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沈健 《现代哲学》2006,(2):90-94
文章从符号学角度,通过《诗》《易》比较,论述了《周易》的类艺术特征。在构成符号的综合性上,在篇章的结构、句式词语的使用上,在物象选择与深层意蕴上,《易》和《诗》具有异质同构的关系。后世艺术作品中出现的同类意象,其原型可溯到《诗》,更可求诸《易》。  相似文献   

The immigrant population in Canada has risen substantially during the last decades. This increase has produced some tension and raised questions about the institutional arrangements of the host society. In response to these tensions and questions, the government of Canada adopted a policy of multiculturalism in 1971 and promoted the constitutionalization of human rights through the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This response was successful in terms of the evolution of the liberal democracy in Canada, the management of diversity and the building of an inclusive identity. However, it remains to be evaluated in relation to the struggle against discrimination and inequalities. While the reponse has already been evaluated in regard to employment, no evaluation has been undertaken regarding housing. This article tackles this issue through the decomposition of differences in the quality of housing for immigrants and non-immigrants in three metropolitan areas. The quality of housing is measured by the number of rooms per capita and is studied in relation to several variables to estimate the difference between populations. The results show a convergence in the situation in the three metropolitan areas and clearly reveal a difference in the quality of housing for immigrants and non-immigrants.  相似文献   

152 subjects reported affective and cognitive reactions at several stages of pursuing a hypothetical goal related to the taking of a classroom test, then gave Anxious Overconcern and High Self-expectations ratings from Jones' Irrational Belief Test. Subject groups differed in kinds of goals set; e.g., easy vs. difficult. Affective and attributional correlates of the irrational beliefs appeared maladaptive, but differed as a function of difficulty and phase of pursuit of the hypothetical goal. These results supported a contextual model in which irrational beliefs are general cognitive structures which interact with other internal and/or external factors to influence reactions in particular situations. Motivational variables-such as type of goal pursued and number of steps taken in pursuit of it-appear to be important among such factors. The study thus points to growing complexity in our knowledge of how B functions in the ABC paradigm.Frank W. Wicker is Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Educational Psychology, The University of Texas at Austin. His research interests are focused on the cognitive bases of motivation and emotion.Gail Brown is a graduate student in the program in Cognition, Learning, and Instruction in the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Texas at Austin. Her primary research interests relate to theoretical explorations of motivation and emotion.Anastasia S. Hagen is a graduate student in the program in Cognition, Learning, and Instruction. She is especially interested in motivation as it pertains to learning and instruction.Wayne Boring is a graduate student in the program in Cognition, Learning, and Instruction. He is interested in cognitive approaches to the understanding of animal behaviors.James A. Wiehe is also a graduate student in the program in Cognition, Learning, and Instruction. He combines interests in cognitive, motivation, and the psychology of music.  相似文献   

Investigation of the amnesic disorder Korsakoff Syndrome (KS) has been vital in elucidating the critical brain regions involved in learning and memory. Although the thalamus and mammillary bodies are the primary sites of neuropathology in KS, functional deactivation of the hippocampus and certain cortical regions also contributes to the chronic cognitive dysfunction reported in KS. The rodent pyrithiamine-induced thiamine deficiency (PTD) model has been used to study the extent of hippocampal and cortical neuroadaptations in KS. In the PTD model, the hippocampus, frontal and retrosplenial cortical regions display loss of cholinergic innervation, decreases in behaviorally stimulated acetylcholine release and reductions in neurotrophins. While PTD treatment results in significant impairment in measures of spatial learning and memory, other cognitive processes are left intact and may be recruited to improve cognitive outcome. In addition, behavioral recovery can be stimulated in the PTD model by increasing acetylcholine levels in the medial septum, hippocampus and frontal cortex, but not in the retrosplenial cortex. These data indicate that although the hippocampus and frontal cortex are involved in the pathogenesis of KS, these regions retain neuroplasticity and may be critical targets for improving cognitive outcome in KS.  相似文献   

The self as a psychological construct, and the self in relation to the other has been discussed in psychological and sociological literature for decades, but not much attention has been given to the psychological development of the self in relation to the social construction of prejudice. The primary aim of this article is to explore the self in prejudice and thus the psychological processes involved in the development of self within the social context. Consequently, the aim is to explore the self in the construction and expression of prejudice from both a social and psychological approach, and to explain selfhood influences at the individual, group and community levels. I use the conceptual framework of Kohut's self psychology as a lens to present the development of the self and thus the idea of the development of the self in relation to the other. In such exploration of self in prejudice, I present some of my ideas which include prejudice as an outcome of self-definition in the context of the other, as well as linking self in prejudice and group dynamics to attachment theory and the notion of “selfgroup’ in terms of overidentification with the in-group. While the social and the psychological in terms of the development of the self cannot be separated, I have therefore attempted to merge at some point the two bodies of thought in relation to the self in prejudice.  相似文献   

Psychologists are in a unique position to assist individuals and groups in the world who have survived torture and war trauma. Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and other psychological diagnoses can be treated effectively by mental health professionals and trained lay counselors in the smallest of communities in the world. This article proposes a model for the treatment of survivors of torture and war trauma. This model has been designed to be useful to mental health professionals and to lay individuals in communities who constitute the front line in treatment: health providers, midwives, ministers, and teachers. The model is presented through examples of its use in the training of mental health counselors in the United States and in the training of promotores (health promoters) and comodrones (midwives) in Guatemala.  相似文献   

Using the conceptual framework proposed by Susan Sered and institutional gender theories, this article analyses the relationship between the symbolic and idealised image of femininity with which Catholic women working in the organisations of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland identify themselves and practices of femininity in the structures of Church institutions. I locate the difficulties experienced by women in the Church in realising this symbolic image of femininity. At the same time, I identify the strategies taken by women as ways of dealing with the difficulties and as practices of achieving normative femininity in unfavourable circumstances. I analyse three types of strategies: sacralising difficulties and experienced barriers, familiarising relationships in the Church, and affirming femininity. The article examines the content of interviews conducted between 2012 and 2015 with 31 laywomen working in Church organisations in 15 dioceses in Poland and in the Episcopal Conference, who held three types of positions: office workers/secretaries, professionals, and directors.  相似文献   

Forensic psychiatric institutions exist in all western European countries. Their organisation depends on a number of factors including the legal framework and societal attitudes towards mentally disordered offenders. This article describes and critically comments on the forensic psychiatric system in England and Wales, its legal framework and approaches to dealing with dangerous offenders. England and Wales have a long forensic psychiatric tradition with the first high security hospital, Broadmoor hospital, having been established in 1863. Evidence-based treatment approaches in forensic hospitals as well as in prisons, training of forensic psychiatrists and research in the field of forensic psychiatry have gained international recognition. However, there are some worrying aspects in the system of forensic psychiatric care and the criminal justice system more generally, in particular the high and still increasing number of prisoners in comparison with other European countries, the low age of criminal responsibility, long sentences, increasing length of stay in forensic care and the increasingly risk averse culture. A number of differences to the German system can be found; one such difference relates to the role of criminal responsibility which is irrelevant for decisions regarding commitment in England and Wales. Only the mental state and need for treatment at the time of trial (or later assessment in prison) determine whether an offender is admitted to psychiatric care or receives a prison sentence. A number of new initiatives have been launched in recent years resulting in an increasing number of individuals being detained in forensic psychiatric and criminal justice institutions, in particular the initiative for the detention and treatment of individuals with so-called dangerous and severe personality disorders, the sexual offenders register and the new sentence of indeterminate imprisonment for public protection. These initiatives have been the subject of a number of complaints to the European Court of Human Rights. Nevertheless, the trend towards a more and more risk averse culture continues.  相似文献   

Previous reviews of the international trends in the development of clinical psychology as a profession have identified the United Kingdom and the Nordic States as countries where the role of the psychologist is approximating that in North America. The article presents a review of the historical and current influences on the development of clinical psychology in the United Kingdom and in Sweden. In Europe, where clinical psychology is mainly a Health Service profession rather than a private practice, independence of the management and medical responsibility of the psychiatrist has become more of a key issue. Of the two major ‘schools’ of clinical psychology, identified in Britain with the behavioral approach of the Maudsley Institute of Psychiatry and the psychodynamic approach of the Tavistock Clinic, the behavioral school tended to dominate in Britain until the 1970s. In Sweden, the psychodynamic approach importing many of the aspects of British Object Relations Theory, gained ascendence. This resulted in a split between the more academic form of clinical psychology in Sweden, which had produced research of international importance (e.g. the role of psychological factors in stress-related illness), and professional education in psychology with its emphasis on psychotherapeutic training. Whereas in Britain, during the 1970s, clinical psychology broke away from psychiatry, became more eclectic, and entered the general medical and health areas, these changes failed to take place in Sweden. On the other hand, private practice amongst psychologists in Sweden has shown a dramatic increase during recent years and there are now some clear trends towards eclecticism in the education of psychologists. The issue of medical responsibility remains unresolved in Sweden. That British clinical psychology has reached more progressive and cordial professional relationships in this respect may be, in part, due to the status of the scientist-practitioner role that the initial behavioral emphasis achieved. The major contributions of and trends in British and Swedish clinical psychology are discussed with a view to identifying international trends.  相似文献   

Pavlov in Spain     
Reflexology has been present throughout Spanish science since the last third of the nineteenth century and its importance can be seen in the works of authors such as Martín Salazar, Ramón y Cajal, Gómez Oca?a, Simarro and Turró. The most important research in Reflexology in Spain takes place a) at the Schools of Neurophysiology and Psychology in Barcelona and Madrid, b) with a group of authors specializing in pathological medicine and c) in the Military's Health Department, Pavlov's work was received in Spain with special interest. Fernández-Espa?a, who could be considered the "first Spanish Pavlovian," emphasized Pavlov's work in a series dedicated to the study of objective psychology which was published between 1914 and 1924. Planelles was the first investigator to develop a program in pavlovian experimentation, presenting his results in 1935. The Civil War (1936-1939) ended these and many other Spanish projects in psychology. After the war, interest in Reflexology and Pavlov's theories slowly rose again, first through psychosomatic medicine and then in the 60's because of the works of such authors as Monserrat-Esteve, Rof Carballo and Colodrón. The progressive inclusion of psychology in the Schools of Philosophy and Arts after 1968 marked the beginning of a new era.  相似文献   

This study explores the experience of asylum seekers and refugees in early and later phases of exile. Twenty-five Kurds (mainly asylum seekers) were interviewed in Greece in early phases of exile and twenty Kurds (mainly refugees) in later phases of exile in the UK. Refugee camps in Greece and community centres in London were the main locations for these interviews. Representatives from eight support organizations were also interviewed in each country. The multidimensional aspects of being a refugee are discussed, including models of formulating the experience, PTSD and the cross-cultural context. Key findings of the study include the desperate need among the asylum seekers and refugees, in the early phases, to have the story of their traumatic journey to Greece witnessed and validated by an outsider; the differing experiences of men and women; a change in identity over time; and considerable fear, which was evident in early and later phases. Moreover, all the support organizations expressed pronounced frustration but responded to it in different ways. Those organizations with supervision and support groups in place demonstrated more insight into their interactions with asylum seekers and refugees. Counselling approaches are evaluated with reference to the asylum seekers' and refugees' needs, and the desirability of adequate support for those with a counselling role is highlighted.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the responses of vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) neurons to alterations in hypothalamo-pituitary axis activity by adrenalectomy (ADX) or after restraint stress compared with basal conditions. Wistar male rats were perfuse-fixed by cardiac perfusion under anesthesia 3 h, 1, 3 and 14 days after ADX or Sham surgery. Coronal hypothalamic sections were used for evaluation of Fos, AVP and OT expression by immunohistochemistry. Under basal conditions and after stress, Fos-AVP double labeling showed no difference in the magnocellular subdivisions of the paraventricular nuclei (PVN) or in the supraoptic nuclei (SON), suggesting that the magnocellular AVP system is unlikely to contribute to ACTH secretion after restraint in both Sham and ADX rats. Fos-AVP double labeling in the parvocellular medial paraventricular nucleus (PaMP) in ADX groups was increased after 3 h in basal conditions, and in all periods after restraint stress. There were no differences between Sham and ADX groups in Fos-OT double labeling in any subdivision of the PVN; however, in the SON, the number of Fos-OT double labeled cells was increased at all time-points after stress in the ADX group. Fos expression was increased in the PaMP after 3 h and after restraint stress in the Sham and ADX groups, especially in the ADX group. In conclusion, Fos expression in different cell populations of the PVN can be differentially regulated by short- and long-term absence of glucocorticoid negative feedback and also by stress-related excitatory and/or inhibitory neural inputs. The Fos-AVP double labeling findings in the PaMP also indicate a minor participation of these vasopressinergic neurons in the regulation of the HPA axis after ADX.  相似文献   

A study of the patterns of vocational choice and aspiration of a group of postprimary schools in Nigeria, using a questionnaire schedule, revealed a durable and early crystalization of vocational decision and commitment. Excepting the girls, socio-economic status of the students had little influence on their level of vocational aspiration. These results are in contrast with the findings in many studies conducted in some industrialized Western societies which reveal the tendency for students in these societies, to defer vocational decision and commitment as long as possible, and also the effect students' socio-economic background has in conditioning their level of vocational aspiration. These differences in vocational behavior between these Nigerian students and their Western European counterparts are explained in terms of socio-cultural differences and differences in levels of technology, industrialization and economic activities. On the whole, the location of schools in rural areas has the effect of lowering the vocational aspiration of students in them.  相似文献   

We investigated the psychological reality of the concept of orthographical depth and its influence on visual word recognition by examining naming performance in Hebrew, English, and Serbo-Croatian. We ran three sets of experiments in which we used native speakers and identical experimental methods in each language. Experiment 1 revealed that the lexical status of the stimulus (high-frequency words, low-frequency words, and nonwords) significantly affected naming in Hebrew (the deepest of the three orthographies). This effect was only moderate in English and nonsignificant in Serbo-Croatian (the shallowest of the three orthographies). Moreover, only in Hebrew did lexical status have similar effects on naming and lexical decision performance. Experiment 2 revealed that semantic priming effects in naming were larger in Hebrew than in English and completely absent in Serbo-Croatian. Experiment 3 revealed that a large proportion of nonlexical tokens (nonwords) in the stimulus list affects naming words in Hebrew and in English, but not in Serbo-Croatian. These results were interpreted as strong support for the orthographical depth hypothesis and suggest, in general, that in shallow orthographies phonology is generated directly from print, whereas in deep orthographies phonology is derived from the internal lexicon.  相似文献   

Transfer-appropriate processing theories differentiate between conceptual- and perceptual-priming tasks. The former are said to be influenced by the nature of processing engaged in at study, but not by changes in modality between study and test; the latter are sensitive to changes in format between study and test, but not to variations in the extent of semantic processing at study. In the present experiments, we examined the effects of divided attention and aging on priming in exemplar generation and category verification, two tasks that require access to semantic information at test. Manipulations of attention during encoding affected the extent of priming in exemplar generation, but not in category verification. Priming effects were similar in young and older adults in exemplar generation following study in both full and divided attention. Although older adults did not demonstrate priming in category verification in one experiment, no effects of age or divided attention were observed in a second experiment. In addition, priming in category verification was unaffected by varying the level of processing at encoding. However, the absence of levels-of-processing and attention effects in category verification does not signal that priming in this task has a perceptual basis; priming in category verification was insensitive to modality shifts between study and test. The implications of these findings for theories of priming and cognitive aging are considered.  相似文献   

Because of spreading concerns about gender stereotypes in textbooks, in 1975 an American Psychological Association Task Force recommended changes in the type of language that should be used to report research findings and in the type of information that should be included in reports of psychological research. These recommendations also applied to the presentation of psychological information in textbooks. Studies in the subsequent 7 years indicated some decrease in the use of sex-stereotyped language and some decrease in gender-biased content. Researchers typically concluded, however, that although some improvements had occurred, gender biases and stereotypes still occurred in texts. The present study reports an extensive content analysis of current textbooks for introductory psychology and human development courses. Representation of the work, theory, and behavior of males continues to significantly exceed the representation of the work, theory, and behavior of females, and females continue to be portrayed in negative and gender-biased ways.  相似文献   

This paper examines the formation of diverse identities and the emergence of dynamic changes in cultural forms in the power structures of both newcomers and hosts in the case of North Koreans settling in South Korea. Since the end of the Korean War in 1953, the formerly homogeneous nation of Korea has been politically divided under two separate regimes: a communist society in the North and a capitalist democracy in the South. In the end of 1990s, the number of North Koreans immigrating to South Korea began to rapidly increase due to severe famine in the North; by 2014, the number of North Korean settlers in South Korea had reached more than 27,000. This qualitative study explores the resulting cultural gaps and issues of conflict, power, and resistance and emphasizes the strategies that young North Korean settlers employ as they shape and position themselves in capitalist society.  相似文献   

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