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徐琼 《思维与智慧》2004,(11):43-43
从容从容源自人内心的一种自信和坚定。从容是对匆促和瞬息万变的外部世界的反叛和抵抗。从容的人有着自己独立的人格精神和自己独立的思考。从容的人有着自己明确的人生目标和人生走向。从容的人十分清楚自己面对纷繁的世界应该选择什么、必须选择什么,应该舍弃什么和必须舍弃什么。从容的人不东张西望,不朝秦暮楚;从容的人不被喧闹所乱心,也不为诱惑所动摇。当整个世界都显出一种慌张和迷乱的时候,从容的人依然保持着一种清醒、冷静和镇定。从容是一种人生的大境界。从容显示出一种人生的大气度。从容的人从从容本身中获得了许多人所难以…  相似文献   

临床医师创新能力培养的关键应该包括医学理论知识和实践经验的积累,但要更加注重培养独立思考和敢于纠错的精神;在基本理论融会贯通的基础上,广泛涉猎是创新思想产生的基础,要能够大道至简,抓住复杂系统中的关键问题,全面地了解科学发展史和发明史,积极谦虚地与他人交流;勤于动脑和善于思考,重视"再发明"训练和思想实验,克服跨专业创新的思想障碍;对临床医师的人生哲学和人生道路的选择提出了一些感悟。  相似文献   

梅康钧 《天风》2006,(5):10-11
神学教育的目的,亦是通过有效的教育手段,方式,促使学生自身已获得知识、理解力、判断力和创造力的提升,因为各类教育的重点是一致的,即培养独立工作和独立思考的人。  相似文献   

刘明 《天风》2005,(2):38-39
据上海报刊报道,中国每年有28人自杀身亡,有200万人自杀未遂。对此,有关专家指出,自杀已成为我国15岁至35岁人群中第一死亡的原因,而导致这些年轻人自杀死亡的根本原因是他们缺乏抗挫折能力。 读罢消息,引起笔者深切的思考。生活中,每个人都会有压力,事实上完全没有压力反而对人有害。所谓耐压能力是指能妥善处理身边情况,包括保持心理平衡和对未来有盼望。  相似文献   

现代教育观点认为,数学教学是数学活动的教学,即思维活动的教学。如何在数学教学中培养小学生思维能力,养成良好思维品质是教学改革的一个重要课题,是实施素质教育开发学生智能,提高学生素质的重要措施。如通过数学基础知识的掌握和理解,可使学生学会多种思考方法;通过解答不同层次、不同类型的数学问题,从而培养学生独立思考、耐心细致的良好学习习惯;特别是那些需要经过周密思考,  相似文献   

采用基于锚定效应经典研究范式的自编问卷对120名在校大学生进行调查研究。研究一通过对参与者使用反向思考与类比思考的应对方案前后的数据比较,考察两种思考方法是否能够降低锚定效应的影响。以往同类研究中发现,时间压力作为一个重要影响因素会对最终结果产生重大影响。研究二基于研究一加入时间压力来考察高时间压力是否能够使应对方案失效。结果表明,反向思考和类比思考的应对方案能够降低锚定效应的影响,高时间压力下应对方案依然有效。这一结果启示我们,在决策时,要有批判精神,要三思而行,做一个理智的决策者。  相似文献   

一、一定要有独立的人格、独立的思想。一个经过独立思考而坚持错误的人比一个不假思索而接受正确观点的人更值得肯定。不要成为灌输教育的牺牲品。二、仕途、商界、学术——大致说来,每个人都注定要走上三条道路的一条。  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济是发展人的精神需求的经济杠杆,它迫使人必须充分发挥自己的聪明才智,以求在市场竞争中获胜。市场经济第一次把人的个性发展凸现出来,从多方面开拓人的思维的自由空间,变革着思维方式,为个性的发展与创造提供了必不可少的前提条件。市场中的社会交往,建塑着独立人格和独立个性,使人的行为自主权日益扩大,反射到精神领域,又给精神领域的主体以独立的意志和自主的权利。文章系统分析了社会主义市场经济条件下精神需求的发展机制,即自我发展机制、自我激励机制、自我约束机制、文化调节机制、心理平衡机制、社会控导机制  相似文献   

在现实生活中,人人都不可能完全摆脱压力。压力会造成心理负担,负担过重会抑制人的心理活动效率,甚至使心理活动发生紊乱,从而使人表现欠佳且损害人的心理健康。同时,压力会降低人体的免疫能力,导致多种疾病。那么,如何处理压力,在压力中求发展,保持身心健康呢?  相似文献   

在钢琴教学中常会发现一些具有较高音乐天赋的琴童。对于这些琴童,在基本技术训练上要适当提出高标准;注意挖掘其音乐潜能,培养其“自我倾听”的能力,独立思考的能力,要因材施教,丰富其音乐修养和文学修养。  相似文献   

Through a re‐examination of Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905), this paper reveals a fundamental tension in Freud's thinking on the nature of the individual and of his sexuality. In this text Freud portrays the individual and sexuality as inherently object‐related and at the same time as inherently independent of such relatedness. The way in which Freud presents these contradictory ideas suggests that he was not merely undecided on object‐relatedness and sexuality but rather that the contradiction was integral to this thinking. The paper offers an explanation of the meaning of this contradiction, of why it has been neglected in the analytic literature, and of some implications for contemporary psychoanalysis and its approach to sexuality.  相似文献   

内科专业型研究生主要来源是应届本科毕业生和住院医师,他们思维敏捷、思考活跃、独立思考能力强,但存在对专业知识储备相对较弱、临床基本技能差、科研能力薄弱等问题.按照专业研究生培养目标,我们要求研究生不但具有内科的基本技能和本专业的技能,而且具有团队合作、协同创新、医患沟通能力,同时还能结合临床实际,掌握临床科学研究的基本方法.因此,本文从专业研究生培养模式,探讨研究生培养的新途径,进一步提高研究生培养质量.  相似文献   

思维风格测验在大学生中的初步应用   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
武欣  张厚粲 《心理科学》1999,22(4):293-297
本文介绍了斯腾伯格的心理自我管理理论并使用斯腾伯格所编制的思维风格问卷对大学生的思维风格进行了测量,比较了思维风格在性别、文理科、地域等方面的个体差异,得出了中国大学生在思维风格方面的一些特点;研究了思维风格与一般智力的关系,发现思维风格与智力相关很低,说明思维风格是一种独立于智力的特质;同时对思维风格量表的信、效度及量表的结构进行了探讨。  相似文献   

How do independent and interdependent self-construals affect cognition? The authors proposed the semantic-procedural interface model, which distinguishes 2 such mechanisms. In addition to semantic differences, different procedural modes of thinking are associated with independent and interdependent self-construals. Independent self-definitions coincide with the tendency to process stimuli unaffected by the context in which they appear. Interdependent self-construals facilitate context-bounded thinking (i.e., processing stimuli by paying attention to their relation to the given context). With semantic-free dependent variables, 4 experiments showed independence-primed participants to exhibit higher degrees of context independence than did interdependence-primed participants. The results are discussed with reference to their potential explanations for cross-cultural differences.  相似文献   

求同是中国人传统且特有的思维方式。中国人的求同主要表现为从众行为、标准答案“情结”、“听话”教养观和平均主义观念;究其原因,是中国人的尚和心态、关系自我、传统农业经济和封建社会的“大一统”思想造成的;求同心理在增强民族凝聚力抵抗外来侵略、继承传统美德方面发挥积极作用的同时,也给中国人带来了忽略个体、缺乏独立和创造性及容易迷失自我的消极影响;可通过加强逻辑思维、分析思维和自省的认知方式、服从真理而不是权威、批判地继承传统等途径避免求同心理的消极影响。  相似文献   

This study examined social competencies in 4-year-old, lower income, nonwhite preschool children in a replication of work by Shure, Spivack, and Jaeger. Age differential interpersonal cognitive problem-solving skills were investigated, i.e., ability to generate alternative solutions to interpersonal problems, consequential thinking, and school achievement as they relate to behavioral adjustment ratings by teachers and independent observers. A teacher's rating of a child as aberrant or adjusted predicted an independent observer's rating of that child in a naturalistic setting. Children who were rated as adjusted by their teachers had significantly higher scores on an achievement inventory than those children who were rated aberrant, but the study did not find the predicted relationship between problem-solving thinking and adjustment. A version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, September 1979. The study was supported by grants from the McGregor Fund, the Eloise and Richard Webber Foundation, the David M. Whitney Fund and by the Detroit Public Schools Region 7, for which the authors express grateful appreciation. The authors also wish to thank Myrna B. Shure for her help in carrying out this replication.  相似文献   


Since Easterners’ naïve dialectical thinking, which is contrasted with Westerners’ linear thinking, was introduced, many cross-cultural studies on human thinking have been conducted, and explanations for the cultural differences have been proposed. First, after examining the robustness of these cultural differences, two existing explanations are discussed in this paper. The first is based on the discinction between Westerners' analytic cognition and Easterners' holistic cogntion. This is related to the distinction between Westerners’ independent self and Easterners’ interdependent self. The second is based on the philosophical tradition of China’s Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, which is contrasted with that of Ancient Greece. Second, we propose a new explanation based on the distinction between Westerners’ low-context culture and Easterners’ high-context culture (Beyond culture. Garden City, NJ: Anchor Books/Doubleday.). Finally, we show that this distinction can be based on socioecological approaches, and it is expected to explain the cultural differences between the Chinese and Japanese.  相似文献   

Human creativity has been claimed to rely on the neurotransmitter dopamine, but evidence is still sparse. We studied whether individual performance (N = 117) in divergent thinking (alternative uses task) and convergent thinking (remote association task) can be predicted by the individual spontaneous eye blink rate (EBR), a clinical marker of dopaminergic functioning. EBR predicted flexibility in divergent thinking and convergent thinking, but in different ways. The relationship with flexibility was independent of intelligence and followed an inverted U-shape function with medium EBR being associated with greatest flexibility. Convergent thinking was positively correlated with intelligence but negatively correlated with EBR, suggesting that higher dopamine levels impair convergent thinking. These findings support the claim that creativity and dopamine are related, but they also call for more conceptual differentiation with respect to the processes involved in creative performance.  相似文献   

The relationships among expression of primary process thinking on the Rorschach, affective expression in fantasy play, and divergent thinking were investigated in first and second grade children. Sixty children received the rorschach (Holt's scoring system), a play task (Affect in Play Scale), and the Alternate Uses Test. Major hypotheses were supported because the amount of primary process thinking on the Rorschach (frequency and percent) was significantly, positively related to amount of affective expression and primary process expression in play. Also, expression of affect in play (frequency, variety, integration, and comfort) was significantly, positively related to divergent thinking, independent of IQ for both boys and girls. On the Rorschach, percent of primary process was significantly related to divergent thinking for boys. The results suggest that the ability to think imaginatively in a free-association style and the ability to have access to affect-laden material are related processes.  相似文献   

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