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Learning is an important aspect of cognition that is crucial for the success of many species, and has been a factor involved in the evolution of distinct patterns of life history that depend on the environments in question. The extent to which different degrees of social and individual learning emerge follows from various species-dependent factors, such as the fidelity of information transmission between individuals, and that has previously been modelled in agent-based simulations with meme-based representations of learned knowledge and behaviours. A limitation of that previous work is that it was based on fixed environments, and it is known that different learning strategies will emerge depending on the variability of the environment. This paper will address that limitation by extending the existing modelling framework to allow the simulation of life history evolution and the emergence of appropriate learning strategies in changing environments.  相似文献   

There is growing consensus that we need a new paradigm if we are to solve the global problems that are the result of actions and policies stemming from prevailing paradigms or cognitive maps. Theories are cognitive maps. This article summarizes cultural transformation theory, which proposes that to solve our mounting global problems we need a clearer understanding of the self-organizing interaction of two basic movements in cultural evolution. The first consists of technological phase changes, including the most recent shift from industrial to electronic, nuclear, and biochemical technologies. The second consists of shifts in a system's orientation to what, based on three decades of transdisciplinary research, the author identifies as the socio-economic, gender, and cultural configurations characteristic of the dominator and partnership models. The article calls for a reassessment of earlier theories as the basis for effective action to accelerate the shift to a world orienting to the partnership rather than dominator model as a basis for a sustainable, equitable, and peaceful future.  相似文献   

The two approaches described here may clarify the role of design in sociocultural evolution by making best use of information already available. The first, holistic in nature, explores possible advantages of a convergence between the design, systems, and social evolution communities which, to date, have worked largely in isolation of one another. The benefits of juxtaposing the three disciplines are examined by reviewing three works on social evolution for their insights into design practice. The second approach is reductionist in nature, and proposes working across the evolutionary literatures of disciplines contiguous with design, again in order to quickly inform design practice. The two approaches are considered complementary rather than exclusionary.  相似文献   

In this article I suggest a view of evolution characterized as a progressive process toward successively higher levels of complexity. In this approach, complexity is defined by means of an operational definition giving the possibility of its measurement by means of a procedure in which development has a crucial role. Furthermore, the concept of competition applied in the complexity space explains the cumulative emergence of new species as well as the presence of stagnant species. In this process, species are formed in a hierarchical order in which the human species is situated on the highest level. This view of evolution, thus also embracing human cultural evolution, is depicted in a diagram of complexity versus time, thus forming a new kind of a Tree of Life. The purpose of the suggested interpretation of evolution is to make it more readily acceptable for common people.  相似文献   

Vocational interests demonstrate high rank-order stability during childhood and adolescence. However, few studies have investigated the development of vocational interests into adulthood. The present study examined rank-order and profile stability, mean-level and correlated change, and individual differences in change in RIASEC scores across 20 years of adulthood. In addition, life events were examined as moderators of change. Rank-order stability was strong across vocational interest dimensions. Mean-level changes also occurred, with increases in Realistic interests and decreases in Investigative interests for men, increases in Enterprising interests for women, and decreases in Artistic interests for men and women. Individual differences in change indicated that not everyone changed in the same manner, with occupational experiences, such as job loss, related to greater change.  相似文献   

An evolutionary analysis of the dynamics of one-on-one and coalitional male–male competition provides a theoretical frame for conceptualizing the evolved functions and proximate developmental forms of the social behavior of boys, and for appreciating why the behavior of boys differs from that of girls. We propose the accompanying selection pressures favored the evolution of motivational and behavioral dispositions in boys and men that facilitate the development and maintenance of large, competitive coalitions and result in the formation of within-coalition dominance hierarchies. Empirical research on boys’ social development is reviewed using this frame and implications for interpreting boys’ social behavior are explored.  相似文献   

Moral reasoning, moral affect, social problem solving skills, and social preferences were assessed in 163 ethnically mixed preschoolers (2.86-5.95 years). Participants were rated by their teachers on prosocial and coercive strategies of control, success at resource control, and aggression (overt and relational). Based on their employment of coercive and prosocial strategies of resource control, the children were categorized as bistrategic controllers, coercive controllers, prosocial controllers, noncontrollers, or typicals. Teacher-rated relational aggression was positively associated with moral maturity in girls. Bistrategic controllers, although aggressive, were morally mature and preferred play partners by their peers. The results are discussed in terms of hypotheses that arise from evolutionary theory which suggests that highly effective resource controllers would be simultaneously aggressive and yet well aware of moral norms. The findings are contrasted with alternative hypotheses that might arise variously from traditional and prevailing approaches.  相似文献   


This essay argues for a shift in evolutionary metaphor-away from natural selection and the elimination of the less fit, to a focus on the fragility of biological change. Three biological arenas, in which the organism and environment more obviously interpenetrate, will be examined. The vulnerable and exceptionally plastic neural system of organisms makes possible subtle capacities such as learning and memory. Behavior, as it often precedes morphological change, emerges as an evolutionary axis. Synergisms between organisms lead to novelty on a macroevolutionary scale-multicellularity, coloniality, sociality, and eusociality. Although fragile due to competitive tensions, novel cohesions have repeatedly emerged throughout evolution. Ecology involves the flow of energy between organisms and the biophysical realm, which life has increasingly shaped. Radical spatial heterogeneity and varying levels of temporal disturbances serve to enhance biodiversity, and restrict the dominance of any single species. The atypical event of evolution can occur relatively suddenly and on varied scales. Paradoxically, evolution can be prompted by novel stresses and spaces protected from harsh competitive stress. As life moves to a greater total complexity, fragility increases. In conclusion, this essay discusses the protection of "less fit" human populations.  相似文献   

The current study examined whether important distinctions are masked if participant age is ignored when modeling relationships among constructs associated with the work-family interface. An initial omnibus model of social support, work role stressors, and work-family conflict was tested. Multiple groups analyses were then conducted to investigate possible age differences in the patterns of relationships among these constructs for three age groups (28 and under, 29-45, and 46 and older). Several constructs in the model, including role stressors, social support, and work-family conflict, demonstrated mean level differences across the three age groups. Of greater significance, the relationships of some sources of social support and work-family conflict with other constructs in the model differed as a function of age group. Results suggest that conclusions drawn from the omnibus model take on a slightly different and more complicated meaning in the multiple groups analysis. These results have implications for how future research on the work-family interface should be conducted.  相似文献   

Change is an inborn trait of all organisms at every level of existence. This article proposes that the evolution of all life follows a course as if bound by a guiding principle or template. Overcoming disorder and entropy through diversity, this template has the properties of a spiral force, which acts to maintain continuity during change and transitions, and operates at all levels, from the simplest of forms to the most complex. Drawing from Chaos Theory, biology, depth psychology, and Buddhism, the spiral template is presented as a new vision of reality guiding scientific and spiritual perspectives toward evolutionary wholeness.  相似文献   

Impulsivity has often been invoked as a proximate driver of different life-history strategies. However, conceptualisations of “impulsivity” are inconsistent and ambiguities exist regarding which facets of impulsivity are actually involved in the canalisation of reproductive strategies. Two variables commonly used to represent impulsivity were examined in relation to reproductive behaviour. Results demonstrated that sensation seeking was significantly related to strategy-based behaviour, but impulsivity (defined as a failure to deliberate) was only weakly correlated. The effect of impulsivity disappeared when sensation seeking was controlled. Sex differences emerged for sensation seeking but not impulsivity. We conclude that “impulsivity” is not a unitary trait and that clearer distinctions should be made between facets of this construct.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence suggests that the human impact on the planet is reaching the point where the Earth's ecosystems will not be able to support the level of human occupation. The global economy also seems to be generating income disparities that threaten the social stability of even the most developed economies. Although both these trends are rooted in the operation of the global market economy, standard economics has surprisingly little to offer in the way of policies that might allow us to survive the twenty-first century with our current social and environmental systems intact. This article examines our current predicament from the point of view of neoclassical welfare economics and the alternative framework of ecological economics. We argue that ecological economics, by placing the study of economics squarely within human society and ecosystems, can lead the way to make economics both scientifically credible and policy relevant.  相似文献   

The Health Equity Advancement Lab (HEAL) at the University of Iowa College of Public Health began in 2012 to support students, researchers, and community members interested in tackling persistent health inequities through a community‐based participatory research (CBPR) approach. Using concepts from critical consciousness theory, we developed an approach to building students’, faculty members’, and community partners’ capacity to engage in CBPR to promote health equity that involved immersion in developing CBPR projects. Our paper describes the evolution of HEAL as a facilitating structure that provides a support network and engages diverse stakeholders in critical reflection as they participate in research to advance health equity, and resulting political efficacy and social action. We describe one HEAL‐affiliated research project that employs a CBPR approach and has a strong focus on providing transformative learning experiences for students, faculty, and community members. We highlight challenges, successes, and lessons learned in the application of critical consciousness as a framework that engages diverse academic and community partners seeking to promote health equity. We argue that critical consciousness is a relevant theoretical framework to promote transformative learning among students, faculty, and community partners to promote health equity research in diverse communities.  相似文献   

Genuine altruism would appear to be incompatible with evolutionary theory. And yet altruistic behavior would seem to occur, at least on occasion. This article first considers a game-theoretical attempt at solving this seeming paradox, before considering agroup selectionist approach. Neither approach, as they stand, would seem to render genuine, as opposed to reciprocal, altruism compatible with the theory of evolution. The article concludes by offering an alternative game-theoretical solution to the problem of altruism.  相似文献   

Across three empirical studies, this paper explores the effect of using e-mail as a communication medium (versus pen-and-paper) when conducting performance appraisals of peers. The notion put forth by Media Richness Theory that paper-form and e-mail media should be considered identical for conveying this information was theoretically challenged and differences were empirically supported. Using two different settings, results demonstrate that evaluators offered more negative appraisals of their peers when using e-mail than when using traditional paper-form methods. Reduced feelings of social obligation in the e-mail condition were found to mediate this relationship, indicating that social psychological processes can influence the effects of different media on peer ratings.  相似文献   

Two new books helpfully refine the position vaunted by Theistic Evolution. These two books will garner the interest especially of the proleptic school within Theistic Evolution, which affirms (1) the long history of evolution as God's creative work; (2) the Theology of the Cross wherein God shares in the sufferings and even death of all creatures, animals included; (3) Jesus’ Easter resurrection as a prolepsis of the eschatological new creation; and (4) the coincidence of creation with redemption. These two provocative new works are Bethany Sollereder's God, Evolution, and Animal Suffering: Theodicy without a Fall, along with Christopher Southgate's Theology in a Suffering World: Glory and Longing. This article tackles a problem surfacing in the work of both Sollereder and Southgate: when eliminating the fall, the combination of redemption and creation becomes incoherent. Robert John Russell's “fall without a fall” provides greater coherence in the proleptic version of Theistic Evolution.  相似文献   

采用社交网站中的积极自我呈现和真实自我呈现问卷、积极情绪量表、领悟社会支持量表和生活满意度问卷对武汉某高校645名在校大学生进行调查,探讨了社交网站中的积极自我呈现、真实自我呈现对个体生活满意的影响以及积极情绪和社会支持在其中的中介作用,结果发现:(1)社交网站中的积极自我呈现和真实自我呈现与积极情绪、社会支持和生活满意度都呈显著正相关;(2)真实和积极自我呈现对生活满意度都有显著的直接预测作用;此外,真实自我呈现还可以通过社会支持的中介作用对生活满意度产生影响,而积极自我呈现不仅可以通过积极情绪的单独中介作用对生活满意度产生影响,还能通过积极情绪-社会支持的链式中介作用对生活满意度产生影响。  相似文献   


We are entering an era in which the idea of democracy itself is undergoing an evolutionary shift. The assumptions and values underlying present models of democratic governance, rooted in earlier eras of rebellion, fail to recognize the dynamic and creative potential of individuals and their social organizations now essential to evolutionary advance. More than eighty years ago, Mary Parker Follett recognized this situation and advanced the idea of a participatory democracy that would be truly evolutionary in its self-guidance. Her insights fit well with current emancipatory systems philosophy and general evolutionary thought.  相似文献   

We conducted a high powered pre-registered study to investigate the relationship between childhood socioeconomic status, the adoption of different life history strategies and conformity. Contrary to our expectation we found no direct relationship between childhood socioeconomic background and conformity. However, we discovered a significant association between life history strategies and conformity. People who adopt fast (slow) life history strategies conform less (more) to social suggestions. Furthermore, we found a relationship between childhood socioeconomic background and life history strategies, with people from low (high) childhood socioeconomic backgrounds adopting fast (slow) life history strategies.  相似文献   

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