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常态脑老化(NBA )是老年期痴呆的首要危险因素,与病态性脑老化有相似的病理基础,但并不完全相同。虽然单一的“脑老化”因素并不足以成为导致老年期痴呆的独立原因,但脑老化状态确实使得大脑对外界负性刺激的敏感性增加,进而使老年人更容易发生认知障碍。阿尔茨海默病等老年痴呆症状的治疗方面尚无逆转的方法,而是重在预防。因此,我们将重点放在痴呆发生之前更早的阶段---常态脑老化阶段,就常态脑老化状态下与认知功能障碍的表现、发生机理及代谢相关机制进行综述,旨在为早期寻找措施防止老年期痴呆性认知功能下降提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The church has a leadreship role in the field of aging in providing its own definitions, utilizing its own resources, and functioning with the spiritual orientation toward person-centered growth of the aging. While psycho-social theories of aging have shaped the church's role in the past, the church should avoid ageism, broadly define aging, and reinterpret its functions. The themes of religiosity, religion, theology, spirituality, and ministry are discussed. The developmental and wholistic goal of the church's involvement in aging is spiritual well-being. Solid theological basis and acerful spiritual focus lead to sound ministry. Development of the concept of spiritual aging is proposed.  相似文献   

目前,心理学、生物学、社会学等多个学科都在关注认知老化。文章从生物学的角度,论述了线粒体和认知老化的关系;介绍了线粒体在数量、分布及其能量供应,Ca2+浓度的维持,引发神经细胞凋亡,及线粒体基因等几个方面对认知老化产生的影响;描述了老化过程中线粒体功能失常引起的认知障碍;从而,为后人对认知老化产生机制的深入研究提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   


The attitudes of 289 clergy from three major denominations were measured using Kogan's Attitudes Toward Aging Scale. The scores reflected generally more positive attitudes than those of other reference groups. Significant relationships were found between attitudes toward aging and each of two variables: gerontological knowledge and denominational affiliation. Qualitative analysis of respondent comments provides evidence that attitudes toward aging are substantially influenced by the quality of contact with older persons.  相似文献   

The articles in this special issue highlight how social psychology can further the understanding of aging. One goal of this special issue is to generate more interest in aging as an area of study for social psychologists. A second goal is to challenge readers to think about how their research interconnects with issues in aging. A third goal is to demonstrate how social psychological processes have direct applications to real-world issues that face people as they age. This introduction to the special issue provides additional examples of how social psychology can contribute to a better understanding of aging.  相似文献   

Memory Changes in Normal Aging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

HAROLD模型(Hemispheric Asymmetry Reduction in Older Adults)是指与年轻人相比,老年人在完成某些认知任务时大脑激活呈现出非对称性减弱的现象。该模型自提出以来就引发了很多质疑和研究,近几年来又有一系列的研究分别从不同角度提供了支持该模型的证据,它们包括记忆研究领域、抑制研究领域、语言认知研究领域、感觉动作研究领域和脑神经研究领域。同时也存在明显不支持该模型的研究证据,主要体现为对补偿说的批驳。通过对支持该模型和不支持该模型两方面脑成像研究成果的文献分析,发现HAROLD模型可能是一个任务特异性模型;除补偿说之外,还有其他可能的观点能够解释功能性脑成像的年龄差异;对脑激活定义的进一步明确化有助于澄清相关的争论  相似文献   

This paper reviews research from the longitudinal Einstein Aging Studies (EAS) that has focused on modeling intraindividual cognitive change in aging adults. We describe how to separate models of intraindividual change at the within-person level from models of individual differences in change at the between-person level. We illustrate this distinction by analyzing new data from the EAS to test the speed hypothesis at the intraindividual level of analyses. The present findings replicate those of Sliwinski and Buschke (1999) by showing that within-person changes in speed predict within-person changes in cognition, but that speed does not substantially attenuate estimates of within-person cognitive decline. We conclude that correct measurement and explanatory modeling of intraindividual change should be the primary focus of longitudinal aging research, and that the more common practice of modeling individual differences in change should be a secondary focus.  相似文献   

认知年老化与执行衰退假说   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在认知年老化领域,执行衰退假说是近年来新兴的一种理论。执行衰退假说在理论上具有很强的吸引力,但在实证研究中却存在很多困难,如执行功能的可分离性问题,执行功能测量的信度和效度问题,以及执行功能与加工速度的关系问题。目前,该领域研究的焦点是:在行为学水平上,控制一般性因素(加工速度)后,执行功能是否仍对认知年老化起重要的中介作用;在神经水平上,执行(额叶)功能随龄的变化情况,以及在认知年老化过程中,额叶在大脑功能重组中扮演的角色。最终实现对认知年老化的理解,需要将认知功能与大脑结构联系起来;既看到广泛存在的共同的基本机制,又不能忽略不同认知结构的选择性变化。  相似文献   

What and When of Cognitive Aging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

ABSTRACT— Cognitive aging is often characterized as a process in which two competing forces determine individual development: a genetically driven senescence process that engenders declines in mental mechanics; and an accumulation of life experience that augments cultural, pragmatic, and knowledge-based competence. The considerable variability in the level and rate of change in complex intellectual activities (e.g., language understanding) is often accounted for in terms of individual differences in abilities associated with these forces. I argue that choice in how effort is allocated may be an essential determinant of cognitive change over the life span—both directly, in the form of attentional engagement, and indirectly, as it sculpts neural substrates that give rise to component abilities.  相似文献   

Unlike other forms of writing or speech, literary works do not attempt to present the world from a perspective that is equally accessible to both the writer and the reader. Instead, a reader succeeds in engaging with a literary work only through imaginatively setting aside aspects of her own perspective and engaging with a subjective perspective different from her own. I argue that this feature of literary engagement is of significant cognitive value. Through literary engagement, we expand the range and sophistication of our perspectival concepts and practice making sense of motivations from perspectives different from our own.  相似文献   

认知储备是指个体自适应利用神经网络对不断增加的脑损伤进行补偿的能力, 它能显著影响个体的生理功能、认知功能和行为结果。当前有关认知储备的研究主要集中在认知储备的测量及其在认知老化研究中的应用方面。现有研究尽管已在认知储备的测量及其与认知老化的关系上取得越来越多的共识, 但在诸如认知储备测量的标准化、认知储备与认知衰退率、认知储备与脑病理的关系等问题上还存在较大争议。未来研究除应进一步标准化对认知储备的测量, 进而探讨认知储备的病理机制, 还应关注认知储备对老化的干预研究。  相似文献   

The relationship between metacognition and executive control is explored. According to an analysis by Fernandez-Duque, Baird, and Posner (this issue), metacognitive regulation involves attention, conflict resolution, error correction, inhibitory control, and emotional regulation. These aspects of metacognition are presumed to be mediated by a neural circuit involving midfrontal brain regions. An evaluation of the proposal by Fernandez-Duque et al. is made, and it is suggested that there is considerable convergence of issues associated with metacognition, executive control, working memory, and frontal lobe function. By integrating these domains and issues, significant progress could be made toward a cognitive neuroscience of metacognition.  相似文献   

认知功能老化的一个生物学解释-HAROLD模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对认知功能老化的机制的探讨单纯靠心理学或生物学研究是不能完全揭示其整体面貌的,必须将心理学的行为层面研究与生物学的生理层面研究结合起来才可能找到答案.本文在回顾认知功能老化的心理学主要研究结论的基础上,介绍了一种与大脑老化密切相关的生物学解释,即HAROLD(Hemispheric Asymmetry Reduction in Older Adults)模式.已有研究表明,该模式与某些认知功能老化之间存在紧密的联系,可能是解释认知功能老化的一个重要脑机制.但目前的研究还不充分,不足以得出确定性的结论.文中对此做了分析并指出可能的研究方向.  相似文献   

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