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采用问卷法对264名高中生进行调查,探讨了父母教养方式、身体自我认知对高中生性别角色发展的影响作用。结果发现:(1)从总体上,男生比女生更多地呈现出双性化发展的趋势;(2)母亲干涉保护,身体自我的力量、体育活动和自尊对男生的男性气质影响显著,而母亲温暖理解和身体自我的灵活对男生的女性气质影响显著;(3)身体自我的自尊会促进女生的男性气质特点,身体自我的力量对女生的女性气质有负向作用,身体自我的外表对女生的女性气质有正向影响。  相似文献   

社会责任感是大学生全面发展和幸福生活的核心品质,更是社会和谐与良好风尚的重要保证。本研究以北京、苏州、上海、厦门等地5所高校共852名大学生为研究对象,考察了父母教养方式(包括关爱与控制)与大学生社会责任感的关系,以及自我控制的中介作用与性别差异,结果表明:(1)父母关爱对大学生社会责任感具有显著的积极预测作用,而父母控制无预测效应;(2)自我控制在父母关爱与社会责任感之间发挥着部分中介作用;(3)自我控制的中介效应存在明显的性别差异,主要表现在女生群体中,而男生中不存在该效应。这表明,父母关爱可以明显提高大学生社会责任感,并且在女生群体中自我控制是二者关系的中间桥梁。  相似文献   

This study examined the moderating role of perceived social support between perceived parenting styles and relational aggression (RA). A sample (= 400) was selected through stratified sampling from public and private schools and colleges. Adolescents (= 200 boys and = 200 girls) completed (a) Demographic Performa, (b) Early Memories of Upbringing for Children to measure perceived parenting styles, (c) Social Support Questionnaire to measure perceived social support, and (d) Diverse Adolescent Relational Aggression Scale to measure RA. Statistical analyses showed that perceived social support moderated the relationship between perceived parenting styles and RA. Findings indicated that perceived social support strengthens the negative relationship between perceived father’s Overprotection parenting and RA. Results also showed that perceived social support strengthens positive relationship between perceived father’s Anxious Rearing parenting and RA. Moreover, perceived social support strengthens the positive relationship between perceived mother’s Rejection parenting and RA. Results help in implementing interventions to promote the consolidation or increment of sources that constitute adolescents with concrete and feasible actions in the cultural, educational, and counseling implications.  相似文献   

探讨父母教养方式对中职生亲社会行为的影响,分别采用问卷法和实验法检验特质共情与状态共情 在这个影响过程中的中介效应。 结果发现:(1)情感温暖、信任鼓励型的父母教养方式对中职生亲社会行为有正向预测作用; 专制、溺爱型父母教养方式对中职生亲社会行为起负向预测作用。(2)特质共情在情感温暖型、信任鼓励型父母教养方式与中职生亲社会行为之间起部分中介作用。(3)经试验操纵的状态共情的中介效应与特质共情的中介效应同样显著。结论:积极的父母教养方式通过影响中职生的共情进而影响其亲社会行为。  相似文献   

早期依恋对孤独症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorders,简称ASD)儿童的心理健康、人际关系以及未来的社会融合有重要影响。本研究采用问卷调查法,对从北京、青岛、郑州、武汉、无锡和赤峰市等地28所融合幼儿园中筛选出来的210名ASD儿童及其母亲进行施测,考察母亲的依恋风格对ASD儿童母子依恋的影响,以及母亲教养方式在其中的中介作用。研究发现:(1)总体而言,ASD儿童与母亲之间的依恋关系总体状况良好;轻度ASD儿童的母子依恋水平显著高于中度、重度ASD儿童;(2)母亲依恋回避、依恋焦虑与ASD儿童母子依恋均呈显著负相关;母亲关爱、鼓励自主与ASD儿童母子依恋均呈显著正相关,母亲控制与ASD儿童母子依恋呈显著负相关;母亲依恋回避、依恋焦虑与母亲关爱均呈显著负相关,与母亲控制均呈显著正相关;(3)母亲关爱在母亲依恋回避与ASD儿童母子依恋之间起部分中介作用,母亲关爱、母亲控制在母亲依恋焦虑与ASD儿童母子依恋之间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

Renk  Kimberly  Roberts  Rex  Roddenberry  Angela  Luick  Mary  Hillhouse  Sarah  Meehan  Cricket  Oliveros  Arazais  Phares  Vicky 《Sex roles》2003,48(7-8):305-315
To examine the relationships among the sex of the parent, gender role, and the time parents spend with their children, 272 parents completed the Bem Sex-Role Inventory, a questionnaire about the time spent with their children, and a demographics questionnaire. Analyses indicated that neither the sex of the parent nor gender role was predictive of the amount of time parents were spending in direct interaction with or being accessible to their children. The sex of the parent, qualified by earning status, was predictive of the level of responsibility parents had for child-related activities. Further, the sex of the parent, qualified by femininity, was predictive of parental satisfaction with level of child-related responsibilities. These results emphasize the importance of examining parental characteristics in relation to the time parents spend with their children and their levels of responsibility for child-related activities.  相似文献   

父母教养方式与内隐攻击性的关系研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陈欣  杜建政 《心理科学》2006,29(4):798-801
采用父母养育方式量表和内隐联想测验,分别测量53名初二学生的父母教养方式和内隐攻击性。研究结果表明,在父母教养方式上,男生和女生在父亲情感温暖、惩罚严厉和母亲干涉保护、惩罚严厉4个因子上差异显著;在内隐攻击性测验上,男生和女生没有显著差异。相关分析结果表明,内隐攻击性与父亲的惩罚严厉、过分干涉和母亲的惩罚严厉等3个因子有显著正相关。  相似文献   

以752名大学生为被试,考察了父母教养方式与羞怯的关系以及社会支持在其中的中介作用和应对方式在其中的调节作用。结果发现:(1)母亲惩罚严厉和父亲过度保护对羞怯有显著的正向作用,父亲情感温暖对羞怯有显著的负向作用;(2)在母亲惩罚严厉和父亲情感温暖对羞怯的作用中,社会支持起着中介作用;(3)父亲过度保护对羞怯的正向作用受到幻想的调节。  相似文献   

基于儿童学习投入的社会文化情境发展模型和动机与投入之轮理论,构建了一个有调节的中介模型,探讨了粗暴养育与学习投入的关系以及状态焦虑与性别的作用。对852名初中生进行问卷调查,结果发现:(1)粗暴养育与状态焦虑呈显著正相关,与学习投入呈显著负相关,状态焦虑与学习投入呈显著负相关;(2)状态焦虑在粗暴养育与学习投入之间起完全中介作用;性别调节了“粗暴养育→状态焦虑→学习投入”的前半段路径,相对于男性,粗暴养育与状态焦虑的正向联系在女性中更强。  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles and socio-emotional adjustment in elementary school children as reported from the parents' perspective. Mothers of first through fifth graders provided information about parenting style as well as children's competencies and problem behaviors. Teachers provided ratings of children's adjustment for a subset of the participants. Results indicated that authoritative parenting was associated negatively with parent- and teacher-rated maladaptive behavior, and positively with indicators of healthy adjustment. Correlations between authoritarian parenting and adjustment were either small or non-significant. Regression analyses indicated that authoritative parenting was more predictive of children's competence than maladaptation (22% versus 10% of variance). The effects of parenting style on adjustment were not moderated by demographic variables, such as the child's gender, grade level, ethnicity, and family income.  相似文献   

研究发现学习效能感会受到同伴支持的影响,同时它又是影响学生学业状况的重要前因变量。根据控制价值理论,本研究通过对3329名高一和高二学生的调查,考察在物理和化学学科中,学习效能感是否会在同伴学业支持和学业情绪中起到中介作用。发现:(1)同伴学业支持和学习效能感呈显著正相关;两者与高兴学业情绪显著正相关,与厌倦学业情绪显著负相关;(2)在控制了年龄、年级、性别和地域后,学习效能感在同伴学业支持和高兴学业情绪中起部分中介作用,在同伴学业支持和厌倦学业情绪中起完全中介作用;(3)在物理学科中,性别调节了学习效能感和学业情绪的关系。本研究验证并拓展了控制价值理论,对于如何提高中学生物理和化学学习的积极情绪有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relations between maternal and paternal rearing practices and adolescents' depressive symptoms, and whether time perspective in adolescence explains these links. The sample included 306 students (158 girls), aged between 10.83 and 14.42 years. Adolescents completed questionnaires assessing their perceptions of maternal and paternal acceptance and psychological control, and of their future time perspective and depressive symptoms. Adolescents who rated their mothers as more accepting and those who rated their fathers as less psychologically controlling also reported lower levels of depressive symptoms and greater future time perspective. Further, adolescents who had greater future time perspective reported lower levels of depressive symptoms. Finally, time perspective partially mediated the relations of maternal and paternal acceptance, and paternal control with depressive symptoms in adolescence. The findings highlight the unique relations of maternal acceptance and paternal psychological control with adolescents' depressive symptoms, and that future time perspective is one mechanism that might explain why parenting strategies are linked with depressive symptoms in adolescence.  相似文献   

以湖北省武汉市两所大学的562名大学生为被试,采用网络利他行为问卷、网络自我效能感问卷和网络使用行为问卷对其进行问卷调查。考察网络使用自我效能在网络使用和网络利他行为之间的中介作用及该中介作用是否受到性别的调节。结果发现:(1)男生在网络利他行为和网络使用自我效能上均显著高于女生;男生在网络游戏、网络信息的使用上显著高于女生,男女生在网络社交上不存在显著差异;(2)网络使用(网络社交、网络信息、网络游戏)与网络使用自我效能、网络利他行为均呈显著正相关,网络使用自我效能与网络利他行为呈显著正相关;(3)网络使用自我效能在网络使用和网络利他行为的关系中具有中介作用,性别在网络使用与网络使用自我效能之间具有调节作用,相对于女生,网络使用自我效能的中介效应在男生群体中更为显著。  相似文献   

以397名流动儿童为被试,采用问卷法考察流动儿童消极学业情绪对学习自我效能感的影响以及情绪调节策略在其中的调节作用。结果表明:(1)流动儿童学业情绪对控制感的负向预测作用高于对基本能力感的预测作用,其中有恼火、羞愧、无助对基本能力感预测作用显著;认知重评对基本能力感预测作用显著,并且认知重评情绪调节策略对恼火、沮丧与基本能力感的关系有调节作用,而表达抑制对无助与基本能力感的关系有调节作用。(2)流动儿童学业情绪中除恼火外,焦虑、羞愧、厌倦、无助、沮丧和心烦对控制感的预测作用均显著。认知重评和表达抑制均对控制感的预测作用显著,并且认知重评与羞愧、厌倦、沮丧的调节作用显著,表达抑制与沮丧的调节作用显著。  相似文献   

Examined a dual-axis model of coping that included both action (active vs. passive) and social dimensions (prosocial vs. antisocial) of coping strategies among a combined sample of students and community residents. We developed an assessment device to represent the model and allow investigation. Mixed support for the model and instrument were noted. Women were more prosocial than men in their coping, but no less active. Men were more likely to use antisocial and aggressive, but less assertive coping strategies than women. More prosocial, action coping strategies were also more likely to be related to greater sense of mastery and more liberal gender-role orientation. Antisocial and passive strategies tended to be related to lower mastery and more traditional gender-role orientation. Active coping was related to lower emotional distress for men and women, but both prosocial and antisocial coping were related to greater emotional distress for men, suggesting that men may have a narrower band of beneficial coping strategies than do women. This research was made possible, in part, by a grant from the National Institute of Health (R01-HD24901-01) and by support of the Kent State Applied Psychology Center, which was established through the support of the Ohio Board of Regents.  相似文献   

本研究以487名幼儿为被试,探讨害羞与社会适应的关系,以及母亲教养方式在害羞与社会适应之间的调节作用。幼儿母亲完成儿童社会偏好量表和教养方式问卷,幼儿教师完成对幼儿社会适应的评价。结果表明:(1)害羞与不合群和同伴排斥显著正相关;(2)母亲教养方式在害羞与社会适应之间具有调节作用。具体来说,母亲温暖、说理和鼓励自主的教养方式可减弱害羞幼儿的消极适应,而体罚和指令型的教养方式会加剧害羞幼儿的消极适应。研究结果对于害羞幼儿的干预具有重要价值。  相似文献   

为探讨自闭症和智力障碍儿童行为问题与其父母焦虑的关系及其内在作用机制,研究采用问卷法对1023名自闭症和智力障碍儿童父母进行调查。结果表明:(1)自闭症和智力障碍儿童行为问题对父母焦虑具有正向预测作用;(2)育儿压力在儿童行为问题和父母焦虑间起中介作用;(3)儿童行为问题与育儿压力的关系受到领悟社会支持水平的调节,调节作用只在智力障碍儿童父母群体中显著。研究结果有助于揭示自闭症和智力障碍儿童行为问题对父母焦虑的影响及作用机制,对改善自闭症和智力障碍儿童父母育儿压力与焦虑具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

采用问卷法对462名初中生进行调查,考察了初中生学业自我效能感在感知校园氛围与网络游戏成瘾(Internet gaming disorder, IGD)关系间的中介效应,以及父母学业卷入对这一中介过程的调节效应。结果发现:(1)在控制了性别、年龄、家庭月收入和父母受教育水平后,感知校园氛围显著负向预测初中生IGD;(2)学业自我效能感在感知校园氛围与IGD关系间起着显著的部分中介效应;(3)父母学业卷入对中介路径"感知校园氛围→学业自我效能感→IGD"具有显著的调节效应,即相对于父母学业卷入水平低的初中生而言,这一间接效应对于父母学业卷入水平高的初中生更强。实践干预时,可以通过提高青少年的学业自我效能感和/或调整父母学业卷入程度来预防和控制青少年IGD。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the theoretical role of parental self-efficacy, or parents' beliefs in their competence and effectiveness in the parental role, as a mediator of relations between parent–child risk and parental sensitivity. Evidence is marshalled from studies of parenting in the contexts of maternal depression and child health risk to support the premise that parent–child characteristics affect parental sensitivity indirectly via their more direct impact on parental feelings of efficacy, and that parenting efficacy represents the ‘final common pathway’ in the prediction of parenting sensitivity. Also considered in this working model are specific social-contextual factors as independent contributors to parenting efficacy and as possible moderators of relations between parent–child characteristics and self-efficacy. Implications for intervention are discussed. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究采用问卷法,对764名青少年进行测试,用结构方程模型检验了教养方式、责任心、道德同一性、道德脱离和网络不道德行为之间的关系模型。结果表明,拒绝型教养方式通过责任心、道德同一性和道德脱离的中介来间接影响网络不道德行为。责任心可以直接作用于网络不道德行为,也可以通过道德脱离的中介来影响网络不道德行为。道德同一性只能通过道德脱离来影响不道德行为。  相似文献   

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