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散打比赛是一种对抗性很强的运动项目,要求运动员能够精确判断,及时地作出反应动作。这就需要运动员时刻保持高度的注意力,快速、准确地搜索相关信息,灵活地应对赛场上的情况。本研究以专家-新手范式对24名不同水平的散打运动员进行眼动实验研究,探讨高水平运动员与初学者之间的眼动差异,为初学者制定科学训练计划提供参考依据。结果表明:与新手组被试相比,专家组被试更加重视对比赛中得分部位的注视,从而为其准确预判提供了认知保证。  相似文献   

中小学生阅读不同配图课文的眼动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用ASL-4200R型眼动仪,采用3×2×2的三因素混合设计,对77名中小学生阅读不同配图课文进行了考察。结果表明:(1)中小学生阅读不同配图难度课文的阅读成绩、阅读时间等阅读理解指标,以及注视频率、注视点持续时间和眼跳距离等眼动指标具有明显的年龄特征;(2)中小学生阅读不同配图课文的阅读成绩、阅读时间和阅读速度等阅读理解指标,以及注视次数和回视次数等眼动指标具有显著差异,示意图组显著优于实景图组;(3)中小学生阅读不同难度课文的注视频率和回视次数对阅读过程有非常显著的影响,易课文显著优于难课文。  相似文献   

谷莉  白学军 《心理科学》2014,37(1):101-105
本研究选取45名3-5岁幼儿和39名大学本科生作为被试。实验材料为恐惧、愤怒、悲伤、惊讶和高兴五种面部表情图片。用Tobbi眼动仪记录被试观察表情图片时的眼动轨迹。结果发现:(1)成人偏好高兴表情,并在高兴表情上的注视时间和次数显著大于幼儿;(2)成人偏好注视眼部,幼儿偏好注视嘴部。结果表明,面部表情注意偏好的发展具有社会依存性,趋向于偏好积极情绪,这种发展变化与面部表情部位的注意偏好相关。  相似文献   

危险知觉是指驾驶员在交通情境中对明显危险和潜在危险的识别、预测和反应的认知加工过程,是驾驶员对当前交通情境形成的连续而富于变化的复合认知表征。以往研究表明,对于行人过马路这类明显危险,新手和经验驾驶员危险知觉表现都非常出色。但是当明显危险(行人)和潜在危险(前车制动)并存时,经验驾驶员对明显危险的知觉反应是否会突显出优势呢?本研究通过设置两种交通场景:行人单一危险条件和行人-前车双重危险条件,考察不同经验人群对行人危险的反应及眼动特点。在第一个研究中,使用Tobii T120型眼动仪,通过反应时和眼动结合的方法,考察不同危险场景中,不同驾驶经验对驾驶员知觉行人危险的行为反应数据(反应时和正确率)及眼动指标(平均注视时间和水平搜索广度)的影响。采用2(交通场景:行人场景、行人-前车场景)×3(组别:无驾照组、新手组、经验组)两因素混合实验设计,其中交通场景是组内变量,组别为组间变量。因变量为驾驶员对行人危险进行反应的行为数据(反应时和正确率)及眼动数据(平均注视时间和水平搜索广度)。实验要求被试观看交通场景视频,当发现危险时,立刻按键反应。实验结果表明:在有前车条件下,经验组被试的反应时快于新手组(p=.039)和无驾照组(p=.013),F(2,30)=3.98,p=.029。无驾照组被试对行人的平均注视时间长于经验组(p=.043)和新手组(p=.024),F(2,30)=3.39,p=.047,ηp2= .18。无驾照组被试对场景的水平搜索广度均小于经验组(p=.006)和新手组(p=.016),F(2,30)=5.17,p=.012,ηp2= .26。在第二个研究中,对研究一的数据进行了深入分析,考察双重危险场景中驾驶经验对驾驶员知觉行人危险及信息加工效率的影响。采用2(兴趣区类型:行人、前车)×3(组别:无驾照组、新手组、经验组)两因素混合实验设计,其中兴趣区类型是组内变量,组别为组间变量。因变量为搜索行人和前车时的眼动数据(总注视时间、搜索次数和平均搜索时间)。研究结果表明:经验组驾驶员对前车的总注视时间显著短于新手组(p=.014)和无驾照组(p=.003),F(2,30)=5.99,p=.006。经验组驾驶员对前车的平均搜索视时间显著短于新手组(p=.014)和无驾照组(p=.004),F(2,30)=5.50,p=.009。在有前车条件下,控制了性别、年龄后,驾驶员对前车的平均搜索时间越长,对行人的危险反应时越长(β=.393,p<0.05,R2=.308)。这些结果说明:无经验和新手驾驶员糟糕的搜索行为不仅仅是由于操作抢夺认知资源或者情绪紧张导致的。危险的信息加工效率更低,搜索模式不够灵活,也是导致新手驾驶员行人碰撞事故率更高的原因之一。驾驶员培训有助于提高驾驶员对明显危险的信息加工效率和搜索模式灵活性。积累更多的驾驶经验可以提升驾驶员对潜在危险的的视觉搜索和注意资源分配效率,从而加快危险反应时间。未来的驾驶员培训应加强对新手驾驶员搜索技能的培训,并持续提供更多的驾驶员继续教育机会。  相似文献   

教师在课堂教学过程中,需要实时监控和加工课堂中的各种信息,以此来调整教学和管理课堂.研究选取9名专家教师和16名师范类研究生,采用专家、新手教师对比的范式,借鉴场景知觉的研究方法,以静态教学场景和非教学场景作为刺激材料,利用眼动技术,探讨了教学经验对课堂教学场景知觉的影响.结果发现,相对于新手,专家对静态课堂教学场景的注视次数更多,总注视时间更长;对于不同的场景类型,非教学场景受到的注视次数更多;专家对于非教学场景的注视次数要多于教学场景,但是平均注视时间少于教学场景;专家对非教学场景的总注视时间长于新手.研究表明,专家对非教学场景采取的是多次注视但每次注视时间短的策略,体现的是一种快速扫描的注视模式,而对教学场景采取的是少量注视但每次注视时间长的策略,体现的是认真观看的注视模式.  相似文献   

采用眼动法,探究来访者阅读去信与回信时认知信息的变化,以及新手型咨询师与来访者在阅读角色书信时认知信息的差异。结果表明,来访者阅读回信时,对去信中诱发不良情绪的部分认知因素予以回应;新手型咨询师的注视时间显著短于来访者,注视次数多于来访者,热点区域不同于来访者。结果说明,往复的角色书信可以促进来访者转变不良认知;新手型咨询师对角色书信的理解与来访者存在不同。  相似文献   

眼动分析与运动心理学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过眼动分析可以比较深入地考察运动员在比赛中的心理活动过程,并且可以比较专家和新手的差异。该文对国内外的运动心理学的眼动研究进行了较为全面的回顾,同时对这个领域的研究现状和发展趋势进行了评述与展望。  相似文献   

不同呈现方式的网页广告的眼动研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
程利  杨治良  王新法 《心理科学》2007,30(3):584-587,591
选择25名视力正常的大学生,用眼动仪记录他们浏览不同呈现方式、不同位置的网页广告的眼动过程。结果发现:1.对于不同呈现方式的网页广告,从记忆成绩看:彩色组显著优于黑白组,两者与动画组没有显著差异;从眼动指标看:动画组和彩色组的注视次数和注视时的明显高于黑白组。2.网页广告的位置对被试的记忆成绩与眼动模式有一定的影响,表现为上部与中部注视次数增加,注视时间长。记忆成绩也表现为差异显著,中部与上部的记忆效果好。  相似文献   

孙龙  常若松 《心理科学》2016,39(6):1346-1352
结合反应时和眼动研究方法,采用驾驶经验2(新手,有经验)×自我评估的能力2(高,低)×危险类型2(明显,隐藏)的混合实验设计,探索驾驶员驾驶能力的自我评估和驾驶经验对危险知觉及视觉注意的影响。采用驾驶能力量表和基于动态交通视频的危险知觉任务对86名驾驶员测试,并使用Tobbi T120记录眼动数据。结果发现,新手和有经验驾驶员自我评估的能力与危险知觉反应时间之间相关不显著,这说明两组驾驶员对自己驾驶能力的认识和评估不准确。有经验驾驶员对两类危险的反应比新手快。新手自我评估的能力过高,他们对两类危险的反应比同龄驾驶员和有经验驾驶员慢。然而,有经验驾驶员自我评估的能力与危险知觉反应时间之间不存在显著差异。此外,与新手相比,有经验驾驶员对两类危险的首次注视较快,总注视时间更长。与同龄驾驶员相比,新手自我评估的能力过高,他们对危险的首次注视较慢,对危险的总注视时间更少。这些研究结果表明,新手自我评估的能力过高,可能会提高他们的风险接受阈限,由此降低了他们对危险的反应速度。未来驾驶训练应当采取措施减少新手对驾驶能力的自我评估偏见,改善他们的视觉搜索模式以降低事故风险。  相似文献   

不同诉求方式的手机网页广告效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以50名视力正常的大学生为被试,采用眼动追踪技术,研究他们在浏览不同诉求方式、不同位置广告时对手机广告的记忆程度、喜好程度。结果发现:(1)对于不同诉求方式的网页广告,理性诉求组的注视次数及注视时间明显高于感性诉求组。(2)网页广告的位置对被试的记忆成绩与眼动模式有影响,表现为下部的注视次数增加,注视时间长。记忆成绩中下部比上部记忆效果稍好。  相似文献   

Shared awareness was studied in one novice and one expert basketball team during real games. Teams were considered dynamic social networks with team members as nodes and members’ awareness of other members during ongoing performance as relations. Networks, and changes to them across games, were analysed at different levels of organization using social network analysis to identify patterns of awareness within the teams. The results showed that one team member in each team often heeded, or was heeded by, his teammates, indicating his leadership role in coordinating the team. Also, expert team members had a low level of awareness of their teammates, which may be explained by implicit coordination processes. Finally, there was less variability in intra-team relations in the expert (vs. novice) team, which may be explained by the enhanced ability of the expert team to achieve and maintain an optimal level of awareness during the game. At a practical level, teams might be alerted during performance when their network of connections approaches connectedness thresholds that predict coordination breakdowns, affording online regulation of team processes. Future studies should explore the generalizability of these early findings using larger samples.  相似文献   

We tested the ‘learned parameters’ hypothesis as an explanation of the ‘especial skill effect’. Outcome attainment and movement kinematics were recorded for 10 expert and 10 novice players performing basketball free-throw shots at five distances (11-19 ft) with a regular and heavy weight basketball. As predicted, experts performed better than expected relative to the regression equation at the 15 ft, free-throw line with the regular basketball, supporting the ‘especial skill effect’. This effect was not present for the experts when shooting with the heavy ball. Novices did not show an advantage at the free-throw line when performing with either ball. Although the outcome attainment scores support the ‘learned parameters’ hypotheses, kinematic analysis failed to identify differences in the movement pattern for the especial skill, suggesting that these skills (i.e., shooting at different distances) are not governed by separate motor programs.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted on the nature of expert perception in the sport of squash. In the first experiment, ten expert and fifteen novice players attempted to predict the direction and force of squash strokes from either a film display (occluded at variable time periods before and after the opposing player had struck the ball) or a matched point-light display (containing only the basic kinematic features of the opponent's movement pattern). Experts out-performed the novices under both display conditions, and the same basic time windows that characterised expert and novice pick-up of information in the film task also persisted in the point-light task. This suggests that the experts' perceptual advantage is directly related to their superior pick-up of essential kinematic information. In the second experiment, the vision of six expert and six less skilled players was occluded by remotely triggered liquid-crystal spectacles at quasi-random intervals during simulated match play. Players were required to complete their current stroke even when the display was occluded and their prediction performance was assessed with respect to whether they moved to the correct half of the court to match the direction and depth of the opponent's stroke. Consistent with experiment 1, experts were found to be superior in their advance pick-up of both directional and depth information when the display was occluded during the opponent's hitting action. However, experts also remained better than chance, and clearly superior to less skilled players, in their prediction performance under conditions where occlusion occurred before any significant pre-contact preparatory movement by the opposing player was visible. This additional source of expert superiority is attributable to their superior attunement to the information contained in the situational probabilities and sequential dependences within their opponent's pattern of play.  相似文献   

It is well established that experts are particularly adept at recalling and/or recognizing the key features of domain-relevant patterns. We compared the recall performance of expert and novice basketball players when viewing static and moving patterns. A novel method of analysis was used where the accuracy of the participants in recalling player positions was compared to actual player positions both at the final frame of pattern presentation and at 50 successive 40 ms increments thereafter. Experts encoded the locations of the players in both the static and moving patterns significantly further in advance of their actual finishing point than did nonexperts. Experts' use of an anticipatory encoding process, which was of a magnitude unmatched by nonexperts, suggests that many previous investigations may have underestimated the extent of the expert advantage in pattern recall.  相似文献   

It is well established that experts are particularly adept at recalling and/or recognizing the key features of domain-relevant patterns. We compared the recall performance of expert and novice basketball players when viewing static and moving patterns. A novel method of analysis was used where the accuracy of the participants in recalling player positions was compared to actual player positions both at the final frame of pattern presentation and at 50 successive 40 ms increments thereafter. Experts encoded the locations of the players in both the static and moving patterns significantly further in advance of their actual finishing point than did nonexperts. Experts' use of an anticipatory encoding process, which was of a magnitude unmatched by nonexperts, suggests that many previous investigations may have underestimated the extent of the expert advantage in pattern recall.  相似文献   

新手—熟手—专家型教师心理特征的比较   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
连榕 《心理学报》2004,36(1):44-52
为了更深入地了解教师的教学专长发展,采用了量表法分别对433名和469名新手型、熟手型、专家型教师进行了教学策略、成就目标定向、人格特征和职业承诺、职业倦怠两个比较研究。结果表明:⑴在教学策略、成就目标、人格特征上,专家型教师均优于熟手型教师,而熟手型教师又优于新手型教师;在职业承诺和职业倦怠上,专家型教师均优于熟手型教师和新手型教师,而熟手型教师与新手型教师不存在差异。⑵重视课前准备,成绩目标是其重要的工作动机是新手型教师的主要特征;课中策略水平较高,任务目标成为重要的工作动机,具有随和、宽容、乐群、能关心他人的人格特点是熟手型教师的主要特征;教学策略以课前计划、课后的评估、反思为核心,具有鲜明的情绪稳定性、理智、着重实际、自信心和批判性强的人格特点,职业的情感投入程度和职业成就感高是专家型教师的主要特征。⑶三类教师在课后的补救策略、成绩目标、内外向、继续承诺和情绪耗竭上没有显著差异是其共同点。  相似文献   

We compared expert and novice behaviour in a group of participants as they engaged in a simulated maritime driving task. We varied the difficulty of the driving task by controllling the severity of the sea state in which they were driving their craft. Increases in sea severity increased the size of the upcoming waves while also increasing the length of the waves. Expert participants drove their craft at a higher speed than novices and decreased their fixation durations as wave severity increased. Furthermore, the expert participants increased the horizontal spread of their fixation positions as wave severity increased to a greater degree than novices. Conversely, novice participants showed evidence of a greater vertical spread of fixations than experts. By connecting our findings with previous research investigating eye movement behaviour and road driving, we suggest that novice or inexperienced drivers show inflexibility in adaptation to changing driving conditions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Perceptual experts have learned to rapidly and accurately perceive the structural regularities that define categories and identities within a domain. They extract important features and their relations more efficiently than novices. We used fingerprint examination to investigate expert–novice differences in feature choice. On each fingerprint within our set, experts and novices selected one feature they thought was most useful for distinguishing a particular print and one feature they thought was least useful. We found that experts and novices often differed in the features they chose, and experts tended to agree more with each other. However, any such expert–novice difference appeared to depend on the image at hand typically emerging when salient or more conspicuous features of a fingerprint were unclear. We suggest that perceptual training ought to direct attention to useful features with the understanding that what is useful may change depending on the clarity of the stimuli.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined whether different levels of motor and visual experience influence action perception and whether this effect depends on the type of perceptual task. Within an action recognition task (Experiment 1), professional basketball players and novice college students were asked to identify basketball dribbles from point-light displays. Results showed faster reaction times and greater accuracy in experts, but no advantage when observing either own or teammates’ actions compared with unknown expert players. Within an actor recognition task (Experiment 2), the same expert players were asked to identify the model actors. Results showed poor discrimination between teammates and players from another team, but a more accurate assignment of own actions to the own team. When asked to name the actor, experts recognised themselves slightly better than teammates. Results support the hypothesis that motor experience influences action recognition. They also show that the influence of motor experience on the perception of own actions depends on the type of perceptual task.  相似文献   

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