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L F Alwitt 《Perception》1979,8(4):417-430
A twelve-letter array was segmented into figure and ground by moving some of its letters. Moved letters were shifted one letter-width left of right, independently of each other, in apparent movement. Since the figure of a display attracts attention, identification of letters of the figure segment should show an advantage over letters of the background segment. Three results are of interest. First, moved letters were identified more accurately and faster than stationary letters when only one or two letters moved. Stationary letters showed the advantage when eight of the twelve letters moved. This result suggests that the segment seen as figure is determined by both rapidly encodable letter movement and by the number of moved letters within the display. Second, segmentation of the visual display acids identification of moved letters in less than 90 ms, or well before the eye can move to the selected letter position. Third, letters in the figure segment which are closer to fixation are more likely to be identified than more eccentric letters.  相似文献   

Brief apparent motion sequences were introduced into a dynamic visual dot display by spatially shifting selected dots between successive frames. This causes the display to look as if it is drifting continuously in one direction. When such a display is observed with an interocular delay the drifting dots appear to be displaced in depth, even though there is no conventional retinal disparity in the display. We found that the magnitude of this depth shift increased with the duration of the apparent motion sequences. With sequences of five or more frames duration the depth effect was very similar to that which would have been predicted with a continuously moving target. With briefer sequences the size of the depth effect decreased rapidly. We suggest that apparent motion cascades form the basis of Tyler's dynamic visual noise stereophenomenon, and we question his “random spatial disparity” hypothesis.  相似文献   

The limiting conditions for short-term visual memory were explored for materials which are not readily codable. Two fields of random dots were presented successively in time. On half of the observations, the second display was identical to the first, and on the other half, a fraction of the dots was displaced relative to the first display. The task of the S was to indicate if any of the dots had moved (displacement detection), and in separate tests, if any of the dots had not moved (stationarity detection). Stationarity and displacement detection are largely related to the same variables, although performance is somewhat better with displacement detection. Discrimination of small displacements is critically dependent upon the interval between displays, with maximum accuracy in the region of 64 msec for briefly presented displays. Maximum accuracy is obtained under conditions which yield good apparent motion. By contrast, displacement discrimination is, within limits, relatively independent of the number of dots displayed, of the fraction of displaced dots.  相似文献   

In visual search detection of a target on one display facilitates its subsequent recognition on the next (Rabbitt, Cumming and Vyas, 1977). Experiment I shows that facilitation also occurs when a different display intervenes between two displays containing targets. Two further experiments show that detection of target letters among background letters is also facilitated if the same background letters recur on successive displays. Facilitation is greatest if background letters reappear in identical left-to-right spatial locations, but is also evident when the same background letters recur in different locations on successive displays. The results suggest modifications to models for the ways in which selective attention is continuously modulated by successive events during serial search.  相似文献   

Twenty schizophrenic patients, 10 depressed control patients, and 20 normal control subjects were compared in a forced-choice, target-detection method for assessing the span of apprehension. The detection task required the subject to report which of 2 target letters was presented among 7 other (distractor) letters. Performance accuracy was examined as a function of target location and whether the distractor letters were masked after their presentation. The backward masking of the distractors improved target-detection accuracy of both control groups but reduced accuracy of the schizophrenic group. In addition, schizophrenics performed particularly poorly on targets located in the left half or lower half of the display. These results suggest that response to the masking of distractors may be a new index of attentional shortcoming in schizophrenia. Various theoretical explanations for the target location findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of orientation on identification can be attenuated when other patterns at the same (or a similar) orientation are identified in close temporal contiguity. In Experiments 1 and 2, letters were presented simultaneously in brief masked displays. Identification accuracy was much higher when the letters had consistent orientations than when the letters had different orientations within a display. In Experiment 3, two letters were presented sequentially. Identification accuracy was higher with congruent than with incongruent orientations. The results are unexpected if one assumes that the patterns themselves are rotated until upright prior to their identification, unless pattern rotation processes can be primed, and that priming requires orientation congruence between the priming and primed stimulus. The results are expected if the orientation of a frame of reference can be adjusted to the orientation of the patterns during the identification process.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we tested subjects’ ability to localize a letter in a character string with identification controlled by varying the delay of a mask, dimming the display, or deleting some of the dots used to define the letters on the cathode-ray screen. The first experiment involved two tasks. In the first task, subjects indicated whether or not a letter named verbally had been present in an eight-letter target string. In the second task, they localized a letter named verbally in the target string; the target string was presented by using display parameters shown in the first task to hold character identification between 70% and 75% correct. In the second experiment, we tallied errors in a partial-report bar-probe study after equating performance across the manipulations of display quality. Masking disrupted subjects’ ability to recover location information more than either a manipulation of stimulus luminance or a manipulation of its visual form.  相似文献   

Using five capital letters as the form stimuli and tachistoscopic presentation, an exposure duration was determined for each S that yielded 80% identification accuracy when single letter displays were presented. Then the increment in exposure duration necessary for a correct identification of all letters on a display on 80% of the trials was determined for 2, 3, and 4 letter displays. In view of evidence that perceptual independence breaks down when stimuli are spaced much closer than 1° apart in the fovea, the effect of different foveal spacing of the form stimuli in the display was studied. Spacings of 1/2, 3/4, and 1° of angle were employed. Less than a 30% increment in exposure duration was necessary to recognize 2 form displays at the same accuracy level as single form. But no further increase in exposure duration was necessary to recognize 3 and 4 form displays at the same accuracy criterion. Evidence for positive correlation of sensory perceptual error for forms spaced less than 1° apart in the fovea was found.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out in which reaction time for identification of words in sets of four was measured. The words were of three letters, with dichotomous variation of the first and third letters, in either upper- or lowercase, with letters chosen to give maximum variation in word configuration in lowercase. Four types of display were used, differing in size and masking. In Experiment 1, the words were easy to identify in uppercase as well as in lowercase, because the letters were easily discriminable in either case, and the results showed no advantage to lowercase words at any level of degradation. In Experiment 2, the letters were more difficult to discriminate in uppercase, and with the most severe degradation, the words in lowercase were identified more rapidly than those in uppercase. Thus the reaction time results showed an advantage of the configural properties available in lowercase only with words difficult to identify in uppercase and with extreme amounts of degradation. Error analyses of both experiments showed that errors were made to individual letters, not on the basis of the configuration, for words in both cases. It is concluded that letter processing occurs even when there is evidence for the use of configural information, thus implying a predominant role of letter perception in word identification. Some reservation is expressed whether whole-word configuration is the only pertinent configural property and whether the results from such simple identification tasks are appropriate to an understanding of natural reading.  相似文献   

Forced-choice detection was studied in relation to heterogeneity of noise letters and multiple signal letters within tachistoscopic displays. Curves plotting both probability and latency of correct detections vs number of redundant signals at different display sizes exhibit significant interactions with heterogeneity of the noise background, but do not differ as a function of similarity among redundant signals. Application of interactive and independent channels models indicated that noise redundancy operates to a major extent through effects of signal-noise confusability at the decision level, but may also involve perceptual interaction at the level of feature detectors.  相似文献   

When a briefly presented and then masked visual object is identified, it impairs the identification of the second target for several hundred milliseconds. This phenomenon is known as attentional blink or attentional dwell time. The present study is an attempt to investigate the role of salient emotional information in shifts of covert visual attention over time. Two experiments were conducted using the dwell time paradigm, in which two successive targets are presented at different locations with a variable stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA). In the first experiment, real emotional faces (happy/sad) were presented as the first target, and letters (L/T) were presented as the second target. The order of stimulus presentation was reversed in the second experiment. In the first experiment, identification of the letters preceded by happy faces showed better performance than did those preceded by sad faces at SOAs less than 200 msec. Similarly, happy faces were identified better than sad faces were at short SOAs in Experiment 2. The results show that the time course of visual attention is dependent on emotional content of the stimuli. The findings indicate that happy faces are associated with distributed attention or broad scope of attention and require fewer attentional resources than do sad faces.  相似文献   

This article reviews studies in which a single letter is visually presented under adverse conditions and the subject's task is to identify the letter. The typical results for such studies are (a) certain pairs of letters are more often confused than other pairs of letters; (b) certain letters are more easily recognized than others; and (c) confusion errors for a letter pair are often asymmetric, the number of errors differing depending on which letter of the pair is presented as the stimulus. A geometric model incorporating the properties of distance and spatial density (after Krumhansl) is presented to account for these results. The present application of the distance-density model assumes that each letter is constructed in a typical 5 X 7 dot matrix. Each letter is represented in 35-dimensional space based on its constituent dots. A central idea behind the model, embodied in the property of spatial density, is that an explanation of typical results must take into account the relationship of the entire stimulus set to both the presented letter and the responded letter. Specifically, according to the model, (a) pairs of letters that are close in geometric space are more often confused than pairs of letters that are distant; (b) letters that are in less spatially dense regions are more easily recognized than letters that are in more spatially dense regions; and (c) asymmetric confusion errors result when one member of a letter pair is in a denser region than the other member of the letter pair. The distance-density model is applied to published and unpublished results of the authors as well as published results from two other laboratories. Alternative explanations of the three typical letter recognition results are also considered. The most successful alternative explanations are (a) confusions are an increasing function of the number of dots that two letters share; (b) letters constructed from fewer dots are easier to recognize; and (c) asymmetries arise when one member of a letter pair is more easily recognized, since that letter then has fewer confusion errors to give to the other letter of the pair. The model is discussed in terms of the distinction between template matching and feature analysis. An alternative classification of letter recognition models is proposed based on the global versus local qualities of features and the spatial information associated with each feature. The model is extended to explain reaction time study results. It is suggested that the distance-density model can be used to create optimal letter fonts by minimizing interletter confusions and maximizing letter recognizability.  相似文献   

The span of perception for letter groups depends on number of letters presented, length of presentation and structure of the groups. The experiment reported varied the temporal structure of the groups, leaving the total number of letters constant. Groups of 12 letters were presented as a whole or in two or more successive “units.” The total time of presentation was 1-5 sec. In the first experiment each unit was visible until the next appeared, in the second experiment units were visible only during 1/4 sec., although intervals between successive units were kept constant.

The following conclusions emerged:

(a) The visual presence of units did not affect the reproduction for durations over 0.25 sec., except in the 12-letter presentations.

(b) 2×6 letters gave better results than either simultaneous presentation or other divisions; temporal separation was 0.75 sec.

(c) Higher order approximations to Dutch have more influence on 3 × 4, 2 × 6 and 1 × 12 letters than on 4 × 3 and 6 × 2 letters.

(d) A serial order effect exists: central units are reproduced less well than first and last units.

It is suggested that handling a fixed amount of information within a fixed period is limited on the one hand by confusion between simultaneous elements and on the other hand by the interaction between successive units presented too rapidly to allow for proper operation of immediate memory.

The difference between span of perception and span of memory is stressed.  相似文献   

Two letters varying in level of confusability were presented either simultaneously for 75 msec or sequentially for 75 msec each in adjacent retinal locations. The retinal locus of presentation varied from trial to trial, and subjects both identified and located the presented letters. Identification accuracy was higher on nonconfusable than on confusable letter pairs in the simultaneous condition, but not in the sequential condition. This result is interpreted as support for the notion that inhibition between similar or identical features shared by confusable letters occurs only when letters are presented simultaneously. A relative position effect, with performance on the peripheral letter higher than on the central letter, was found for simultaneously and second sequentially presented letters, but not for first sequentially presented letters. This result is interpreted in terms of the assumption that feature perturbations, with foveal perturbations more likely than peripheral perturbations, affect simultaneously and secondpresented letters, but not first-presented letters. The pattern of results for relative location accuracy showed many of the same effects as identification performance. A model assuming location errors reflect feature transpositions is outlined and is able to account for the absolute and relative location results and the correlation between relative location and identification accuracy.  相似文献   

Skilled readers identified words and random letter strings displayed one letter at a time on the screen of a computer-controlled oscilloscope. Letters were either displayed in a single position, or painted left-to-right in adjacent positions. Adjacent displays were either unmasked, masked by a letter-like pattern following each letter (backward masking) or masked by a pattern preceding each letter (forward masking). Unmasked words were identified with a high degree of accuracy, and accuracy was independent of the exposure duration of the letters over the range 50–200 msec. Masked adjacent word displays and one-position word displays were identified much less accurately, and accuracy was highly dependent on letter exposure duration. In contrast to these results, identification of random strings, or of letters within random strings, was almost unaffected by the presence of the mask and was dependent on letter exposure duration under all display conditions. The results are interpreted as evidence that (a) masking forces subjects to process serial displays one letter at a time, and (b) words, or large segments of words, are habitually processed in parallel, while random strings are processed as a series of individual letters or small chunks.  相似文献   

Abstract: The present study examined the effect of phonological identity between two letters on the visual recognition of the letters. Participants were required to identify the two same or different letters that were successively presented for a short duration. In order to manipulate the phonological identity of the two letters, the orthography of the Kana letters was varied. In half of the trials, the first and second letters were presented in Hiragana (the same‐orthography condition). In the other half, the first letter was presented in Katakana, and the second letter in Hiragana (the different‐orthography condition). The results revealed that the identification performance for the second letter was reduced in the same‐orthography condition when the two letters were the same, compared with when they were different. In contrast to this, in the different‐orthography condition, the identification performance of the second repeated letter was marginally superior to that of the nonrepeated letter. Considering the present findings together with those of the author's previous study (Kuwana, 2004), it is suggested that the interference effect caused by repetition could result from the reduction in the availability of visual pattern information stored in long‐term memory.  相似文献   

Early and late selection theories of visual attention disagree about whether identification occurs before or after selection. Studies showing the category effect, i.e., the time to detect a letter is hardly affected by the number of digits present in the display, are taken as evidence for late selection theories since these studies suggest parallel identification of all items in the display. As an extension of previous studies, in the present study two categorically different targets were presented simultaneously among a variable number of nontargets. Subjects were shown brief displays of two target letters among either 2, 4 or 6 nontarget digits. Subjects responded 'same' when the two letters were identical and 'different' otherwise. Since the 'same-different' response reflects the combined outcome of the simultaneous targets, late-selection theory predicts that the time to match the target letters is independent of the number of nontarget digits. Alternatively, early-selection theory predicts a linear increase of reaction time with display size since the presence of more than one target disrupts parallel preattentive processing, leading to a serial search through all items in the display. The results provide evidence for the early-selection view since reaction time increased linearly with the number of categorically different nontargets. A control experiment revealed that none of the alternative explanations could account for the display size effect.  相似文献   

The identification of one, two, and four random letters was studied under three procedures: (1) backward masking by a visual noise; (2) concurrent masking by a visual noise; and (3) no masking. With backward masking the number of letters correctly identified was independent of the number presented. Direct judgments of the duration, brightness, contrast, sharpness, and texture of the letters were also made. Under backward masking the letters appeared to be on for a very brief duration, but with high apparent contrast. The results indicate that backward masking impairs identification by interrupting the stimulus processing, not by degrading the stimulus input.  相似文献   

High-frequency seven-letter words were displayed letter by letter in scrambled temporal orders upon an oscilloscope. After each incorrect identification, the sequence was repeated. Highest word-identification scores were obtained with initial and terminal starting positions, with shortest and longest spacingbetween successive letters, and at the slowest and fastest rates of letter presentation. The relative contribution of each variable was maintained in combination with other variables. The conditional probability of a correct word identification, given that the word was not identified on a previous presentation, plunges sharply with successive presentations. This apparent nonindependence of performance over successive presentations is, however, shown to be an artifact of pooling the results of heterogeneous experimental variables.  相似文献   

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