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Ohne ZusammenfassungDie Versuche wurden im Psychologischen Institut der Universität Frankfurt a. M. ausgeführt. Die Bearbeitung der Resultate und ihre Fassung geschah zu Hause nach meiner Rückkehr.  相似文献   

Koffka  K. 《Psychological research》1923,4(1):176-203
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Zusammenfassung Der Zusammenhang zwischen Blickwendung und Lidschlag wurde experimentell untersucht. Als wirksame Faktoren erwiesen sich die Größe der Blickwendung, die Kopfbewegung, die Art der Wahrnehmungsobjekte (Person — Gegenstand) und bei Personen der Grad der Aufmerksamkeitszuwendung. Über alle Versuchsbedingungen hinweg zeigte sich die relative Häufigkeit des Lidschlages bei der Blickwendung als individuell konstant.
The relationship between gaze movement and eye blink under various conditions
Summary The relationship between gaze movement and eye blink was investigated. The angle of eye movement, movement of the head, the type of objects perceived (person-object) and (when persons were viewed) the degree of attention were found to be relevant factors. Under all conditions studied, the relative frequency of blinking during gaze movement was shown to be individually constant.

Taking the inherently conflicting relationship between psychoanalysis as a science of the unconscious and reality as her starting point the author describes the historically developed need of an extensive political commitment as a genuine task of the psychoanalyst to ensure the own group’s survival within health system in the long run. The author illustrates her argument by the numerous changes, which have been introduced into the field of professional and social law within in the last 12 years and affected clinical practice within the legal health insurance system as well as psychoanalytic training. She describes the area of tension in which politically committed psychoanalysts find themselves. These tensions are produced by a frequently met defence fuelled by anxieties and denial of the own colleagues against professional politics within psychoanalytic organisations and by various defences in extraanalytical professional politics. The author discusses ways of an individual, intrapsychical mastering both on part of colleagues committed to professional politics and of members of analytic organisations and describes ways of institutional dealing with these conflicts in psychoanalytic organisations and in the extraanalytical field of professional politics as a precondition of a more successful representation of the own group’s political interests. Finally she considers structural changes which are necessary if psychoanalysis is to succeed not only in the struggle about distribution of resources but also in the interdisciplinary scientific debate.  相似文献   

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In this essay the literature about psychoanalytical training is systematically reviewed. All important topics of training such as the selection of students, training analysts and supervisors, the training analysis itself, the supervision, the curriculum, the graduation and the culture of the institutes are reflected and critical issues are discussed. The special interest of the author is in the issue, why in spite of everlasting discussions about training change proves to be as difficult as it is.  相似文献   

The author investigates the question how treatment techniques can be used to deal with massive negative transfer. The basic principle that being open and processing the negative transfer by interpretation is very valuable for the analytical process seems to be valid for most treaments in unlimited form but not for all. This approach is particularly questioned when the patient massively devalues the analyst and loses all respect for him. In such constellations the analysis can lead to a dead end. In this article a case study of the author is discussed in which a severely disturbed narcissistic patient reacted with a high level of destructivity in the transfer. This ultimately led to the situation where the analyst became a type of whipping boy for the patient who verbally deployed aggressive actions against him. A therapeutic implementation of this dynamic force by interpretation proved to be no longer practicable so that the analyst decided to first demarcate limits on the destructive reactions of the patient during the transfer by an intervention. In this way a minimum level of respect for the analyst could be restored. Only on this basis could interpretations unfold an effect during the further course and resulted in a positive turning point in the treatment process. In the theoretical discussion the author refers in particular to the approaches of Kernberg, Ogden and Racker as well as to the term projective identification. He arrives at the consideration that the danger of a derailment of the analytical process threatens especially when projective identification unconsciously less serves communication but more the attempt to dispose of worse effects. The author finally comes to the opinion that beside especially justified interest for the negative transfer it should not be overlooked that positive transfer which includes the respect towards the analyst represents the decisive foundation for analytical treatment. To safeguard this, in some situations demarcation can be particularly useful.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von Higginson Glenn de Vere Higginson, The Visual Apprehension of Movement under Successive Retinal Excitations. Americ. Journ. of Psychol.37, 63–115. 1926  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde an fünf Schulen ein hoher Zusammenhang zwischen Tüchtigkeit und Beliebtheit aufgezeigt, der mit steigendem Alter der Schüler allmählich absinkt.Relativ häufig sind die Tüchtigsten und die Beliebtesten in Schulklassen identisch; ein Zusammenhang mit dem Alter ist hierbei nicht nachzuweisen.Noch häufiger sind Beliebtheits- und Tüchtigkeitsstars identisch; in den unteren Klassen sind diese Identitäten signifikant zahlreicher als in den oberen Klassen.Die hohe Korrelation zwischen Tüchtigkeit und Beliebtheit kann nicht auf mangelnde Differenzierungsfähigkeit der Kinder zurückgeführt werden. Sie steht auch nicht im Zusammenhang mit dem Ranggradienten, der in allen Klassen relativ groß war.Wir sind Fräulein cand. phil. H. Heggemann für Erhebung und Auswertung eines Teils unseres Materials zu Dank verpflichtet6.  相似文献   

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O Definicjach analitycznych i syntetycznychАналитиеские и синтетические определения

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Zusammenfassung. Die F?higkeit zur Empathie setzt sich aus unterschiedlichen Kompetenzen zusammen: Der Gefühlsansteckung, der Perspektivenübernahme und der F?higkeit, den Kontext sozialer Situationen zu verstehen. Alle drei Kompetenzen müssen in sozialer Erfahrung gelernt werden. Eine Theorie des empathischen Prozesses hat darzustellen, wie es m?glich ist, im Selbst die Gefühle und Phantasien eines Anderen zu erfahren und ihm auch zuzuordnen. Hier zeigt sich, da? der theoretisch begründete Versuch, zwischen Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung zu unterscheiden, in eine Sackgasse führen mu?. Angemessener erscheint eine konstruktivistisch orientierte Hypothese, die die Einfühlung als einen pers?nlichen Entwurf versteht. Dieser Entwurf orientiert sich sowohl an den eigenen inneren Objekten als auch an den konkreten Erfahrungen mit dem Gegenüber. Im psychoanalytischen Dialog bringen beide Beteiligte, Patienten und Psychoanalytiker, ihre empathischen Entwürfe zur Geltung und suchen darüber eine Verst?ndigung.
The ability to share another person's feelings: About empathy
Summary. The ability of empathy includes different competences: being infected by emotions, the adoption of another person's perspective and the capability to understand the social context. All three competences have to be learned through social experiences. A theory of the empathic process has to describe, how it is possible to experience emotions and phantasies of another person in the self as one's own and to recognize them as belonging to the other. The theoretically founded attempt to differentiate between self-perception and the perception of the other proves necessarily to reach an impass. A constructivistic hypothesis seems to be more appropriate here, that conceives empathy as a personal draft. This draft is directed by one's own inner objects and by concrete experiences with the other as well. In the psychoanalytic dialogue both participants, patient and analyst, develop their empathic drafts and try to reach through them an understanding.

Most psychotherapists and researchers agree that a good relationship essentially contributes to therapeutic change. The psychoanalytic concepts transference and countertransference which describe fundamental aspects of the psychotherapeutic relationship have now become integrated into behavior therapy. These concepts, however, are used differently in psychoanalysis as well as in behavior therapy. This makes the communication between psychotherapists coming from different orientations difficult. Therefore, a research approach which describes the important verbal and nonverbal elements of a helpful therapeutic interaction independently from therapeutic orientation could help to evaluate their effectiveness in different psychotherapeutic methods. In this way a culture of integration into psychotherapy could be encouraged.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Mit 6 Textabbildungen (Abb. 8–13). Teil I: Psychol. Forsch.9, 86f. (1927). Infolge verschiedener Umst?nde gelangt Teil II der bereits früher durchgeführten Arbeit erst jetzt zum Abdruck.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Mit 12 Abbildungen im Text  相似文献   

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