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A naturalistic study of spatial memory having temporary utility was conducted using 32 faculty and staff of a university, who park in non-reserved parking spaces, as subjects. The subjects, who were unaware of the study until interviewed, were asked to indicate on a map the exact location where they had parked their car on that day and on each of the three preceding days. Whereas retention accuracy decreased significantly across days, the recency effect was weak and overall retention proved to be very accurate. Of the subjects who varied their parking location, 88 per cent were able to indicate within three spaces where they parked on the day of the interview, and 58 per cent on the most remote day. Younger females made significantly larger retention errors across the four days than older females and younger and older males. Subjects' overall retention accuracy correlated with their overall confidence in their recollections (γ = .72). Daily ratings of ‘how busy on the job’, reported times left campus each day, parking location variability, particular parking lot used, and number of parking spaces in the distinct locations used were not significantly correlated with retention errors. In follow-up interviews, subjects reported preferring a behavioural, ‘park in a favourite spot’ strategy, with several types of imagery-based cognitive strategies being cited less frequently, and verbal encoding being the least often cited strategy.  相似文献   

The continuous distractor task has yielded a so-called "long-term recency effect" that appears to call into question the dual-storage explanation of serial position effects in free recall. In this study, we show that the "long-term recency effect" is really a short-term storage effect, resulting from adaptation to the repeated presentation of a particular type of distractor throughout the list. This adaptation, a time-sharing process, permits short-term storage to carry out its normal functions. Experiment 1 shows that an appropriate postlist distractor task does in fact eliminate the "long-term recency effect." This finding supports the assertion that the effect is a product of short-term storage. Experiment 2 demonstrates the benefits and costs of the time-sharing process, relative to standard free recall, for both long-term and short-term storage. The findings support the time-sharing hypothesis. Experiment 3 replicates Experiment 2, with a change in procedure that rules out output interference as a mechanism responsible for the results of Experiment 2. Data are also presented on the development of the adaptation over trials. It is concluded that the adaptation and time-sharing processes need to be included in the dual-storage model of short-term storage.  相似文献   

This article presents a theoretical discussion of the relationship between language and communication. I discuss Chomsky’s position on this topic. Chomsky claims that if it is possible to construct a scientific theory of the language faculty, there is no possibility to construct a scientific theory of communication because in communication human intentionality is involved. This position is contrasted by philosophers of language considering that communication is to be studied as a form of rational action. I maintain that both these positions are not supported by the evidence coming from developmental research. Taking a cognitive point of view I contend that a communicative faculty can be defined that develops since infancy to adulthood, which has features independent of language and action. Different steps in the development of the communicative ability are linked to a parallel development of the theory of mind. I then argue in favor of a distinction between collective action and communication considering that while collective action is common to human and nonhuman primates, communication is typically human.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, four groups of 16 subjects performed ordered recall of six-syllable lists in both suffix and nonsuffix conditions. Sequential presentation of the lists varied for each group. In the auditory presentation, the syllables were delivered from one location only and were read aloud by the subjects. For the visual, spatially nondistributed presentation, the syllables appeared in one location only and were read silently. For visual, spatially distributed presentations, the syllables were spread out either vertically or horizontally and were read silently. Very robust recency and suffix effects were found in the auditory presentation, as well as in visual, spatially distributed presentations. In Experiment 2, 16 subjects performed ordered recall of visually presented lists with the items spread out vertically and conflicting spatial and temporal orders. A reliable recency effect was found for the final block of trials. In Experiment 3, 16 subjects performed ordered recall in the same conditions as in Experiment 2, except that they were instructed to recall the temporal order in which the spatial positions would be filled in. A bow-shaped curve and a strong recency effect were obtained.  相似文献   

Gods in Everyman: A New Psychology of Men's Lives and Loves. By Jean Shinoda Bolen. New York: Harper & Row, 1989.

Descent to the Goddess: A Way of Initiation for Women. By Sylvia Brinton Perera. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1981.

The Goddess Within: A Guide to the Eternal Myths That Shape Women's Lives. By Jennifer Barker Woolger and Roger J. Woolger. New York: Fawcett Books 1989.  相似文献   

During the Middle Ages it was widely believed that the various mental faculties-sensation, cognition, memory, and so forth-were each located in a specific part of the three ventricles that were thought to be housed in the brain. The origin of this scheme was commonly attributed to the ancient scholars, but it was rare for a specific individual to be identified as the originator. Modern researchers sometimes attribute it to Galen, but Galen was clear in his contention that the mental faculties were located in the substance of the brain rather than in the ventricles. It was only later scholars who, using Galen's anatomy as their basis, placed the mental faculties in the ventricles themselves. The system came together piece by piece over a period of centuries, probably not appearing fully in the form known to the Medieval world until the Middle Ages themselves. This article traces the development of the theory of ventricular localization of the mental faculties from the Ancient world to the early part of the Middle Ages.  相似文献   

Human performance is seldom perfect, and even when an overt response is correct it may be accompanied by partial-error activity that does not achieve the level of a complete incorrect response. Partial errors can be detected in measures of the lateralized readiness potential, of the electromyogram, and of response force. Correct responses accompanied by partial errors tend to have slower reaction times than “clean” correct responses (because of response competition), and condition differences in reaction time can, on some occasions, be explained in terms of differences in the incidence of partial errors. In two-choice reaction time tasks, partial errors are more frequent when the imperative stimulus contains information that favors both responses, than when it contains information that favors only one response. The non-random nature of partial errors supports the inference that partial information about the stimulus is used to guide responses. A similar inference is supported by the observation that, in hybrid choice Go/No-go tasks, the kinds of partial errors that follow a No-go stimulus represent activation of the response that would have been correct had the stimulus been a Go stimulus. Finally, we note that the human processing system is capable of monitoring its own behavior and of initiating remedial actions if necessary. The activity of an error-detection system, as revealed by measures of the error-related negativity, is related to the degree to which responses are slowed after errors.  相似文献   

  • The serial position effects for television commercials were tested within a naturalistic setting in this study, at both the micro level and the macro level. Television viewers' brand memory (recall and recognition) for the 2006 Super Bowl commercials were analyzed. At the micro level, the serial position of each commercial in a same commercial pod was measured. When the length of a commercial pod was controlled for, an earlier position for a commercial generated better brand recall. When the number of preceding ads was held constant, a commercial in a pod with fewer ads generated better brand recognition. At the macro level, the serial position of each commercial pod within the whole Super Bowl game broadcast was measured. The commercial pods at earlier positions generated better brand memory. Both findings confirmed a strong primacy effect. Managerial implications of the findings were also discussed.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The impact of Veracity, Suspicion (weak or strong) and Strategy (making up a story or using past experiences) on Reality Monitoring (RM) scores was examined. A total of 158 undergraduate students were interviewed twice about the possession of an object. In one interview they were asked to lie, and in the other to tell the truth (Veracity factor). In both conditions, suspicion was raised in the second half of the interview: Participants were accused of lying by the interviewer and asked to repeat their account (Raised Suspicion factor). At the end of the interview participants were asked whether their lies were totally made up or whether they described an event that they had experienced previously (Strategy factor). Results revealed that truth tellers and liars' speech differed from each other in accordance with RM theory, even when the interviewer was suspicious and even when liars fabricated a story by describing events that they had previously experienced. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Choices often involve self-control conflicts such that options that are immediately appealing are less desirable in the long run. In the current research, the authors examine how viewing such a choice as one of a series of similar future choices rather than as an isolated decision decreases the preference for items requiring self-control. The authors show that (a) in a choice between a vice and a virtue, the share choosing vice increases when the decision is presented as one of a series of similar future choices versus when the same choice is viewed in isolation, and (b) the overall share choosing a vice increases when decisions are seen in connection with similar future choices. The findings contrast with the general wisdom that broader choice frames lead to the exercise of greater self-control. The authors propose that the context of similar future choices allows people to optimistically believe that they will choose a virtue in the future choice and hence provides them with a guilt-reducing justification to not exercise self-control in the present.  相似文献   

Mark F. Ettin 《Group》1996,20(1):57-89
A therapist's ability to locate the essential dimensions of a group is a critical skill. The literature on group-as-a-whole theory and practice is a rich body of work that reveals a variety of discrete models and approaches with little coordination between them. This paper is an attempt at theory binding. A group-as-a-whole compass is introduced as a spherical motif to integrate varied conceptual understandings of whole-group functioning. The compass, by providing a metapsychological framework, is designed to orient the therapist and theoretician to the myriad ways that group-centered configurations come to life and can be known.  相似文献   

This study explored social identity influences of father absence on black South African young adults, including use of paternal surname. Informants were six young women and men between 21 and 35 years of age from a historically disadvantaged South African township. Data were collected through one-on-one in-depth interviews, and analyzed using thematic content analysis. Father absence was associated with lower self perceptions and non-use of paternal surname with diminished sense of identity. Use of maternal surname sufficed as an identity for some. Patriarchal norms explained children's perceived and experienced social identities in a historically disadvantaged black community.  相似文献   

Tipper C  Kingstone A 《Cognition》2005,97(3):B55-B62
The inhibition of return (IOR) phenomenon is routinely considered an effect of reflexive attention because the paradigm used to generate IOR employs peripheral cues that are uninformative as to where a target will appear. Because the cues are spatially unreliable it is thought that there is no reason for attention to be committed volitionally to them, and hence, the IOR effect is considered reflexive. What has been generally overlooked, however, is that the cues provide reliable temporal information as to when a target will occur. This predictive information is used by participants to prepare volitionally for when a target is likely to appear. We investigated whether the IOR effect is a product of the volitional application of attention to peripheral cues for the use of their temporal information. To test this idea we rendered the temporal information provided by peripheral cues unreliable. While this eliminated participants using the cues volitionally, it did not abolish the IOR phenomenon. These data demonstrate two new findings. First, the IOR effect is fundamentally a reflexive phenomenon. Second, when peripheral cues are not used volitionally, the IOR effect is attenuated. Together, the present findings indicate that the IOR effect can be modulated by volitional (top-down) processes but it is not the product of them. We argue that an intimate link between fronto-parietal regions and the superior colliculus provide a functional neural mechanism for this volitional effect to impact IOR.  相似文献   

Recently, Myerson, Adams, Hale, and Jenkins (2003) replied to arguments advanced by Ratcliff, Spieler, and McKoon (2000) about interpretations of Brinley functions. Myerson et al. (2003) focused on methodological and terminological issues, arguing that (1) Brinley functions are not quantile-quantile (QQ) plots of distributions of mean reaction times (RTs) across conditions; that the fact that the slope of a Brinley function is the ratio of the standard deviations of the two distributions of means has no implications for the use of slope as a measure of processing speed; that the ratio of slopes of RT functions for older and young subjects plotted against independent variables equals the Brinley function slope; and that speed-accuracy criterion effects do not account for slowing with age. We reply by showing that Brinley functions are plots of quantiles against quantiles; that the slope is best estimated by the ratio of standard deviations because there is variability in the distributions of mean RTs for both older and young subjects; that the interpretation of equality of the slopes Brinley functions and plots of RTs against independent variables in terms of processing speed is model dependent; and that speed-accuracy effects in some, but not all, experiments are solely responsible for Brinley slopes greater than 1. We conclude by reiterating the point that was not addressed in Myerson et al. (2003), that the goal of research should be modelbased accounts of processing that deal with correct and error RT distributions and accuracy.  相似文献   

Rebecca L. Collins 《Sex roles》2011,64(3-4):290-298
This paper provides a commentary regarding the quantitative content analyses of gender roles in media published in the two special issues of Sex Roles (Rudy et al. 2010a, 2011). A few themes and some overarching lessons emerge from the wide variety of data presented. First, it is clear that women are under-represented across a range of media and settings. Second, when women are portrayed, it is often in a circumscribed and negative manner. Women are often sexualized??typically by showing them in scanty or provocative clothing. Women are also subordinated in various ways, as indicated by their facial expressions, body positions, and other factors. Finally, they are shown in traditionally feminine (i.e., stereotyped) roles. Women are portrayed as nonprofessionals, homemakers, wives or parents, and sexual gatekeepers. Although the studies generally support these conclusions, some interesting moderating factors are identified, such as race. It is suggested that next steps involve the development of theory and a body of empirical evidence regarding the effects of exposure to under-representation of women. Data concerning the effects of exposure to sexualized or stereotypical portrayals on young audiences is also lacking. Finally, content analyses of new media, including those created and distributed by users, are recommended as a next step. It is concluded that, while increasing the representation of women in media may be valuable, it is also critical that the manner in which they are portrayed be simultaneously considered to avoid increasing negative or stereotypical depictions that may be particularly harmful to viewers.  相似文献   

The origins of action planning and action plans are explored and the possible influence of different antecedents on practice is considered. The perceptions of those involved in developing, managing and implementing action planning are discussed. Analysis indicates a lack of clarity concerning the origins of the process and a tendency to view it as a recent 'common-sense' development. As a result, tensions arising from the influence of contrasting models appear to remain unrecognised, and the training needs of helpers, particularly in relation to the acquisition of guidance skills, are underestimated.  相似文献   

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