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I have attempted to clarify the clinical usage of the concept of character. I have examined such terms as character trait, character, and character disorder. I have described various schemes of classification, and have proposed key definitions for the above terms. I have described the unique aspect of character, that is, its capacity to establish a relation between a superficial attribute and a deep structure. Finally, I have suggested that character represents the core of the individual from a particular point of view--a precipitate of a person's relations to the outside world.  相似文献   

王文超  原昊  伍新春 《心理学报》2022,54(12):1503-1516
为揭示灾后中小学生创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)和抑郁在症状层面的共存模式, 本研究分别在汶川地震和雅安地震1年后, 对灾区的中小学生进行问卷调查, 并基于高斯图形模型和贝叶斯爬山算法构建了二者的共存症状网络。结果发现, 在DSM-IV的框架下, PTSD和抑郁的重叠症状以及情绪麻木症状在二者的共存网络中起到了桥接作用; 子网络探测结果与DSM-IV划分的症状边界不同, PTSD中的闯入性症状和回避性症状是其区别于抑郁的特异性症状, 且多为闯入性症状激发回避性症状; 在二者的共存模式中, 多为抑郁症状激发PTSD症状。上述结果在汶川和雅安两个样本中均得到了交叉验证, 具有一定的可推广性。  相似文献   

The capacity for symbolic representation is a prerequisite for the development of human language because words, the basic units of language, are symbols that represent things. But symbolic representation may also serve a nonlinguistic role of organizing events into categories having the same meaning, and such a capacity could have considerable survival value for many species. In a number of experiments, my co-workers and I have found that pigeons that are trained to treat two different stimuli similarly also learn that those stimuli are commonly represented and, thus, that they have the same meaning. We have demonstrated evidence for such common representations in a number of ways, but perhaps the most convincing is when pigeons learn a new association involving one of the presumed commonly represented stimuli, and without further training demonstrate that they have learned a similar association involving the other stimulus. Furthermore, we have found that when pigeons are trained to treat two stimuli similarly, one of those stimuli is represented in terms of the other. These results have implications not only for the generality of cognitive processes across species, but also for the generality of symbolic representation beyond language use.  相似文献   

A number of studies have noted that small religious groups with charismatic leaders seem to have different gender dynamics than do groups without. We argue that the presence of such a leader changes what charisma “means” in such a group. Without such a leader, strong personalities may appear charismatic and lead to positions of high status—and such dynamics historically have tended to be associated with a positional advantage to males. With such a leader, however, charisma is more likely to be compatible with receptivity and decoupled from gender characteristics that tend to disadvantage women, leading charismatic women to have greater status than they would otherwise have.  相似文献   

This study examines the recent employment history and needs of 110 women held in 2 urban county jails in Ohio. Those who had worked recently were more likely to have a high school education, to have a skill, to have a driver's license with access to a car, and to have dependents. Women who had worked recently were less likely to have a drug or alcohol problem, a chronic medical condition, or a mental disorder. Results indicate that women in jail are more motivated to engage in employment counseling provided that housing and social service needs are addressed.  相似文献   

Summary The preceding statements make it clear that all denominations have been concerned. Some began earlier than others; some have made it more of a major emphasis than others, but all have been concerned, and those that came in later are showing an increasing interest. These statements also point out the fact that this is an historic tradition. The names of Luther and Wesley are mentioned, as well as men who are still active in their leadership. Some have stressed a theological orientation more than others; some have concentrated on training; others have developed a ministry in institutions and the founding of institutions, hospitals, and home.All have stressed the influence of certain key individuals who have helped shape the thinking of a denomination. Again we see the ecumenical aspect of the movement, for the names that are mentioned as being influential in a denomination have also been influential in other denominations as well. This is true from Luther and Wesley down to Westberg and Hiltner.The major impression from reading these statements is not their diversity but their common concerns. Differences are obvious, but they are not divisive. We have much to learn from each other in sharing experiences, fostering experimentation and research, and a continuing dialogue for increased effectiveness in the service of the people and the advancement of the church.  相似文献   

Many researchers have tackled the question of how behavior is influenced by its outcomes. Some have adopted a nonmechanistic (functional) perspective that attempts to describe the influence of outcomes on behavior. Others have adopted a mechanistic (cognitive) perspective that attempts to explain the influence of outcomes on behavior. Orthogonal to this distinction, some have focused on the influence of outcomes that a behavior had in the past, whereas others also consider the influence of outcomes that a behavior might have in the future. In this article, we relate these different perspectives with the goal of reducing misunderstandings and fostering collaborations between researchers who adopt different perspectives on the common question of how behavior is influenced by its outcomes.  相似文献   

The consequence argument attempts to show that incompatibilism is true by showing that if there is determinism, then we never had, have or will have any choice about anything. Much of the debate on the consequence argument has focused on the “beta” transfer principle, and its improvements. We shall show that on an appropriate definition of “never have had, have or will have any choice”, a version of the beta principle is a theorem given one plausible axiom for counterfactuals (weakening). Instead of being about transfer principles, the debate should be over whether the distant past and laws are up to us.  相似文献   

In this article I have tried to rebut certain types of arguments which purport to show not merely that God does not exist but that the notion of necessary existence is itself either self‐contradictory or senseless. In showing that it is not self‐contradictory I have allowed myself the luxury of a negative and a positive approach. Negatively, I have had to show that when the accusation of self‐contradiction is made, it is often accompanied, not by an argument but by a sheer assertion. On the rare occasions when an argument is forthcoming, the arguments, I have tried to show, have been invalid, not even, inconclusive. And to the extent that Kant may be said to have argued not simply the impossibility of a genuine proof of the existence of God, but indeed the impossibility of the concept of necessary existence, I have argued out the weakness of Kant's arguments, the most notable of which I have discussed in some detail. Finally, to establish the genuineness of the concept of necessary existence, positively, I have paradoxically made use of a notion from Russell's logic.  相似文献   

Analysts have long sought to understand whether women and men have different ethical orientations. Some researchers have argued that women and men consistently make fundamentally different ethical judgments, especially of corruption; others have found no such disparities. This study considered whether an individual's age may also play a role in determining his or her moral judgment. A statistical investigation of interactive effects between gender and age in a nationally representative data set from Japan shows that this interaction functions better as a predictor of moralism than do education or gender alone. Older individuals of both sexes were found to have similar strict moral perceptions; as women and men age, their ethical judgments converge.  相似文献   

In Men and Their Religion: Honor, Hope, and Humor (2002), I proposed that men have two primary ways of being religious—the religion of honor and the religion of hope. I also proposed that because these two religions do not always have their desired outcomes, men have developed a third way of being religious, the religion of humor. In A Time To Laugh (2005) I have expanded on my claim in Men and Their Religion that if men have three religions—honor, hope, and humor—the greatest of these is humor. In the course of doing the necessary research for a book on humor, I acquired and read a few books and a host of articles that explored the psychological benefits of humor. While I did not report on these studies in the book, I believe they are relevant to the assumption that a religion will have psychological benefits for those who embrace it. This article therefore provides a review of empirical studies of the psychological benefits of humor in order to answer the question whether a religion of humor is likely to have psychological benefits and, if so, what these might be.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the impact of locus of control on home mortgage loan behaviours. The results showed that participants with stronger external control were more likely to purchase a lower priced home, have a lower ratio of mortgage loan amount to the total home value, and have a shorter term of mortgage loan. Moreover, among participants who have owned a home, those not using mortgage loans showed more external control than those using mortgage loans; among participants who have not owned a home but want to buy a home, those not planning to use mortgage loans showed more external control than those planning to use mortgage loans.  相似文献   

The idealized physique preferences of a group of 94 male college students were measured and correlated with scales measuring attitudes toward women and personality rigidity. Three hypotheses, derived from sex-role research, were tested and confirmed: (1) Males who have negative attitudes toward women would like most to have a tapering V physique. (2) Males who have a rigid personality structure have stronger preference for an idealized muscular physique than males with more flexible personalities. (3) Males have a generally greater preference for a tapering V physique than women. It was concluded, from the results of this and other studies, that body preference is related to certain aspects of sex-role attitudes.  相似文献   


The subject of the following article is the protean journey therapists make as they adapt to changing situations and challenges in their own lives and the ultimate impact it has on their clinical work with patients. I have used the example of my own life, in which certain critical events have transformed me from a person with a rather ordinary perspective to someone who has come to appreciate the fragile nature of life with its rich tapestry of complicated ties and patterns. I have tried to demonstrate that significant events in my life and my personal development over the past thirty years have furthered my appreciation and treatment of my patients. I have also come to recognize that my patients' particular journeys, on which I have accompanied them, have similarly contributed to and enriched my life in myriad ways.  相似文献   

Recent studies that have combined neuropathological data and clinical histories in a retrospective fashion have shown that Wernicke-Korsakoff neuropathology is often unsuspected antemortem and that, in terms of clinical presentation, it is more heterogeneous than previously assumed. Thus, many studies of neurologically normal alcoholics may have been confounded by the inclusion of patients with neurologically asymptomatic Wernicke-Korsakoff neuropathology. Postmortem and in vivo studies have shown that alcoholics, irrespective of neurological diagnosis, have widespread pathology involving many cortical and subcortical sites. In addition, clinical studies have indicated that, like neurologically asymptomatic alcoholics, alcoholic Korsakoff patients may enjoy substantial recovery in cognitive function. Furthermore, the common research strategy of identifying a subset of neurologically diagnosed Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome as a discrete group of "pure" Korsakoff's amnesia by using a definitional IQ-Wechsler Memory Scale quotient difference may have created a neuropsychological stereotype that is not representative of the broader clinical group. In light of these considerations, the separate treatment of cognitive impairment in groups of alcoholics distinguished by the clinical signs of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome may not be justified.  相似文献   

Whether or not qualia are ways things seem, the view that qualia have the properties typically attributed to them is unjustified. Ways things seem do not have many of the properties commonly attributed to them. For example, inverted ways things seem are impossible. If ways things seem do not have the features commonly attributed to them, and qualia do have those same features, this looks like good reason to distinguish the two. But if your reasons for believing that qualia have the features are epistemically on a par with reasons for believing that ways things seem have the features, and you know that ways things seem do not have the features, then those reasons cannot justify your belief that qualia have the features. I argue that the reasons are epistemically on a par in this way.  相似文献   

By examining the theories of justice developed by Joseph Butler and David Hume, the author discloses the conceptual limits of their moral naturalism. Butler was unable to accommodate the possibility that justice is, at least to some extent, a social convention. Hume, who more presciently tried to spell out the conventional character of justice, was unable to carry through that project within the framework of his moral naturalism. These limits have gone unnoticed,largely because Butler and Hume have been misinterpreted, their relation misconstrued. Exegetes have persistently misunderstood the differences that divide them, have misconceived the notion of "public utility" in Hume's account of justice, have wrongly interpreted Butler as a forerunner of Immanuel Kant, and have altogether missed the degree to which Hume stands in the tradition of Thomas Aquinas.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(2):75-87

As a therapist I have chosen to work with adolescent girls whose voices are among the weakest in our society. They have been sexually, physically and/or emotionally abused as children. Many have seen their mothers beaten by their boyfriends or husbands. Many have body-perfection obsessions such as anorexia and bulimia. Almost all of them have run away from home, hung out downtown, stolen property, relied on drugs and alcohol, and purposefully hurt themselves to take away their feelings. Many have resorted to selling their bodies on the streets or within their peer groups. They all operate from a self-belief of worthlessness, a belief that has gender socialization and abuse at its core. It is at this core that the therapeutic relationship must begin. This article describes a therapy relationship with a 14-year-old girl. This work with adolescent girls is described as being guided by three main principles, that of relationship, justice and soul work.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that extraverts have a lower saliva secretion rate than introverts. Furthermore, extraverts as well as subjects with high P-scores on the EPQ have been demonstrated to have a more pronounced risk-taking behaviour, possibly including a tendency to neglect health care programs. Thus it was hypothesised that extraverts and possibly also subjects with high P-scores would have an increased risk of caries. The Swedish translation of the 97 items JEPQ was administered to 101 15-year-old adolescents controlled at the annual dental status health control. Extraverts were found to have significantly more earlier caries and significantly more total caries and a tendency towards higher values in initial and manifest caries. Subjects with high P-scores were found to have significantly more manifest caries. No significant relationships were found between the frequency of caries and the N- or L-scales in the JEPQ.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article critically examines Kadri Vihvelin's proposal that to have free will is to have the ability to make choices on the basis of reasons, and to have this ability is to have a bundle of dispositions that can be exercised in more than one way. It is argued that partisans of Frankfurt examples can still make a powerful case for the view that being able to do otherwise, even on Vihvelin's compatibilist explication of 'could have done otherwise,' is not required for moral responsibility.  相似文献   

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