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康德的《遗著》包含着康德的从自然的理性形而上学向经验科学过渡的未完成的哲学计划,《康德全集》中原有的非批判的版本存在着诸多欠缺,因此新的版面采用发生学的结构分析,通过对康德的工作方式的考察,重现了康德的凌乱而又被密集书写的手稿上的文字产生的时间顺序和逻辑关系,从而最大限度地还原了康德对这一问题的整个思考过程。  相似文献   

Timothy Williamson devotes significant effort in his The Philosophy of Philosophy to arguing against skepticism about judgment. One might think that the recent “experimental philosophy” challenge to the philosophical practice of appealing to intuitions as evidence is a possible target of those arguments. However, this is not so. The structure of that challenge is radically dissimilar from that of traditional skeptical arguments, and the aims of the challenge are entirely congruent with the spirit of methodological improvement that Williamson himself exemplifies in the Afterword of his book.
Jonathan M. WeinbergEmail:

Although many people believe that more people would be better, arguments intended to show this are unconvincing. I consider one of Parfit's arguments for a related conclusion, that even when both are worth living, we ought to prefer the better of two lives. Were this argument successful, or so I claim, then it would follow that more people would be better. But there aren't reasons for preferring the better of two lives. Nor is an attempted rejoinder effective. We can agree that there aren't reasons for preferring the better of two lives, and yet still maintain there are reasons for improving lives.  相似文献   

Number of one sec views and verbal judgements of interestingness and pleasingness of Cubist paintings were found to be a function of subjective ambiguity, defined in terms of the Shannon-Wiener average information measure, especially when an expectancy had been established regarding the identity of the main object or person in the paintings. Viewing behaviour was found to increase with subjective ambiguity; verbal judgements were found to decrease. Titles corresponding to varying degrees to the content of the paintings or instructions involving guessing were used to manipulate expectancy. An attempt was made to explain these findings and those involving recall of titles by making reference to Berlyne's point of view and the experimental literature.  相似文献   

It has recently been suggested that the type/token theorist concerning musical works cannot come up with an adequate semantic theory of those sentences in which we purport to talk about such works. Specifically, it has been claimed that, since types are abstract entities, a type/token theorist can only account for the truth of sentences such as “The 1812 Overture is very loud” and “Bach's Two Part Invention in C has an F‐sharp in its fourth measure” by adopting an untenable semantic claim: namely, that the predicates in such sentences, once applied to musical works, undergo a systematic shift in their meanings. This article is a sustained explanation of why our talk about musical works in fact provides no problem for the type/token theorist. First, we demonstrate that the aforementioned “meaning shift” approach to the sentences’ predicates is well motivated and very credible. Second, we explain how the type/token theorist can adopt the best available version of an alternative, generic quantificational approach to such sentences. Third, we establish that other semantic theories, presented as undermining the type/token theory by giving us a reason for adopting eliminativism about types, are much less theoretically virtuous than the two theories that a type/token theorist can freely adopt.  相似文献   


We present a programmatic line of experimental studies which focus on the how and when of tacit coordination (i.e., the phenomenon that people can successfully coordinate their decisions without communication). We investigated this phenomenon using different types of economic games (i.e., social dilemmas as well as coordination games). Our studies broadly cover three themes: (a) fairness as a coordination rule, (b) uncertainty and common understanding, (c) social information as a cue. By focusing on these themes we have obtained several new insights on the prerequisites and boundary conditions of tacit coordination. We conclude that tacit coordination is often facilitated by mutual adherence to social norms (e.g., fairness rules, rules of deference, etcetera), but that in order to employ such norms people need sufficient environmental and/or social information.  相似文献   

刘志英  库逸轩 《心理学报》2017,(10):1247-1255
工作记忆的容量十分有限,需要选择性地抑制与目标无关信息的干扰,工作记忆容量高的个体,其抑制干扰的能力也更强。本研究采用带有不同形状干扰刺激的色块颜色回忆任务考察干扰对工作记忆容量和表征精度的影响,结果发现,当负荷超出工作记忆容量范围时,干扰减少了记忆所能表征客体的个数;当负荷在工作记忆容量范围内时,干扰降低了记忆中表征客体的精度。更进一步,研究采用独立的知觉任务来测量知觉表征的精度,并探讨作为信息加工的初始阶段的知觉表征如何影响工作记忆加工过程中抑制干扰的能力。将实验中收集的48名有效被试按照知觉表征精度的高低平均分为两组,结果发现上述干扰效应主要表现在知觉表征精度较低的组中,并且该组中知觉表征精度越高的个体,其工作记忆抑制干扰的能力也越强。本研究为实践中通过知觉训练来提升工作记忆的抑制干扰能力提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

Plausibly, only moral agents can bear action-demanding duties. This places constraints on which groups can bear action-demanding duties: only groups with sufficient structure—call them ‘collectives’—have the necessary agency. Moreover, if duties imply ability then moral agents (of both the individual and collectives varieties) can bear duties only over actions they are able to perform. It is thus doubtful that individual agents can bear duties to perform actions that only a collective could perform. This appears to leave us at a loss when assigning duties in circumstances where only a collective could perform some morally desirable action and no collective exists. But, I argue, we are not at a loss. This article outlines a new way of assigning duties over collective acts when there is no collective. Specifically, we should assign collectivization duties to individuals. These are individual duties to take steps towards forming a collective, which then incurs a duty over the action. I give criteria for when individuals have collectivization duties and discuss the demands these duties place on their bearers.  相似文献   

Peter Schaber 《Ratio》2020,33(2):117-124
Consent that is voluntary, informed and given by a competent person sometimes transforms a wrong into a right act. How does consent that meets these requirements change the moral property of an act, namely that of being a wronging of a person? This is the question this paper will deal with. Some authors argue that valid consent changes the moral property of an act by changing the reasons which speak against the act. This account of the normative force of consent will be critically examined and rejected. An alternative model will then be put forward and defended according to which consent changes the moral property of an act if and only if the wrong-making property of the act is that it is not consented to. The upshot will be that consent does not eliminate the wrong-making property if the unconsented act is wrong for other reasons than not being consented to.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that the performance of perceptual tasks is often facilitated by perceived "figureness." Accuracy in detection and discrimination of targets is higher when the targets are presented in figural regions than when they are presented in ground regions of an image. This "figure superiority" might be a result of a functional specialization in the visual analysis of figure; recent theories have also assumed a functional specialization in the visual analysis of ground. If so, we might expect "ground superiority" in situations where task performance requires information available primarily through analysis of ground. We manipulated the spatial frequency of a small line segment and found that when it was sharp (i.e., the high-spatial-frequency components were present), it was detected better in figural regions, but when we blurred it (only the low-to-medium spatial frequencies were present) it was detected better in ground regions. These findings support the view that figure and ground analyses involve different specialized functions.  相似文献   

The debate concerning the ontological status of musical works is perhaps the most animated debate in contemporary analytic philosophy of music. In my view, progress requires a piecemeal approach. So in this article I hone in on one particular musical work concept – that of the classical Western art musical work; that is, the work concept that regulates classical art-musical practice. I defend a fictionalist analysis – a strategy recently suggested by Andrew Kania as potentially fruitful – and I develop a version of such an analysis in line with a broad commitment to philosophical naturalism.  相似文献   

by Steven Pinker, W.W. Norton & Co., 1997. $29.95 (xii+660 pages) ISBN 0 393 04535 8.  相似文献   

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