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The purpose of this investigation was to develop and evaluate a wobbling mass model of a female performing a drop landing and to examine the influence of soft tissue properties on the impact loads experienced. A planar model comprising a foot, shank, thigh and upper body segment was developed. Spring-damper systems coupled the foot to the ground and the wobbling masses to the rigid masses. Unlike traditional wobbling mass models of landing, the model included a foot segment, which allowed replication of forefoot-heel landing techniques and also used subject and movement-specific properties to simulate the landings. Kinematics and force data collected for three drop landings (height 0.46 m) performed by a female were separately used to drive and evaluate the model. The wobbling mass model successfully reproduced the measured force profiles to 9% (RMS differences) of the measured range and replicated the measured peak vertical ground reaction forces to 6%. The accuracies of the wobbling mass model and a corresponding rigid mass model were compared. The inclusion of soft tissue properties in the model contributed up to an 8.6 bodyweights reduction in peak impact loading and produced a 52% more accurate replication of the measured force profiles. The prominent role soft tissues have in load attenuation and the benefits of modelling soft tissue in simulations of landings were therefore highlighted. The success of the wobbling mass model in replicating the kinetics of actual landing performances suggests the model may be used in the future to gain a realistic insight into load attenuation strategies used by females.  相似文献   

A cognitive-distance model for choice, obtained by specializing a general class of models for categorization, was tested in a situation simulating the task of controlling speed of a vehicle in tasks defined by different relations between speed and probability of delay. Subjects exhibited significant learning whenever delay schedules permitted greater-than-chance performance, but on the average they did not approach optimal performance in the sense of choosing speeds so as to maximize distance attained in allowed time. Evidence was obtained that subjects encoded information about probabilities of delay and distributions of distance attained at different speeds quite accurately in memory and that suboptimal performance was due primarily to imperfect discrimination among representations of choice alternatives on a cognitive scale of expected distance.  相似文献   

Research has shown that performance in highly visually demanding sports can be resilient to substantial levels of blur. This raises the question whether the need for high visual clarity might be reduced even more in less visually demanding sports such as combat sports, where athletes compete at relatively close distances. The aim of this study was to examine the resilience to blur in the grip fighting phase of judo as an exemplar of a visually guided combat sports task. The results were particularly relevant for the purposes of Paralympic judo for athletes with vision impairment (VI judo), because athletes are currently allowed to compete with a visual acuity (VA) of 1.0 logMAR or worse (i.e., 6/60 or 20/200 vision), suggesting this is the presumed level of impairment that decreases performance in able-sighted judo. We let 28 able-sighted judo athletes compete in pairs in a series of grip fighting tasks under increasing levels of simulated vision impairment. Visual function was tested in each condition by measuring VA and contrast sensitivity (CS). We found that VA was a better predictor than CS of grip fighting performance. VA needed to be reduced to at least 1.3 logMAR before a decrease in performance was found, with approximately twice as much blur needed to be applied when compared to visually demanding tasks such as cricket batting, but less than what has been found in static tasks such as basketball free-throw shooting and golf putting. These findings hold implications for VI judo regulations, suggesting that a more severe degree of impairment should be required to participate than is currently the case.  相似文献   

The process of adaptation to the physical and psychosocial consequences after stroke is a major challenge for many individuals affected. The aim of this study was to examine if stroke patients within 1 month of admission (n = 153) and followed up at 1 year (n = 107) engage in selection, optimization, and compensation (SOC) adaptive strategies and the relationship of these strategies with functional ability, health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and depression 1 year later. Adaptive strategies were measured using a 15-item SOC questionnaire. Internal and external resources were assessed including recovery locus of control, stroke severity, and socio-demographics. Outcome measures were the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (SS-QoL), the Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living Scale and the Depression Subscale of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Findings indicated that stroke patients engaged in the use of SOC strategies but the use of these strategies were not predictive of HRQOL, functional ability or depression 1 year after stroke. The use of SOC strategies were not age specific and were consistent over time, with the exception of the compensation subscale. Results indicate that SOC strategies may potentially be used in response to loss regulation after stroke and that an individual's initial HRQOL functional ability, levels of depression and socio-economic status that are important factors in determining outcome 1 year after stroke. A stroke-specific measure of SOC may be warranted in order to detect significant differences in determining outcomes for a stroke population.  相似文献   


The process of adaptation to the physical and psychosocial consequences after stroke is a major challenge for many individuals affected. The aim of this study was to examine if stroke patients within 1 month of admission (n?=?153) and followed up at 1 year (n?=?107) engage in selection, optimization, and compensation (SOC) adaptive strategies and the relationship of these strategies with functional ability, health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and depression 1 year later. Adaptive strategies were measured using a 15-item SOC questionnaire. Internal and external resources were assessed including recovery locus of control, stroke severity, and socio-demographics. Outcome measures were the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (SS-QoL), the Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living Scale and the Depression Subscale of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Findings indicated that stroke patients engaged in the use of SOC strategies but the use of these strategies were not predictive of HRQOL, functional ability or depression 1 year after stroke. The use of SOC strategies were not age specific and were consistent over time, with the exception of the compensation subscale. Results indicate that SOC strategies may potentially be used in response to loss regulation after stroke and that an individual's initial HRQOL functional ability, levels of depression and socio-economic status that are important factors in determining outcome 1 year after stroke. A stroke-specific measure of SOC may be warranted in order to detect significant differences in determining outcomes for a stroke population.  相似文献   

We describe a leaky competing accumulator (LCA) model of the lexical decision task that can be used as a response/decision module for any computational model of word recognition. The LCA model uses evidence for a word, operationalized as some measure of lexical activity, as input to the YES decision node. Input to the NO decision node is simply a constant value minus evidence for a word. In this way, evidence for a nonword is a function of time from stimulus onset (as in standard deadline models) modulated by lexical activity via the competitive dynamics of the LCA. We propose a simple mechanism for determining the value of this constant online during the first trials of a lexical decision experiment, such that the model can rapidly optimize speed and accuracy in discriminating words from nonwords. Further optimization is achieved via trial-by-trial adjustments in response criteria as a function of task demands and list context. We show that the LCA model can simulate mean response times and response distributions for correct and incorrect YES and NO decisions for a number of benchmark experiments that have been shown to be fatal for deadline models of lexical decision. Finally, using lexical activity calculated by a computational model of word recognition as input to the LCA decision module, we provide the first item-level simulation of both word and nonword responses in a large-scale database.  相似文献   

Holloway and McNally (1987) found that normals with high scores on the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI), an instrument developed to assess beliefs regarding the adverse consequences of anxiety, reported more anxiety and more frequent and intense somatic sensations following hyperventilation than did normals with low scores on the ASI. They concluded that this result provides support for the construct validity of the ASI and thus for the construct of anxiety sensitivity. Nevertheless, we argue that (a) the developers of the ASI have conflated beliefs regarding the adverse consequences of anxiety with fear of these consequences, (b) the accumulated evidence for the construct validity of the ASI is weak, and (c) Holloway and McNally's design and analyses do not permit them to exclude the more parsimonious explanation that trait anxiety accounts for their findings. Implications for research on anxiety sensitivity are discussed.  相似文献   

This individual differences study examined the separability of three often postulated executive functions-mental set shifting ("Shifting"), information updating and monitoring ("Updating"), and inhibition of prepotent responses ("Inhibition")-and their roles in complex "frontal lobe" or "executive" tasks. One hundred thirty-seven college students performed a set of relatively simple experimental tasks that are considered to predominantly tap each target executive function as well as a set of frequently used executive tasks: the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), Tower of Hanoi (TOH), random number generation (RNG), operation span, and dual tasking. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the three target executive functions are moderately correlated with one another, but are clearly separable. Moreover, structural equation modeling suggested that the three functions contribute differentially to performance on complex executive tasks. Specifically, WCST performance was related most strongly to Shifting, TOH to Inhibition, RNG to Inhibition and Updating, and operation span to Updating. Dual task performance was not related to any of the three target functions. These results suggest that it is important to recognize both the unity and diversity of executive functions and that latent variable analysis is a useful approach to studying the organization and roles of executive functions.  相似文献   

Experimental studies have produced conflicting results about the extent to which the intact, nonlesioned cerebral hemisphere is responsible for recovery from cognitive deficits following focal brain damage such as a stroke. To obtain a better theoretical understanding of interhemispheric interactions during recovery, we examined the effects of simulated lesions to a bihemispheric neural model of letter identification under various assumptions about hemispheric asymmetries, corpus callosum influence, and lesion size. Among other results, the model demonstrates that the intact hemispheric region's participation in the recovery process is a function of preexisting lateralization and lesion size, indicating that interpretation of experimental work should take these factors into account.  相似文献   

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