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Immigrants ascend to citizenship at differential rates in Canada. This paper investigates the economic costs and benefits derived from citizenship to rationalize the differential rates of immigrant citizenship ascension. Canadian earnings evidence confirms the sizeable economic benefits of citizenship and a decomposition analysis attributes this benefit to self-selection, namely the more productive immigrants become Canadian citizens.  相似文献   

The current work examined the causes and consequences of non-Black people's desire to avoid interracial interactions (an avoidance-focus). Expecting to respond with racial bias in inter-racial interactions was argued to result in an avoidance-focus for such interactions, which was hypothesized to have negative implications for the quality of interracial interactions. Across three studies, feedback indicating that non-Black participants would respond with racial bias in interactions with Black people resulted in anxiety and the desire to avoid the interaction. In addition, when participants with an avoidance-focus interacted with a Black confederate (Study 2), they had shorter interactions that were rated as less pleasant by the confederate and participant as compared to those without an avoidance-focus. Avoidance-focused participants were less interested in future interactions and came across as more avoidant and biased to their partner than less avoidance-focused participants. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for racial relations.  相似文献   

As a clinical model of hippocampal dysfunction, transient global amnesia (TGA) causes reversible memory disturbance. While episodic memory deficits in TGA patients have been extensively described, data regarding semantic memory involvement are sparse and contradictory. We report impaired semantic fluency performance in 16 patients with hippocampal lesions on MRI during acute TGA compared to their performance one day later and to that of 20 healthy subjects. Our findings support the involvement of the hippocampus in semantic retrieval.  相似文献   

In Colombia (South America) during recent decades the administration of scopolamine, extracted from plants belonging to the Datura or Brugmansia genus, has become an important neurologic and toxicologic phenomenon. These extracts have been popularly known as "Burundanga." Chemical characteristics and clinical features of scopolamine intoxication are described. Anterograde amnesia and submissive behavior found in patients intoxicated with scopolamine are analyzed. Burundanga intoxication is related to other toxic phenomena found in different countries and similitudes with transient global amnesia are emphasized.  相似文献   

Objective. This study explores the possibility that a post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) like phenomenon is caused by the administration of drugs in hospital following injury and that this may be observed in patients who have not suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). This work also explored the possibility for an additional contribution to this phenomenon of demographic and psychological variables. Method. Sixty-three orthopaedic patients with no evidence of brain injury were recruited to a two-phase study. Medication records, demographic, and psychological data were obtained at the phase 1. At follow-up interviews (phase 2), psychological data (mood and post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD) were again obtained and retrospective assessment of PTA using the Rivermead PTA protocol was carried out in 47 patients. Results. Thirty-eight per cent (N=18) of the total sample (N=47) reported a PTA-like phenomenon despite not having suffered TBI. A logistic regression model including the receipt of opioids, surgery, and anxiety-related variables, was significant in predicting this phenomenon (χ2=22.054, df=4, p≤.01) and accounted for up to 57.5% of variation in the data. Age, either alone or in interaction with opioid use, depression, and PTSD symptoms were not significant predictors. PTA-like phenomenon did not occur without at least one predictive factor. Conclusion. Receiving opioids, undergoing surgery, and suffering clinical levels of anxiety at an early stage following injury, can lead patients who have not suffered a TBI to report a PTA-like phenomenon at follow-up. This suggests that retrospective PTA assessment on actual brain injury patients may also be influenced by these factors.  相似文献   

The author, by giving an outline of one particular case as well as a survey of the relevant literature on transient global amnesia, describes the characteristic clinical picture that is characterized by a sudden loss of what is known as the short-time memory, which usually lasts for several hours, as well as by retrograde amnesia which sometimes dates back to many years. The condition gradually fades away within a few hours or during a night's sleep, and what remains is lack or loss of memory for the episodic period or sometimes retrograde amnesia. Relapses were not observed in the majority of patients. The disease usually develops in people in their sixth to eighth decades of life. The cause of the disease is not yet fully understood. Accordingly, it is justified to use such terms as autochthonous or cryptogenic amnestic episodes. The disease is also discussed from a differential diagnosis point of view.  相似文献   


Basic to the study of disasters and other life crises are questions about how victims and observers make sense of the event. Attribution theory, which describes how and why people ascribe causes to events and behaviors, can provide a useful framework for helping researchers in their quest to understand how and why victims and observers respond as they do to cataclysmic events. In spite of its clear potential for guiding research, surprisingly few studies looking at disaster and nearly no studies of terrorism have used an attributional perspective. While other negative life crises have been studied, cataclysmic events such as disasters and terrorist attacks possess distinctive features that set them apart from other types of trauma. Because of differences in degree of consensus, perceived control, and intentionality, cataclysmic events offer attribution researchers a unique arena in which to test and clarify basic assumptions. This article reveiws the work done in the field and outlines areas of concern for future efforts.  相似文献   

Career self-management: Its nature, causes and consequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a recent special issue [Journal of Vocational Behavior 59 (2001) 284], scholars noted that the field of vocational psychology needs a better understanding of career self-management. This article proposes a conceptual framework of career self-management, based on Crites’ [Vocational Psychology, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969] model of vocational adjustment. It argues that people use three types of career self-managing behavior (positioning, influence, and boundary management) as adaptive responses to career development tasks. These behaviors are used to respond to or eliminate thwarting conditions or career barriers, and thereby lead to vocational adjustment. Suggested determinants of this behavior are self-efficacy, desire for control, and career anchors. Career self-management can enhance perceptions of control over the career, leading to career satisfaction, but it may also be associated with negative outcomes and maladjustment. The framework is suggested to apply both to bounded ‘organizational’ careers and to more flexible, improvised careers. The article concludes by considering the implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

Underpowered studies persist in the psychological literature. This article examines reasons for their persistence and the effects on efforts to create a cumulative science. The "curse of multiplicities" plays a central role in the presentation. Most psychologists realize that testing multiple hypotheses in a single study affects the Type I error rate, but corresponding implications for power have largely been ignored. The presence of multiple hypothesis tests leads to 3 different conceptualizations of power. Implications of these 3 conceptualizations are discussed from the perspective of the individual researcher and from the perspective of developing a coherent literature. Supplementing significance tests with effect size measures and confidence intervals is shown to address some but not necessarily all problems associated with multiple testing.  相似文献   

知识隐藏指组织中个体面对同事知识请求时故意隐瞒或刻意掩饰的行为, 具体包括拖延隐藏、装傻和合理隐藏。知识隐藏不利于个体间知识分享行为的产生, 是知识领域的反生产行为, 对组织效能具有严重破坏作用。针对这一问题, 基于调节定向理论, 从动态视角出发拟通过探究地位动机的维度结构并开发测量工具来探究个体和团队层次中知识隐藏的心理机制及边界条件, 以有助于深化对知识隐藏的规律性认识, 有利于组织更好地应对知识隐藏现象。  相似文献   

Suspiciousness of deception threatens the internal validity of the conformity experiment, and analyses suggest it is becoming more widespread. After being led to believe their own ability in a visual judgment task was higher, lower, or the same as the ability of the other group members, 65 undergraduate women made visual and informational judgments in the Crutchfield apparatus. Major findings include treatment effects on suspiciousness, less conformity by suspicious Ss, and ‘significant’ treatment effects on conformity only when suspicious Ss were removed from the analyses. Measures of self-confidence and confidence in others were significantly related to and likely determinants of suspiciousness. Implications for improving deception in conformity research are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study explored women's experiences of domestic violence in Myanmar. In particular, the study examined the relation between antecedents and outcomes of their experiences as well as influences of attribution styles, response styles and different types of violence on their experiences. Using the Myanmar version of the Revised Conflict Tactic Scale, survey data from a representative sample of 286 women in Myanmar were conducted. Results indicated that 27% of women experienced physical assault and 69% of women experienced psychological aggression in a 1-year period. The factors associated with increased risks of violence included witnessing parental violence, husbands' unemployment, husbands' frequent alcohol use, and women's feminism attitudes. Severe physical assault was a strong predictor of negative outcomes and formal intervention. Formal intervention was related to fewer negative outcomes.  相似文献   

The fractionation of retrograde amnesia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This single case study describes our investigations of the retrograde memory deficit of a patient who became severely and selectively amnesic after an encephalitic illness. On clinical assessment his retrograde deficit for both personal and public events appeared to encompass his entire adult life. However, he retained knowledge of words introduced into the vocabulary during the retrograde period. The experimental investigation documented his inability to recall, recognize, and place in temporal order the names and faces of famous people for all time periods sampled. By contrast, his recall of either a famous face or a famous name was significantly facilitated by the verbal cue of the person's first name and initial of the surname (i.e., Margaret T...). His performance on a test of "familiarity" that required him to select the famous name or the famous face from two distractors (unknown) was within normal limits. It is argued that names and faces of famous people are represented in more than one system: both in a vocabulary-like fact memory system that is preserved and also in a congnitively mediated schemata that in this case is functionally inoperative.  相似文献   

Results from studies of retrograde amnesia provide much of the evidence for theories of memory consolidation. Retrograde amnesia gradients are often interpreted as revealing the time needed for the formation of long-term memories. The rapid forgetting observed after many amnestic treatments, including protein synthesis inhibitors, and the parallel decay seen in long-term potentiation experiments are presumed to reveal the duration of short-term memory processing. However, there is clear and consistent evidence that the time courses obtained in these amnesia experiments are highly variable within and across experiments and treatments. The evidence is inconsistent with identification of basic temporal properties of memory consolidation. Alternative views include modulation of memory and emphasize the roles that hormones and neurotransmitters have in regulating memory formation. Of related interest, converging lines of evidence suggest that inhibitors of protein synthesis and of other biochemical processes act on modulators of memory formation rather than on mechanisms of memory formation. Based on these findings, memory consolidation and reconsolidation studies might better be identified as memory modulation and "remodulation" studies. Beyond a missing and perhaps unattainable time constant of memory consolidation, some current views of memory consolidation assume that memories, once formed, are generally unmodifiable. It is this perspective that appears to have led to the recent interest in memory reconsolidation. But the view adopted here is that memories are continually malleable, being updated by new experiences and, at the same time, altering the memories of later experiences. Studies of memory remodulation offer promise of understanding the neurobiological bases by which new memories are altered by prior experiences and by which old memories are altered by new experiences.  相似文献   

Junior and senior high school students rated the extent to which occupational success is attributable to internal versus external factors and the extent to which it results in negative versus positive outcomes; 144 seventh through twelfth graders responded to one of six success cues in which either a male or female character was depicted achieving success as a doctor, nurse, or department head. Junior high girls assigned a more positive valence to success than junior high boys (p<.001), with no sex differences among the senior high subjects. Girls of both age groups were more likely to rate success as difficult to achieve (p<.01) and requiring more effort (p<.05), while boys were more likely to indicate that success was a function of luck (p<.01). Socialization influences which may have mediated the age and sex differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Ambition is a commonly mentioned but poorly understood concept in social science research. We sought to contribute to understanding of the concept by developing and testing a model in which ambition is a middle-level trait (Cantor, 1990)-predicted by more distal characteristics but, due to its teleological nature, more proximally situated to predict career success. A 7-decade longitudinal sample of 717 high-ability individuals from the Terman life-cycle study (Terman, Sears, Cronbach, & Sears, 1989) was used in the current study. Results indicated that ambition was predicted by individual differences-conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, and general mental ability-and a socioeconomic background variable: parents' occupational prestige. Ambition, in turn, was positively related to educational attainment, occupation prestige, and income. Ambition had significant total effects with all of the endogenous variables except mortality. Overall, the results support the thesis that ambition is a middle-level trait-related to but distinct from more distal individual difference variables-that has meaningful effects on career success.  相似文献   

The presence of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) abnormalities in patients with transient global amnesia has been an interesting phenomenologic finding. Several theories surround the occurrence of this syndrome, but little is known about its true physiopathology. We present a case of transient global amnesia after cardiac catheterization associated with migraine headache and MRI changes compatible with an ischemic insult. A discussion on potential explanations for this finding is made, as well as a review of the pertinent literature.  相似文献   

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