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Psychophysical thresholds for the detection of sinusoidal vibration of the thenar eminence of the hand were determined for children and adults. The subjects in the child group were between 8 and 11 years old, and the adults were between 20 and 39 years old. Measurements were made for vibration frequencies ranging from 18 to 700 Hz and stimulus durations ranging from 28 to 1,000 msec. For both children and adults, thresholds were a Il-shaped function of stimulus frequency. However, the exact form of the function was influenced by the age of the subjects. At frequencies above 200 Hz, thresholds were virtually identical for children and adults, but below this frequency children were more sensitive than adults. This finding, in combination with known changes in the anatomy of the Pacinian corpuscle with age, is in agreement with a filter model of this cutaneous receptor. Furthermore, variation of stimulus duration resulted in data in agreement with the theory that two classes of mechanoreceptors, Pacinian and non-Pacinian, mediate the perception of vibration.  相似文献   

Stereo and vernier thresholds were determined as a function of stimulus duration in both misalignment and displacement paradigms. All four thresholds increase as stimulus duration decreases. The increase is greatest for the stereo displacement threshold, less for the vernier displacement threshold, and least for the misalignment thresholds. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that depth signals are averaged over time.  相似文献   

The impact of age of acquisition (AoA) on object recognition was explored in three experiments measuring visual duration threshold (VDT) for the identification of pictures labelled with early and late acquired names. Participants viewed briefly displayed images preceded and followed by a pattern mask. The minimum display duration required for correct identification was shorter for pictures labelled with early names than for those labelled with late names. In Experiments 2 and 3 we explored the effects of two forms of visual degradation on VDT for pictures with early and late acquired names. Both degradation by superimposed visual elements, and degradation by contrast reduction extended VDT, but only the former interacted with AoA. We conclude that both AoA and degradation by superimposed visual elements affect the efficiency of visual object recognition, but only degradation by contrast and not AoA affects the efficiency of earlier pre-recognition processes.  相似文献   

Localization responses to a 4,000-Hz octave-band noise in a background of broad-spectrum noise were obtained from infants, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months of age, and adults. A two-alternative, forced-choice procedure was used to determine thresholds at each of two levels of masking noise, 42 and 60 dBC. Adults were also tested for their localization of pure tones in noise and their detection of octave-band noises with the more traditional two-interval, forced-choice task. Increasing the masking noise from 42 to 60 dBC resulted in comparable threshold shifts for all age groups. However, infant thresholds were 16–25 dB higher than those obtained for adults. The theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A correlational study was carried out using a sample of 123 secondary school students in order to assess the differences between the original and the revised version of the Psychoticism scale, regarding their relationships to a number of personality variables. Extraversion, Neuroticism, Social Desirability, Sensation Seeking, Schizotypal Personality, Borderline Personality, Susceptibility to Punishment and Impulsiveness scales were administered along with the items from the two Psychoticism scales. Both scales showed similar patterns of relationships, indicating that the revised Psychoticism scale, which has been found to improve the psychometric properties of the original Psychoticism scale, does not differ greatly from its predecessor in its relationship to other personality variables.  相似文献   

Observers are more sensitive to variations in the depth of stereoscopic surfaces in a vertical than in a horizontal direction; however, there are large individual differences in this anisotropy. The authors measured discrimination thresholds for surfaces slanted about a vertical axis or inclined about a horizontal axis for 50 observers. Orientation and spatial frequency discrimination thresholds were also measured. For most observers, thresholds were lower for inclination than for slant and lower for orientation than for spatial frequency. There was a positive correlation between the 2 anisotropies, resulting from positive correlations between (a) orientation and inclination thresholds and (b) spatial frequency and slant thresholds. These results support the notion that surface inclination and slant perception is in part limited by the sensitivity of orientation and spatial frequency mechanisms.  相似文献   

Five-year-olds, 8-year-olds, and adults (20 each) tachistoscopically viewed random-dot stereograms containing either uniform depth or an elevated disk whose perimeter fell 1.5 degrees, 2.5 degrees, or 4 degrees beyond fixation. When subjects were forewarned as to the size of the disk to look for (precued trials), signal detection improved (d' increased) for all three groups, and 5-year-olds improved the most. Without forewarning (self-cued trials), the 5-year-olds performed more poorly than the other two groups, which performed alike. Although young children are able to allocate their visual attention selectively, they do not appear to deploy it as quickly or as effectively as their elders when the focus of attention is theirs to choose.  相似文献   

Summary The study of stereopsis, made possible by the invention of the stereoscope, freed binocular vision from the yoke of monocular phenomena. Wheatstone used this freedom to determine the factors involved in the perception of size and distance, and interpreted them within a cognitive framework. He devised an adjustable stereoscope which allowed him to apply the systematic experimental procedures of physics to the phenomena of depth perception. Brewster, by contrast, tried to force the newly discovered binocular phenomena back into the mould of monocular vision, using the lever of visible direction. His interpretations of visual phenomena, be they monocular or binocular, could be reduced to the two fundamental laws of visible direction and distinct vision. While Wheatstone's cognitive approach influenced Helmholtz, and thereby modern cognitive theorists. Brewster's interpretations, based as they were in analyses of the retinal projection, find an echo in modern direct theorists.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown an advantage of middle spatial frequencies (SFs) in face recognition. However, a few recent studies have suggested that this advantage is reduced when comparison and test stimuli are spatially filtered in a similar way. In the present study, we used standard psychophysical methods, in combination with a match-to-sample task, to determine the SF thresholds for face matching under conditions in which: (1) comparison stimuli were unfiltered and (2) comparison stimuli were spatially filtered in the same way as test stimuli. In two experiments, we show that SFs closer to the middle band are sought out more in the former case than in the latter. These results are compatible with the idea that a middle band of SFs will be most useful for any visual task and that the breadth of this optimal middle band will vary depending on task characteristics.  相似文献   

The effect of stereoscopic depth on perceived lightness was studied using a simple, achromatic stimulus arrangement. In Experiment 1, depth/lightness interactions were sought between a single test field and a single induction field. In Experiment 2, depth/lightness interactions were looked for between a single test field and two induction fields. Stimuli were presented on a computer screen and viewed with a stereoscope. The subjects reported perceived lightness of the achromatic test field by rating its apparent blackness along a dimension of 0%–100%. In Experiment 1, they reported lightness judgments of the test field across 13 perceived depth levels and 8 contrast levels. In Experiment 2, they gave lightness judgments of the test field across 7 perceived depth levels and 16 contrast levels. We were particularly interested in observing the generality of Gilchrist’s coplanar ratio hypothesis. The results showed that when stereopsis and contrast levels are the available cues, depth and lightness percepts are independent, and it is retinal ratios, not coplanar ratios, that dictate lightness perception. We conclude that before the relative depth location of an object is determined, its lightness value is known through sensory-level processes.  相似文献   

The auditory sensitivity of the chinchilla was measured by both a behavioral and auditory evoked-response (AER) procedure. There was no significant difference in either the waveform or the threshold of the AER recorded over the tentorium from awake and anesthetized chinchillas. The chinchilla threshold for pure tones appears to be more sensitive when measured by the behavioral technique than by the AER method. Both the AER and behavioral response of three chinchillas exposed to a 105 dB SPL octave band of noise centered at 2 KHz for 3 h shifted markedly after the exposure. However, the difference between the AER and behavioral response threshold was reduced or absent. During the process of recovery the difference between the two responses begins to reappear.  相似文献   

There is a long tradition of trying to find a satisfactory interpretation of Everett's relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics. Albert and Loewer recently described two new ways of reading Everett: one we will call the single-mind theory and the other the many-minds theory. I will briefly describe these theories and present some of their merits and problems. Since both are no-collapse theories, a significant merit is that they can take advantage of certain properties of the linear dynamics, which Everett apparently considered to be important, to constrain their statistical laws.  相似文献   

本文考察了禅宗灯录<五灯会元>历代的刊刻情况,对<五灯会元>的版本进行了较为全面描述,在此基础上,进一步研究了此书历代的流传状况.  相似文献   

The Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) has shown promising construct validity as a measure of psychopathy. Because of its relative efficiency, a short-form version of the PPI (PPI-SF) was developed and has proven useful in many psychopathy studies. The validity of the PPI-SF, however, has not been thoroughly examined, and no studies have directly compared the validity of the short form with that of the full-length version. The current study was designed to compare the psychometric properties of both PPI versions, with an emphasis on convergent and discriminant validity in predicting external criteria conceptually relevant to psychopathy. We used both prison (n = 558) and college samples (n = 322) for this investigation. PPI scale scores were more reliable and more strongly correlated with the conceptually relevant criterion measures compared with the PPI-SF, particularly in the prison sample. There were no differences in relative discriminant validity. Thus, overall, the PPI full-length version showed more evidence of construct validity than did the short form, and the consequences of this psychometric difference should be considered when evaluating the clinical utility of each measure.  相似文献   

Performance on a typical pen-and-paper (figural) version of the Traveling Salesman Problem was compared to performance on a room-sized navigational version of the same task. Nine configurations were designed to examine the use of the nearest-neighbor (NN), cluster approach, and convex-hull strategies. Performance decreased with an increasing number of nodes internal to the hull, and improved when the NN strategy produced the optimal path. There was no overall difference in performance between figural and navigational task modalities. However, there was an interaction between modality and configuration, with evidence that participants relied more heavily on the NN strategy in the figural condition. Our results suggest that participants employed similar, but not identical, strategies when solving figural and navigational versions of the problem. Surprisingly, there was no evidence that participants favored global strategies in the figural version and local strategies in the navigational version.  相似文献   

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