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Sex ratio is the number of men per 100 reproductive‐age women within a specified mating pool. We generated and tested two hypotheses about the cross‐cultural relationships between sex ratio and mate preferences using preference ratings of 18 characteristics provided by 9809 participants and corresponding sex ratio data secured from an international organization. The Classical Sex Ratio Mate Preference Shifts Hypothesis predicts that in imbalanced sex ratio societies, the more numerous sex will lower their standards, to facilitate acquisition of a partner of the less numerous sex. The Alternative Sex Ratio Mate Preference Shifts Hypothesis predicts that in lower sex ratio societies, men will lower their standards to secure more short‐term matings, whereas women will raise their standards to avoid deception by men seeking short‐term relationships. Results supported the Classical Sex Ratio Mate Preference Shifts Hypothesis for men, and the Alternative Sex Ratio Mate Preference Shifts Hypothesis for women. Discussion addresses limitations of the current research and highlights future directions for research on the relationships between sex ratio and mating psychology and behavior. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Transgender people provide a unique opportunity to examine the effect of biological sex versus gender identity on mating preferences. This study aimed at identifying the mate characteristics that are most and least valued by transgender people and at examining to what extent their biological sex or their gender identity determined their mate preferences. A convenience sample of 134 male‐to‐female (MTF) and 94 female‐to‐male (FTM) individuals from Argentina rated Buss's list of 18 mate attributes. Compared to FTM, MTF individuals placed significantly more emphasis on attractiveness and socioeconomic status, whereas FTM, more than MTF individuals, valued partners with a dependable character. Although biological sex differences were present in both groups, providing support to the evolutionary theory, MTF individuals valued the same characteristics as both biological male and female individuals do.  相似文献   

面孔吸引力是对个体容貌的审美评价。根据进化心理学的观点,面孔吸引力是配偶价值的线索。这一假设是进化心理学视角下的面孔吸引力研究的前提所在。本文就涉及这一核心假设的研究进行梳理,重点关注影响面孔吸引力的形态特征与配偶价值的关系。这些形态特征包括面孔的性别二态性特征,面孔的波动性不对称特征以及面孔的肥胖特征。  相似文献   

Parent-child similarities in traditional mate preferences were examined in Chinese immigrants to North America. Adult children (n = 63) rated their preferred mate characteristics. Children then completed measures of interdependence, family allocentrism, Chinese identity, and Asian values. Their parents (n = 63) also rated their own preferences for their child's spouse and their own Asian values. Parents reported greater preference for traditional mate characteristics than did their children. Parents' preferences were related to parents' own Asian values. Children's traditional mate preferences were predicted by their parents' preferences and their own family allocentrism. Family allocentrism was a marginally significant partial mediator of parent's influence on children's preferences. Family connectedness may, therefore, facilitate intergenerational transmission of values in immigrant Asian families.  相似文献   

Social exchange and evolutionary models of mate selection incorporate economic assumptions but have not considered a key distinction between necessities and luxuries. This distinction can clarify an apparent paradox: Status and attractiveness, though emphasized by many researchers, are not typically rated highly by research participants. Three studies supported the hypothesis that women and men first ensure sufficient levels of necessities in potential mates before considering many other characteristics rated as more important in prior surveys. In Studies 1 and 2, participants designed ideal long-term mates, purchasing various characteristics with 3 different budgets. Study 3 used a mate-screening paradigm and showed that people inquire 1st about hypothesized necessities. Physical attractiveness was a necessity to men, status and resources were necessities to women, and kindness and intelligence were necessities to both.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to improve the methodology for measuring ideals of self‐perception and mate preferences. The Ideal Standards Model (ISM; Fletcher, Simpson, Thomas & Giles, 1999) was used as a basis for development of the scale. It was further modified by adding a number of items from previous studies. Data were collected from 223 participants, aged 19 to 27 years. The results suggested that a modified five‐factor version of the ISM is an appropriate method for evaluation of ideal characteristics. The five factors are warmth/ trustworthiness, status/ resources, intelligence, social skills and physical attractiveness.  相似文献   

Life history theory explains how individuals decide to invest their limited resources, which involves several trade-offs. Particularly relevant to the current work, individuals can choose to invest in current or delayed reproduction (a slow life history strategy), which implicates a trade-off between the quantity and the quality of one’s offspring. Choosing to delay reproduction allows for increased self-investment, and previous research has demonstrated that traits requiring self-investment are related to higher mate value. As such, the current study hypothesizes that slow life history strategy will predict high personal mate value and high levels of partner mate-value within heterosexual partnerships. Similarly, those with a slow life history strategy should display fewer tendencies toward mate-settling. The current work employs both subjective and objective measures of mate value within mateships to investigate these hypothesized relationships. As hypothesized, significant positive relationships among life history and mate value were detected, suggesting that a slower life history strategy corresponds to high ratings of mate value for both self and partner. Also, life history strategy is a significant predictor of subjective, objective, and Mate Value Inventory ratings of partner and self. Further implications and potential future works are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the explanatory relevance of the shifting standards model to the role of employee disability in two simulated organizational processes: (a) job performance appraisal and (b) resource allocation. Two experimental studies found evidence of the shifting standards effect—employees with and without a disability received similar ratings when subjective judgment standards were employed, but those without a disability received significantly higher performance ratings than their counterparts with a disability when rated with objective standards. Furthermore, the analysis of the ranking process on the dimension of deservingness of limited resources yielded evidence that disability‐related stereotypes can differentially affect perceptions of deservingness through the allocation of organizational resources.  相似文献   

Research has shown that people select securely attached individuals as their first choice when asked to choose among secure or insecure partner prototypes. Despite this pattern, not everyone chooses a secure partner in real life. The goal of the reported studies was to examine factors that lead people to select insecure mates. Specifically, the roles of flattery, appearance, and status were assessed. In the first study, we found that flattery increased attraction to insecure partners. Study 2 showed that men preferred physical beauty over security. In Study 3, anxious women were attracted to high‐status insecure men. These findings help explain why people may sometimes end up with insecure partners despite their professed preference for secure companions.  相似文献   

In Study 1, college students' preferences for different brands of strawberry jams were compared with experts' ratings of the jams. Students who analyzed why they felt the way they did agreed less with the experts than students who did not. In Study 2, college students' preferences for college courses were compared with expert opinion. Some students were asked to analyze reasons; others were asked to evaluate all attributes of all courses. Both kinds of introspection caused people to make choices that, compared with control subjects', corresponded less with expert opinion. Analyzing reasons can focus people's attention on nonoptimal criteria, causing them to base their subsequent choices on these criteria. Evaluating multiple attributes can moderate people's judgments, causing them to discriminate less between the different alternatives.  相似文献   

Most choice research has studied how people make decisions within a narrowly defined choice context and has not paid sufficient attention to the role of social context. We commend Simpson, Griskevicius, and Rothman for directing the attention of choice researchers to the study of joint decision making and current theories on relationships. Building on SGR, we propose that a relationship partner's influence varies with the type of decision at hand and with situational factors. We propose four possible types of decision episodes, defined by whether the decision stage and the consumption stage each occur singly or jointly, and explore how the decision type impacts the extent to which a decision maker will take a partner's preferences into account. We further discuss how situational factors, such as the environment in which the decision is made, as well as the mindset and cognitive resources of the decision maker, are likely to influence decision outcomes.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study finds that wife's labor force participation and family size are spuriously correlated. Research data are from the Panel Study of Young Married Couples collected by the Survey Research Laboratory of the University of Illinois. The sample represents a marriage cohort. In 1972, a list of couples married in August of that year and residing in the Chicago metropolitan area was provided by the Illinois Office of Vital Records. Only those couples in which the husband was aged 30 or less were considered. A random sample of 400 couples was drawn from this group. At the start of the survey, the average age of the women was 21 and men 23. Data used in the study consisted of information collected in 1978 and 1980, after 6 and 8 years of marriage. 2 measures of actual labor force behavior of the wife were taken at each of the 2 points in time. Family size was indicated through 3 measures at each point in time, and achievement motivation of the wife was measured with a 5-point bipolar very positive/very negative scale asking for the evaluation of the wife's attitude toward work. Responses from both the husband and wife served as 2 measures of a latent achievement motivation variable in the key informant methodology. 3 dimensions of sex role norms were measured with Scanzoni's Wife's Self-actualization Scale, Traditional Wife Role Scale, and Problematic Husband Alterations Scale. Responses from both spouses were used. Findings indicate that, except for certain special cases, wife's work and family size are not causally related. Although negatively correlated between themselves, wife's work and family size appear to be mutually dependent on achievement motivation of the wife, sex role norms, and the felt value of children. Thus, when the effects of these antecedents are partialled-out, no evidence for causality exists between wife's work and family size outcomes. Evidence suggests that the spouses in a marriage socially construct their role relationships and this then serves as a common antecedent influencing work and family size choices.  相似文献   

When people use a computer application, they have the opportunity to adapt the methods or strategies that they deploy to better fit the demands of the task. In Experiment 1, we demonstrated that the generation of methods is limited by, but not entirely prevented by, the reduced opportunity that is associated with the iterative nature of typical computer-based tasks. In Experiment 2, we demonstrated that the cognitive demands associated with task-related problem solving delay, but do not prevent, the generation of more efficient device strategies. We argue that people are rather good at adapting device strategies to task demands and that previously reported arguments to the contrary are premature.  相似文献   

The present investigation focused upon the impact of gender and various powerful and less powerful linguistic features on the communication of unfamiliar male and female college students. Same-sex and mixed-sex dyads were recorded as they engaged in discussions regarding suggestions for a bogus freshman orientation booklet. Although few gender differences were found, the result of a factor analysis yielded three factors: questions, suggestions, and process variables. These factors are consistent with a power perspective in the use of various linguistic features. However, the present findings suggest that gender and power alone cannot explain differences in communication styles. Rather, the results suggest the need to consider other aspects of the speaker to explain differences that occur in the use of language.  相似文献   

Comfortable ambient temperatures can influence consumer preferences for conformity. The results of three laboratory experiments suggest that warm (vs. cool) temperatures dispose consumers toward using others' opinions as the basis for product preferences, stock price forecasts, and betting. Warm temperatures increased the participants' perceptions of social closeness to other decision-makers, thus leading them to consider the opinions of those decision-makers to have greater validity. This enhanced validity, in turn, rendered them more likely to conform to the crowd. This effect was confirmed in an analysis of betting behavior at the racetrack over a three-year period. Bets were more likely to converge on the “favorite” (i.e., the majority-endorsed option) when the temperature at the track was warm.  相似文献   

In this study we used a damped inverted pendulum and spring with an escapement function model to compare the global levels of stiffness and forcing used by 12 preadolescents with Down syndrome (DS) and 12 with typical development (TD). Participants walked overground at their self-selected speed and on a treadmill at speeds slower and faster than overground. Children with DS, who are characterized as hypotonic with reduced capacity for producing muscle force, exhibited significantly higher levels of stiffness and forcing (angular impulse) when walking on the treadmill and higher forcing but not stiffness overground, than children with TD. Both groups adapted to imposed speed increases similarly by increasing their global stiffness and angular impulse. We propose children with DS increased stiffness in order to overcome their hypotonia and joint laxity, thus, optimizing on stability, rather than metabolic efficiency. Higher angular impulse values for children with DS may reflect higher energy cost associated with increasing stiffness and their inherent biomechanical and physiological characteristics that reduce efficiency. We conclude that the inverted pendulum and spring with escapement function model is a useful tool for uncovering solutions to movement problems-solutions that reflect the dynamic resources of the individual and ones that are discovered, rather than prescribed.  相似文献   

Expressed mate preferences provide unique windows into evolved mating psychology. The current study used two research instruments—one ranking and one rating procedure—to examine mate preferences in India. We compared modern Indians (n = 536) with a more modest Indian sample studied a quarter of a century earlier (n = 105) to test the hypothesis that sex-specific mate preferences—as hypothesized by parental investment theory—would persist during this time period. Mate preferences for mutual attraction and love remained important and invariant over time, despite India’s history of arranged marriages. Sex differences in mate preferences for cues to fertility (youth, physical attractiveness) and resources (good financial prospects, social status) remained relatively invariant over time. Several changes in mate preferences emerged, including a greater preference for mates who are “creative and artistic,” “ambitious and industrious,” and “a good cook and housekeeper” for both sexes. Despite cultural changes in India over the past 25 years, evolved mate preferences have persisted during this time period. Discussion highlights limitations of this research.  相似文献   

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