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The present study investigates methodological issues in psychology of religion in Mainland China. Beginning with an overview of Western and Eastern scholars’ representative views on methodological issues relative to psychology of religion, this essay then analyzes the distinctive Chinese cultural background in terms of influences exerted by mainstream ideology, opportunities provided by the goal of building a harmonious society, and the real demand for the development of psychology of religion. Finally, this study puts forward several methodological strategies for constructing a Chinese psychology of religion including advanced theoretical research to strengthen the basis of research methods in Chinese psychology of religion; understanding more precisely the basis of constructing localized methods with Chinese features; and encouraging exploration on diversification and promotion of methodological innovation for psychology of religion in China.  相似文献   

基于反应时的人格内隐测量及其方法学的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人格测量的热点已经转向内隐层面,以反应时为基础的内隐人格测量方法不断推陈出新,如多因素特质内隐联结测验、个人化内隐联结测验、内隐联结程序、单目标词内隐联结测验等,它们从不同侧面丰富了内隐人格测量的方法,深化了内隐人格的理论建构。但新的问题也不断出现,如内隐测量的表征是无意识的吗?内隐测量能避免社会赞许性等动机的影响吗?内隐测量的表征是高度稳定的吗?内隐测量是过程纯净的吗?内隐人格测量可以防止作伪吗?文章回顾了内隐人格测量的相关理论及有关的研究,对这些问题进行了初步的思考  相似文献   

A brief intellectual history of the indigenization movement in Asia leads to the thesis that the generation of psychological knowledge is culture dependent. Indigenous psychologies go further and insist on viewing a target group from the natives' own standpoint. Psychological decentering underlies conceptions of human existence rooted in Asian intellectual traditions, in particular, relatedness between persons predominates in Confucianism. These conceptions demand new approaches to knowledge generation that signify a paradigmatic shift from methodological individualism to methodological relationalism. An implication is that relationships precede situations in the study of personality and social behavior. We define personality as the sum total of common attributes manifest in, and abstracted from, a person's behavior directly or indirectly observed across interpersonal relationships and situations over time. We rely on the notion that there are identifiable levels of cognition to develop a metatheoretical framework for reconstructing selfhood. Confronting the subject-object dichotomy opens the door to investigations of transcendent consciousness; confronting the self-other demarcation underlying Western theories leads to the construction of self-in-relations.  相似文献   

This commentary discusses conceptual and methodological issues in the assessment of attention in children. The five articles in this special issue are important advances in the study of attention in children with brain-related disorders. They provide important guidelines for future studies in this area: specification of the underlying model of attention, selection of tasks according to the model, and the use of multiple tasks in well-defined clinical populations.  相似文献   

Systematic content analysis of personal documents is used to assess the course of personality development in one adolescent female exposed to traumatic historical and personal events, as well as more normative life changes. Seventy-one letters written by a young girl to her former teacher over a 9-year period comprise the data for this study. Our analyses assess the normal developmental processes of preoccupation with identity formation and the establishment of intimate relationships, as well as responses to life changes (emigration, marriage, pregnancy). Overall, results suggest that despite serious challenges and losses, this individual experienced normal personality development throughout her trying adolescence. In addition, particular life events affected the course of that development. Factors which may have facilitated her resilience are discussed.  相似文献   

This research had three basic goals: (a) to identify manipulation tactics used in close relationships; (b) to document empirically the degree of generality and specificity of tactical deployment across relationship types (mates, friends, parents); and (c) to identify links between five major personality dimensions and the usage of manipulation tactics. Twelve manipulation tactics were identified through separate factor analyses of two instruments based on different data sources: Charm, Reason, Coercion, Silent Treatment, Debasement, and Regression (replicating Buss et al., 1987), and Responsibility Invocation, Reciprocity, Monetary Reward, Pleasure Induction, Social Comparison, and Hardball (an amalgam of threats, lies, and violence). The Big Five personality factors were assessed through three separate data sources: self-report, spouse report, and two independent interviewers. Personality factors showed coherent links with tactics, including Surgency (Coercion, Responsibility, Invocation), Desurgency (Debasement), Agreeableness (Pleasure Induction), Disagreeableness (Coercion), Conscientiousness (Reason), Emotional Instability (Regression), and Intellect-Openness (Reason). Discussion focuses on the consequences of the five personality factors for social interaction in close relationships.  相似文献   

A number of methodological, statistical, and conceptual problems are inherent in research with the Draw-A-Person Test (DAP). These difficulties invalidate the theoretical position that an individual's gender-role identification is reflected in the sex of the figure drawn. The complexity of these problems affects the evaluation of the DAP and illustrates the need for multiple approaches to its interpretation.  相似文献   

Patient Adherence in Chronic Illness: Personality and Coping In Context   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT Previous reviews have concluded that there is no evidence for a predictable association between person factors and regimen adherence in chronic illness. The brief current review of the literature reveals that past work has been limited by the lack of a common structural theory of personality and the failure to consider the interaction of person factors with disease and treatment context. Application of the five-factor model of personality to adherence research will reduce divergence in the field and and in the orientation and interpretation of future work. Evidence suggests that an interactive perspective recognizing the moderating influence of contextual factors on the behavioral expression of personality traits will contribute to the prediction of adherence behavior.  相似文献   

One hundred fifty randomly selected articles published in Journal of Personality from 1970 to 1995 were evaluated with regard to subject population, sampling, research design, dependent measures, statistical methods, methodological difficulty, sample size, manipulation of independent variables (for experimental studies), use of manipulation checks, and gender representation of authors and participants. Our findings support Endler and Speer's (this issue) conclusion that the typical study in personality research continues to use a cross-sectional design, questionnaire measures, and undergraduate participants. Echoing West et al.'s (1992) findings for Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, we found that whereas subject recruitment and design implementation appear to be less difficult than they were two decades ago, statistical analyses have become somewhat more complex.  相似文献   

There is growing recognition that psychological theories and principles developed in the West may not accurately reflect those found in other cultures. The newly published book entitled Indigenous and Cultural Psychology: Understanding People in Context has made an important contribution in expanding the scope of psychology. The contributing authors depicted their ultimate goal of developing a universal psychology. The purpose of this article is to review the book from a transpersonal psychology perspective with the hope of facilitating this process. Basing our thoughts on the theoretical framework of perennial psychology and positive psychology, we will suggest practical steps through which future psychologists may work collaboratively to bring about global moral transformation that is crucial to the survival of our planet.  相似文献   

Three sets of challenges in assessing traumatic events are discussed: Understanding the sequelae of such events and their implications for the timing of longitudinal data collection; obtaining information on the objective severity of such crises for the individuals affected; and determining the social and environmental context in which such extreme situations occur. Given the complexity of events that ensue from a traumatic experience and the need to understand their mental health consequences, a semistructured approach to measurement is recommended.  相似文献   

Social Cognitive Theory in Cultural Context   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

严翅君 《学海》2001,(4):141-147
作为中国早期现代化进程中一位前驱者,张謇虽不是"中体西用"之争的热心介入者,却用他自己的特有方式,在实践中把握"体用"关系,于是带来了他的文化人格的分裂和二元化.集中表现为在名分观上,出现了外壳裂变和内核固着的尖锐矛盾;在角色心态上,产生了"言商"与"向儒"的巨大冲突;在行为方式上,难以克服"以道抗势"和"以道附势"的深刻悖论.这样一种二元化分裂性文化人格,使张謇在中国早期现代化事业的开拓中,同时背着沉重的传统文化的心理包袱,这大大阻碍了他迈向现代的步伐.  相似文献   

This article identifies and addresses three methodological domains relevant to the treatment of anxiety disorders in youth: (a) procedural matters, (b) the assessment of anxious distress, and (c) the analysis of treatment-produced change. Procedural topics include the need to manualize treatment, have diversity among participants and comparability of the duration of treatment and control conditions, and control for medication status. Multiple-method measurement issues include child and parent reports, observations, and structured interviewing. Our examination of change issues considers comorbidity, analyzing the intent-to-treat sample, treatment spillover, and clinical as well as statistical significance. Problems are identified and potential ameliorative strategies are offered.  相似文献   

India is in a state of transition between massively transformed ‘modern’ lifestyles on one hand and the influence of traditional values and customs on the other. In view of the current realities of urbanization, migration, globalisation and societal transformation, the mental health treatment needs have become complex. The article highlights the existing mental health issues and traces the development of various psychotherapeutic techniques in India. An effort has been made to look into the basic tenets of the Indian culture which have a bearing on the conceptualisation and practical application of psychotherapy in the Indian setting. The cross-cultural relevance and adaptability of western psychotherapies in multi-ethnic and collectivistic Asian culture are discussed. In view of the differences between the eastern and western approaches to mental health, challenges in culturally-responsive adaptations are highlighted. It is seen that psychological interventions among masses are beneficial if indigenous approaches based on paradigms like themes from Gita, are cross-fertilized with western psychotherapy. However, there is a need to generate empirical evidence for indigenization of psychological treatments.  相似文献   

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