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The current study examined the potential mediating role of sensation seeking in the well-established negative relationship between age and financial risk-taking. A total of 299 participants, aged 17–90 years, allocated hypothetical money into mutual funds that varied in risk and completed a sensation seeking measure. Hierarchical multiple regressions revealed that the amount of variability age accounted for in risk-taking (4.1%; β = −.22) was significantly reduced when sensation seeking was controlled for (0.8%; β = −.12). A Sobel test revealed that sensation seeking fully mediated the aforementioned relationship. Results suggest sensation seeking’s role as a mediator in more physiologically arousing risk-taking contexts (e.g., surfing). Discussion recommends investigating potential biologically and cognitively-rooted mediators and moderators of the age and risk-taking relationship.  相似文献   

One hundred and five students were administered both Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS) and the Torrance-Ziller biographical inventory (BI) for measuring risk-taking tendencies. Correlations between the BI and selected subscales on the SSS were positive and significant. However, the proportion of explained variance does not suggest that the SSS and the BI are tapping the same dimension.  相似文献   

The notion that affective responses differentiate high from low sensation-seekers was investigated. Male subjects with extremely high (N=13) or low (N=13) scores on Form V of the Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS) were presented with tones of 60, 80, and 100 dB in successive blocks of 10 tones each. Although measures of arousal (verbal self-reports and physiological measures of the orienting response) did not differentiate between high and low sensation-seekers, a self-report measure of pleasure did: Whereas reported pleasure of the low sensation-seekers began high and declined as tones became successively louder, the reported pleasure of the high sensation-seekers remained more constant across the blocks of tones.The research on which this paper was based was supported by Grant MT-4511 from the Medical Research Council of Canada to Robert Hare.  相似文献   

Headache and sensation seeking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the cognitive theory of sensation seeking, headache sufferers were predicted to score lower than controls on Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale. 26 subjects who experienced chronic headaches scored significantly lower than a group of 26 controls. The relationships between the Sensation Seeking Scale and a number of personality tests are described. Replication of the findings on this scale with headache patients is encouraged as well as exploration of other personality dimensions which show significant relations with sensation seeking.  相似文献   

A large sample of readers of a popular psychology magazine took the Sensation Seeking Scale (form V) and filled out a personal data form. The information in the data form was used to examine the relationship between SSS scores and demographic and experience variables. Sex and age showed strong relationships with the SSS. Education and occupation of the subjects and their parents showed lesser relationships with the SSS and primarily in females. Non-believers in conventional religion and infrequent church-goers had higher SSS scores than those who identify with such religions and attend church regularly. Smokers had higher scores than non-smokers although the relationship with amount of smoking was not a linear one. Driving habits of speeding related strongly to sensation seeking in a linear fashion.  相似文献   

The Revised Transliminality Scale and Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale (Form V) were administered to 83 psychology undergraduates. Weak positive correlations suggested that participants scoring high on the Transliminality Scale tended to be more experience seeking and, overall, more inclined to score sensation seeking.  相似文献   

Evidence is provided that high scores on the Zuckerman Sensation Seeking Scale are associated in the normal population with good focused-attention performance and poor distributed-attention performance. Focused-attention performance is assessed as the ability to select relevant information while ignoring irrelevant information, and distributed-attention performance is assessed as the ability to carry out concurrently two independent complex tasks. It is hypothesized that the observed disposition of attentional performance reflects differential patterns of arousal in individuals with high and low Sensation Seeking scores.  相似文献   

College undergraduates were administered the Life Experiences Survey, the Discomfort scale of the Psychological Screening Inventory, and the most recent version of the Sensation Seeking Scale. The findings did not replicate Smith et al.'s results concerning the role that sensation seeking plays in the relationship between negative life change and psychological distress. However, the data suggest that the sensation seeking motive is a causal variable that is predictive of recent life events that college students have experienced, and that future life-stress research should examine the occurence of controllable life events as a function of subjects' personality traits.  相似文献   

The study compared normal males who scored at the extremes of Disinhibition (a subscale of the Sensation Seeking Scale) on gonadal hormones. High disinhibitors were higher than lows on testosterone, estradiol and estrone, but not on progesterone. A broader range of personality traits, attitudes and experience was factor analyzed and correlated with the hormone measurements. Two large factors were found: (1) stable extraversion vs neurotic introversion; (2) social deviancy vs social conformity. Testosterone loaded positively on the stable extraversion factor and estradiol loaded on the social deviancy factor. Measures of sensation seeking, impulsivity and heterosexual experience tended to correlate positively with both testosterone and estradiol, and persons low on both of these hormones were characterized by a high degree of self control and social conformity.  相似文献   

The present study attempted to relate field dependence-independence (FDI) to accident involvement and perceived causes of accidents as well as to trace these relationships to the sensation-seeking (SS) tendency of the field-dependent driver. In addition, the concomittant effects of internal/external locus of control (IE) were studied. Subjects (N=285) filled out a questionnaire assessing their level of FDI, SS, IE, number of accidents, as well as the attributed importance of various possible causes of their last accident. The obtained results show no relationship between FDI and SS and either the number of accidents or the importance attributed to various causes of accidents. Significant relationships were, however, obtained between FDI and SS and seat-belt use and SS and speed on the highway.  相似文献   

The genetic and environmental contributions to the trait of sensation seeking were analyzed using the responses of 422 pairs of twins to the Sensation Seeking Scale (Form IV). The biometrical method of Jinks and Fulker was applied to the data. The data fit the model indicating the likelihood of a predominantly additive gene action controlling the general trait. The heritability figure of 58% (69% of the reliable variance) was quite high for a personality trait. Data from other studies suggest that the heritability of the personality trait rests upon specific inherited biological traits, such as the biochemicals of the brain and gonadal hormones which affect arousability of the central nervous system and relevant traits, such as mood, impulsivity, risk taking, and sociability.  相似文献   

While Sensation Seeking is a construct which loads on both Extraversion (E) and Psychoticism (P), it is not clear whether Sensation Seeking can be reduced to E and P and whether all of its subfactors necessarily load on the same factor(s). We therefore decided to investigate the relationship among these. The 682 participants comprised a heterogeneous sample. They completed the SSS (Form V) and then the EPQ-R-S (short version of the revised EPQ). Factor analysis of the EPQ-R-S revealed simple structure, with 46 of the 48 items being correctly located on their respective factors. Analysis of the SSS also revealed simple structure, with 31 of the 40 items being correctly located on their respective factors. When the items from the EPQ-R-S and SSS were combined in one analysis, using a 4-factor constraint, we could identify these as follows: The first factor entailing items from 3 SSS scales (ES, Dis and BS) and 2 EPQ scales (L and P), could be referred to as Impulsive Unsocialized Sensation Seeking (P-ImpUSS). The second was identified as N; the third was identified as E; and the fourth as TAS. Thus it is P which loads on P-ImpUSS, with TAS being distinct from the latter.  相似文献   

This investigation sought to determine to what extent, if any, the personality trait of sensation seeking is related to blood plasma levels of monoamine oxidase (MAO) and dopamine beta hydroxylase (DBH). The experimental group consisted to 19 ski instructors/petrolmen (8 females and 11 males) aged 18–19 yr. The control group was made up of 21 New Mexico Highlands University (NMHU) students (11 females and 10 males) also aged 18–39 yr. The experiment was divided into morning and afternoon sessions. During the morning session the Ss completed the Sensation Seeking Form V, the Sensation of blood by venipuncture. A second blood sample was taken during the afternnon session. The skier group scored significantly higher on those personality measures designed to identify the sensation seeking personality, and the skiers also had significantly higher DBH levels than the nonskiers [F(1, 36)=16.62, P=0.0002]. A possible explanation for the high DBH levels among skiers is that at the time of the blood sampling, the skiers were in a more stressful situation and they had also engaged in vigorous physical exercise.  相似文献   

In Study I, 20 heterosexual couples filled out the Sensation Seeking Scale (Form V) for themselves and as they thought their partner would. The mean difference between the predicted score for one's partner and the partner's actual scale was -2.40 for the males and -1.10 for the females; neither of which significantly differed from 0. The predicted scores and actual scores were highly correlated (r = 0.58 for males and r = 0.66 for females). The results support the idea that people are accurate in their estimations of sensation seeking in familiar others.In study II, the ability to evaluate sensation seeking in unfamiliar others was investigated. Segments from four commercial movies involving six different characters were shown to subjects. After viewing one of these segments subjects filled out a sensation seeking scale as they thought the movie character would. A high level of inter-observer agreement was observed for these ratings. Moreover, the ratings for each of the six characters were congruent with the experimenters' prior judgements of each character's level of sensation seeking. These data support the hypothesis that rapid and accurate judgements of the sensation seeking trait in unfamiliar others are possible.  相似文献   

Impulsivity and sexual sensation seeking were examined as personality correlates of high risk sexual behaviour — unprotected sex with multiple partners — in samples of heterosexual (n=112) and homosexual (n=104) men. Among heterosexuals, both personality variables were associated with frequency of unprotected sex but only sexual sensation seeking was associated with number of sex partners. Sexual sensation seeking also mediated the association between use of drugs other than alcohol and number of sex partners. Among homosexuals, no personality or substance use variables predicted high risk sexual behaviour. Implications of the findings for the study of determinants of sexual risk-taking are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the roles of sensation seeking and invulnerability as predictors of health compromising behaviors in a multiethnic sample of 1690 emerging adult college students (mean age = 19.8, range 18–25 years) from nine US colleges and universities. Participants completed the Arnett Sensation Seeking Inventory and the Adolescent Invulnerability Scale; and reported how often they had participated in a set of health compromising risk behaviors (i.e., substance use, impaired driving, and sexual behaviors) in the 30 days prior to assessment. Sensation seeking and danger invulnerability scores were moderately correlated (r = .30). Findings from a series of multivariate Poisson regression analyses suggest that when considered simultaneously as predictors, sensation seeking appears to be a general risk factor associated with engagement in a variety of risk behaviors, whereas danger invulnerability is primarily a factor in those risk behaviors that are less common among peers (e.g., hard drug use, casual sex, and driving while intoxicated).  相似文献   

The level of sensation seeking most socially desirable was determined by informing undergraduate students that they were to respond to Zuckerman's (1979) Sensation Seeking Scale (Form V) twice, once under the usual instructions and once under instructions to create the best possible image for someone they found attractive. Scores under the best image instructions (M = 23.85, SD = 6.52) were higher than scores under the usual instructions (M = 18.00, SD = 5.40). The scores produced under the best image instructions were independent of scores produced under the usual instructions. These data are interpreted as evidence of norms for the social desirability of sensation seeking.Scores from present study were compared to baseline data for this population. Under the usual instructions, males scored lower than baseline, a difference not observed for females. Under the best image instructions, females scored higher than baseline, a difference not observed for males. This evidence regarding the susceptibility of the scale scores to instructional manipulations was discussed.  相似文献   

Taking as a model the Sensation Seeking Scale, Form V (SSS), we constructed a 50-item Spanish experimental version of a Junior Sensation Seeking Scale (J-SSS), 10 items for each subscale: Thrill and Adventure Seeking (TAS), Experience Seeking (ES), Disinhibition (Dis) and Boredom Susceptibility (BS), as well as a 10-item Lie (L) scale. After administering the J-SSS to two primary and secondary pupil samples from around Barcelona, the Spanish version of the J-SSS showed acceptable 1-month test-retest and α-reliabilities and acceptable validity.  相似文献   

Recent models of alcohol use in youth and young adulthood have incorporated personality change and maturation as causal factors underlying variability in developmental changes in heavy drinking. Whereas these models assume that personality affects alcohol use, the current prospective study tested the converse relation. That is, we tested whether, after accounting for the effect of traits on drinking, collegiate heavy drinking in turn predicted individual differences in change in alcohol-related aspects of personality. We also examined whether affiliation with heavy-drinking peers better accounted for this relation. Following a cohort of recent high school graduates (N=1,434) through the college years, we found evidence for transactional relations between heavy drinking and changes in impulsivity and sensation seeking. Both traits predicted increases in heavy drinking, but more important, heavy drinking predicted increases in sensation seeking and impulsivity. In final models, social influences did not underlie the effect of heavy drinking on increases in sensation seeking and impulsivity. The results of this investigation suggest that collegiate heavy drinking may negatively and pervasively impact a wide range of behaviors because of its effect on personality change.  相似文献   

Motion sickness is believed to be caused by conflicting sensory signals, a situation that mimics the effects of ingesting certain toxins. Thus, one might suspect that individuals who have experienced a relatively high frequency of motion sickness may be particularly vigilant about avoiding anything that produces nausea, induding potentially nauseating toxins. Consequently, they may be more resistant to trying new foods, i.e., be more food neophobic, since unfamiliar foods can have unexpected adverse effects due to toxins or allergens. Likewise, many highly stimulating experiences can trigger motion sickness, so individuals who are more susceptible may be more prone to avoid such experiences, i.e., be less sensation seeking. Finally, it was expected that food neophobia would be more frequent in individuals low on sensation seeking tendencies. Self-reported motion sickness history in 308 adults (M= 18.8 yr.; SD = 1.6) was correlated with scores on the Arnett Inventory of Sensation Seeking and the Food Neophobia Scale. As predicted, greater history of motion sickness was associated with lower Sensation Seeking scores. Food Neophobia was not correlated with motion sickness history but, as expected, was negatively correlated (r = -.42) with scores on Sensation Seeking. Further research is recommended that measures actual sensitivity to motion sickness.  相似文献   

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