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We used visual search to explore whether attention could be guided by Kanizsa-type subjective contours and by subjective contours induced by line ends. Unlike in previous experiments, we compared search performance with subjective contours against performance with real, luminance contours, and we had observers search for orientations or shapes produced by subjective contours, rather than searching for the presence of the contours themselves. Visual search for one orientation or shape among distractors of another orientation or shape was efficient when the items were defined by luminance contours. Search was much less efficient among items defined by Kanizsa-type subjective contours. Search remained efficient when the items were defined by subjective contours induced by line ends. The difference between Kanizsa-type subjective contour and subjective contours induced by line ends is consistent with physiological evidence suggesting that the brain mechanisms underlying the perception of these two kinds of subjective contours may be different.  相似文献   

Two theories of subjective contours are distinguished according to the interrelationship of subjective contours and subjective brightness effects. In one view, subjective contours are illusory brightness gradients generated from grouped local brightness effects. In another view, subjective contours are the edges of subjective forms created on the basis of gestalt factors; subjective brightness is a secondary consequence of form perception. Two experiments which use rating scales to separate judgments of subjective contour and subjective brightness are presented. The first shows that subjects may judge contour to be strong when there is no subjective brightness gradient. In the second, gestalt grouping factors are shown to be more important than factors which should influence brightness according to local effects theories. Both experiments support the view that subjective brightness occurs through interactions at the level of form perception.  相似文献   

Contextual cueing can be enhanced by reward. However, there is a debate if reward is associated with the repeated target–distractor configurations or with the repeated target locations that occur in both repeated and new displays. Based on neuroimaging evidence, we hypothesized that reward becomes associated with the target location only in new displays, but not in repeated displays, where the repeated target location is overshadowed by the more salient repeated target–distractor configuration. To test this hypothesis, we varied the reward value associated with the same target location in repeated and new displays. The results confirmed the overshadowing hypothesis in that search facilitation in repeated target–distractor configurations was modulated by the variable value associated with the target location. This effect was observed mainly in early learning.  相似文献   

The disappearance characteristics of luminous designs were studied in three experiments. The stimuli were geometric forms set off by either real or subjective contours. Subjective-contour forms fragmented more often and in a manner qualitatively different from that of forms created with real contours. Previewing a real-contour form increased the subsequent fragmentation of that form, but no adaptation effects were noted among forms created with subjective contours, and there was no cross-contour adaptation. These results are interpreted as inconsistent with the position that subjective contours result from the partial activation of feature-analyzer mechanisms in the visual system.  相似文献   

We examined infants' perception of subjective contours in Subjective-Contour-from-Apparent-Motion (SCAM) stimuli [e.g., Cicerone, C. M., Hoffman, D. D., Gowdy, P. D., & Kim, J. S. (1995). The perception of color from motion. Perception & Psychophysics, 57, 761-777] using the preferential looking technique. The SCAM stimulus is composed of random dots which are assigned two different colors. Circular region assigned one color moved apparently, keeping all dots' location unchanged. In the SCAM stimulus, adults can perceive subjective color spreading and subjective contours in apparent motion (http://c-faculty.chuo-u.ac.jp/ approximately ymasa/okamura/ibd_demo.html). In the present study, we conducted two experiments by using this type of SCAM stimulus. A total of thirty-six 3-8-month-olds participated. In experiment 1, we presented two stimuli to the infants side by side: a SCAM stimulus consisting of different luminance, and a non-SCAM stimulus consisting of isoluminance dots. The results indicated that the 5-8-month-olds showed preference for the SCAM stimuli. In experiments 2 and 3, we confirmed that the infants' preference for the SCAM stimulus was not generated by the local difference and local change made by luminance of dots but by the subjective contours. These results suggest that 5-8-month-olds were able to perceive subjective contours in the SCAM stimuli.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the dependence of illusory colors on boundary salience and depth stratification by using flicker-induced depth. The first used a subjective-contour stimulus that appeared as a translucent colored rectangle covering a set of inducing circles and a dark background. The circles were then flickered so as to be perceived as background, and the previously dark background moved forward and appeared as foreground. Simultaneously, the chromatic subjective contour was eliminated. In the second experiment, a subjective-contour (faces/vase-concentric squares) figure was tinted with the McCollough effect, which produced a strong subjective color edge. This edge was visible only with the faces/vase percept and not in the squares percept. Flickering the target locked it into the square configuration because in this case the flicker held the entire pattern in the same depth plane. This eliminated the subjective color edge. Depth stratification and subjective color blockage were maximal at a flicker rate of 6 Hz.  相似文献   

Subjective contours can be produced that include an illusion of edge and an extension of color throughout the area of the illusion. The phenomenological appearance is of a transparent colored shape in front of the background. Two explanations of this illusion are proposed. The first is that there is an assimilation of color analogous to brightness assimilation. The second is a variant of the stratification of depth theory of subjective contours. In it, the pattern elements lead to the illusion of a surface in front of the pattern elements. We thus predicted that an illusion of transparency would enhance the subjective contour, Metelli’s model of transparency was used to quantify our prediction, and it was found that the possibility of transparency was a powerful predictor of the chromatic subjective contour.  相似文献   

The role of memory in perceiving subjective contours   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

F Purghé 《Perception》1989,18(2):201-213
Subjective contours and brightness enhancement in Ehrenstein-like situations are affected by pattern orientation. If a classic Ehrenstein pattern (with four inducing elements for every gap at intersection points) is observed, a number of anomalous illusory patches usually appear in these gaps, but if the same pattern is observed tilted by 45 degrees the patches disappear and it is possible to see an illusory grid of horizontal and vertical 'streets'. These two perceptual results are mutually exclusive. In a Koffka-cross variant of this pattern, the illusory patches, which are usually square, appear more rounded in the tilted pattern. All these results were confirmed in two experiments by means of a magnitude estimation procedure. It is suggested that the formation of a subjective contour is easier along horizontal and vertical directions and more difficult in an oblique direction, and that this phenomenon, as well as other visual acuity oblique effects, depends in part on the basic functioning of the visual system at the level of sensation.  相似文献   

Recent physiological studies (von der Heydt & Peterhans, 1989) suggest that the orientation of subjective contours is encoded very early in the visual system (V2 in monkey). This result is seemingly at odds with existing psychophysical data which suggest that the detection of subjective contours involves selective attention. It is argued that certain subjective contours are registered in a reflexive (bottom-up) manner by the visual system but that selective attention may be needed to gain access to this representation. To assess this suggestion, a visual-search task was used in which subjects were to detect the presence of a horizontal (vertical) subjective contour (defined by offset gratings) in a variable number of vertical (horizontal) subjective contours (also defined by offset gratings). When there were no competing organizations within the display, detection was indeed independent of the number of nontarget distractors, that is, selective attention was unnecessary. In a second experiment, we found that a curved form (a crescent defined by subjective contours) was easier to detect in a background of vertical bars (also defined by subjective contours) than vice versa, namely, a search asymmetry paralleling those found by Treisman and Gormican (1988). A final experiment showed that when the horizontal and vertical bars of the first experiment formed textured regions, they could be discriminated at very brief display durations (30–120 msec), However, when the line terminations aligned along the subjective contour were tapered rather than abrupt, discrimination dropped off with the degree of tapering. The latter result is consistent with the assumption that the registration of subjective contours in V2 involves the integration of responses from aligned, end-stopped cells found in VI (von der Heydt & Peterhans, 1989).  相似文献   

The repetition of spatial layout implicitly facilitates visual search (contextual cueing effect; Chun & Jiang, 1998). Although a substantial number of studies have explored the mechanism underlying the contextual cueing effect, the manner in which contextual information guides spatial attention to a target location during a visual search remains unclear. We investigated the nature of attentional modulation by contextual cueing, using a hybrid paradigm of a visual search task and a probe dot detection task. In the case of a repeated spatial layout, detection of a probe dot was facilitated at a search target location and was inhibited at distractor locations relative to nonrepeated spatial layouts. Furthermore, these facilitatory and inhibitory effects possessed different learning properties across epochs (Experiment 1) and different time courses within a trial (Experiment 2). These results suggest that contextual cueing modulates attentional processing via both facilitation to the location of “to-be-attended” stimuli and inhibition to the locations of “to-be-ignored” stimuli.  相似文献   

Kavsek M  Yonas A 《Perception》2006,35(2):215-227
We investigated whether 4-month-old infants are capable of perceiving illusory contours produced by the Kanizsa-square display, first introduced by Prazdny (1983, Perception & Psychophysics 34 403-404), which tests whether a viewer perceives the illusory contour in the absence of brightness contrast (illusory brightness). Because the illusory square appears to move across the computer screen and infants are attracted to motion, this display holds their interest. In experiment 1, 4-month-old infants were tested for their ability to distinguish between a continuously moving illusory square and a continuously moving control display in which the pacman elements were rotated so that the perception of subjective contours did not occur. Data analysis revealed a significant preference for the subjective contour display. In experiment 2, habituation-dishabituation was used with 4-month-old infants. They were tested for their ability to discriminate between the illusory Kanizsa square that continuously moved back and forth and an illusory square which changed positions randomly. Although the infants did not show differences in dishabituation as a function of the habituation display, they looked significantly longer at the continuously moving display.  相似文献   

Recent physiological studies (von der Heydt & Peterhans, 1989) suggest that the orientation of subjective contours is encoded very early in the visual system (V2 in monkey). This result is seemingly at odds with existing psychophysical data which suggest that the detection of subjective contours involves selective attention. It is argued that certain subjective contours are registered in a reflexive (bottom-up) manner by the visual system but that selective attention may be needed to gain access to this representation. To assess this suggestion, a visual-search task was used in which subjects were to detect the presence of a horizontal (vertical) subjective contour (defined by offset gratings) in a variable number of vertical (horizontal) subjective contours (also defined by offset gratings). When there were no competing organizations within the display, detection was indeed independent of the number of nontarget distractors, that is, selective attention was unnecessary. In a second experiment, we found that a curved form (a crescent defined by subjective contours) was easier to detect in a background of vertical bars (also defined by subjective contours) than vice versa, namely, a search asymmetry paralleling those found by Treisman and Gormican (1988). A final experiment showed that when the horizontal and vertical bars of the first experiment formed textured regions, they could be discriminated at very brief display durations (30-120 msec). However, when the line terminations aligned along the subjective contour were tapered rather than abrupt, discrimination dropped off with the degree of tapering. The latter result is consistent with the assumption that the registration of subjective contours in V2 involves the integration of responses from aligned, end-stopped cells found in V1 (von der Heydt & Peterhans, 1989).  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to refine our understanding of the mechanisms that encode subjective contours. In Experiment 1, discrimination thresholds (stimulus onset asynchronies [SOAs] yielding 81% correct) were measured in a backward masking paradigm for subjective contours defined by offset gratings. For large apertures, thresholds increased as carrier frequency increased. For the smallest aperture, thresholds were a U-shaped function of carrier frequency. Experiment 2 showed that these threshold results were generally consistent with the rated strength of the subjective contours. Experiment 3 showed that detection thresholds (SOAs yielding 81% correct) again increased with carrier spatial frequency, increased for obliquely oriented carriers, and, for a particular frequency and orientation of the carrier, were lower when the subjective contour was orthogonal to the carrier. All of these results are well explained by a two-stage process in which a second-layer filter integrates the responses of end-stopped mechanisms to the terminators defining the subjective contour. In the model, the end-stopped mechanisms have low-pass sensitivity to carrier spatial frequency, and the sizes of the second-layer filters are proportional to the scale of the end-stopped mechanisms from which they draw their input.  相似文献   

In adults, a salient tone embedded in a sequence of nonsalient tones improves detection of a synchronously and briefly presented visual target in a rapid, visually distracting sequence. This phenomenon indicates that perception from one sensory modality can be influenced by another one even when the latter modality provides no information about the judged property itself. However, no study has revealed the age-related development of this kind of cross-modal enhancement. Here we tested the effect of concurrent and unique sounds on detection of illusory contours during infancy. We used a preferential looking technique to investigate whether audio-visual enhancement of the detection of illusory contours could be observed at 5, 6, and 7 months of age. A significant enhancement, induced by sound, of the preference for illusory contours was observed only in the 7-month-olds. These results suggest that audio-visual enhancement in visual target detection emerges at 7 months of age.  相似文献   

In previous research, replicated here, we found that some object recognition processes influence figure-ground organization. We have proposed that these object recognition processes operate on edges (or contours)detected early in visual processing, rather than on regions. Consistent with this proposal, influences from object recognition on figure-ground organization were previously observed in both pictures and stereograms depicting regions of different luminance, but not in randomdot stereograms, where edges arise late in processing (Peterson & Gibson, 1993). In the present experiments, we examined whether or not two other types of contours—outlines and subjective contours—enable object recognition influences on figure-ground organization. For both types of contours we observed a pattern of effects similar to that originally obtained with luminance edges. The results of these experiments are valuable for distinguishing between alternative views of the mechanisms mediating object recognition influences on figure-ground organization. In addition, in both Experiments 1 and 2, fixated regions were seen as figure longer than nonfixated regions, suggesting that fixation location must be included among the variables relevant to figure-ground organization.  相似文献   

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