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The Alabama Parenting Questionnaire parent form (APQ-P) is one of the most commonly used measures to assess parenting practices. The current study evaluated the psychometric properties of the APQ-P using a community sample of 499 Portuguese mothers of children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 years. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed adequate psychometric properties of a three-factor model (positive parenting, ineffective parenting, and poor monitoring) in a solution of 20-items. After comparing the three-factor model across children’s age groups (≤13 vs. ≥14), partial metric and partial scalar invariance were found. Items loadings were similar between groups for ineffective parenting and poor monitoring, and factor scores were similar between groups for positive parenting. The 20-item version can be an appropriate measure of parenting, relevant for research and intervention purposes. Future studies should validate the current findings in independent samples, and devote particular attention to different parenting practices across different children’s age groups.  相似文献   

  We examined the psychometric properties of a German translation of the Child Global Report version of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ). A total of 1219 German school-children (644 boys and 575 girls), ages 10–14 years participated in the study. The APQ was subjected to exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Exploratory factor analysis produced five factors that were largely consistent with the a priori scale structure. These factors included dimensions of parental involvement, positive parenting, poor monitoring/supervision, inconsistent discipline, and corporal punishment. Fit indexes from confirmatory factor analyses suggested that the five factor model represented a satisfactory solution for the data, with some minor modifications in scale content. These findings provide initial support for the factorial validity of the child report version of the APQ in German families.  相似文献   

The Parenting Scale (PS) is a well‐established instrument for measuring discipline practices in Western populations. However, whether the PS is a valid and reliable measure in Eastern populations is not known. Thus, this study examined the psychometric properties of the PS in a sample of 433 Vietnamese parents of children aged 2–7 years. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) examined the commonly used Reitman et al.'s two‐factor and Rhoades and O'Leary's three‐factor solutions. Neither factor structure fit the data. An exploratory factor analysis identified a 12‐item one‐factor and 14‐item two‐factor solutions that overlapped substantially with established factor structures. The one‐factor solution reflected Lax/Overreactive parenting and the two‐factor solution consisted of Lax/Overreactive and Hostile subscales. The factor structures were confirmed via multigroup CFA. Internal consistencies were acceptable and ranged between .70 and .85. Each factor was positively associated with parent anger, dysfunctional cognitions about child behaviour, and externalising child behaviour problems. However, when entered simultaneously in a regression, Hostile discipline was not uniquely associated with child behaviour. Overall, results support the potential utility of the 12‐item one‐factor PS as a measure of dysfunctional parenting practices for Vietnamese parents.  相似文献   

Brief assessments of parenting practices can provide important information about the development of disruptive behavior disorders in children. We examined the factor structure of a widely used assessment of parenting practices, the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire, and produced a 9-item short scale around its three supported factors: Positive Parenting, Inconsistent Discipline and Poor Supervision. The short scale was then validated in independent community samples using confirmatory factor analysis and measures of disruptive behavioral disorders in children. The scale showed good fit to a three-factor model and good convergent validity by differentiating parents of children with disruptive behavioral disorders and parents of children without such disorders. Results indicated that this new measure is an informative tool for researchers and clinicians whom require brief assessments of parenting practices relating to disruptive behavioral disorders in children.  相似文献   

The Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ) is a well studied assessment of parenting practices for school-age children, especially in relation to child externalizing behaviors. Given the developmental changes between school-age children and adolescents and subsequent changes to parenting approaches during that time, the utility of a public-accessed measure to span across a broad age range is of high clinical and empirical importance. This study investigated the psychometric properties of the APQ in a community sample of 376 parents of adolescents. In an Exploratory Factor Analysis the data suggested a 4-factor solution similar in composition to the original 5-factor model. Proposed factors for the APQ when given to parents of adolescents included Positive and Involved Parenting, Parental Monitoring, Discipline Practices, and Discipline Process.  相似文献   

Despite difficulties measuring parenting styles, many studies have demonstrated a significant relationship between disruptive children and certain parenting practices. One of the most frequently used scales to measure parenting styles is the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ). This scale was originally defined based on theoretical dimensions and using samples from the USA. Therefore, both factor analysis studies and its adaptation to other countries have been proposed to improve and widen its use. The aim of this study was to adapt the APQ to the Italian population. A community sample of 258 mothers and children (94 %) and 192 fathers (70 %) from 274 families with children from 10- to 14-years-old who agreed to participate and met the inclusion criteria completed the APQ. Principal components and exploratory factor analyses resulted in a unique 19-item version of the APQ for mothers, fathers, and children. This unified version has resulted in two factor categories: positive (12 items) and negative parenting (7 items). The internal consistency and goodness of fit of the model were satisfactory. Moderate and significant convergent validity were found for mothers and fathers but not for children. In fact, we found differences in validity rates among the participants. Children perceived less positive and more negative parenting than did fathers and mothers, and mothers believed that they provided more positive parenting than did other parents. In conclusion, the APQ Italian version of the parents and children global report forms are considered a suitable measure for positive and negative parenting styles with acceptable validity and reliability indices.  相似文献   


The purpose was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Insomnia Catastrophizing Scale (ICS) including factorial validity and internal consistency as well as discriminative and convergent validity. Associations with sleep parameters and daytime impairment are also examined. Drawn from a randomly selected sample of the general population, 1615 participants completed a survey on insomnia-related nighttime and daytime symptoms, health outcomes and psychological processes, including the ICS. A one-factor solution was supported for both the nighttime catastrophizing (11 items) and daytime catastrophizing (6 items) subscales. Both subscales displayed high internal consistencies (α > 0.90) and accounted for 59.1–70.1% of the variance. The insomnia disorder group had significantly higher scores than participants without insomnia on the two subscales and on the individual items. Cutoffs were established for both subscales with acceptable sensitivity and specificity. Both subscales displayed adequate convergent validity with measures indexing worry, cognitive pre-sleep arousal and anxiety. The two subscales were also significantly associated with nighttime and daytime insomnia symptoms. The ICS is a reliable and valid scale for the assessment of insomnia-related catastrophizing. Future research is needed to examine the test-retest reliability and treatment sensitivity of the ICS.  相似文献   

The factor structure, internal consistency, construct validity, and predictive validity of the Dutch version of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ-NL) were studied in a sample of meditators (n = 288) and nonmeditators (n = 451). A five-factor structure was demonstrated in both samples, and the FFMQ-NL and its subscales were shown to have good internal consistencies. Meditators scored higher on all facets of the FFMQ-NL than the participants in the nonmeditating sample. For both samples, expected negative correlations between most mindfulness facets (all except for the Observing facet) and the constructs of alexithymia, thought suppression, rumination, worry, and dissociation were found. The Observing facet of the FFMQ-NL showed an unexpected positive correlation with thought suppression in the nonmeditating sample. Furthermore, as expected, mindfulness facets were negatively related to psychological symptoms, and all mindfulness facets except for Observing and Describing significantly predicted psychological symptoms. Overall, the Dutch FFMQ demonstrated favorable psychometric properties, commensurate with its (original) English language version.  相似文献   

The study assesses the psychometric properties of the Greek version of the Aggression Questionnaire by Buss and Perry in a sample of 760 Greek high school students. This questionnaire has been widely used to study Physical Aggression, Verbal Aggression, Anger, and Hostility. A confirmatory factor analysis of responses showed adequate fit for the original 4-factor model (total variance explained: 68.2%). The analysis also showed satisfactory internal consistency and temporal stability over 6 to 8 weeks. Also, the construct validity, extreme groups' validity, and predictive validity indices were adequate. Greek female students adopted more indirect forms of aggression (Hostility) than males, who applied more direct forms such as Physical Aggression. Findings supported the use of the Greek version of the questionnaire for assessment in high school students.  相似文献   

The present study assesses the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Greek version of the Cardiac Anxiety Questionnaire (CAQ). The questionnaire was administered to 598 healthy individuals from 15 different regions of Greece with a measure of socioeconomic characteristics and the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R). The sample was split into two random halves, and exploratory factor analysis indicated a three-factor solution. This solution was tested using a confirmatory factor analysis on the second half of the sample. In terms of latent dimensions, the Greek version retains the three-factor structure as proposed by the initial authors. However, adequate fit was achieved only after omitting eight items. The shorter (10-item) version was submitted to further analysis. The shorter version provided satisfactory internal reliability and evidence indicating the validity of the scale with respect to SCL-90-R subscales. The stability of the questionnaire was verified by a high test-retest reliability over a 3-mo. period (r = .86). Sex and age differences were assessed. The 10-item version appears to be a practical, brief tool for clinical use.  相似文献   

Current Psychology - Early experiences appear to influence the sense of unpredictability and uncontrollability of both life events and emotions in vulnerable individuals. The perception of low...  相似文献   

This study examined the reliability and validity of the Big Five Questionnaire for Children (BFQ-C), a recently developed self-report measure for assessing the basic personality dimensions of energy/extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional instability, and intellect/openness in youths (Barbaranelli, Caprara, Rabasca, & Pastorelli, 2003). A sample of adolescents (N = 222) completed the BFQ-C, the Junior version of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (JEPQ), and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Results showed that the BFQ-C had a clear-cut factor structure, good internal consistency, and sufficient validity as evidenced through its associations with the JEPQ and the measure of strengths and difficulties. An additional finding was that there was little overlap between children’s and parents’ Big Five personality.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to analyze the psychometric properties, factor structure and internal consistency of the Spanish version of the Thought-Shape Fusion Questionnaire (TSF-Q), as well as to determine its validity by evaluating the relationship of the TSF-Q to different instruments. Two groups were studied: one comprising 146 patients with a diagnosis of anorexia (n = 82), bulimia (n = 33) or unspecified eating disorder (n = 31), and another group of 115 undergraduates with no history of psychological disorder. All participants completed the TSF-Q, TAF-Q, EDI-2, STAI, BDI and SCL-90-R. Differences in TSF-Q scores between the diagnostic subgroups were also analyzed. Two factors were obtained which coincided with the two sections indicated by the authors of the questionnaire: conceptual and interpretative. The internal consistency of the TSF-Q and its subscales was determined by means of Cronbach's alpha, with values ranging between .93 and .96. The correlations with other instruments reflected adequate validity. There were no significant differences between the diagnostic subgroups. The Spanish version of the TSF-Q meets the psychometric requirements for measuring thought-shape fusion and shows adequate internal consistency and validity.  相似文献   

The role of positive cognitions in psychopathology is increasingly recognized. Several measures of this construct have been devised. The most well-known instrument to measure positive self-referent thoughts is the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire - Positive (ATQ - P). The present study explored the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of this questionnaire. Data were derived from 257 bereaved adults. Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed that an oblique 5-factor model with items pertaining to Positive Daily Functioning, Positive Self-Evaluation, Other's Evaluation of Self, Positive Future Expectations, and Positive Social Functioning fit the data well. This model was a slight modification of the 4-factor model originally proposed by the developers of the ATQ - P, in which items pertaining to Positive Social Functioning were part of the factor Positive Daily Functioning. The internal consistency and the short-term temporal stability of the ATQ - P were found to be satisfactory. In addition, the 5 factors as well as the summed total score of the ATQ - P showed adequate discriminative, construct, divergent and convergent validity. In sum, the present study indicates that the Dutch ATQ - P is an effective measure of positive automatic cognitions.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to develop a Chinese version of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ-C) and to examine its psychometric properties in a sample of Chinese university students. The English version of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire was translated and back-translated prior to its administration to 791 participants recruited from two universities in Changsha, Hunan (China). Internal consistency, test–retest reliability, inter-scale reliability, and factorial validity were analysed. The CERQ-C exhibited: (1) moderate internal consistency (Cronbach's α=.83); (2) a mean inter-class correlation coefficient of .79; (3) a mean inter-item correlation coefficient of .09; and (4) moderate test–retest reliability (.64). Confirmatory factor analyses supported the original CERQ nine-factor model. Finally, with respect to criterion validity, several CERQ-C subscales were uniquely associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety.  相似文献   

The factor structure of the Stunkard-Messick Eating Questionnaire (SMEQ) differs from that of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ). Using students and members of a weight watchers club, we factor-analyzed responses to the SMEQ and produced a solution which was different from that obtained by Stunkard and Messick, but which had some similarities to the factor structure of the DEBQ. “External” taste items and “internal” hunger items loaded on the same factor, a finding inconsistent with externality theory but consistent with the common sense notion of appetite strength. Although our finding suggests factor instability of the SMEQ, the stability of the DEBQ appears to be the consequence of a restricted range of DEBQ items compared with SMEQ items. Financial support for this research was given by Lilly Industries.  相似文献   

The factor structure of the Stunkard-Messick Eating Questionnaire (SMEQ) differs from that of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ). Using students and members of a weight watchers club, we factor-analyzed responses to the SMEQ and produced a solution which was different from that obtained by Stunkard and Messick, but which had some similarities to the factor structure of the DEBQ. “External” taste items and “internal” hunger items loaded on the same factor, a finding inconsistent with externality theory but consistent with the common sense notion of appetite strength. Although our finding suggests factor instability of the SMEQ, the stability of the DEBQ appears to be the consequence of a restricted range of DEBQ items compared with SMEQ items. Financial support for this research was given by Lilly Industries.  相似文献   


This study tested the utility of assessing anxiety sensitivity (AS) in children by investigating the long term stability and psychometric properties of a Catalan version of the Childhood Anxiety Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index (CASI, Silverman et al ., 1991, Journal of Clinical Child Psychology , 20 , 162-168) in a sample of 291 elementary-school children. The Catalan CASI demonstrated acceptable internal consistency and convergent validity estimates, similar to previous research with the English version. The measure also showed incremental validity in relation to other measures of anxiety and test-retest analyses suggested considerable three month and one-year stability in children's level of AS. Finally, a principal component analysis of the Catalan CASI yielded five lower-order factors grouped on a unique higher-order factor. The similarity of the findings to previous research on the CASI and on AS in English speaking children and adults is discussed and some suggestions for future investigations are presented.  相似文献   

With the advent of DSM-III-R, the diagnostic criteria for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) shifted in emphasis from the autonomic arousal to the cognitive component of the disorder, namely worry. The Penn State Worry Questionnaire was developed to assess the trait of worry and has proven to be a reliable and valid measure in a series of studies largely based on college student samples. The purpose of the present study was to assess the psychometric properties and utility of the PSWQ in a clinical sample of 436 anxiety disorder patients and 32 normal controls. Factor analysis indicated that the PSWQ assesses a unidimensional construct. Furthermore, the PSWQ evidenced quite favorable internal consistency using GAD patients and each of the other anxiety disorder groups and normal controls. The validity of the PSWQ was supported by an analysis indicating that the measure distinguished. GADs from each of the other anxiety disorder groups including those with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Moreover, correlations between the PSWQ and measures of anxiety, depression, and emotional control supported the convergent and discriminant validity of the measure. Collectively, the findings speak favorably to the use of the PSWQ in research examining the nature and treatment of GAD and the processes of normal and pathological worry.  相似文献   

The present study analyses the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Collective Efficacy Questionnaire in Sports (CEQS). The sample comprises 312 athletes (167 males and 145 females), with a mean age of 24.09 (SD= 6.67), with diverse performance levels (professional, semiprofessional and university level), all practitioners of team sports. The factor structure of the questionnaire was analyzed with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The results confirm the 5-factor internal structure of the CESQ (Effort, Ability, Unity, Perseverance and Preparation), made up of four items each. We also found acceptable values of the alpha coefficient, which confirms that the CESQ is a reliable instrument. Lastly, we found preliminary support for the validity of the construct of the CESQ, which is sufficient evidence to justify its use to measure the collective efficacy in Spanish athletes.  相似文献   

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