas of dissension.  相似文献   

Literal meaning is often identified with conventional meaning. In A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs Donald Davidson argues (1) that literal meaning is distinct from conventional meaning, and (2) that literal meaning is identical to what he calls first meaning. In this paper it is argued that Davidson has established (1) but not (2), that he has succeeded in showing that there is a distinction between literal meaning and conventional meaning but has failed to see that literal meaning and first meaning are also distinct. This failure is somewhat surprising, since it is through a consideration of Davidson's notion of radical interpretation that the distinction between literal meaning and first meaning becomes apparent.I am grateful to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for its financial support, and to Mark Mercer, Tom Patton and Gary Wedeking for their helpful comments. I would also like to thank David Checkland, who discussed A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs with me at length some years ago.  相似文献   

The values of life, freedom and solidarity are the base on which we can build behaviors and abilities. Schools must be flexible, they must allow the young to explore and to express all their potential abilities. We must create a new balance, just as we must give the young a new sense of responsibility in the pursuit of their studies.  相似文献   

进化伦理学及其向西方传统伦理学的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在“进化伦理学”这个名称下,容纳了形形色色的具体构想。但是,各种进化伦理学纲领都以进化论来理解和把握人类道德现象。广义进化伦理学就是道德进化论。它侧重于对道德现象进行描述和说明(解释),但也试图对已有的道德规范体系进行评价,并在评价的基础上对已有的道德规范进行限定或修正,因而并未完全丧失规范伦理学的性质。进化伦理学对西方传统伦理学的基础、学科性质和若干核心伦理观念提出了尖锐的挑战。  相似文献   

Business ethics and computer ethics: The view from Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An Aristotelian approach to understanding and teaching business ethics is presented and defended. The newly emerging field of computer ethics is also defined in an Aristotelian fashion, and an argument is made that this new field should be called “information ethics”. It is argued that values have their roots in the life and practices of a community; therefore, morality cannot be taught by training for a special way of reasoning. Transmission of values and norms occurs through socialization — the process by which an individual absorbs not only values but also the whole way of life of his or her community. It follows that business ethics and information ethics can be considered kinds of socialization into a profession: role learning and acquiring a new self-identification. This way of understanding fields of applied ethics is especially important for their proper development in Central-Eastern Europe because of endemic factors which are the result of recent political developments there.  相似文献   

This article presents the major stages of the approaches to the ethics of communication and the respective ethical principle of each one. The first stage, centred on the principle of truthfulness, was born at the beginning of the 20th century, at the same time as the first great development of the press and journalism. The second stage, which began at the end of the 20th century, centred on the principle of beneficence and developed from the growing influence of the mass media on all fields and aspects of social life. There is also the need for a further principle for communication ethics: the principle of vulnerability: to give voice to those affected by a situation, especially to those in a situation of vulnerability. The article then considers whether the huge impact of the Internet and social media at the beginning of the 21st century implies a new stage in the ethics of communication or rather the need to extend the scope and effectiveness of existing ethical principles and norms. The article tends toward the second option, insisting on the role of self-regulation and media literacy in tackling the current challenges in media and social media communications.  相似文献   

Carol Chomsky found evidence to support the notion that children have not mastered the syntactic form of the sentence John is easy to see until after the age of 8 years. However, she failed to control for the effects the visual stimulus might have had on the child's understanding of the stimulus question. This study reexamined Chomsky's conclusions by using two experimental conditions. The first condition was an exact replication of Chomsky's method, while the second included a control for the biasing effects produced by the visual stimulus. The results confirmed the authors' suspicions that the visual stimulus was indeed distorting Chomsky's findings and that, on the average, children were able to decode this particular syntactic form by the age of 67 months. These findings are discussed from the perspective of Bruner's theory, which states that cognitive processes of children under 8 years of age are dominated by the iconic mode of representation.  相似文献   

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