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风俗习惯,是一个民族在一定历史条件下,在共同的生产斗争和阶级斗争中自发地逐渐形成的;它作为民族的物质文化和精神文化的表现,反映一个民族对自然、社会以及人与人之间关系的一些共同看法。由于风俗习惯总是通过群众活动的某些方式世代传承、不断重复,因此,对人们的思想和行为能产生潜移默化的影响和规范约束的力量,它作为行为规范的补充,在人们的道德评价中起着特殊作用。风俗习惯从来就是社会道德活动的组成部分。某些风俗习惯通过道德关系在社会上受到维护,又会成为一种风尚。法国哲学家丹纳曾讲过:“有一种‘精神的’气候,就是风俗习惯与时代精神,和自  相似文献   

我国是一个多民族的社会主义国家 ,55个少数民族和汉族人民共同缔造了中华民族灿烂的历史和文化。在长期的历史发展中 ,各民族都形成了自己的风俗习惯 ,他们的风俗习惯在一定程度上反映了该民族的生活方式、历史传统、民族心理感情。江泽民总书记在全国统战工作会议上深刻地指出“民族、宗教无小事”。能否尊重少数民族风俗习惯 ,不仅是能否尊重少数民族本身的问题 ,而且也是关系到平等、团结、互助的社会主义民族关系能否巩固、发展和社会稳定的重大问题 ,因此 ,必须高度重视这一问题。回族是在全国分布最广的少数民族之一。回族的风俗习惯…  相似文献   

优秀的价值观是民族精神的核心和灵魂   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
民族精神内在于民族意识 ,是民族先进的、优秀的思想文化、民族性格、民族传统和价值观念 ,是民族意识的精华。民族价值观是民族精神形成和发展的向导和动力。民族精神实质上是一个民族渗透在其民族思想观念、文化模式、思维方式、伦理道德、心理结构、风俗习惯、语言文字之中的优秀的共同的价值观 ,民族的优秀价值观是民族精神的核心和灵魂。弘扬和培育民族精神必须重视发挥民族的优秀价值观的价值和作用。  相似文献   

我国是一个统一的多民族的国家,每个民族都有自己的风俗习惯。我国人多地广,宗教教派又很多,宗教信仰也不一致。因此,保障公民的宗教信仰自由和尊重少数民族的风俗习惯,是关系到实现各民族平等,团结各民族、各教派为实现四化而努力奋斗的大问题。我国宪法明确规定:“中华人民共和国公民有宗教信仰的自由”,“任何国家机关、社会团体和个人不  相似文献   

吉林省长春市是一个民族杂居的地区,有回族三万六千五百五十人,市内居住有一万九千五百三十五人。丧葬仪式是回族的重要的风俗习惯之一。三中全会以后,民族宗教政策得到落实,在市民委的大力关怀支持  相似文献   

生活器具是人们日常生活的必需品,也是农耕文化、审美心理和风俗习惯等诸多内容的集合体。考察哈尼族传统生活器具,探讨传统器具中所蕴含的节日习俗、生命礼仪习俗、婚恋习俗,揭示哈尼族民众的审美品格和民族特征,以期提升民族成员的文化认同感,为哈尼族传统生活器具的当代传承提供理论依据。  相似文献   

那仓 《法音》2003,(6):7-8
各位朋友,各位领导:美国国际宗教自由委员会年度报告中攻击西藏和其他藏区藏传佛教信仰状况,说什么“西藏严厉控制宗教场所和宗教活动”,这是完全没有根据的,也是没有道理的。我国是一个统一的多民族国家,国家实行各民族平等、团结、互助的民族政策,尊重和保护少数民族宗教自由的权利和风俗习惯。政府在致力于促进少数民族地区经济、文化、教育等各项事业的进步,提高包括信教群众在内的广大少数民族群众物质文化生活水平的同时,特别注意尊重少数民族的宗教信仰,保护少数民族文化遗产。对各民族包括宗教文化在内的文化遗产和民间艺术进行普查…  相似文献   

西双版纳的傣族穆斯林及其礼俗初探马荣祖西双版纳傣族自治州是一个多民族聚居地区,世代居住着勤劳朴实的傣族、哈尼族、布朗族、彝族、拉祜族、瑶族、基诺族等13个民族,风俗习惯各具特色,尤其是作为主体民族的傣族,其宗教信仰和风俗习惯更具有代表性。从历史上看,...  相似文献   

道德品质是一个人在一系列道德行为中所表现出来的稳定的特征和倾向。是一定社会的道德原则和规范在个人思想和行为中的表现。在一个人现实的社会生活中,道德品质是其个性中具有道德评价意义的核心,当一个人实施现实的道德行为时,道德品质是作为一个完整的行为支配系统而发生作用的。一个人的道德品质不只是静态的个性品质,更重要的它还是一个体现自觉意志的道德活动过程,是通过自觉的选择过程形成和发展起来的。  相似文献   

习俗文化是贯穿于日常社会和交际活动中由民族的风俗习惯形成的文化,它涉及到一个民族生活的各个领域。不了解一个民族的文化,不"入乡随俗",就难以真正掌握一个民族的语言。本文小小说《索碧哈》为例,解析了阿拉伯国家与中国回族的婚俗文化及差异,让我们了解其在跨文化交际中具有重要的意义。同样在感悟回族和阿拉伯民族婚俗文化差异的同时,体会别样的异域风情。  相似文献   

本文挑选了儒释道三教与民俗的关联这一视角去观察中国文化。从这一视角虽看到中国文化的若干侧面,但却是与中国一般人的社会生活和精神生活关联最为密切的侧面。中国人的一生,一年四季都在与这些侧面发生着联系,使得一些基本的素质稳固下来,变为人的行为习惯,也往往由此养成一些思维定势,一代一代相传,又完成着传统文化的基本内容的传递。那么,从这一视角观察问题,中国人国民性的养成,中国文化传统的绵绵不绝,也都可以由之提供线索。  相似文献   

This paper deals with Wittgenstein’s rule-following paradox, focussing on the infinite rule-regress as featured in Kripke’s Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language. I argue that one of the most salient and popular proposed solutions (championed by John McDowell), which argues that rule-following is grounded in “custom,” “practice” or “form of life, remains unsatisfactory because part of this proposal is the rejection of further “theory” (commonly attributed to Wittgenstein) which seemingly makes it impossible to substantiate the claim of how customs, practices or forms of life ground rule-following. I argue that this conundrum can be solved by introducing Wilhelm Dilthey’s overlooked notion of objective spirit as the objectivated sediment of historical human communality. This proposal allows us to substantiate Wittgenstein’s hints at the connection between rule-following and customs, practices, and forms of life without introducing “problematic theories.” Combining Wittgenstein’s views with Dilthey’s notion of objective spirit results in a solution that is neither skeptical nor straight, but therapeutic.  相似文献   

The construction of social identity is an interdisciplinary term, which is a favourite topic for many scholars worldwide. Religion and identity are intertwined regarding the concept of identity construction. In Iran, this relation can best be seen through English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbooks. To achieve this, this study investigates the depiction of men and women within Iranian high school EFL textbooks, tested against Islamic custom, utilizing linear and nonlinear approaches. Or, to put it another way, the content and pictures of these textbooks were tested with regards to Islamic customs. Finally, the concept of nationhood and identity were elaborated upon, regarding religious content in the EFL high school textbooks of Iran.  相似文献   

Todd Jones 《Synthese》2012,184(3):407-430
We often face a bewildering array of different explanations for the same social facts (e.g. biological, psychological, economic, and historical accounts). But we have few guidelines for whether and when we should think of different accounts as competing or compatible. In this paper, I offer some guidelines for understanding when custom or norm accounts do and don’t compete with other types of accounts. I describe two families of non-competing accounts: (1) explanations of different (but similarly described) facts, and (2) accounts which seem to differ but are really different parts or versions of the same underlying explanation. I argue that, while many types of apparent competitors don’t really compete with customs, there are some that do. I also describe some of the central problems, which suggest that custom accounts will compete poorly with their rivals.  相似文献   

Louis E. Loeb 《Synthese》2006,152(3):321-338
Since the mid-1970s, scholars have recognized that the skeptical interpretation of Hume’s central argument about induction is problematic. The science of human nature presupposes that inductive inference is justified and there are endorsements of induction throughout Treatise Book I. The recent suggestion that I.iii.6 is confined to the psychology of inductive inference cannot account for the epistemic flavor of its claims that neither a genuine demonstration nor a non-question-begging inductive argument can establish the uniformity principle. For Hume, that inductive inference is justified is part of the data to be explained. Bad argument is therefore excluded as the cause of inductive inference; and there is no good argument to cause it. Does this reinstate the problem of induction, undermining Hume’s own assumption that induction is justified? It does so only if justification must derive from “reason”, from the availability of a cogent argument. Hume rejects this internalist thesis; induction’s favorable epistemic status derives from features of custom, the mechanism that generates inductive beliefs. Hume is attracted to this externalist posture because it provides a direct explanation of the epistemic achievements of children and non-human animals—creatures that must rely on custom unsupplemented by argument.  相似文献   

随着基督教的成功崛起,许多异教习俗不是被完全抛弃,而是被逐渐地改造成为基督教习俗。基督徒的许多葬俗,都可以从异教世界的相关习俗中找到原型;基督徒的梦幻和异像,与异教梦兆密切相关;基督徒的许多重要节庆,也可以溯源到希腊罗马世界乃至遥远的东方。基督教习俗虽然与异教习俗有着千丝万缕的历史联系,但它绝不是后者的简单翻新,它在采用后者的某些形式的同时,必然也要赋予其全新的内容。早期基督教对异教习俗的广泛吸纳,说明了文化包容正是该教的一大显著特征。  相似文献   

Mary Astell is a fascinating seventeenth‐century figure whose work admits of many interpretations. One feature of her work that has received little attention is her focus on bad custom. This is surprising; Astell clearly regards bad custom as exerting a kind of epistemic power over agents, particularly women, in a way that limits their intellectual capacities. This article aims to link two contemporary sociopolitical/social‐epistemological projects by showing how a seventeenth‐century thinker anticipated these projects. Astell's account of bad custom shows that she was attuned to the kinds of institutional or structural explanations theorized by Sally Haslanger, and that she acknowledges that bad custom—as an institutional or structural explanation—is intimately linked with epistemic injustice, albeit a kind not yet captured by contemporary social epistemologists. I call this form of epistemic injustice found in Astell epistemic internalization injustice. I argue that the epistemic significance of Astell's notion of bad custom is that it enables us to understand how bad custom conditions human relations in such a way as to result in epistemic injustice. Through coming to understand her notion of bad custom, we can expand our understanding of social epistemic phenomena like epistemic injustice.  相似文献   

One of those features that set human societies apart from animal societies is the use of language. Language is a vital part of every human culture and is a powerful social tool that we master at an early age. A second feature of humans is our ability to solve complex problems. For centuries philosophers have questioned whether these two abilities are related and, if so, what the nature of the relationship between language and thought is. At the beginning of the last century psychologists joined this debate and it is a topic that is currently generating a lot of research. Another factor in the study of language and thought is the role of culture. When we study a language from another country we see that it is not just the words and grammar that are different but the customs and traditions as well. Even the ideas of that culture and the way of dealing with life can be different. There are a number of views on the nature of the relationship between language and thought. But here we are going to explore one of those views, the linguistic relativity hypothesis (LRH), concerning that the language a speaker uses influences the way the speaker thinks.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the nature and role of traditional forms of counselling and the scope of common problems presented to traditional counsellors in Lusaka province. It used a qualitative research methodology and deployed a holistic single-case study design with multiple embedded units of analysis. The sample consisted of 80 adult participants and one focus group interview with 8 discussants; and it was selected based on the purposive sampling method and snowball technique. Data collection was elicited through structured individual interviews and semi-structured group interview. The study revealed that traditional forms of counselling are rooted in traditional systems of knowledge and sociocultural values, customs, and practices; and they are essentially community-based and multicultural in nature.  相似文献   

在《管子》系统丰富的"以法治国"思想理论体系中,立法思想占有重要的地位。它较为全面地阐述了诸如君主独享立法权,立法应遵从天道、顺应民心,因时因俗而变,宽严适度,公开透明等一系列关于立法的基本原则问题。尽管有其历史局限性,但《管子》立法思想所呈现出的超越时代的理性光芒,至今依然熠熠生辉,极具借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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