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Three experiments were conducted to isolate the effects of retinal locus and string position in tachistoscopic letter recognition. Retinal locus proved to be an important variable even when its range was restricted to less than a degree from the center of the fovea. Performance was maximal at the center of the fovea, dropping off rapidly to about 1.5 deg from the center. From that distance on, the decline in performance was quite gradual. String position was also an important factor. Retinal locus and string position interacted in such a way that the end positions were less affected by retinal locus than the middle positions. It was also found that processing order, as distinct from report order, was a significant component of the string position effect.  相似文献   

A series of studies tested for distractor compatibility effects across wide target/distractor distances (0.6 degree to 20 degrees of visual angle). The effects of precue condition, constant/varied target location, horizontal/vertical distractor distance, and foveal/peripheral presentation were studied. Results show strong compatibility effects across wide distances when distractors are at peripheral retinal locations. When both stimuli were presented at the same peripheral location in opposite hemifields, compatibility effects were evident within an area of at least 2.5 degrees of visual angle. In contrast, when foveally placed distractors were used, compatibility effects were found primarily with target letters positioned near. The findings suggest that distance effects are not homogeneous across retinal location.  相似文献   

Although previous studies have shown that the time required to process visual stimuli increases for presentations away from the fovea, the evidence concerning the exact nature of this increase is inconclusive. Three experiments were conducted using both reaction time and tachistoscopic masking tasks to generate time-accuracy functions for stimuli at different retinal locations. All results indicated that only the time intercept parameter of the time-accuracy function is affected by retinal location of stimulation. This finding suggests that it takes longer for information to become available to some decision mechanism with stimuli displaced away from the fovea, but that the actual rate of extracting information is not influenced by retinal locus of stimulation.  相似文献   

The authors manipulated the extent of distractor interference with learned, mapped responses by presenting distractors to participants (N = 16) before, simultaneously with, or after the target. Interference was significantly less when the distractor preceded the target's presentation by 200 ms than when distractor and target were presented simultaneously. Interference decreased progressively with increasing intervals. For both simultaneous and temporally separated distractor-target presentations, incongruent distractors were associated with the greatest interference, and neutral and congruent distractors interfered to a lesser degree. Distractors at fixation had a crucially greater impact on goal-directed responses to the target than did distractors at periphery. The authors discuss the findings in the context of (a) the time course of the processing of all inputs, (b) the subsequent enhancement of target-related information and responses, and (c) the inhibition of distractor-related information and responses.  相似文献   

罗禹  丰丽红  任敏  顾秋瑀  赵守盈  张禹 《心理学报》2017,(10):1256-1266
本研究采用视觉搜索和意外再认记忆任务,结合事件相关电位技术,考察知觉负载对负性分心面孔的知觉加工和记忆的影响。在视觉搜索任务中,行为上恐惧分心面孔在高负载下干扰任务。ERP结果上,恐惧比中性分心面孔诱发更大的N170和N250;在低负载下恐惧比中性分心面孔诱发更大的N700,在高负载下没有差异。在意外再认记忆中,个体对低负载下的恐惧分心面孔表现出记忆。这些结果说明负性分心物在早期是自动化加工;晚期加工受知觉负载的调节,负载越低对负性分心物的过滤越少,存在对负性分心物的记忆偏向。  相似文献   

Attentional capture with various distractor and target types   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effects of nonpredictive distractors that involved changes in luminance, size, or shape were examined in three experiments. In Experiment 1, with two types of distractors (onsets and offsets), accuracy was better on trials when the distractor was near the location of either an offset or an onset target than on trials when the distractor was in a different location from that of the target, demonstrating attentional capture. Capture occurred both when the type of target (onset or offset) was blocked and therefore predictable and also when the type of target was mixed within blocks and therefore not predictable. Further experiments indicated that distractors captured attention even when the change to distractor did not create a new perceptual object. Neither a singleton-detection mode, nor a contingent involuntary orienting hypothesis, nor creation of a new object seems to explain all of these data adequately. Rather, capture may depend on a number of factors in the task.  相似文献   

Effects of nonpredictive distractors that involved changes in luminance, size, or shape were examined in three experiments. In Experiment 1, with two types of distractors (onsets and offsets), accuracy was better on trials when the distractor was near the location of either an offset or an onset target than on trials when the distractor was in a different location from that of the target, demonstrating attentional capture. Capture occurred both when the type of target (onset or offset) was blocked and therefore predictable and also when the type of target was mixed within blocks and therefore not predictable. Further experiments indicated that distractors captured attention even when the change to distractor did not create a new perceptual object. Neither a singleton-detection mode, nor a contingent involuntary orienting hypothesis, nor creation of a new object seems to explain all of these data adequately. Rather, capture may depend on a number of factors in the task.  相似文献   

Past selection experience greatly affects the deployment of attention such that targets are more readily selected if their features or locations were more frequently selected in the past. Crucially, recent studies have shown similar experience-dependent effects also for salient task irrelevant stimuli: distractors exerted less interference if they appeared at a location where they were presented more often, relatively to other possible locations. Here we investigated the effects of such suppression history on the immediate behavioural correlates of attentional deployment, i.e., eye movements. Participants were to make saccadic eye movements to a target stimulus, while ignoring a highly distracting irrelevant visual onset appearing abruptly on the screen in a proportion of trials. Crucially, this irrelevant onset occurred more frequently in two locations on the visual display and our results showed that, relatively to distractors elsewhere, onsets presented at these locations became easier to ignore, giving rise to reduced oculomotor capture. Consistent with the notion that experience can alter attentional deployment towards spatial locations, these findings indicate that, through learning, the priority of high frequency locations becomes suppressed, attenuating the intrinsic saliency of distractors appearing therein. Traces left by individual events of attentional suppression decrease the processing priority of coordinates within topographic maps of the visual space.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the sensitivity of the perceptual and motor systems to target acceleration information using verbal magnitude estimations of target acceleration and manual interception of these targets. The results showed that in the perceptual task the participants were responding mainly to acceleration threshold values, which is acceleration as a function of initial, final, and average velocities, rather then to the absolute accelerations. When manually intercepting the targets the participants responded mainly to the absolute acceleration value and target initial velocity. Thus, these results suggest that target motion can be processed in the ventral (perception) and dorsal (action) visual streams however different motion characteristics are processed in these streams depending on the required output.  相似文献   

Summary Colors are typically categorized, and color sensations can be conceived to lie on a continuum of psychological complexity from simple, sensations provoked by colors that fall near the centers of color categories and that convey predominately a single percept (like blue), to complex, sensations provoked by colors that fall near boundaries between color categories and that convey two percepts (like blue-green). In three experiments we assessed the effect of the location of colors in a category (their psychological complexity) on the rate at which observers identified and classified them. In Experiment 1, observers named category center colors faster than boundary colors. A subsidiary experiment with range-shifted stimuli showed that observers were not merely bisecting a stimulus continuum. In Experiment 2, observers classified a variety of category centers more rapidly than a variety of boundaries. In Experiment 3, observers who first practiced classifying color centers or boundaries as such later classified category centers faster than boundaries. A subsidiary experiment showed that this differential was not selective to particular response category labels. Neither Experiment 2 nor Experiment 3 showed any differential effect of visual field of presentation. The advantage of category center or simple over boundary or complex sensations in chromatic information processing is discussed in terms of the physiological sensitivity of the visual system to color.  相似文献   

Cuing the identity of an upcoming target speeds its detection. This effect is generally assumed to operate on the level of the target dimension, not of its feature identity. Here, we investigated whether that is the case, in a design in which preparing for a cued dimension would incur costs as well as benefits. Participants searched for targets that could be defined on several dimensions, but were also presented with distractors that were defined on the same dimensions. Cuing the identity of an upcoming target increased the effect of distractors defined on the same dimension as the target. This suggests that cuing a target’s identity has effects that operate at least partly at the level of the target dimension.  相似文献   

6 undergraduate subjects searched circular stimulus displays of upper case letters of the alphabet for a pre-specified single target letter. The displays were given a masked exposure of 100 msec, and contained 1, 5, 11, or 17 irrelevant items which were either similar or dissimilar in shape to the target. It was anticipated that these conditions would provide a test of Neisser's (1967) notion of attention. The results, which showed that similarity, numbers and their interaction were significant, could not be explained by wholly serial or parallel models of information processing as they failed to account for the interaction. To explain the interaction it was necessary to consider processing by preattention and focal attention.  相似文献   

A working memory selection task combining directed-forgetting and memory-scanning paradigms was used to test the hypothesis that difficulty in selecting target from distractor items in working memory depends on the competition between target and distractor representations, as is commonly assumed in perceptual selection research. Participants memorized two trigrams and were then cued to select one as the new memory set and forget the other. They later saw a test letter and made judgment as to whether the letter was in the selected trigram, i.e., the new memory set. Selection difficulty was examined by manipulating the type of selection cues and the time the cue could be utilized. While re-presenting the targets in the cue display facilitated selection, re-presenting distractors did not impede selection. The results suggest that working memory selection may depend more on the activation from representations of the target than of the distractor.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the role that abrupt changes in stimulation play in the processing of visual information. In both experiments, the prestimulus field contained a linear array of alternating characters and the target field contained a single target character in one of the positions of the prestimulus array. The target character was either identical to the character in the prestimulus array in that position (no-form change) or was a different character (form change). In the first experiment, the duration of the prestimulus array was 500 msec, and judgments about both the target’s form and location were found to be more accurate in the form-change condition. In the second experiment, the duration of the prestimulus array was varied from 10 to 320 msec. A general decrease was found in performance (in both form and location judgments) as the duration of the prestimulus array was increased. The detrimental effect of increasing the duration of the prestimulus array was larger for no-form-change than for form-change trials. These results are accounted for by a quantitative model that assumes that a stimulus onset initiates a brief period of rapid information processing, followed by a period with reduced rate of processing.  相似文献   

The additive factors method (AFM) was used as a tool for assessing the locus (or loci) of the detrimental effect of auditory location cues in the chain of (visual) information processing. In the first experiment the location variable was factorially combined with response specificity, which is assumed to affect the response adjustment stage. A second experiment was performed in which movement amplitude, assumed to affect the response programming stage, was manipulated in addition to the location variable and a different variety of response specificity. Finally, the location variable was combined with relative S-R frequency, which is also assumed to affect the response programming stage, in a third experiment. The results of these experiments showed additive effects of the location variable with motor variables. The remaining two experiments were designed to assess the effects of location cues on response selection. In these experiments the location variable was combined with the number of response alternatives. Response speed decreased with an increase in the number of response alternatives. However, the effects of the location variable and number of response alternatives were additive. According to the additive factor logic, then, the results of experiments 1, 2 and 3 seem to indicate that the locus of interference of the location cues is not in the later response stages of the reaction process. The results of the last two experiments were interpreted to suggest that the effects of location cues and the number of response alternatives affect either different processes within the response selection stage or affect different process stages. It was concluded that the latter alternative explains most of the data currently available and that the stimulus identification stage is the most likely candidate for the locus of the location effect.  相似文献   

A spatial negative priming (NP) paradigm was used where trials were presented in pairs, first the 'prime' and then the 'probe', and where participants responded manually to a target's location. In Experiment 1, three prime-trial types were used: distractor-plus-target, predictable distractor-only, and unpredictable distractor-only, with prime-probe trial onset delays of 2, 5 or 10 s (NP longevity). In Experiment 2, the latter two prime-trials were employed with onset delays of 75 and 750 ms (distractor response activation-inhibition sequence). With the exception of the 10 s onset delay, the spatial NP effect data (NP size, longevity, distractor response activation-inhibition sequence) was the same for all three prime-trial types. Thus, the varying processing demands associated with each of the prime-trial types (e.g., selection, intervening response) did not alter prime distractor processing so that they differentially contributed to the spatial NP process. The three prime-trial types can be used interchangeably, within limits, to study the NP process.  相似文献   

Ss received consensus information that was either congruent or incongruent with the valence of persuasive message content. In Experiment 1 Ss believed that their processing task was either important or unimportant whereas in Experiment 2 all Ss believed that their task was unimportant. In accord with the heuristic-systematic model's sufficiency principle, high-task-importance Ss exhibited a great deal of systematic processing regardless of congruency, whereas low-importance Ss processed systematically only when they received incongruent messages; in the congruent conditions heuristic processing dominated. Attitude data generally reflected these processing differences and confirmed the additivity and attenuation assumptions of the model. The utility of the sufficiency principle for understanding motivation for elaborative processing and the relevance of the findings to understanding the processing and judgmental effects of expectancy disconfirmation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine if movement planning strategies incorporating the use of visual feedback during manual aiming are specific to individual movements. Advance information about target location and visual context was manipulated using precues. Participants exhibited a shorter reaction time and a longer movement time when they were certain of the target location and that vision would be available. The longer movement time was associated with greater time after peak velocity. Under conditions of uncertainty, participants prepared for the worst-case scenario. That is, they spent more time organizing their movements and produced trajectories that would be expected from greater open-loop control. Our results are consistent with hierarchical movement planning in which knowledge of the movement goal is an essential ingredient of visual feedback utilization.  相似文献   

Bravo MJ  Farid H 《Perception》2007,36(6):821-829
Some search tasks involve looking for a category target in clutter. This is the task faced, for example, by a baggage screener looking for weapons in a suitcase. Such tasks presumably involve the segmentation and recognition of the target object, but it is unknown whether they also involve the segmentation and recognition of the distractor objects. To examine the depth of distractor processing in this task, we had observers search through cluttered displays composed of normal and chimerical distractors. The normal distractors were photographs of recognizable objects, while the chimerical distractors were created by interchanging parts between the normal objects. The obsever's task was to identify the display quadrant that contained an animal or a vehicle target. We varied the difficulty of the search task by varying target and distractor discriminability, target uncertainty, and target occlusion. Only when the target was partially occluded did we find an effect of distractor type. In this case, observers may have found the target through a process of mentally eliminating whole distractor objects. When the target was unoccluded, we found no evidence that observers selected and rejected whole distractors during search. This second result supports our previous claim that often the items for search in clutter are not whole objects.  相似文献   

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