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张祥镛 《心理科学》1993,16(6):379-380,373
研究目的注意,是指心理活动对一定事物或活动的选择性集中,它贯穿于一切心理过程之中。为此,注意力水平的变化,对人类精神活动来说是很关键的因素。在神经心理学研究中,注意力水平往往做为一般觉醒水平的指标,视为对各种心理过程有调节作用的额叶功能之一。本工作以五年级小学生为研究对象,对他们注意力水平的日、周周期节律进行实验研究,其目的是:一为最后建立人类精神活动周期节律性的完整概念累积资料;二为教育工作提供某些参考意见。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了小学生求知欲的构成因素及其培养因子;制定了测评小学生求知欲的问卷;运用现场教育实验,对小学生求知欲进行了培养研究.研究结果表明1.激发学生积极的学习态度、使之获得成功的体验,能有效地提高小学生求知欲的水平,它们是促进小学生求知欲发展的重要途径.2.求知需要、学习态度、积极的情绪情感体验是构成小学生求知欲的重要因素.  相似文献   

小学生归因训练的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
韩仁生 《心理科学》1997,20(5):461-463,470
1问题归因训练与归因理论的其它研究一样主要是在成就领域内进行的.归因训练的基本原则是:归因的变化可以引起动机的变化.动机的变化则对行为又有直接影响。那么,归因上的变化就应引起行为上的相应变化,而这种新的行为又舍改变归因.根据归因理论,在成就背景中,学生舍利用各种信息对自己的学习结果进行归因,这种归因会引起期望和情感方面的心理变化,影响学生的学习动机,进而影响其成就行为。新的行为又会引起新的归因,从而形成一种良性或恶性循环。由此可见,有必要也有可能通过归因训练,使学生形成积极的归因倾向.提高学习动…  相似文献   

贺莉  杨治良  郭纬 《心理科学》2005,28(2):311-313
本实验研究在分散注意条件下,含有靶线索活动出现延迟问隔对前瞻记忆的影响。实验采用视觉与听觉分散注意的实验材料,嵌入前赡记忆任务进行研究。实验结果表明:(1)间隔在0—1分钟时,前瞻记忆对进行中任务稍有影响,但不显著;(2)间隔降低前瞻记忆任务成绩;(3)前瞻记忆任务成绩在0-1分钟呈快速遗忘趋势,3分钟后出现平台期。  相似文献   

小学生工作记忆与推理关系的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本实验以视觉同时呈现,在形近、音近、义近三种干扰下以再认方法和瑞文渐进推理测验探讨了小学生年级、性别、工作记忆与推理的关系。发现(I)小学生工作记忆与推理能力相关显著。(2)工作记忆和推理能力在小学阶段不存在性别差异。(3)年级和工作记忆是影响小学生推理能力的重要因素,但年级因素对推理能力的作用较工作记忆大。  相似文献   

现代心理学认为,健康心理品质是青少年成为德才兼备合格人才的关键。随着科技的飞速发展,社会要求优秀人才不仅要有良好的思想、文化、身体等方面的素质,还必须建立良好的人格。因而,我们必须调动一切积极因素,通过对学生人格因素的研究,使学生自己了解自己具有什么样的人格特征,并且通过教师引导教育以及自身控制、调节,使学生在学习、生活、人际交往中使其人格向着更好的方面发展。  相似文献   

小学生学习适应性的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学生的学习适应性是关系到学生能否顺利完成学业,提高和发展多方面能力,形成健康人格,成为高素质人才的一个非常重要的问题,也是学校教育工作者、学生家长及社会各界普遍关注的焦点。本研究就是要调查了解小学生学习适应性的现状,探讨男女学生学习适应性有无差异,学习成绩优良与不良学生学习适应性有何区别,以便寻求影响学生学业不良的主要因素,为培养提高学生学习适应性,全面提高学生的素质,为科学深入地实施素质教育,提高教育教学质量,提供心理学的理论依据和指导性建议。  相似文献   

现代心理学认为,健康心理品质是青少年成为德才兼备合格人才的关键。随着科技的飞速发展,社会要求优秀人才不仅要有良好的思想、化、身体等方面的素质,还必须建立良好的人格。因而,我们必须调动一切积极因素,通过对学生人格因素的研究,使学生自己了解自己具有什么样的人格特征,并且通过教师引导教育以及自身控制、调节,使学生在学习、生活、人际交往中使其人格向着更好的方面发展。  相似文献   

郭黎岩  杨丽珠  刘正伟  宋涛 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1068-1072
本研究对辽宁省六所小学544名儿童自信心发展水平进行调查分析,并进行儿童进行自信心养成的实验研究。结果表明:实施“自主教育系列活动”能有效地促进小学生自信心发展;儿童自信心发展水平随年龄增长呈现不均衡状况;小学高年级女生自信心发展水平高于男生;双亲家庭儿童自信心发展水平优于单亲家庭儿童;独生子女与非独生子女的自信心发展水平没有显著差异。  相似文献   

一、实验目的我国的社会主义现代化建设,需要大批有创造能力的人才。广义的创造力指相对于个人或社会来说,提供了前所未有的产品的活动,它是每个健康的人都具有的一种心理能力,有一个由低到高的发展过程。因此,需要从小培养。创造力的核心是创造思维,创造思维包括发散思维和直  相似文献   

小学生数学学习策略的运用与发展特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘电芝  黄希庭 《心理科学》2005,28(2):272-276
考察小学生学习策略运用的状况与发展特点是对小学生进行有效策略指导的前提。本研究采用自编的有较高信、效度的《小学生效学学习策略》量表,对658名小学生进行测查,结果表明:小学生的数学元认知策略和认知策略的使用都约高于“一半符合”的3分临界值之上.小学生的元认知策略的发展高于认知策略.小学生的元认知与认知策略有非常显著的高相关;学校是影响小学生学习策略发展的重要因素,不同学校小学生策略的使用有显著差异,年级、性别对小学生的学习策略的使用无明显影响,本研究支持了小学生的学习策略的发展未随年龄的增长而增长的观点。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Everyone knows that attention to the details disrupts skilled performance, but little empirical evidence documents this fact. We show that attention to the hands disrupts skilled typewriting. We had skilled typists type words preceded by cues that told them to type only the letters assigned to one hand or to type all of the letters. Cuing the hands disrupted performance markedly, slowing typing and increasing the error rate (Experiment 1); these deleterious effects were observed even when no keystrokes were actually inhibited (Experiment 3). However, cuing the same letters with colors was not disruptive (Experiment 2). We account for the disruption with a hierarchical control model, in which an inner loop controls the hands and an outer loop controls what is typed. Typing letters using only one hand requires the outer loop to monitor the inner loop's output; the outer loop slows inner-loop cycle time to increase the likelihood of inhibiting responses with the unwanted hand. This produces the disruption.  相似文献   

本研究通过对智力落后儿童和正常儿童听觉注意稳定性的比较研究,探索智力落后儿童听觉注意稳定性的特点及影响因素。结果表明:4岁智龄组智力落后儿童听觉注意稳定性较弱,低于或等于同智龄组正常儿童水平。智力落后儿童慢速和快速情境下的注意稳定性高于中速。信噪比也影响注意的稳定性,信噪比越低,注意稳定性越差。频率因素对智力落后儿童的影响不显著。  相似文献   

Effects of postural state and hand preference as constraints on 1-handed catching performance were investigated in different ability groups of children aged 9-10 years. On the basis of pretest data, the authors classified 48 participants into groups of good, intermediate, and poor catchers (n = 16 in each) and asked them to perform 1-handed catches with their preferred and nonpreferred hands while standing and sitting. The good catchers' performance was not affected by the imposed postural constraints but did improve when they used the preferred hand. A similar effect of hand preference was evident in the intermediate and poor catchers, but there was also an effect of postural constraint. Independent of hand preference, intermediate catchers' performance while seated improved significantly compared with that during standing. For poor catchers, there was an interaction between hand preference and posture; significant improvement was evident only when they used the preferred hand in the sitting condition. The finding that manipulation of posture and hand preference affected performance outcomes indicates that perceptual skill is not the only influence on catching performance in children. Manipulation of those key constraints may facilitate the acquisition of catching skill, but more research is needed to determine the permanence of those effects.  相似文献   

小学儿童个性结构研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刘文  杨丽珠 《心理科学》2001,24(6):741-742
运用大五因素模式探讨儿童个性结构和特点最早是迪格曼(J.M.Digman,1986)研究小学儿童个性维度,结果证实学龄初期儿童人格特征主要由5到7个因素组成;其本意不是为了探讨儿童人格结构特点,而是为了进一步验证大五模型。然而,在他的研究之后,许多研究者开始了对儿童青少年人格五因素结构的探讨.并将儿童青少年人格五因素结构称为“小五结构”。但是,应用这种方法研究儿童青少年人格  相似文献   

The current study examined the robustness, stability, reliability, and isolability of the attention network scores (alerting, orienting, and executive control) when young children experienced repeated administrations of the child version of the Attention Network Test (ANT; Rueda et al., 2004 Rueda , M. R. , Fan , J. , McCandliss , B. D. , Halparin , J. D. , Gruber , D. B. , Lercari , L. P. , … Posner , M. I. ( 2004 ). Development of attentional networks in childhood . Neuropsychologia , 42 , 10291040 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Ten test sessions of the ANT were administered to 12 young children. Participants were asked to indicate the direction of a target fish, flanked by distractors, presented either above or below the fixation cross following different types of visual cues. Network scores, reflecting alerting, orienting, and executive control, were calculated using orthogonal subtractions of performance in selected conditions. Only the alerting network scores remained highly significant across the 10 sessions. The executive network scores showed some practice effects. The reliability of the network scores remained poor regardless of the amount of data. Based on the results, use of the ANT is cautioned against in young children when repeated testing is required.  相似文献   

Four computational problems to be solved for visually guided reaching movements, hand path, and trajectory formations, coordinate transformation, and calculations of muscle tensions are ill-posed in redundant biological control systems. These problems are ill-posed in the sense that there exist an infinite number of possible solutions. In this article, it is shown that the nervous system can solve those problems simultaneously by imposing a single global constraint: finding the smoothest muscle- tension trajectory that satisfies the desired final hand position, velocity, and acceleration. Horizontal trajectories were simulated by using a l7-muscle model of the monkey's arm as the controlled object. The simulations predicted gently curved hand paths for lateral hand movements and for movements from the side of the body to the front, and a roughly straight hand path for anterioposterior movements. The tangential hand velocities were roughly bell shaped. The simulated results were in agreement with the actual biological movements.  相似文献   

护士注意力稳定性品质与防范执行医嘱差错研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用"注意力稳定性实验量表",测量426名护士的注意力稳定性.结果表明(1)干扰因素对护士注意力稳定性有明显影响;(2)被试失误率呈偏态分布,失误率左移,明显低于常模.结论:(1)减少护士执行医嘱时的各种干扰,应成为护理安全管理的重要工作;(2)护士提高有意注意力可以优化自身的注意力稳定性,这是安全执行医嘱的保障;(3)积极主动地进行注意力训练,参与专业培训,有利于直接或间接提高个体注意力稳定性,并使其在安全执行医嘱过程中起积极屏障作用.(4)个体注意力稳定性存在差异,对护士使用和遴选中,要关注注意力的品质.  相似文献   

Try materials were used to train 9 retarded children to attend to differences in colors and shapes of objects, and Frostig worksheets were used to train the children to attend to left-to-right directionality. Evidence suggests Ss' ability to attend to these characteristics was generalized to a complex bead-stringing task on which significant gains in performance were found immediately after 15 days of practice with training materials and after a 6-mo. interval of no further training or practice.  相似文献   

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