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民族伦理学日益成为民族学和伦理学研究中的一个重要分支领域。对新中国成立后民族伦理学研究的发展历程、民族伦理学研究成果、民族伦理学研究的现状与特点等进行概述,既是对我国民族伦理学研究状况60年来的回顾和总结,又对这一领域的进一步深入研究提出了合理化建议。当前,加强对民族伦理学的研究,相信对我国作为一个统一的多民族国家,特别是对我国少数民族和民族地区的精神文明建设必将起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

由中国伦理学会、宁夏大学、宁夏伦理学会主办,宁夏大学政法学院承办的"全国民族伦理文化学术研讨会"暨中国民族伦理学会民族伦理学专业委员会成立大会"于2011年8月22日至25日在宁夏银川召开,来自全国24个省、市、自治区、15个民族的一百余位专家、学者参加了会议,会议收到论文七十余篇。与会成员围绕大会主题进行了  相似文献   

改革开放三十年来,我国对外国伦理学的研究呈现为一个不断解放思想、全面发展的过程.在资料著作的翻译、研究内容、研究心态和研究方法等方面取得了巨大进展.当然,存在的问题也不少.这些问题主要是西方伦理学与马克思主义伦理学的关系问题、外国伦理学研究与我国社会现实的关系问题、外国伦理学研究中的西方中心论问题.随着我国综合国力和文化软实力的大幅度提高,外国伦理学的研究也必将取得更多的成果.  相似文献   

自古以来,人类就有对文化生活、文化现象和文化发展的伦理评价及研究活动。当代中国文化建设的新高潮也推动、呼唤着文化伦理学的诞生!可是,在我国应用伦理学的分支性研究中,却缺少了文化伦理学的研究方向和自觉意识。因此,本文对研究文化伦理学的背景、问题和意义;文化伦理学的属性、对象和任务,研究文化伦理学的基本方法和体系结构等问题,谈了一些初步认识。  相似文献   

2011年8月22—25日,由中国伦理学会、宁夏伦理学会和宁夏大学主办、宁夏大学政法学院承办的"全国民族伦理文化学术研讨会"暨"中国伦理学会民族伦理学专业委员会成立大会"在宁夏银川隆重召开。来自全国24  相似文献   

(按姓氏拼音排序)曹刚,1963年生,安徽绩溪人,哲学博士,中国人民大学哲学院副教授、博士生导师,中国人民大学教育部伦理学重点基地应用伦理学研究所所长,中南大学教授、博士生导师,西南政法大学兼职教授。主要研究领域为:法伦理学、应用伦理学和伦理学原理。  相似文献   

经济伦理学研究的双重向度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济伦理学研究的向度问题缘起于八十年代的“内引”说与“外灌”说之争,突现于九十年代的道德功能大讨论。经济伦理学研究应当坚持两大向度:一个是目的向度,从人的生活出发,确定经济发展的根本目的,一个工具向度,从经济的内在要求出发,提供经济发展的道德手段。只有将这两大向度结合起来,才能真正确立经济伦理学的社会地位。  相似文献   

方法学,特别是实证研究方法在生命伦理学的研究中越来越受到学者的关注,但是由于该研究方法在生命伦理学研究运用时间不长,并没有足够学术累积,因此在生命伦理学研究中的应用存在一些误区.系统总结了实证方法使用上的8个误区,并提出了建立恰当的价值判断标准来合理使用实证研究方法的建议.  相似文献   

一、在规范伦理学与德性伦理学论争的背后规范伦理学与德性伦理学的论争是当代伦理学研究中的重要学术现象。规范伦理学以罗尔斯和哈贝马斯为代表,德性伦理学以麦金太尔为代表,形成了观点相互对立的两大伦理学阵营。规范伦理学以哲学思辨的方法研究伦理问题,其研究领域主要是伦理的价值或道德的应然,期望  相似文献   

改革开放40年以来我国的伦理学研究存在的问题主要有:伦理学事业发展严重滞后于经济社会发展、理论研究滞后于实践创新;伦理学聚焦重大问题不够、研究不深,中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的伦理学体系亟待建构;伦理学作为一种实践理性,影响青少年、影响社会大众的方法和途径的针对性、实效性有待增强;中国伦理学话语体系的科学化、大众化、国际化水平亟待提升,主动融入世界、沟通世界、影响世界话语体系的意识和能力明显不足;伦理学学科的发展严重滞后于其他学科的发展,没有独立出来作为一个一级学科或许是病根所在。  相似文献   


St Methodius of Olympus, Bishop of Patara and martyr of the Diocletian persecution, uses sexual language in an unusual way. In a treatise on celibacy, The Symposium, he describes the relationship of Christians to Jesus Christ using the language of male orgasm. The cross is described as the moment of Jesus Christ's own ecstatic orgasm, and St Paul is described as a figure inseminated by God. This language is investigated with reference to a variety of selected methodologies, including Christian Platonist perspectives, feminist perspectives, Foucaultian perspectives, and men's studies perspectives.  相似文献   

In this article, we assert that relationships and networks are of paramount importance for understanding and improving settings, neighborhoods, communities, and larger social systems. Despite previous acknowledgements of their relevance, relational and social network perspectives and analyses remain underrepresented in community psychological research and action. Here, we claim that network and relational perspectives can provide conceptual and empirical ‘links’ between levels of analysis, more fully reflecting a transactional view. We also describe some of the sophisticated methodologies that can be employed in empirical studies drawing on these perspectives. Additionally, we contend that core concepts in community psychology such as health promotion, empowerment, coalition building, and dissemination and implementation can be better understood when employing relational and network perspectives. As an introduction to this special issue of American Journal of Community Psychology, we draw out themes and key points from the articles in the issue, and offer recommendations for future advancement of these perspectives in the field.  相似文献   

The papers in this special issue offer valuable perspectives on public language activities as they are embedded in cultural and social contexts. The perspectives are diverse in their theoretical perspectives, the issues on which they focus, and the methodologies they use and promote using. They represent language studies from the perspective of ecological psychology, dynamical systems approaches, the Distributed Language Approach, and others. The contributions are, in some cases, revolutionary and dis-equilibrating. Different contributions to the special issue offer critiques of conventional scientific studies of decontextualized language and language processing, and offer new perspectives on such diverse domains as the understanding of agency, the study of reading, educational practice, and understanding how articulatory speech actions can have significance beyond that of the physical actions themselves.  相似文献   


This article briefly summarizes the diversity in perspectives and methodologies captured in the current volume. The authors discuss diversity in the context of the 1998 Meeting on Trauma and Cognitive Science, and the future of traumatic stress studies. In addition, future directions for research and collaborative approaches are discussed.  相似文献   

任亚辉  叶浩生 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1421-1423
基于不同的理论预设和方法学路线,组织咨询心理学领域形成了三种代表性的研究取向,即经验实证取向、临床治疗学取向以及实践-知识创生取向.文章在系统阐述三种取向基本观点的基础上,就组织观、研究方法、实践特征等同题对三者加以分析比较,并指出了各取向所面I临的挑战.  相似文献   

Social constructionists occasionally single out behavior analysis as the field of psychology that most closely resembles the natural sciences in its commitment to empiricism, and accuses it of suffering from many of the limitations to science identified by the postmodernist movement (e.g., K. J. Gergen, 1985a; Soyland, 1994). Indeed, behavior analysis is a natural science in many respects. However, it also shares with social constructionism important epistemological features such as a rejection of mentalism, a functional-analytic approach to language, the use of interpretive methodologies, and a reflexive stance on analysis. The current paper outlines briefly the key tenets of the behavior-analytic and social constructionist perspectives before examining a number of commonalties between these approaches. The paper aims to show that far from being a nemesis to social constructionism, behavior analysis may in fact be its close ally.  相似文献   

This paper presents the case for further research into Conductive Education arguing that the Department of Education report (Bairstow, Cochrane and Hur, 1993) by attempting to evaluate the practice of Conductive Education has in relying upon an experimental research strategy produced a narrow construction of the methods and practice of Conductive Education. The timing and methodologies used in the report are questioned and attention is drawn to developments in child disability research that challenge the manner in which researchers construct the lives of children with disabilities. Recommendations for the research community suggest that future studies move away from experimental or quasi-experimental research designs towards understanding of the child in its entirety and to accept the importance of the perspectives of service users, particularly the parents. ©1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a reflection on the research process of combining photographs with phenomenologically oriented interviews. Two studies in the field of chronic illness with marginalised individuals (lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* people living with MS; men diagnosed with breast cancer) are employed to illustrate a range of conceptual, methodological and pragmatic issues. Both studies draw upon an integrative theoretical framework within a critical health psychology epistemological paradigm informed by phenomenological psychology and visual methodologies. The data collected for both studies have been analysed through interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). We offer some thoughts regarding certain challenges and opportunities of synergising verbal and visual data and illustrate our arguments through a series of examples from the two studies, which are critically discussed. We argue that qualitative research in psychology benefits from an enhanced multimethodological approach employing existential phenomenological psychology and visual methodologies, especially when exploring chronic illness in marginalised communities, and we outline benefits for the wider community of qualitative researchers in psychology.  相似文献   

Constructivist perspectives on the Rorschach are outlined. I discuss ways in which constructivism complements and adds to existing Rorschach methodologies. It is suggested hat the constructivist emphasis on personally and socially constructed meanings is very consistent with many of the ways the Rorschach has been used and resonates with recent emphases on the Rorschach as a representational task. Furthermore, constructivist perspectives on Rorschach also provide an opportunity to supplement Exner's (1993, 1995) efforts to standardize and norm the Rorschach in a way that maintains the instrument's historic and admirable attention to relational elements of assessment and psychotherapy. I present a variety of meaning-based techniques for conducting Rorschach assessment, incorporating both the constructivist and social constructionist perspective.  相似文献   

In this essay, the directors of an NEH Institute on Medicine, Literature, and Culture consider the lessons they learned by bringing humanities scholars to a teaching hospital for a month-long institute that mingled seminar discussions, outside speakers and clinical observations. In an exchange of letters, they discuss the productive tensions inherent in approaching medicine from multiple perspectives, and they argue the case for a broader conception of medical humanities that incorporates the methodologies of cultural studies.  相似文献   

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