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具身情绪是在近年来大热的具身认知领域影响下提出的便于研究情绪的理论,主要表现为情绪是由生理反应及情境等共同作用影响的; 而替代性创伤是用以描述心理工作者因长期接触创伤后患者对其进行危机干预,而出现类似的创伤反应和身心不良症状的概念。这两者在形成结构上存在相似之处。本文对这两个概念进行介绍,从具身的视角描述了替代性创伤的成因,最后结合实际对未来研究探讨与展望。  相似文献   

邱小燕  葛艳莹  胡超 《心理科学进展》2022,30(12):2799-2808
疫情等社会灾难时期, 创伤经历者急剧增加, 加之交通阻断, 传统的心理救援很难及时应对大范围的灾民心理危机; 而表达性写作便于心理学工作者大规模实施, 且可通过电话、网络等远程通讯工具进行指导, 治疗PTSD等心理创伤, 改善生理、心理健康。社会灾难时期表达性写作的机制复杂, 涉及暴露脱敏、意义重建、自我抽离—自我调节、工作记忆优化和认知神经机制正常化; 其疗效受到作者特质、干预时间和写作形式等潜在因素的影响。相应地, 未来应结合本土社会文化因素, 重视在线干预研究, 探索表达性写作相关的认知神经机制, 综合不同的生理、心理健康指标评估表达性写作的疗效。  相似文献   

为了考察群体身份对替代性排斥中旁观者惩罚行为的影响,并考察旁观者社会责任感的调节作用,采用数量估计任务对58名不同社会责任感大学生创设群体身份,观看网络掷球游戏形成群际替代性排斥,随后评估游戏中各玩家的愤怒情绪,并采用第三方惩罚来表达对各玩家表现的愤怒。结果发现高社会责任旁观者对替代性排斥体验到更强愤怒情绪,并对排斥者施加更高惩罚;高社会责任感个体对排斥组内成员的组外排斥者惩罚强度高于组内排斥者,而低社会责任感个体对排斥组外成员的组外排斥者惩罚强度显著高于组内排斥者。结果表明旁观者社会责任感调节其在群际替代性排斥中的第三方惩罚。  相似文献   

大家都确信,只有团结一致,才能尽快从疫情带来的创伤中走出来,因此都积极地配合进行创伤干预的措施,而心理治疗能够为集体创伤群体提供有效的干预。什么是集体创伤?首先要区分集体创伤和个体创伤,其主要标志是在集体创伤中,创伤性事件发生的性质、广度和破坏程度深远于个体。新冠肺炎疫情的爆发给人们带来了严重的伤害,为了防控疫情,人们不得不采取隔离的方法,不可避免地破坏了集体内部原有的联结.  相似文献   

汶川地震后青少年的心理反应受到社会的普遍关注。本文作者及其团队对汶川地震后青少年的心理反应进行了为期6年的研究,以期为震后青少年的心理恢复和发展提供帮助。本文主要介绍了6年来本团队在创伤后心理反应的理论分析、青少年创伤后心理反应的状况及其相互关系、影响因素及其机制、干预策略等方面所进行的探索,较为全面地阐述了创伤后青少年主要的心理反应及其研究的理论基础,概括了青少年创伤后应激障碍、抑郁和创伤后成长的状况及其发展趋势,深入分析了影响青少年创伤后应激障碍和创伤后成长的影响机制,提出了针对创伤后青少年的心理干预策略,并探究了未来研究需要关注的内容。  相似文献   

艾娟 《心理科学进展》2017,(11):1964-1971
群际替代性报复是指群体内成员受到外群体成员的伤害后,内群体的其他成员对外群体的其他成员进行报复的现象。这种基于群体水平上的替代性报复很大程度上已经超越了原本的侵犯者和受害者,而涉及到群体双方更大范围的其他人。替代性报复是一个复杂的心理过程,其产生和程度受到伤害感知、群体认同、外群体实体性、群体情绪以及内群观众效应的影响。内群体在实施替代性报复后也往往存在较为一致的"正面"认知评价和情感体验。未来还需要继续在学术层面上整合和完善替代性报复的心理机制,探讨不同文化观念下替代性报复的特点,最重要的是结合社会现实提出减少替代性报复的策略。  相似文献   

杨晓莉  邹妍 《心理科学进展》2020,28(9):1575-1585
替代性排斥是指观察别人遭受排斥, 其自身也感受到排斥体验的一种排斥形式。基于行为研究视角和神经影像视角发现, 经历替代性排斥会引发个体需求、情绪、行为和神经网络等方面的反应。排斥觉察系统理论、多元动机模型理论、道德归因理论、社会认同理论以及共情理论为经历替代性排斥的个体为何做出这些反应提供了理论依据。未来研究还可以从个体的特质共情、排斥情境的复杂程度以及理论解释等方面继续探索, 以丰富替代性排斥的研究范畴。  相似文献   

2018年8月1日中午12时许,浙江省余杭公安分局余杭派出所接到报警,余杭街道某小区24楼有个14岁的小姑娘爬到了窗户外沿要跳楼。民警迅速赶往现场。民警赶到现场时,女孩人已在小区居民楼24楼窗外仅有20公分左右宽的地方坐着,两只腿在空中晃悠,情况一度十分危急。民警观察后发现没有强行救援的可能性,于是作为危机干预者,他用富有心理学智慧的沟通技巧,在大约十分钟左右的时间里,将女孩从窗户外沿劝回屋内。在这个危机干预成功的案例中,干预者的哪些技巧值得我们危机干预者学习呢?本文试图作一分析,以供参考。  相似文献   

重大自然灾害后,使用心理危机干预的专业方法,利用心理危机快速反应专家服务组,给受灾者带来常规社会救援不能解决的紧急心理救护和进一步的心理援助,使不幸的人们在绝望中鼓起勇气、获得希望,并与他们一起共同度过人生中这段最艰难的时刻。面对灾难,危机干预是利国利民的重要事务,是政府对灾难后受灾人群进行人文关怀和构建和谐社会的直接体现。  相似文献   

应急救援是消防员的法定职责之一,消防员在遂行任务中遭遇心理危机会给消防员带来巨大的心理危害,需要进行干预。本文详述了应急救援中消防员心理危机的危害及表现,并就科学的进行危机干预进行了详细的论述。  相似文献   

Vicarious trauma, a disruption in schemas and worldview often accompanied by symptoms similar to those of posttraumatic stress disorder, occurs as a result of chronic secondary exposure to traumatic material. The aim of this study was to examine the role of personal trauma history, social support, and experience level in the development of vicarious trauma among licensed social workers in Maryland (N = 160). Results indicated an increase in social support and in experience level of social workers predicted less severe vicarious trauma. In addition, an interaction effect between trauma history and social support trending on significance indicated higher levels of social support might help protect those without a trauma history but not those with a trauma history against vicarious trauma. Research and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Authors explored whether the dose-response relationship evident in PTSD also applied to cases of vicarious trauma and, if so, which variables serve to moderate such reactions. This study examined the surveyed responses of emergency care workers in a group geographically near the September 11, 2001 New York terrorist site, comparing the results to a group of emergency care workers geographically distant from the terrorist site. Study results lend support to the presence of a dose-response relationship within vicarious traumatization. Specific variables associated with higher distress levels for practitioners included the discipline of the practitioner, treating an injured victim, and personally knowing a victim of the New York terrorist attacks. Past training related to vicarious traumatization was not associated with lower distress levels for practitioners. In addition, practitioners' awareness and interest in psychological issues related to trauma appear to have been enhanced by geographic proximity to the New York terrorist attacks.  相似文献   

Counselors in all settings work with clients who are survivors of trauma. Vicarious trauma, or counselors developing trauma reactions secondary to exposure to clients' traumatic experiences, is not uncommon. The purpose of this article is to describe vicarious trauma and summarize the recent research literature related to this construct. The Constructivist Self‐Development Theory (CSDT) is applied to vicarious trauma, and the implications CSDT has for counselors in preventing and managing vicarious trauma are explored.  相似文献   

Theorists and practitioners have long recognised that working with trauma clients can trigger reactions in the therapist similar to those experienced by the client. Nevertheless, research in this area has been lacking. One obstacle has been confusion regarding key terms. Vicarious traumatisation is the most appropriate concept given that it relates specifically to trauma work, incorporates intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and can be located within the framework of the constructivist self-development theory. Although limited, research has identified a range of factors that influence vicarious traumatisation, such as experience, personal trauma history and coping style. Future investigation is required to examine aspects that could enhance counsellor resilience. In addition, vicarious traumatisation needs to be studied in terms of a broad range of clientele and occupations.  相似文献   

The potential impact on psychological well-being of working in the caring professions in the aftermath of trauma and disaster has been recognized for many years, with terms such as burnout, compassion fatigue, and vicarious traumatization coined to describe stress-related conditions. Although prevalent, these conditions do not affect all workers in the field. Various studies have investigated potential risk and protective factors. It is argued that the outcomes of this research should be used to guide practical interventions in the workplace designed to minimize stress-related problems. A framework that incorporates interventions at the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention levels is outlined, and research investigating the efficacy of interventions at each of these levels is recommended.  相似文献   

This paper acknowledges ‘the [my] dark passenger’ of emotional vicarious trauma associated with conducting post-disaster research. Post-disaster research is tightly bounded by ethics and professional codes of conduct requiring us to be vigilant about the impact of our work on our participants. However, as a disaster researcher, I have been affected by vicarious trauma. ‘Direct personal’ vicarious trauma is where I experienced trauma associated with witnessing devastation making a professional separation from my objective subjects impossible. ‘Indirect professional’ vicarious trauma occurred when PhD students and others under my supervision that I sent to disaster affected places, experienced significant negative emotional responses and trauma as they interviewed their participants. In these situations, I became traumatised by my lack of training and reflected on how the emphasis on the participants came at the expense of the researcher in my care. Limited literature exists that focuses on the vicarious trauma experienced by researchers, and their supervisors working in post-disaster places and this paper is a contribution to that body of scholarship. In acknowledging and exploring the emotions and vicarious trauma of researchers embedded in landscapes of disaster, it becomes possible for future researchers to pre-empt this phenomenon and to consider ways that they might manage this.  相似文献   

Traumatic events are highly prevalent in South African society and psychologists who work with survivors of trauma have been identified as particularly at risk of being adversely affected by their work, and experiencing vicarious trauma. This study aimed to explore the experiences of a group of South African psychologists who work predominantly with trauma survivors. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with six psychologists (females = 67%). The predominant type of trauma encountered by participants in clinical practice was interpersonal trauma in the form of physical and sexual abuse (83%). Data were analysed using thematic analysis. All participants reported symptoms of vicarious trauma including disruption in cognitive schemas, symptoms characteristic of post-traumatic stress disorder, and somatic symptoms. Participants also reported vicarious post-traumatic growth including an enhanced sense of interpersonal connectedness and positive changes in their philosophy of life and self-perceptions. The findings serve to sensitise psychologists to the impact of working with trauma survivors so as to enhance the efficiency of psychological service delivery to traumatised populations.  相似文献   

In order to add to the body of research that examines the phenomenon of vicarious posttraumatic growth, this study sought to illuminate the lived experiences of mental health professionals who work on a day-to-day basis with multiply traumatized children and adolescents and, as a result, experience measurably high levels of vicarious trauma and compassion satisfaction. The findings from this qualitative study support positive vicarious experiences derived from trauma work and expose the pathologically focused nature of the profession.  相似文献   

This phenomenological study was designed to describe the shared trauma perspectives of 8 counselors who experienced the shootings at Virginia Tech and responded to community mental health needs. Shared trauma, vicarious traumatization, compassion fatigue, vicarious resilience, and posttraumatic growth were examined. Themes derived from interviews included changed perceptions of those who experienced shared trauma and the influence of the experiences on clinicians' work. Implications for practitioners and for counselor training are presented.  相似文献   

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