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Previous research showed that full body ownership illusions in virtual reality (VR) can be robustly induced by providing congruent visual stimulation, and that congruent tactile experiences provide a dispensable extension to an already established phenomenon. Here we show that visuo-tactile congruency indeed does not add to already high measures for body ownership on explicit measures, but does modulate movement behavior when walking in the laboratory. Specifically, participants who took ownership over a more corpulent virtual body with intact visuo-tactile congruency increased safety distances towards the laboratory’s walls compared to participants who experienced the same illusion with deteriorated visuo-tactile congruency. This effect is in line with the body schema more readily adapting to a more corpulent body after receiving congruent tactile information. We conclude that the action-oriented, unconscious body schema relies more heavily on tactile information compared to more explicit aspects of body ownership.  相似文献   

Subjects performed timing and sequencing tasks under separate (single-task) and concurrent (dual-task) conditions in two experiments. The timing task required the subjects to generate a series of 5-sec temporal productions. The sequencing task in Experiment 1 involved verifying reasoning statements that described the ordering of a pair of letters. The task in Experiment 2 involved monitoring a familiar event sequence and detecting omissions in that sequence. Comparisons of single-task and dual-task conditions showed a pattern of bidirectional interference. In each experiment, the concurrent sequencing task caused temporal productions to become more variable and longer. The concurrent timing task interfered with sequencing by lengthening response times to the reasoning statements (Experiment 1) and by lengthening response times to sequence omissions and reducing sensitivity at detecting the omissions (Experiment 2). The results suggest that time perception and sequence perception are related cognitive processes that rely on a common set of attentional resources.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the presence of a coordination factor in a task consisting of compensatory tracking and anticipatory timing components. The task (Intercept task) resembles a computer game in which a rocket must be aimed and fired to shoot an incoming missile. The studies were designed to determine if a coordinating ability exists above and beyond the abilities needed to perform the component tasks alone. We also investigated the nature of coordination abilities through correlations with other types of coordination tasks and measures of intelligence. Is coordination a general cognitive ability that contributes to performance in a wide range of coordination tasks, or is coordination ability task specific? Multiple regression analyses indicated the existence of a coordination ability in the Intercept task. This coordination ability, however, was shown to be unrelated to the coordination of visual and linguistic processing and to psychometric measures of intelligence as assessed by the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). Coordination of visual and linguistic processing correlated with a component of the ASVAB measuring perceptual speed. We conclude that, although the ability to integrate separate components of a complex task draws on a coordination ability, this ability is domain specific and thus varies depending on the nature of the component tasks.  相似文献   

This study tested the accuracy of a visual timing task using a readily available and relatively inexpensive consumer grade digital camera. A visual inspection time task was recorded using short high-speed video clips and the timing as reported by the task’s program was compared to the timing as recorded in the video clips. Discrepancies in these two timing reports were investigated further and based on display refresh rate, a decision was made whether the discrepancy was large enough to affect the results as reported by the task. In this particular study, the errors in timing were not large enough to impact the results of the study. The procedure presented in this article offers an alternative method for performing a timing test, which uses readily available hardware and can be used to test the timing in any software program on any operating system and display.  相似文献   

Although research suggests that experience may be a better indicator of the acquisition of certain abilities by infants than age, little work addresses this issue in the development of reaching movements in particular. This longitudinal study fills this gap by verifying the effect of practice time on more- and less-skilled reachers of the same age group in different body orientations. Less- (n=6) and more-skilled (n=4) reachers were evaluated at the acquisition of reaching and again after 1 month of spontaneous practice. Kinematic analyses examined 3D wrist motion during reaching trials in supine (0 degrees ), reclined (45 degrees ) and seated (70 degrees ) orientations. The results indicated that skill level was a relevant factor in dealing with gravitational constraints imposed by different body orientations. Time of practice affected the way less- and more-skilled reachers explored and adapted the kinematic parameters of reaching to constraints imposed by body orientations. These findings suggest that not only age, but also experience and body orientations are important constraints that should be taken into account when examining infant reaching development.  相似文献   

Cup stacking is a relatively new activity which has been promoted at conferences for physical educators as having many direct and indirect benefits, such as improved quickness. This study examined the influence of a cup-stacking instructional unit on reaction and anticipation times of 69 children in Grades 2 and 4. Within each grade participants were assigned to an experimental or a control group. The former received a 3-wk. instructional unit following the lesson plans provided by the promoters of cup stacking. The control groups received a standard physical education curriculum. Analysis indicated no significant differences in reaction and anticipation times between the groups before and after practicing the instructional unit.  相似文献   

Humans were trained on a temporal discrimination to make one response when the stimulus duration was short (2 s) and a different response when the stimulus duration was long (8 s). They were then tested with stimulus durations in between to determine the bisection point. In Experiment 1, we examined the effect of a secondary cognitive task (counting backwards by threes) on the bisection point when participants were trained without a cognitive load and were tested with a cognitive load or the reverse (relative to appropriate controls). When the cognitive load increased from training, the psychophysical function plotting long responses against the increase in stimulus duration shifted to the right (as if the internal clock slowed down), and when the cognitive load decreased from training the psychophysical function shifted to the left (as if the internal clock speeded up). In Experiment 2, when the secondary task consisted of exerting continuous force on a transducer (a physically effortful task), it had the opposite effect. When the required force increased from training, the psychophysical function shifted to the left (as if the internal clock speeded up), and when the required force decreased from training, the psychophysical function shifted to the right (as if the internal clock slowed down). The results support an attentional view of the subjective passage of time. A cognitive secondary task appears to decrease attention to temporal cues, resulting in the underestimation of the passage of time, whereas a force requirement appears to increase attention to temporal cues, resulting in the overestimation of the passage of time.  相似文献   

Humans were trained on a temporal discrimination to make one response when the stimulus duration was short (2 s) and a different response when the stimulus duration was long (8 s). They were then tested with stimulus durations in between to determine the bisection point. In Experiment 1, we examined the effect of a secondary cognitive task (counting backwards by threes) on the bisection point when participants were trained without a cognitive load and were tested with a cognitive load or the reverse (relative to appropriate controls). When the cognitive load increased from training, the psychophysical function plotting long responses against the increase in stimulus duration shifted to the right (as if the internal clock slowed down), and when the cognitive load decreased from training the psychophysical function shifted to the left (as if the internal clock speeded up). In Experiment 2, when the secondary task consisted of exerting continuous force on a transducer (a physically effortful task), it had the opposite effect. When the required force increased from training, the psychophysical function shifted to the left (as if the internal clock speeded up), and when the required force decreased from training, the psychophysical function shifted to the right (as if the internal clock slowed down). The results support an attentional view of the subjective passage of time. A cognitive secondary task appears to decrease attention to temporal cues, resulting in the underestimation of the passage of time, whereas a force requirement appears to increase attention to temporal cues, resulting in the overestimation of the passage of time.  相似文献   

On mental timing tasks, erroneous knowledge of results (KR) leads to incorrect performance accompanied by the subjective judgment of accurate performance. Using the start-stop technique (an analogue of the peak interval procedure) with both reproduction and production timing tasks, the authors analyze what processes erroneous KR alters. KR provides guidance (performance error information) that lowers decision thresholds. Erroneous KR also provides targeting information that alters response durations proportionately to the magnitude of the feedback error. On the production task, this shift results from changes in the reference memory, whereas on the reproduction task this shift results from changes in the decision threshold for responding. The idea that erroneous KR can alter different cognitive processes on related tasks is supported by the authors' demonstration that the learned strategies can transfer from the reproduction task to the production task but not visa versa. Thus effects of KR are both task and context dependent.  相似文献   

本研究分别在时间和情绪认知维度上考察预先准备效应对情绪视听整合的影响。时间辨别任务(实验1)发现视觉引导显著慢于听觉引导,并且整合效应量为负值。情绪辨别任务(实验2)发现整合效应量为正值;在负性情绪整合中,听觉引导显著大于视觉引导;在正性情绪整合中,视觉引导显著大于听觉引导。研究表明,情绪视听整合基于情绪认知加工,而时间辨别会抑制整合;此外,跨通道预先准备效应和情绪预先准备效应都与引导通道有关。  相似文献   

Tactile signals on a hand that serves as movement goal are enhanced during movement planning and execution. Here, we examined how spatially specific tactile enhancement is when humans reach to their own static hand. Participants discriminated two brief and simultaneously presented tactile stimuli: a comparison stimulus on the left thumb or little finger from a reference stimulus on the sternum. Tactile stimuli were presented either during right-hand reaching towards the left thumb or little finger or while holding both hands still (baseline). Consistent with our previous findings, stimuli on the left hand were perceived stronger during movement than baseline. However, tactile enhancement was not stronger when the stimuli were presented on the digit that served as reach target, thus the perception across the whole hand was uniformly enhanced. In experiment 2, we also presented stimuli on the upper arm in half of the trials to reduce the expectation of the stimulus location. Tactile stimuli on the target hand, but not on the upper arm, were generally enhanced, supporting the idea of a spatial gradient of tactile enhancement. Overall, our findings argue for low spatial specificity of tactile enhancement at movement-relevant body parts, here the target hand.  相似文献   

Relationship between the movements of the lumbar spine and hip   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Movements of the lumbar spine and hips were measured in 20 healthy subjects using an electromagnetic tracking device. Movement sensors were attached to the L1 spinous process, the sacrum and the thighs. Each subject was requested to perform the following movements of the trunk: forward and backward bending, lateral bending and twisting. The ratio of the maximum magnitude of spine movement to that of the hip was determined. Angle-angle plot and cross-correlation were used to examine the relationship between the movements of the spine and hip. It was shown that during forward and backward bending of the trunk, the overall contributions of the lumbar spine and hip were similar, but the spine had a greater contribution to the early stage of the movement. Lateral bending of the trunk was found to be primarily accomplished by movement of the spine, whereas the hips were the predominate sources of movement for twisting. Moreover, it was shown that in the sagittal and horizontal planes, the movement patterns of the spine and hip were in phase, whereas in the coronal plane, the spine generally moved earlier than the hips. It is concluded that clinical examination of the back should include kinematic measures of both the lumbar spine and hips.  相似文献   

Timing variability in continuous drawing tasks has not been found to be correlated with timing variability in repetitive finger tapping in recent studies (S. D. Robertson et al., 1999; H. N. Zelaznik, R. M. C. Spencer, & R. B. Ivry, 2002). Furthermore, the central component of timing variability, as measured by the slope of the timing variance versus the square of the timed interval, differed for tapping and drawing tasks. On the basis of those results, the authors posited that timing in tapping is explicit and as such uses a central representation of the interval to be timed, whereas timing in drawing tasks is implicit, that is, the temporal component is an emergent property of the trajectory produced. The authors examined that hypothesis in the present study by determining the linear relationship between timing variance and squared duration for tapping, circle-drawing, and line-drawing tasks. Participants (N = 50) performed 1 of 5 tasks: finger tapping, line drawing in the x dimension, line drawing in the y dimension, continuous circle drawing timed in the x dimension, or continuous circle drawing timed in the y dimension. The slopes differed significantly between finger tapping, line drawing, and circle drawing, suggesting separable sources of timing variability. The slopes of the 2 circle-drawing tasks did not differ from one another, nor did the slopes of the 2 line-drawing tasks differ significantly, suggesting a shared timing process within those tasks. Those results are evidence of a high degree of specificity in timing processes.  相似文献   

Motor events are behaviorally meaningful, discrete entities (e.g., key strokes) that are generated at some specific portion of an effector's movement trajectory. Bimanual coordination may be conceptualized with reference to such discrete motor events or with reference to continuous movement trajectories. Studies inspired by the former approach suggest that hand coordination is primarily achieved by assigning a coherent timing goal structure to the motor events produced by each hand. Studies conducted with the latter approach have shown that between-hand interdependence may also arise from the cross-coupling of the command signals that generate each hand's motion. Little is known, however, about the relationships between timing-level coordination and trajectory-level coordination of the hands. Some aspects of these relationships are analyzed using data from experiments that involved bimanual finger tapping and circle drawing at identical and different frequencies.  相似文献   

The ability to interpret and predict the actions of others is crucial to social interaction and to social, cognitive, and linguistic development. The current study provided a strong test of this predictive ability by assessing (1) whether infants are capable of prospectively processing actions that fail to achieve their intended outcome, and (2) how infants respond to events in which their initial predictions are not confirmed. Using eye tracking, 8‐month‐olds, 10‐month‐olds, and adults watched an actor repeatedly reach over a barrier to either successfully or unsuccessfully retrieve a ball. Ten‐month‐olds and adults produced anticipatory looks to the ball, even when the action was unsuccessful and the actor never achieved his goal. Moreover, they revised their initial predictions in response to accumulating evidence of the actor's failure. Eight‐month‐olds showed anticipatory looking only after seeing the actor successfully grasp and retrieve the ball. Results support a flexible, prospective social information processing ability that emerges during the first year of life.  相似文献   

In a recent study, children with movement clumsiness (or Developmental Coordination Disorder-DCD) were shown to have difficulties making rapid online corrections when reaching, demonstrated by slower and less accurate movements to double-step targets (Hyde & Wilson, 2011). These results suggest that children with DCD have difficulty using predictive estimates of limb position when making rapid adjustments to movement, in-flight. However, chronometric data alone does not provide strong evidence for this hypothesis: it remains unclear whether early (and rapid) control parameters or post-correction stages of the movement trajectory are affected. Thus, the overarching aim of this study was to conduct a kinematic analysis of double-step reaching in order to isolate the different control parameters that might explain the slower and less accurate double-step reaching performance of children with DCD. Participants were a new sample of 13 children with DCD aged between 8-12 years and 13 age-matched controls. Children were required to reach and touch one of three possible targets presented at the coordinates -20°, 0° and 20° on a 17 in. LCD touch-screen. For most trials (80%) the target remained stationary for the duration of movement (non-jump trials), while for the remainder (20%), the target jumped randomly to one of two peripheral locations at movement onset (jump trials). Consistent with earlier work, children with DCD were slower to initiate reaching compared to controls and showed longer MT and more errors on jump trials. Kinematic data showed that while the two groups did not differ on time to peak velocity or acceleration, children with DCD were slower to correct reach trajectory on jump trials. No group differences were observed on late kinematic markers, e.g., post-correction time. The pattern of results support and extend earlier work showing deficits in ROC in DCD. From a computational perspective, delayed corrections to the reach trajectory suggests some difficulty integrating information about the target perturbation with a predictive (or forward) estimate of limb position relative to the initial target. These conclusions are discussed, along with directions for future research.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine whether timing processes can be shared by continuous tapping and drawing tasks. In all 3 experiments, temporal precision in tapping was not related to temporal precision in continuous drawing. There were modest correlations among the tapping tasks, and there were significant correlations among the drawing tasks. In Experiment 3, the function relating timing variance to the square of the observed movement duration for tapping was different from that for drawing. The conclusions drawn were that timing is not an ability to be shared by a variety of tasks but instead that the temporal qualities of skilled movement are the result of the specific processes necessary to produce a trajectory. These results are consistent with the idea that timing is an emergent property of movement.  相似文献   

Currently, it is unclear what model of timing best describes temporal processing across millisecond and second timescales in tasks with different response requirements. In the present set of experiments, we assessed whether the popular dedicated scalar model of timing accounts for performance across a restricted timescale surrounding the 1-second duration for different tasks. The first two experiments evaluate whether temporal variability scales proportionally with the timed duration within temporal reproduction. The third experiment compares timing across millisecond and second timescales using temporal reproduction and discrimination tasks designed with parallel structures. The data exhibit violations of the assumptions of a single scalar timekeeper across millisecond and second timescales within temporal reproduction; these violations are less apparent for temporal discrimination. The finding of differences across tasks suggests that task demands influence the mechanisms that are engaged for keeping time.  相似文献   

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