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Differences in performance on a variety of cognitive measures and differences in patterns of ability between learning disabled (LD) and nonlearning disabled (non-LD) children were examined. Younger and older LD and non-LD children were administered tests of central and incidental learning and selective attention. Teacher ratings of classroom hyperactivity were also examined. LD children, particularly the younger ones, performed significantly more poorly than non-LD children on both attention/memory tasks. Performance on the two tasks was consistently interrelated for the non-LD children and less consistently so for the LD subjects. Hyperactivity was also related to poorer performance on the cognitive measures. Results are discussed in terms of components of selective attention.  相似文献   

Traditional explanations of reading disability (e.g., perceptual, memory, and phonetic receding deficits) have encountered logical difficulties and substantial empirical disconfirmation. An alternative conceptualization of the nature of reading disability is proposed. Disabled readers are hypothesized to suffer a fundamental problem in acquiring word knowledge and word processing skills. Poor decoding skills prevent them from developing sophisticated reading comprehension skills. From this perspective, the cognitive deficits of disabled readers result from failure to acquire and generalize complex processing skills originally mastered through reading experience. Recent research of the author and of others relating to these issues is discussed.  相似文献   

Traditional treatment of the learning disabled child seeks to offer an individualized remediation. The authors offer as an alternative the innovative use of the family therapy modality for treatment of the learning dysfunction. This approaches the source of the learning dysfunction embedded in the faulty communication patterns within the family. The child has the opportunity to experience and more accurately comprehend the communication patterns, become more adept at interpretation of implicit meanings, and to transfer these developing skills to the formal learning situation.  相似文献   

This study used a nonreferred sample of twins to contrast the performance of individuals with reading disability (RD; n = 93), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; n = 52), RD and ADHD (n = 48), and neither RD nor ADHD (n = 121) on measures of phoneme awareness (PA) and executive functioning (EF). Exploratory factor analysis of the EF measures yielded underlying factors of working memory, inhibition, and set shifting. Results revealed that ADHD was associated with inhibition deficits, whereas RD was associated with significant deficits on measures of PA and verbal working memory. The RD + ADHD group was most impaired on virtually all measures, providing evidence against the phenocopy hypothesis as an explanation for comorbidity between RD and ADHD.  相似文献   

L D Cook 《Adolescence》1979,14(56):699-707
The psychosocial difficulties that usually accompany learning disabilities are examined from a framework of developmental theory, particularly that of Erik Erikson. The implications of this perspective for treatment of adolescents with learning problems is discussed, and a specific program described.  相似文献   

Behavior modification techniques have been both highly revered and highly criticized by educators. Unfortunately, both viewpoints have often been based on a superficial understanding of theory and research. More significantly, the application of behavioristic principles has frequently failed to integrate techniques derived from research in the areas of personality development and communication (much of which is currently incorporated under the term humanistic psychology). This article presents a school-based model for creating a synthesis of behavioristic and humanistic technologies. Examples from the author's work as a teacher and consultant are combined with an examination of associated research findings to demonstrate the practical application of such a synthesis.  相似文献   

This paper describes a teaching tool that uses meditation practices and postmodern practices to promote a sense of collaboration and mutual responsibility for learning in a final Master's in Social Work class at the University of New Hampshire. It outlines a process through which students and instructor aim to become equal partners in developing collective knowledges, and participate in the collaborative practices they are learning as they move from positions of inexpert learners to expert colleagues. It includes a discussion of students' evaluation of the meditative dialogue process and its impact on their professional development.  相似文献   

Kindergarten to third grade mathematics achievement scores from a prospective study of mathematical development (n = 306) were subjected to latent growth trajectory analyses. The four corresponding classes included children with mathematical learning disability (MLD, 6% of sample), and low (LA, 50%), typically (TA, 39%) and high (HA, 5%) achieving children. The groups were administered a battery of intelligence (IQ), working memory, and mathematical-cognition measures in first grade. The children with MLD had general deficits in working memory and IQ and potentially more specific deficits on measures of number sense. The LA children did not have working memory or IQ deficits but showed moderate deficits on these number sense measures and for addition fact retrieval. The distinguishing features of the HA children were a strong visuospatial working memory, a strong number sense, and frequent use of memory-based processes to solve addition problems. Implications for the early identification of children at risk for poor mathematics achievement are considered.  相似文献   

Paediatric liaison work requires an appreciation of the interweaving of the different factors involved when a child has physical symptoms. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is usually viewed simply as a potential treatment option. This paper argues that its use is both therapeutic and diagnostic and that it should be valued for this breadth of contribution. The therapeutic process is conducted in a way that can promote an understanding of the child and their context and thus enhance the ability 9 to meet the child's needs by all involved in their care. This can be achieved without sacrificing the degree of privacy that the psychotherapist/patient relationship requires. Material is presented from the psychotherapy of a child who had an hereditary condition which moved unexpectedly into a terminal 2 phase after psychotherapy was started. Examples are given to illustrate the importance of the understanding gained from therapy and how, through an integrative process, it was used to assist the overall 4 care. The material also describes the potential diagnostic use of information from psychotherapy when this is formulated by consideration of conscious and unconscious mechanisms alongside mental state phenomenology. This has implications for the relationships between disciplines and for their training requirements.  相似文献   

Want to rotate the latent variables you have found by some method of factor extraction to oblique simple structure while leaving invariant selected axes or subspaces in your initial solution? Here's how.  相似文献   

Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder due to deficiency of the enzyme arylsulfatase A that leads to progressive, diffuse demyelination. The syndrome of nonverbal learning disability has been attributed to white matter abnormality and has been reported in children with this disorder and in some healthy family member carriers of gene. We examined the neuropsychologic profiles and MRIs of eight members of the family of a 7-year-old girl with this disease, all of whom were heterozygous carriers of the mutation and five of whom were also carriers of the MLD pseudodeficiency gene. All had low normal levels of arylsulfatase A, and seven of the eight had average or better profiles across all assessed neuropsychological domains. The patient's younger sister had a profile with features of the syndrome of nonverbal learning disability despite a normal MRI, whereas two members with minor white matter findings did not. This family does not provide evidence for the syndrome of nonverbal learning disability in heterozygous carriers of the gene for MLD, even when associated with the MLD pseudodeficiency gene.  相似文献   

The independence of hyperactivity, attention deficits, and conduct problems among mentally retarded children was addressed using factors of the Conners' Teacher Rating Scale-39 (CTRS-39) and the more recently developed IOWA Conners' inattention/overactivity (IO) and aggression (A) subscales. CTRS-39 ratings were obtained for children of normal intelligence and for mentally retarded children. Differences between the groups were examined as were intercorrelations of the Conners' factors and IOWA subscales. Conduct problems proved to be less strongly associated with hyperactivity and attention deficits among mentally retarded children compared to children of normal intelligence. However, attention problems and conduct problems may be associated with mental retardation in general. Implications of these data and CTRS scoring system recommendations for mentally retarded children are discussed.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the relationship between methylphenidate (MPH) and the learning and recall of paired associations by children with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADDH). Forty-five children with ADDH were randomly assigned to one of three groups (novel, partial mastery, and mastery learning) that varied in the amount of previous learning of paired associations and participated in a double-blind, placebo-control, repeated-measures-across-dose (crossover) design. Each child received four doses of MPH (5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, and 20 mg) and a placebo in a random, counterbalanced sequence. The results indicated that both the rate of acquisition and accuracy in learning paired associations were significantly, but differentially, affected by MPH dose and the degree of learning mastery. The implications of these results for psychopharmacological research and the monitoring of psychostimulant effects on children's learning performance in academic settings are discussed.The authors wish to acknowledge and express their sincere appreciation to the graduate and undergraduate student members of the Children's Learning Clinic.  相似文献   

Behaviors thought to be characteristic of emotional disturbance or learning disabilities were investigated through ratings of teachers with regard to the relative disturbingness of the behaviors. Obtained differences suggested that behaviors characteristic of emotional disturbance were rated as more disturbing than those of learning disabilities; differences within sets of characteristic behaviors were also indicated. Results are discussed with regard to implications for teacher expectancies and labeling research.  相似文献   

This study assessed the efficiency of the Haine and Koppitz scoring systems used with the Bender-Gestalt Test (B-G) in terms of their ability to differentiate between adolescents with and without central nervous system (CNS) impairment who were achieving below age-expectations. Utilizing a population of 84 adolescents enrolled in a residential treatment center, both the Haine and Koppitz systems with the Bender-Gestalt differentiated 25 Ss with CNS impairment from 59 Ss wihout such impairment. The results indicated, however, that neither scoring system was useful in individual classification when the B-G was used alone or in combination with intelligence test results.  相似文献   

Memory for verbal and nonverbal stimuli was evaluated using selective reminding procedures in normal achieving children and four groups of disabled learners: (1) reading-spelling disabled (R-S); (2) reading-spelling-arithmetic disabled (R-S-A); (3) spelling-arithmetic disabled (S-A); and (4) arithmetic disabled (A). Each child received two analogous free-list memory tasks, one for verbal material (animal names) and the other for nonverbal material (random dot patterns). These tasks were administered using selective reminding procedures that permit separation of storage and retrieval aspects of memory by reminding children only of those words not recalled on previous trials. Results revealed that relative to controls, the A and S-A children had significantly lower storage and retrieval scores on the nonverbal task, but did not differ on the verbal task; the R-S children differed only on retrieval scores from the verbal task; and the R-S-A children on retrieval scores on the verbal task and storage and retrieval scores on the nonverbal task. Thus, results indicate that the memory performance of disabled learners varies according to (1) the type of learning problem (arithmetic vs reading), (2) the nature of the stimuli (verbal vs nonverbal), and (3) the aspect of memory being assessed (storage vs retrieval). This study provides external validation for the classification of disabled learners according to patterns of academic achievement, demonstrating a useful procedure for dealing with the intrasubject variability characteristic of disabled learners.  相似文献   

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