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Recently Wickelgren has advocated the abandonment of reaction time research and its replacement with speed-accuracy methodology. This paper takes issue with the speed-accuracy approach and argues that the proposed methodology has little advantage over reaction time studies. Furthermore it is argued that speed-accuracy studies may have severe flaws of their own.  相似文献   

Two neural models for response latency in auditory signal detection are considered: the Timing model of Luce and Green (1972) and a modified counting model based on that of McGill (1967). The modified counting model is described in some detail. The experimental situation to which the models are applied is one where a deadline in response time is enforced on signal trials only or on noise trials only, the condition of deadlines on both cases having previously been studied by Green and Luce (1973). The results for mean latencies of the various categories of response, together with response probabilities, favour either the counting model or a dual process model. Data for ROC curves indicate either the operation of a dual process model or that the ‘interval of uncertainty’ of the counting model may vary with bias position. Some consideration is also given to the possibility of differential residual response time components and it is concluded that such components may be important in the deadline situation.  相似文献   

The existence of discrete all-or-none information processing has often been assumed as a basis for stage models and also as an important characteristic of nonlinear connectionist models; however, there has been little or no hard empirical evidence supporting the existence of this phenomenon. In search of such evidence, we applied speed-accuracy decomposition (Meyer et al., 1988), a technique for detecting partial response information, to the examination of the time-course of processing in a (Gestalt) insight-like task, namely, anagram solution. This task was chosen because the Gestalt psychologists conjectured that insight is a sudden, discrete phenomenon. Supporting this view, we found little or no evidence of partial information in two experiments, thereby providing what may be the strongest evidence to date for all-or-none processing.  相似文献   

A single-stimulation and two double-stimulation response conditions were compared using explicit payoff matrices to vary speed-accuracy tradeoff. Under accuracy payoff, response latency (RT(1)) to the first stimulus increased as ISI dropped but accuracy remained high and relatively constant. Under speed payoff, RT(1) was only slightly affected by ISI but accuracy dropped as ISI decreased. Transmitted information rates consistently reflected detrimental effects of short ISI. In double stimulation, but not in single stimulation, error response latency exceeded correct response latency. Furthermore, error response latencies were found to be far more variable and more sensitive to changes in speed-accuracy condition than were correct response latencies. Finally, under both speed and accuracy conditions, response latency to the first of two successive stimuli was faster if a response was also required to the second stimulus. Implications of the data for possible models of double-stimulation speed-accuracy tradeoff are considered.  相似文献   

The existence of tradeoffs between speed and accuracy is an important interpretative problem in choice reaction time (RT) experiments. A recently suggested solution to this problem is the use of complete speed-accuracy tradeoff functions as the primary dependent variable in choice RT ,experiments instead of a single mean RT and error rate. This paper reviews and compares existing procedures for generating empirical speed-accuracy tradeoff, functions for use as dependent variables in choice RT experiments. Two major types of tradeoff function are identified, and their experimental designs and computational procedures are discussed and evaluated. Systematic disparities are demonstrated between the two tradeoff functions in both empirical and computer-simulated data. Although all existing procedures for generating speed-accuracy tradeoff functions involve empirically untested assumptions, one procedure requires less stringent assumptions and is less sensitive to sources of experimental and statistical error. This procedure involves plotting accuracy against RT over a set of experimental conditions in which subjects’ criteria for speed vs. accuracy are systematically varied.  相似文献   

In the double-stimulation paradigm subjects respond to two successive stimuli. Previous research (Knight & Kantowitz, 1974) showed that a subject's speed-accuracy tradeoff (SAT) strategy interacted with the interval between the two stimuli to determine response performance to the first stimulus. The present experiment examined the influence of SAT strategy on response performance to the second stimulus. Interest focused on effects of SAT strategy upon the psychological refractory period (PRP) effect. If a single mechanism underlies beth first-and second-response performance (e.g., the PRP effect) in double stimulation, effects of SAT upon the second response should be similar to effects upon the first response. Results showed that the PRP effect appeared only when second-response accuracy was stressed. Under speed emphasis double-stimulation second-response latency never exceeded a single-stimulation baseline. This was analogous to first-response latency effects found by Knight and Kantowitz (1974). Response grouping was strongly influenced by SAT strategy and two response-grouping mechanisms were distinguished. Implications of these and interresponse time data for models of double-stimulation performance are discussed.  相似文献   

Burns (1989) claims that proactive interference effects occur in paired-associate learning because of tradeoffs in relational and response-specific processing. Consistent with this claim, Burns demonstrated that free recall of critical-list responses is better in the interference condition than in the control condition. Burns’s processing trade off explanation predicts that the occurrence of this reverse-interference effect should be positively correlated with the occurrence of traditional interference effects. We present several experiments whose results are inconsistent with-this-prediction. We hypothesize that the reverse-interference effect is a list-length effect. The results of a final experiment, contrasting the predictions of the list-length and processing trade off explanations, support the list-length explanation.  相似文献   

Myoelectric (EMG) signals are used in assistive technology for prostheses, computer and domestic control. However, little is known about the capacity of controlling these signals. Specifically, it is unclear whether myocontrol, i.e., the control of myoelectric signals, obeys the same laws as motor control. Neurologically intact adult participants performed pointing tasks with EMG signals captured from the forehead or the hand in two modalities (sustained: stabilize the signal amplitude in the target; impulsion: produce an impulse and return to resting level). In the sustained modality, the time to reach the target (reach time) increased logarithmically with target amplitude, which is compatible with the predictions of Fitts' law. The rate of failure was not significantly affected by target amplitude. In the impulsion modality, the reach time and the rate of failure followed a bow-shaped pattern as a function of target amplitude. Stabilization time in the sustained modality followed a convex (bow-shaped) pattern for the forehead and a concave pattern for the hand. This was the only significant effect of electrode placement in this study. These findings suggest that myocontrol obeys laws that are distinct from those determining motor control, and that the muscular and intra-muscular synergies that produce EMG signals are specific of each pointing modality and target amplitude.  相似文献   

Speed-accuracy trade-off and time of day   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Information processing is a main property which distinguishes life from inorganic matter. Its background is the recognition activity of biomacro‐molecules based on quantum non‐demolition measurements. Reflective arrows in the set of mappings appearing from quantum measurements do form a hypercyclic structure which realizes information transfer and allows a system to self‐reproduce and evolve. These arrows correspond to Goedel numbers created inside a system.  相似文献   

Past studies have shown that in certain tasks, subjects are not able to selectively attend to specific areas of a visual display even if instructed to do so. Yet, a more recent study (Graves, 1976) has used the concept of selective attention to explain the difference between the number of items processed in forced choice detection tasks and the number processed in full report tasks. Graves proposed that only identification processing is necessary in the detection task, while both identification and position processing are required in the full report task. A problem with Graves’ task is that it requires memory searching after stimulus presentation, probably reducing the predicted number of items processed. The experiment reported here utilized partially filled arrays and required responses based upon only positional processing, or only identification processing, or both types of processing. In direct contradiction to Graves’ conclusions, the results showed that although subjects could inhibit identification processing while engaged in positional processing, the reverse was not true. In addition, positional processing was shown to be faster than identification processing.  相似文献   

The investigation of visual processing mediated solely by chromatic information requires conditions preventing a subject's use of the luminance differences normally accompanying a chromatic change. In Experiment 1, which involved a discriminative reaction time (RT) task, chromatic and white stimuli of the same luminance were presented on a dimmer achromatic background. Subjects were instructed to respond only to the chromatic stimuli. RT was slowest at 570 nm and somewhat faster to short wavelengths than to long wavelengths. In Experiment 2, which compared two discriminative RT tasks, RT was faster when subjects responded to color than when they responded to white. Experiments 3 and 4 demonstrated that a brighter white surround decreased the perceived brightness of chromatic stimuli as well as their perceptual similarity to white, but did not affect RT. The results are discussed in terms of the response strength of the chromatic processing channel.  相似文献   

Speed-accuracy trade-off characteristic of horizontal saccadic eye movements were examined in this study. Unlike limb movements, saccadic eye movements are preprogrammed, unidimensional, and do not involve target impact. Hence, they provide an optimal test of the impulse variability account of the speed-accuracy trade-off in rapid movements. Subjects were required to alternately look at two target lights as fast and as accurately as possible for a period of 10 s. Target lights subtended angles of 5, 10, 15, and 20 degrees. By restricting target distances to less than 20 degrees of arc, the speed-accuracy relation was examined for single horizontal saccadic movements of the eye. movement of the dominant eye was tracked with an infra-red eye monitoring device. Fifty saccadic movements of the eye were recorded for each target distance and used to compute the average amplitude, duration, and velocity of eye movements, as well as, movement endpoint variability. An increase in both average velocity and movement endpoint variability with increasing movement amplitude was found. This, together with the unique features of the eye movement system, support the impulse variability account of the speed-accuracy trade-off in rapid movements.  相似文献   

Measures of inspection time (IT) have robust, moderately-sized correlations with IQ-type test scores. However, the reason for the IT-IQ correlation is not understood. Although the original theory asserted that IT performance was based on a single parameter—essentially speed of visual processing—peculiarities of the task have afforded other interpretations of IT differences and the IT-IQ association. In the present report two new visual processing tasks, visual change detection (VCD) and visual movement detection (VMD) are found to be correlated at or above .4 with IT and with non-verbal scores from the Alice Heim 4 test of general intelligence. VCD and VMD, in common with IT, assess the stimulus duration that is required by subjects in order to make an accurate discrimination. VCD and VMD, however, require a broader attentional focus than IT and do not involve backward masking. Measures of contrast sensitivity, a difficult discrimination task in which stimuli are not time-limited, had near-to-zero correlations with other visual processing tasks and with IQ-type test scores. We tested the hypothesis that only the latent trait derived from the speeded visual processing tasks (rather than task-specific features) would correlate with cognitive ability, and this was supported. The present study adds weight to the view that it is the ability to make accurate discriminations in the face of limited stimulus time that causes IT to correlate with psychometric intelligence. The psychological correlates of VCD, in terms of neural circuits that detect “difference” suggest a new line of investigation into the psychobiological bases of human intelligence.  相似文献   

The physiological and behavioral literature regarding effects of stimulus intensity on the time course of information processing is reviewed. The physiological data describe intensity effects on the sensory pathway. Reaction time studies show that the effect of intensity on behavioral responses also depends on and may be mediated by more cognitive processes. The degree to which intensity affects simple reaction time varies directly with the response criterion subjects use. The lack of this dependence in choice reaction time may indicate different intensity effects on energy and nonenergy pathways. The literature suggests that intensity affects the time course of information processing not only by influencing the speed of processing in sensory pathways, but also by affecting alertness and the time required to direct attention to a stimulus.  相似文献   

Two experiments reported the effect of movement time and knowledge of results on overall spatial errors in rapid simultaneous bimanual aiming movements. In Exps. 1 (n=32) and 2 (n=32), participants used light, aluminum levers oriented vertically in the sagittal plane to make reversal movements over the same distance (20 degrees - 20 degrees or 60 degrees - 60 degrees) or different distances (20 degrees - 60 degrees) in each arm in 250, 350, or 450 msec. to the reversal point. The participants in Exp. 1 were given knowledge of results on the spatial and temporal accuracy for both arms, while in Exp. 2 knowledge of results was provided for one arm only. Strong speed-accuracy tradeoffs were shown for all groups in both experiments, but errors were larger in the different distance movements compared to the same distance groups. Spatial errors were also elevated in Exp. 2 when knowledge of results was not available compared to those conditions where knowledge of results was available. Overall, bimanual speed-accuracy tradeoffs are similar to single arm movements when one moves the same distance in each arm and when knowledge of results is available.  相似文献   

Two experiments on refractoriness were carried out in which the warning, first and second signals, S0, S1 and S2 respectively, were all single-valued, and the distributions of random intervals between S0 and S1, and S1 and S 2 were the same. In the first experiment the intervals in a trial were statistically independent: the null hypothesis, that the latencies of the two responses would be similar, was rejected, but the results were also found to agree with no existing alternative hypothesis. In the second experiment the intervals in a trial were conditionally related and the second response was found to be faster than in the first experiment. This is discussed in the context of the issue of serial or parallel processing of information.  相似文献   

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